Attachment amendment


AMENDMENT submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20031215-00355 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                           wnerareth, inamatone
December 17, 2004
Via HAND DELIVERY                                               DEC 1 7 2004
Marlene H. Dortch                                         setus on Conmunicaters
                                                                    mt Comnision
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:      In—Orbit Collision Avoidance Statement for EchoStar—121 W—KuX
         EchoStar Satellite LL      SAT—LOA—20031215—00355, SAT—ASG—20041014—0200,
         SAT—MOD—20041102—00206, Call        Sign 2609

Dear Ms. Dortch,

               Please find attached an amended in—orbit collision avoidance statement for EchoStar—
121W—KuX, Due to an oversight, that statement inadvertently did not include a reference to Celsat
America, Inc.‘s liensed satellite at the 121° W.L. orbital location. The amended statement being filed
today correets that omission.
                 If you have any questions about this filig, please contact the undersigned.

                                                          lp       Malct
                                                      Chung Hsiang Mah
                                                      Counselfor EchoStar Satellite LLC.

cc: Karl Kensinger, International Bureau

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In considering operational and planned satellites that may have a station—keeping volume
that overlaps the ECHOSTAR—121W—KuX satellte, EchoStar reviewed the lists of FCC
Hicensed systems and systems that are currently under consideration by the FCC. In
addition, non—USA networks for which a request for coordination has been submitted to
the ITU in the vicinity of 121° W.L., have also been reviewed.. Only those networks that
cither operate, or are planned to operate, and can have an overlapping station—keeping
volume with the ECHOSTAR—121 W—KuX satellite have been taken into account in the

analysis. For purposes ofcalculating potentialstation—keeping volume overiap, US
satellites have beenassumed to have a maximum east—west excursion 00.05° from their
nominal location, while non—US satelite networks have been assumed to have a
maximum excursion of0.1° from their nominal location.

Based on oureview, there are no pending applications for a satllite network in the
immediate vicinity of 121°W.L. EchoStar operates the Ku/Ka—band ECHOSTAR—IX
satellte at 121°W.L. The satellite also includes a C—band payload operated by
INTELSAT North America L.L.C., operating under the authority ofPapua New Guinea
via the PACSTAR—L4 ITU network, and is authorized by the Commission to provide
services to and from the U.S. EchoStar manages the fight control ofthe ECHOSTAR—IX

The UK has submitted a request for coordination for the GIBSAT A2 network at

121°W.L. EchoStar can find no evidence thata satellite construction contract has been

awarded for this satelite, nor does the Federal Aviation Administration Commercial
Space Station Fourth Quarter 2004 Report show a pending launch for a UK—authorized
satellite to the 12I°W.L. location.

Celsat America, Inc. ("Celsat")is authorized to operate a S— and Ka—band satellte at 1219
W.L. Physical coordination ofthe EchoStar and Celsatsatelltes will be required.
EchoStar will begin coordination with Celsat approximately two years before the
expected launch of the ECHOSTAR—121 W—KuX satellite.

There are a number ofpotential fight dymamic solutions to be explored in consultation
with Celsatto ensure avoidance of in—orbit collision between the satelltes, including the
possibility ofoperating the satellites at small angular offsets from their nominal position.
In the event tat a coordination agreement requires operation ofthe ECHOSTAR—121 W
KuX satellit at an offset from its assigned nominal position, EchoStar will seek any
necessary modifications to its authorization from the Commission.

                                                                       Stephen D. MeXNeil
                                                                  Telecomm Strategies Inc.

Document Created: 2005-01-05 14:34:56
Document Modified: 2005-01-05 14:34:56

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