Attachment bond


OTHER submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20031211-00350 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  STEPTOE &JOHNSON«
                                           atrorneys at taw

Pareels Michalopoutos                                                               1330 ConnectioArence. NW
romen                                                                                Washington. DC 20036795
prichalotsteptoecom                                                                            Tel2024203000
                                                                            a                      fesrecn
                                                                     o °7 ~I 2y
November 1, 2004                            R                              "Comng
                                                                            Tnreatston Cnminngy
Via HAND peLiveRy
         H. Dortch                                                                dte
                                                                                Int Bureay
Federal Communications Commission                                                hov o8
445 12th Street, SW                                                                    2 2004
Washington, D.C. 20554                                                          Front Office
Re:    Bond Filing for EchoStar Satellite L.
       File Nos. SAT—LOA—20031211—00350, SAT—LOA—20031215—00358
       Call Signs $2607, $2609

Dear Ms. Dortch

              EchoStar Satelite LLC. ("EchoStar") hereby submits the attached performance bonds
with the Commission in the amount of$3     mil ion for each ofthe above—referenced space station
authorizations. EchoStar attempted to post these bonds electronically on Friday, October 29, 2004, but
was prevented from doing so due to a technical problem with the International Bureau Filing System
(‘IBFS"). As a result, EchoStar sent copies of the bonds (and the IBFS error messages) via e—mail to the
staff of the Intenational Bureau, Satellite Division, on the understanding that they would be treated as
having been filed on October 29, 2004. Out ofan abundance ofcaution, EchoStar is today submitting
hard copies ofthe bond.
               Please find attached five copies ofeach bond, and one additional copy to be date—stamped
and returned to us with our messenger.
                Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions about this filing.
                                                Respectfully submitted,
                                                   Pentob Mithilrprudlr /Dy
                                                Pantelis Michalopoulos
                                                Counselfor EchoStar Satellite LL. C.

             wisnnatam            mowsix           wos aocmus             uammam       neussonss

Marlene H. Dortch
November 1, 2004
Page 2

License and/or Permit Continuous Bond No. 08757321
License and/or Permit Continuous Bond No. 08757322

Ce:—   Kathleen Campbell
       Fem Jarmuinek
       Mary Jane Solomon

                         License and/or Permit Continuous Bond
KNOW ALL, MEN BV THtESE PRESENTS, tat we, EchoStar Satelie LLC,as Pricipl, and Fidelty and
Depost Company of Maryland.,as Surey,arebeld and flybound ueto the UniteSuates Treasio,as Obligee,
in the im penal um ofThree MitlonDollrs(5000,00000,assuch maximur penl sure may b reduced
parsoanto the toms and conditons st foth below, for which payment, vell and tuly to be made, we bind
ounches, our hein, executon,adrinistatom, ssecesss and asigns, oinly and severll, fmly, by these
WIHEREAS, he ahove boundcn Principal bs obuined a lense or pernit ffom the Feder! Communicatons
Commision (CC) fr autorly to eansract, lainch and operate a Geosationcy Satelite purssant to is
aplicaton, SAT—LOA20031218—00355, CallSign $2609in accordarce wihth erna and conditons sefoth in
it authoization including the lingofhi bond withthe ECC porsuant o theprocedires sefoth in Publc Noie,
ba.0s—26t3, 18 PC Red 16283 (2003) and
WHHEREAS, h Princiat is equied by law t l withthECC a bond conditoned as hereifer set o
Now, mirmmEror, TE COMDITION OF THIs OBLIGATION IS SUCH, thaifthe Principalstall well and
trlyperfom each and every obliaion seforh belowatthe me and in the manner specified durng theterm of
thiboo, thenthis oligitionshullbevoid, othervise t remain in fullforee and effct
 PROVIDED HOWEVER, i this bond is sbjes to hefollowing conditons:
 1      The Geoationiy Sitelfeauthorized by the FCC mustbe constrctd,lnched and placed in operton
in sccoance wit the technical pramefer and terms and condion of the rant authorictonby the olwing
specifid time periods (mlestones
        A.—      Executea binding conctforcomstntion by (2002003);
        ..       Completsthe Crtial Design Reviewby 2202006
        ..       Commence constaction by (@202007); and
        d        Eaunchand beginoperatonsby ©202009)
2.      Upon complein ofeach milestoe,conimationowhich llbefiledwith the FCC by the Principal. and
issuince of a Pubic Noi by the FCC confmingsame,the maximum penal sum of the bond stallbereduced by
5750,00000 viaa riderto this bond sent t he FCC and the Obigeo
3.       In theventofa Notie of Defwl (ie.,an orderor puble otie evotingthe Pricipl‘s authorizaon)
iasued by the FCC to the Principal and the Surty reputingthe peformance of the miestones spcified above
duringthe tm of this bond, the Sury stall be Tible only up t thcurent oustanting maximum penal sum
amoustafr applesle mletonereductons. 1 is als undertood and unconditonally agred tat upon eceit of
sich Notee of Defil the soleremedy underthisbond willb thtenderof payment of the curent outtanding
maximars peval sum of the bond wthn thiry (30) bsinesdiys ofsuch Note ofDeul
Ay such NotceofDeful made under this Band sallbe made in witingandshullbe given by apersonal delivey
or expedied dlivey ervice, postae pr—pld, addressd o the partesatthe addressesspcifed below
       To the Surety     Fideiy and DeponttCompany ofMarjand
                         Alt: Surcty Claing
                         3910 Kesuick Rd
                         Balimors, MD 21211
       To the Principal: EchoSlr Saelte LLC
                         Aus: Generl Counse
                         9601 5. Meritinn Blvd
                         Englewsod, C0 80112

4.        No vighofactionshall cerue on hi bond t orfrthe use of anyprsan ocorporton otherhn the
Oblige mamed heein o the heim, excutom, admninistatoror uscesrs ofhe Obige.
5.        1t any confict or inconitency exis berween he Sret‘s obliaions ounderakings a descrbed in hi
bond and s descibed in ther document, sarteorrepulaton, hen the terms othisbond sallpreval
PROVIDED FURTHERtatregailssofthenurber ofyears thisbond shallcontoueor be contiuedin forceand
of the mmberofpremiuis tatshallb pableor paid the Surey shall notbeKablehereunder or larger amount,
in th ggrepate,ban the curentoutstanding maximam penelsum ofis bond
PROVIDED PURTHER, ht thi bond sallbeeffetive on the 28th day ofOtober,20 4 and shall caseat uch
time athe FCG confions ht th Princpal hassaied all othemlestoes se forth in paragaph 1 above,uness
eatiercarcllas provided below.
PROVIDED FURTHIER, tifheSm shalls elec, this bond may be canceled bythe Sn ato subsequent
Hiabilty by lving hy 30)days notc in witingto said Obligceand Principal
Signed,saled and dated he23° day of Octabe,
Prirepal: Exhostarmatilte LL.C.

       NibChirls Ergtn
Surey:. Fidelty and Depostt Company oMaryland

s           \Clu

                                        Loo Colenas o Coome,1
                               8110 hrlime Areme Sav OX Pn CC N10 204
                                         (Staceate i an comeset

                                   Power of Attorney
                                                                            Q‘ itby Aicle VL Secion 2,
                                                                                    nilicd o e in fl tome
                    ;                                                           DNNBEE, Jt.Shaley
CZAIKOWSKL Colste T. HELMS, Garey               s                  r         D; Mana D. WEAVER, Desnna
M ROBICHAUDand Amy WiCKi                                                 and lfiagent and Attomyinact
10 mak muumlwg\                                     5hi it i s actand dent:—any and allbond and
Compieese¥                                   aposes as if they had ben dly executd and acknowledged by the
iegulary lecid off                 5 a i offic in Bakimare, Md. in thirown proper pmoms. This power fatorey
revotes haied ol          oWilian M. OCONNELL1. DeboraL. POPPE. Shcley CZAIKOWSKCelese T.
HELMS, Gany L. WESSELINK,Karen A. FROGESTAD, Amy WICKETT;daed Aprl 15, 2002
  "The sld Asistat Sezety dos berebyceify thath exvactofoth on the revan side herofis a e copy of Aricle VL
Seton 2ofthe ByLaws ofwid Companis and is row in oree
   IN WITNES$ WHEREOE, h sald VieePrsident and Asitont Secrary ave hereunto subscribed thir numex and
affied the Copore Seals ofthe uid FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and e COLONIAL
                                                   ribeuity ano perostr company or manv.ano
                                             coLoNiaL americaN casuaLty ano sumery company

                  C                   ; u/4 u. mR
                                  T.E Sm             AssitatSeercary     Pasl C. Rogers        Viee Presiden
   Suse of Maryland   1...
   City ofBatimore
   On this 2Ist day of April, AD; 2004, hefire the subsrir, a Noi Public of the Slate of Maryland, duly
commisioned and qvlifed, came PAUL C. ROGFRS, Vice Prsiden, and T. F. SMTH, Assstant Secetay of the
SURETY COMPANY, to me penonally krown to h the indviuals and olfers desria in and who execued the
peseding instriment and they each ackrowleded the cxccuton of he sane, and bingby me duly wworn, sevealy and
ach fr hinselfdeposathand sait hathey are th said offeesof he Companies aforsaid,and tat thesels lfi to he
prcuding imsrument the Corporte Seals of said Compancs. and hat the id Comporae Scalsand thi signatursassuch
offcers were dalalfind andsubseibd tthe uid insrument by th uthoryand ireeion ofhesld Corportions
  1N TESTIMONY WHHERBOF,1 have hereuno st my hand and alfted my Offiial Seathe day and year t atove

                                                             DemisR.Haxden                  Notry Public
                                                                 My Commision Bapies. Febary1,2008

rows canscm

               Extmact rnom ay—aws or ribeLiry ano perostr conpany or maryLand

  "Artele VL Seton 2. The Chairman of the Boand,othe reiden, oranyExecutve VieePresident, oany ofh Sorior
VieePresidens or VieePresident spcilly authoriced sto d bythe Bourd of Dinctos arby the Exccutve Commites
shallhavepoverhy and wih the concurrence of the Secrury orany one fthe Assistant Secrcures, to point Resident
VieePresidens, Awisant Vice Prsidets and Atornysi—Fat as the bosiness of the Company may require,or to
wuborize any peronor personsto excute on betalf ofthe Company any bonds, underating. reeognizance, ipulation,
poliis, contact, aurecmens, deed, and releasesand asignments ulaement, dcrec, morlages and nsrument in
the natur: of mongages..and o afi h salo the Company there
        Extmact ron ay—Laws or couontat aenican casuaLty ANo surety company

  "Artcl VL Secion 2. ThChirman of the Boond,othe Presiden. o any Exceutve Vieeresidento any ofie Sonior
VicePrsidents orVieePresident spocialy authorzed sotodbythe Boardof Diectorsor by the Faecutive Commites
\hall hive power, by and withthconcurence of he Sercny oany on afthe Assiant Sereries, tappoin Resdemt
VicePresidens, Awistant VicePresidens and. Atormeysin—Fact as the businss of the Company may requie, orto
authoriveary penonor perinsto xecute on betalf of the Company any bonds, undetling. recognizances, siplaions
polics, contrtsaqrecment,deeds, and releasesand assigementsof judgenenis,decreesmotgages and istruments in
thenatur: ofmogages..nd taff he sel oftheCompary therto

  1, ihe undenigned, Asitant Secreury of the FIDELITY ANDDEPOSTT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the
COLONMAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY. do hereby cenify that the forgoing Pover of
Aturny is t n full frce and efect on thedte ofts cetieat; and 1 do furterconify thathe VicePresident who
exccud the sid ower ofAtlrney was one of thaddiiona Viesrsidens specially auhorred bythe Board of Dincton
toarpint any Atomey—inFact as provided in Artcle VL Section 2 of therespective By—Lavs ofthe_ FIDELITY AND
  "ThisPower ofAtomey and Cenifats may besigncd byfisimile underandbyauthoy ofthefolowing resolation othe
Boardof Dieciofthe FIDELITY AND DEPOSTT COMPANY OF MARYLAND a a meeting daly cll and held on
the 10day of May, 1990 and of he Boan of Dirctor:ofthe COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY
COMPANY ata meetingdulycailed and held on the t day o May1994
  RESOLVED: "That the ficsinile or mechaniallyreproduced meal of the company and facsinile or mechunically
reproducad signtre ofany Viee—President,Seercta.o Awistnt Srcuryof he Company, whether made herofare or
heveatr, wherverappesring upon a cenificd copy ofany pover ofatomey issued by the Company,stall b vald and
binding upon the Company witthe same foreandeffec asthough manuallyaffacd."
 TN TESTIMONY WHEREOF,1 havehereuntsubscribed my name and alfced thcorporaselso he id Companics,

is    __26th       w,, _     October                    2004


  Fidelity and Deposit Compary ofMaryland, Colonisl Americn Castalty and SurtyCompany, Zurich Americen
  Tnssrence Company, nd Americen Guszantee and Liabily Insurmnce Company aze making t folowing
  Informational dsclopwrein complisnce wih The Terorisn Risk Insurence Act of2002. No actionis equired on your
                                        p        «ofTerrerism  Premium
  "The premiim charge forisk ofloss resulting flom acts oftrrorism (as defined in heAct) underthis bond is
  S_vaived_This amount is reflnted in the total premiom for this bond.
                                Disclosure of Availabliy   of Coverage fo          is      cs
  AAs requited by the Terortom Rsk Insurance At of2002,we have made available to you coverage fo losses resuting
  from acts oerotinn (as detined in the Act) with terms, amovnts, md mittionsthat do not differ materaly as those
  for losse ising from erents othe thm acts of terorizn.
                         isclosure   of Rederal Share of                    an‘s   Terrorism Losses
  "The Terroriim RiikTnswrance Act o2002 establishes a mechentim bywhich the United Statesgovernmentwill share
 in insuance companylosses resuling Rom asts oftezorism (1 defined in the Ac) aftera insurance company haspaid
 Tosses in excess ofen annual agaregate dedactible. To 2002, he innwrance company deductiile is 1% ofdiest eamed
 premioas i th prioeyea,for2003,72 of direct camed premaium in the prior yea, for 2004, 10% ofdirect camed
 preairm i thprioe year and foe 2005, 15% ofdirect exmed premium n th prioryess. The federal stare ofan
 insurence company‘s lomes above ts deductiblis 90%.In the event the United Sttes governmentprtciptes in
 Tosse, the United Sates government raay diectinsurance companies to collct a terroriem surcharge from
 policyhalders. The Act doss not ewrentlyprovide for insuznce industy or United States govemment prtlsipation in
 terzorim loses that exesed $100 bilion in any one calendar year.

                                             Defaiti        t of Terrorism
 "The Texorism Risk Insurince Actdefincs oc ofterorisn" as any act that is ortified by the Seczstery ofthe Treasuzy,
 in concurzence withthe Secrelary of State and the Atorney General of the United State:
     1.. t be an actoftexoriemy;
     2. to be a violent actor m acthat is dangerous to homenie, property o infistmotare;
     3. to haveresited n damage wiliin the United Siits,or ontide ofthe United States in the case of an ir carier
        (s dafined in section 40102 ofie 4, Unted 17 States Code) ora United States flag veasel (ora vessel based
        principall in the United Sttes, on which United States income ta is paid and whose insurance coverigs is
        slbjestoregutation in the Unied Stites), or the presises ofa United States mission; and
    4.. to havebeen commited by an individual o ndividuals acting on bebalfofany foreign person orfreign
        interstaspart ofan effor to cotree th civin population ofthe Unted Statesorto fnfluence th policy or
        affct t conduct ofe United States Government by coersion.
But, no act shallbe certiied by the Secrctny as an act oferoriom itthe actis commited as part ofte courseofa war
deczedby Congress (exoeptfor workens‘ compensation) or proparty and casualty insurence losses reniting om the
aot, in the ageregat, do not exceed $5,000,000.
These disclsures re informational onlyand do not modify your bond or affect your rights under the bond.
                                     Copyrlgt BrichAmerlan Inirnce Company 2003

                                                                                     Rond No.perszaz1
                         License and/or Permit Continuous Bond
KNOW ALL MEN Y THESB PRESENTS, tat we, Echooar Satalte Pricipal and Fidety and
Depoalt Company of Maryland,as Surey, ateheld and famly bond unto the Unied Sutes Treasuy,as Obliges,
inte masima penal samofThree Millon Dollars($3000,000.00, s such muxinum peol us may be reduced
posant to the tems and condions se forh below, for which payment, well and rly to be made, we bind
cunclvs, our heis, excutom, adninisnston, sicemors and assign, jondy and sevenly, fmlb, by these
WHEREAS, th above bounden Princial has obined a lcene or pernit from the Foder! Communications
Commission (RCC") for auhery to constvt, lanch and operie a Geosationary Satelite pusiant to is
applieaion SAT—LOA—2003 21 1—00980, Call Sign 52607,in accortance with the erms and conditons se forthin
i6 nthoreation, includingth filngofhi bond wit th FCC pusuant o the procedaren se forh in Pubil Nce
Da 03—2603,18 FCC Red 16283 2003 d
WiHEREAS,the Principal is requred bylawto e with the FCC a bond condianed s hrviner setfort;
Now, muraerore, tite CONDTION OF THI OBLIGATION 15 SUCH, thaif th Principal stall wel nd
wrly perform cach and every oblgiton etfoth below at th ime and in the manner spcifed darig theterm of
this bood,thenthis oblignon hallbevoid, otherise t remain in ll frceand effect
PROVIDED HOWEVER, that this bond is ubjetoth followingconditons:
1.       The Goovationay Satlie authorized by the FCC mustbecomtucied,unched and placed i operaion
in secordance wih the technical prmeter andtems and condions of the grant autoriation by h following
apeifed tme peride (niletones)
         .        Execitea binding contct for contnation by (2002003)
         .        Complte the Criteal DesignReview by ©202000);
         6.       Commence comactonby202007and
         d        Launch and beginaperaons (0202009)
2.       Upoa eampletion oeach mileton,confimation ofwhich wilb filed wit the PCC by the rincpal, and
lssuance oa Publc Notiee by the FCC confimingsame,the ruximur peral sum ofthe bond sttlbe reduced by
573000000 via rider t this hond setto the PCC and the Oblige.
3.       in the event of a Noi of Deflt(e, an orderor publle notle evoking tPricipal‘s authoraion)
jisied by the FCC to the Principaland the Surc repardingthe performance of the milestoncs speifid shove
during the term of hibood, he Surty hall be lable onl up to th curent oustanding maximim peral sum
armountater appleabl milestone eductins. Ttis lso undentoodand unconditonally agreodthat upon meeipt of
sich Noteof Defalt, the sle remedy under this bnd willbeth tender of payment of he curent oustanding
maximurmpenal sum ofthe bond within thirty(30) bsiness daysofsuch Notce ofDofint
Any such Note of Deaul made under ths Bond hallbe made in wiing and shailbe given by prsonadelvery
w expedied delivy srvie,postage pr—paid, addressd o the prtsat th addreses specifed below:
       ‘othe Surety    Fideip and DepositCompany ofMaryand
                       Aim: Swety Chins
                       3910 Resuick d
                       Palimec, MD 21211
       o thePrinipal: EcheSarStliteLL.C.
                      Atm: Generl Counse
                      9601 5. Merdian Blvd.
                      Enlewaod, co 80112

4.     No right o action shallaccseon thisbood to fr the use o any peron or corportion other than the
Oblige named herein or t him, executorsadinnistatororsuccesor ofh Obligs
5. .     1any eonfict o nconsitency cxis betveen he Suraty‘sabliaions or undeiaingsas described n is
bant and asdesribedin other docaments sattes o repiiton hen th terms oPhi bond stallprovad.
PROVIDED FURTHER, ba repales ofthe number ofyears hi bond shallcontine orb continid in fore and
ofh nuriber fremiains that shallbepayabl or paid he Sareyshall oo b lalsle ereunderfor alager amount,
in the agregat, han th curenoutsnding maximum peol sum ofthis bond
PROVIDED FURTHIER, tht t boodshallb efecive o te 289 day ofOcbet, and shall ccse at sch
timeasthe FCC confiensthitth Privcipl assaiid ll ofth milestons se forth in parigaph 1 above,unlss
catiercarelias provided below.
PROVIDED FUITHER, t itthe Suety stallsoeec thisbond may b canclled by the Surty a t ubsequent
labiliy by gving hity (30) hy eoic in weiing t said Oblige and Princpal.
Signed, seale and date the 259 dayofOtobe.
Pricipat: m nettter1.C.

       Nane: Gerks Praen
       T: Chamnam /f!fl
Sures:. Fldliyand Depostt Company of Maryland

                                ocm Comsase Croneo he...
                           M Emtime Rowe See C beves Ct M
                                  bommetermn come e

                                   Power of Attoney
COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY,coonationoft $                        fand,by PAUL C
ROGERS, VieePrsident and T. E. SMITHL AssistotSecetny, in prssanc ofauea         y Aricle V1 Secon 2
                                                                                ie o e in fll orce
ind efect on theds hereo, oehosby roninat: connitieeat y             \ROICONIREE: JtShalley
CZAIKOWSKL Colete T                         assemst                         ona D. WEAVER, Deanna
M. ROBICHAUD and Amy                                                 and lt agontand Atorny—i—Fack
10 make,executssel and
undertakings d
Companiesas ily
repulaly ced off                                         f         m proper pervons. in powerofatorney
revihes it nsoud ogitafFof Wiliam M. OCONNELL. 1R . Dchon L. POPPE Stlley GZAJKOWSKI Coleue T
HELMS, Gany L. WESSELINK, Karen A. FEGGESTAD, Ay WICKEFT,dated Apr 132002
  ‘The sid Amizat Scrar ds hrely corify tat he curct e on on th evene sid herea i a t copy of Aricle L
Scaion 2 ofthe ByLvs of uid Companis on is row in face
   1N WTTNESS WHEREOF, t uid VicePrsiden and Awsisan Seerary have hereinosubscibed thir names and
affied the Comonte Sals of the id FIDELITY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND. and e COLONIAL
arresn:                                             ribeury ato perosit compan‘y or maryLand
                                              colonia. aERIcAN casuaty ano surety company

                                   T.E Suih
                                                            .       /T
                                                              Paul C. Rogers
                                                                             Vie Proiden
   Stteof Maryland
   City ofBatimere
   On this 2s day of Aprl, AD. 2004, befre the subscrer, a Nowy Publc of the Stre of Maryand. dily
commissioned and qualifed, came PAUL C. ROGERS, Vice Prosiden, and T. E. SMITH, AsisanSecrry of the
SURETY COMPANY, to me personlly known to be the indvidals and ofees descnbad in and who executed the
precedingintrament and they each ackrowledgd the execution of he same, and being by me duly seorm severlly and
each for himself deposthandsaih that ty ane thsuid ofcerof the Cormpunies onl and t thsealafined o the
procedig isrument is the Corporate Seals osid Companiesand ht th uid Corporae Sclsandtheirsignatursassuch
offecs weredataffiedand subseribe o the sid instrument bythauthorty ad dirccionofthesuid Coporations
   1N TESTIMONY WHERBOK, 1 ne hereuno set my hand and alfved my Ofcal Scal thday and year frst above

                                          & Z7&
                                                              DemisR Havier                 NoturPubli
                                                                 My Commision Expires: Febary 1. 2008

rour censtes

            Extmact hoay—Laws or rioeLiry Ap perosit coupany or many..ano

  "Aricle VSecton 2. The Chairman ofthe Bour, or tPrsiden, o any Exeewive Vice—Presiden, orany of the Srior
VieePresidents or VieePrsident speially authoried s todoby the Board af Diectos or bythe Exccutive Commitec,
shall have poser,byand with th concurence othe Serety or any onofthe Asitant Seretrios, o appoin Resident
VicePresdents, Assisunt ViceProidents and. Atormeysit Fact as the business of the Company may requit, orto
auhorve any penon or personto xecute on betalf ofthe Company any bonds. undeaking,recopnzances, sipultion.
policiscontcts agreement, deads, and releass andassignmens of jndremenis,decrs, motzagesand instument in
thenatureof mertiages..and t affc theseal ofthe Company thero."
        ExTmact Fhow ay—Laws or couonia. aMEnicAN casuaty ano sunery company

  *Aricle VSetion 2. The Chaiman othe Board, or the Prsiden, or any Executive Vi:Prsident or anyo he Snior
VieePresidents or VicePresidens specialy authoried w to o bythe Boardof Dictors o bythe Execuive Commites,
dhall hav power,byand wth the concurrence o he Secctay orany one of the Assisant Sccntares, t appoin Resdent
VicePesdents, Assisant ViceProidents and AtormeysiiFact asthe business of the Company may requir, or to
authorve any perin orperson o executeon betalf othe Company any bonds,undetaking, recognrances, stpultions,
policscontcts agrementsdexds, andreleasc and ssignmens ofJudgement,decres, morigges and instuments in
thenatareof nerigages.. and t affc theseaofh Company theret."

  1. the undenigred, Asitant Secrewry of the HDELTY AND DEPOSIT COMPANY OF MARYLAND, and the
COLONIAL AMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY COMPANY, do herty cenily that the frgoing Pover of
Avommey issifullforand effct on thdae of this cenifte; and I do furter confy hat he VieePesident who
execuedthsid owerofAtomey was one of he additonalVicePresidens spocally uthorized y the Boardof Diecios
to appointany Altomeyin Fact as provded in Aricle VI, Socton 2, of he respctve Ry—Laus of the FIDELITY AND
  ‘This PowerafAtarreyandCorificte may b signed by facsinils under and by uthoriyof thefalowingresoluton ofhe
Board of Diectonothe FIDBLITY AND DEPOSTT COMPANY OF MARYLAND aa meeting duly clled and hld on
the 10M day of May, 1990 and of he Board of Dirctors of the COLONIALAMERICAN CASUALTY AND SURETY
COMPANY ata neting daly alleand hld on the 5t day of May, 1994
  RESOLVED: "Phat the fesinile or mechanically reproduced seal of he company and fcsinle or mechunically
seproducad signatur ofany Viewresident, Seretry, or AsssanSeccty ofthe Company, whethr made heretofire or
hereafer, wherver appemring upon a corifed copy o any poweroatomey ied by the Company.shall be vald and
bindingupon the Comparywh e sameforc and efectasthugh manialy afied"
  INTESTIMONY WHEREOF, L have hersuto subscribe my name and afied h corporte seal ofthesid Companies

is     __26th     qy or _October


  Fideliy and Deposit Company ofMaryland, Colonial American Cesualty and SuretyCompany, Zarich Ameroan
  Tnsurzace Compay, and Americen Guzrentce and Liabiliy Insurance Company aro making the following
  informationl diclorwesi complince with The Terorism se Incurance Act of2002. No action is required on your
                                       Dis            erro           um
  "The premfim chargs forisk oloss resulting from acts oftezorisn (as defind in te Act) underthis bond is
  S_vraived_. This amount is releced in h toal premefem fr this bond.

                             Disclosure of Availabiity ofCoverage for Terrorism Losses
  As required by thTerreri Risk Isurance Act 0£2002, we have made availableto you coverge for lssesresuing
  from acts ofereriom (asdetine in the Aot) with teams, amounts, and limitations that do notdifier materialy as tose
  for losses aisinfrom eventsotherthen acls oferoriom.

                          isclosure of Federal Share of         ce Company‘s Terr          se
  ThTerorism RiikInnwrance Aot €2002 estalishes a mechanism bywhich the United States governmentwill stare
 in insurence company losses resuling trom act oterorism (1# detined in the Act) fera insurance company haspid
 Tossesin excess ofn anonal aguregate dedctibls. For 2002, heinswrance company deductible is 13 ofdiret eamed
 premitm in theprioeyear, for 2003, % ofdiect camed premiom in the prior yei; for 2004, 10% ofdiect eamed
 ‘premiom in th prioe year, aed foe 2005, 15% ofdiect camedpremium in the prioryea. ‘he federal stare ofin
 insurance company‘s losses above ts deductisle is 90%. In the event he Unitd States government pertcipats in
 Tosses, the United Sates govemmentmay diectinsurance companies to colleot terreiem surcharge from
 policybolder. TheAct dos not curenty provide fo insurmncs ndusty or United States govemmentparicpation in
 terroriom Tosses tht xoeed $100 blon n any one calendar year
                                          Deffaition ofAct of Terrorism
 ‘The Terrorim Risk Insurince Act definss "aot ofterorisn" as y act thatis cetiied by the Secrstry ofhe Tressuy,
 in consurtence withthe Secretay ofSite and the Artormsy General ofie United State:
     1.. tobe an actofterorien;
    2. to bea violentactor m ac hatis dangerous to human if, property orintistracture;
     3.. to have resited in demage withln the United Sates, or outide ofthe Unied States in hecase of an sircariec
         (as defined in section 40102 ofit 49, United 17 States Code) oa United Statesflag vessol (ora vesse based
         princpally in the Uited Sttes,on which United Stats ncome t ispaid and whose Insurence coverge is
         slbjectto regulation in ie Uniled States), orthepresaizes ofa United States mlssion: and
    4.: to have been commited by an individual or individuals actingon bebalfofany foreign person orforeign
         dnteret aspart ofen effor to coerce thcivin pepultion ofthe United States or o influence th policy or
         affet t conduct ofthe United States Govemment by coersion.
But, no actshallbe certiied by the Secrety as an ast ofemoriom ifthe actis commited as par ofthcourse ofa wer
Geclaredby Congress (exoept for workess‘compensation)orproperty and casualty inrance losse esuling fom the
not,in te aggregate, donotexceed $5,000,000.
These disclsures are informattonal onlyand do not modifyyour bond or affect your rights under the bond.
                                  Copyrlght Zarich AmercanInnwumce Company 2003

Document Created: 2004-11-04 17:30:07
Document Modified: 2004-11-04 17:30:07

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