Attachment erratum





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20031119-00336 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission

                                               Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Mater of
EFreedom ofInformation Act Requestfor Satelite
Construction Contract filed by Pegasus                      FOTA File No. 2005—512
Development Corporation
                                                            IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20031119—00336
Pegasus Development Corporation and Pegasus                 CallSign: $2603
Development Corporation 107 Request for
Confidential Treatment


                                                                Released: September 15, 2005

By the Acting Chief, Satellte Division, Itermational Bureau:
        On September 13, 2005, the Commission released an Order, DA 05—2450, in the above—captioned
proceeding. This Erratum corrects the following:
       Footote 3 to read:
       * Pegasus Development 107 Corporation, Submission of Executed Satelite Construction
       Contractand Request for Confidential Trestment, SAT—LOA—20031 119—00336, Call Sign 2603,
       filed January 31, 2005 ("Contract" and "Confidentiaity Request" respectively). The documents
       that Pegasus submited under request for confidentility are as follows: (1) Satellite Parchase
       Contract By and Between Pegasus Development Corporation and Space Systems/Loral, Ic.,
       Terms and Conditions (including () Attachment A, i) Annex 1 to Attachment A, i) Schedule
        1 to Annex I to Attachment A; (i) Schedule I to Annex I to Attachment A, () Attachment B);
       (2)Exhibit A, Pegasus Development 107 Corporation K—band FSS Satellite, Statement of Work,
       August9, 2002; (3) ExhibitB, Attachment 1, Pegasus Development 107 Corporation, Ka—Band.
       FSS Satelites,Specification, August9, 2002; (4) Exhibit C, Pegasus Development 107
       Corporation, Ka—Band FSS Satelites, Program Test Plan, August 9, 2002; (5) Exhibit D, Pegasus
       Development 107 Corporation, Ka—band FSS Satelites, Program Quality Assurance Plan, August
       9, 2002; (6) Exhibit E, Pegasus Development 107 Corporation, Ka—Band FSS Satelltes, Program
       Management Plan, August 9, 2002; and (7) Exhibit F, Payment Plan and Termination Linbilty
       Amounts, August 9, 202. We note that only the redacted capy of the firsdocument lsed above
       is included in the public file and uploaded o the Itermational Bureau Filing System (IBFS). See
       IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20031 119—00336. The exhibits and attachmentslisted in this note as 2
       — 7 were not included in the public version ofthe document. We assume here that Pegasus secks
       confidentiaity with respect to these documentsin their entirety. ®"

                                   Federal Communications Commission

         Paragraph 8 to read:
         8.      Pegasus‘ Contract contained a number of Attachments and Exhibits" The majorty of
         these documents are the epitome ofinformation that that is losely held and customarily guarded
         from competitors, .eproprictary technicalinformation., For example, Exhibit B contains the
         satelite specifiation," Exhibit C contains thetest plan," and Exhibit D contains the qualty
         assurance plan."" Each of hese documents contains information thatis customarily closely held
         by satelite manufacturersand would be appropritely withheld from the public ile in their
         entirety. Exhibit F, etitled "Payment Plan and Termination Linbilty Amounts, August9, 2002,"
         should not have been withheld from the public fili ts entirey.
         Paragraph 9 to read:
        9.       Pegasus‘ failure to submit a redacted version ofthe one page document entile, "Exhibit
        PR Payment Plan and Termination Linbility Amounts, August 9, 2002, Fist Satellte and Satellite
        Operations Equipment" stains th limits ofthe confidentialty protection, The payment schedule
        is a one—page document containing only 21 events (such as "Launch® or *CDR" short for criical
        design review, and "DELIVERY ON ORBIT*). As such, it appears to be a generic document
        containing well—known and obvious events in the construction ofa satelite. Thus, we do notfind
        the exhibititselfto be per se conidentil in ts entiety. The monetary amountsattached to the
        progress payments,termination ability, or both, however, would be considered contidential
        information. Accordingly, withrespect o Exhibit E, we find that the information contained in the
        columns with the following headings is not confidentia: (1) Payment Number;(2) Month
        Number; (3) Nominal Invoice Month (4) Payment Due; (5) Milestone Event;and (6) Completion
        Criteria. We do, however,find the information contained in the following columns to be
        confidentiaand protected from disclosure:(1) Payment ; (2)1" Satelite; (3)Sat. Oper. Equip;
        (4) Payment Amount; (5) Cum. Paymment; and (6) Cum. Term. Linbility.
        Paragraph 10 will be delted with subsequent paragraphs renumbered.
        New Paragraph 10 to read:
        10. We,therefore, conclude that, other thanthe materil that we have just outlined in Exhibit
        F (columns 1—5),the information subjectt the request for confidentiaity fall squarely under
        Exemption 4 to the FOIA rules and meets the requirementsof Section 0.459° and may be
        withheld from public disclosure.

" See foomote 3 above.
"" See Exhibit B of the Contract entied "Atachment 1, Pegasus Development 107 Corporation, Ka—Band FSS
Sarlftes, Specification, August9,2002."
"* See Exhibit C ofthe Contract, enitled *Pegasus Development 107 CorporationKa—Band FSS Satelites, Program
Test Plan, August9, 2002."
® see Exhibit D of the Contract, enited "Pegasus Development 107 Corporation, Kacband FSStelits,Program
Qualty Assurance Plan, August9,2002."

                                  Federal Communications Commission

         New Paragraph 11 toread:
        11. TT 18 ORDERED that trequest for confidentility submitted by Pegasus on January 31,
        2005 is Granted, in par, and Denied, in par to the extent provided herein. Accordingly, we will
        submita redacted copy of the "Exhibit : Payment Plan and Termination Linbility Amounts,
        August 9,2002," without redacting the information in the fllowing columns, for inclusion in the
        publicfile: (1) Payment Number:(2) Month Number; (3) Nominal Invoice Month; (4) Payment
         Dus; (5) Milestone Eventand (6) Completion Criteria."" Submission of the redacted materials to
        the Commission‘s public filasindicated here will not be carried out until the time period within
        which t file appliction for review has expired or Pegasus‘ application for review has been fully
        and finallyresolved by the Commission (or any appropriate court ofcompetentJurisdiction),
        whichever occurs later. Under 0.1610) ofthe Commission‘s rules, 47 CER. $ 0.4610), Pegasus
        may file an application for review of he Bureau‘s handling of partil denial of Pegasus‘s request
        for confidential tratment. Such an application for review must be filed with the Office of
        General Counsel within 10 days from the date ofthis order.

                                                 FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION

                                                 Cassandra C. Thomas
                                                 Acting Chief, Satelite Division
                                                 International Bureau

*‘ Contemporaneouly withthe issuance of his order, Pegasus will be provided copies of the documents to be
submited ithe public filto ensirthat thre is no confusion regardingthe documents, or portions thereo, that
are determined notto be confidenial.

Document Created: 2005-09-15 16:15:27
Document Modified: 2005-09-15 16:15:27

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