Attachment reply


REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20030827-00179 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Before the
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATION                        IMISSION                   2      00
                                      Washington, DC zoigg&flvedo                        Fee       4 Aws
 In the Matter of                                          watuo d oo.           ons
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EcnoSrar Sarevurre LL.C.
                                                            Poicy e
Application for an Allotted Extended                                  Call Sign 82402
Ku—band Satellite at 101° W.L.
                Pursuant to 47 C.F.R.§ 1.115(d), EchoStar Satellite L.L.C. ("EchoStar") hereby
replies to the opposition filed by Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC(*MSV") on
February 10, 2005, in the above—referenced proceeding."
               Contrary to MSV‘s contention, not every inconsistency or mistake in frequencies
is grounds for dismissing an application for not being substantially complete. The decisions
cited by MSV are not authorty to the contrary, and the Bureau did not rely upon them to support
its decision.® In fact,the Bureau itself provides an example of a frequency error that would not
warrant dismissal. As EchoStar has pointed out, the Commission has explained how
inconsistencies and discrepancies are to be treated under a substantally complete standard in the

         ‘ Opposition to Application for Review of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC,
(filed Feb. 10, 2005) (*MSV Opposition").
        * With respect to Mobile Phone ofTexas, Inc., 5 FCC Red 3459 (C.C. Bur, 1990), it is
unclear whether that case involved the substantially complete standard, but even if it di, t is
casily distinguishable. The multiple inconsistenciesin that case were such that they could not be
resolved "confidently and reliably" from the application as a whole. See Processing ofPM and
TV Broadcast Applications, 50 Fed. Reg. 19936, Appendix D (1985) (°FM and TV Order®).
       Coachella Valley Wireless Corp., 7 ECC Red 4252 (1992), did involve the substantially
complete or "hard look" standard in the broadcast context but, contrary to MSV‘s contention, the
decision confirms that resolvable discrepancies do not render an application unacceptable for
filing. 1d. at 4252—53 ("The Commission has made a commitment ... to resolve tenderability
defects i the necessary information can be derived confidently and reliably from the face of the
application. Although a coordinate discrepancyis considered an acceptability defeet, the staff
will, within reason, nonetheless attempt to resolve any discrepancies found in an application.").
Ultimately, Conchella is distinguishable on its facts because the coordinate discrepancies in that
case could not be resolved. Ocean Waves Broadeasting, 3 FCC Red 4637 (Audio Serv. Div.
1988) is distinguishable for the same reason.

FM and TV Order —— if the "discrepaney[can be] resolved, confidently and reliably, drawing on
the application as a whole, such defect will not render the application not sufficient for tender.""
In this case, itis clear from the Application and Amendment "as a whole" that EchoStar intended
to apply for the allotted extended Ku—band frequencies. MSV‘s claim that it is "impossible" to
resolve the one incorrect frequeney reference by looking atthe multiple references to the correct
frequencies in the rest of the appliation severely underestimates the competence and ability of
the Commission‘s staff?
               MSV argues that information about which spot beams are connected or
switchable to which transponder would have been "useful in determining which frequencies and
Locations are impacted by EchoStar‘s application and whether EchoStar‘s coordination proposal
is technically workable."" In fact, as EchoStar‘s expert has declared," such information would
make no practical difference and MSV has made no attempt to show otherwise. Inded,
EchoStar‘s coordination proposalis based on spatial separation between the small number of
MSV feeder link earth stations and the spot beams on EchoStar‘s proposed satellite. Assuming
that MSV will be using all ofits assigned frequencies in each ofits feeder link beams, the
question of which transponder is connected with which spot beam is not relevant to such a
sharing proposal.

       * FM and TV Order at Appendix D.
        * MSV further contends that "potential applicants were prejudied [by the discrepancy}
because they were foreed to consider whether to expend resources preparing an application for
the 10.70—10.75 GHz band that mightultimately obtain only second—in—line status..."
EchoStar hereby incorporates by reference its response to this argument in ts earlier reply. See
Reply 19 Opposition to Petition for Reconsideration at 6—7 (filed Apr. S, 2004).
       * 1d. at8.
       * See Application for Review at Attachment A (Declaration of Richard Bamnett),iled /n
the Matter ofEchoStar Satellite LLC, SAT—LOA—20030827—00179, SAT—AMD—20031 126—
00343, Call Sign $2492 (filed Jan. 26, 2005).

                MSV also accuses EchoStar of failing to specify the precise pointing directions of
its spot beams." However, the International Bureau ("Bureau") did not dismiss EchoStar‘s
Application® and Amendment® on this ground, and rightly so. As noted above, EchoStar‘s

sharing proposal is based on spatial separation between EchoStar‘s spot beams and MSV‘s
feeder link earth stations. But, because the precise location of MSV‘s feeder link earth stations is
also uncertain,it is not possible to determine ex ante the optimum pointing directions of
EchoStar‘s spot beams that would also protect MSV‘s earth stations. EchoStar expects that the
precise pointing directions will be determined after any necessary coordination with licensed
collocated satellites.
                MSV attempts o refute EchoStar‘s claim ofunequal treatment by distinguishing
the present case from Loral Skymet."" MSV contends that Loral Stynet was different because the

Bureau "never challenged the completeness of the [Loral) application.""". Not so. In Loral
Skynet, the Bureau dismissed Loral‘s application only after it failed to provide *additional
technical information and information that was missing from the original application,""" as
previously requested by the Bureau.. While the Bureau in this case has attempted to back away
from this rationale," it is clear from the original leter to Loral requesting additional information
that the DISCO II information in the appliation was *insufficient for [the Bureau] to make a
determination.""" This is clearly a challenge to the completeness of the application.. In any

       " MSV Opposition at 8 n.15.
       * SAT—LOA—20030827—00179 (filed Aug. 27, 2003) ("Application")
       * SAT—AMD—20031126—00343 (filed Nov. 26, 2003) (°Amendment®).
        ‘" Leter fom William Howden, FCC to Stan Edinger, Loral Skynet Network Services,
Inc., DA 03—3904, SES—MOD—20030910—013202 (Dec. 11, 2003).
       *‘ MSV Opposition at 13.
       5 1d. u1.
       " Order at 5 16 .52 ("The December 11 Letter incorreetly referred to Loral‘s filure to
supply ‘missing" information required by the Commission‘s DISCO H/ Order:").
       "* Leter fom William Howden, FCC to Stan Edinger, Loral Skynet Network Services,
Inc., SES—MOD—20030019—01302, at 2 (Oct. 16, 2003).

 event, as EchoStar has shown,"" the Application and Amendment in the present case is not any
 more deficient, and is significantly more complete, than the information originally supplied by
the applicant in Loral Skymer. Accordingly, the Bureau should not have dismissed the
Application and Amendment but instead should have requested additional information from
EchoStar, as it did in Loral Skymer.
               MSV also contends that the Bureau properly dismissed both the Application and
Amendment because both failed to identify the connections between the spot beams and
transponders. This is inaccurate. The Application did not contain information about spot beam—
transponder connectivity because the satellite as originally proposed did not have spot beams.
The operation of the proposed satellie in a spot beam configuration was introduced by the
Amendment. The omission ofthe connectivity information is therefore an alleged defect in the
Amendment only. Moreover, the disparity in treatment did not become apparent until after the
pleading eyele for EchoStar‘s petition for reconsideration had closed. EchoStar filed its reply in
the proceedings below on April S, 2004, while the Bureau‘s dismissal ofdefective amendments
without also dismissing the underlying applications did not occur until April 23, 2004 and June
10, 2004,"
               MSV raises the absence of a request for a waiver of footnote NG1O4 as an
alternative basis for dismissal. In faet, such a waiver was requested in the Amendment."

Moreover, the Bureau did not rely on the absence ofthe waiver in the original application as a
ground for dismissing the Application and Amendment, which indicates that the waiver request
in the Amendment was enough. In connection with footnote NG104, MSV also raises the

       !* EchoStar Application for Review at 14—16.
       ‘* See Application for Review at 17 n.38 & 39. To the extent that EchoStar needs a
waiver of 47 C.FR. § 1.115(c)t raise this issue now, it hereby requests such a waiver. There is
good cause for such waiver because the argument is based on events that occurred after the close
ofthe pleading eycle and so could not have been raised before the Bureau,
       !" Amendment at 4—5.

question ofcoordination with terrestril services. However, that question ultimately goes to the
merits of the application and not the acceptability ofthe Application and Amendment for filing.
In any event, EchoStar has said that the primary use to which the satellte will be putis the
provision of one—way, direct—to—home ("DTH") service.." The Commission has already accepted

the possibility ofco—existence between receive—only DTH terminals and terrestrial services in the
non—allotted extended Ku—band,!" and similar co—existence should also be feasible in the allotted
extended Ku—band. The possibility of providing two—way services by means of the proposed
satellte was always subject to successful coordination.®"
                 Finally, MSV contends thatifEchoStar‘s Application and Amendment were to be
reinstated, then any curative amendment permitted by the Commission should be treated as a
major amendment, which would have the efféct of relegating EchoStar‘s Application and
Amendment to the bottom ofthe satellite processing queue."‘ This argument is misconceived.
Reinstatement ofthe Application and Amendment would mean that the errors were (by
definition) minor and therefore correctable with a request for additional information under 47
                                                  Respectfully submitted,

David K. Moskowite                                        ichalopoulos
Senior VicePresident and General Counsel         Chung Hsiang Mah
EchoStar Satellite LL.C.                         Steptoe & Johnson Lip
9601 South Meridian Boulevard                     1330 Connecticut Avenve, NW
Englewood, CO 80112                              Washington, D.C. 20036
(303) 723—1000                                   (202) 429—3000
                                                 Counselfor EchoStar Satellite L L.C.
February 24, 2005

       !* See Amendment at 2, 11; Application at 1, 8.
       ‘ See In the Matter ofEchoStar SatelliteLL.C., DA 043163, SAT—LOA—2003121 1—
00350 (rel. Sept. 30, 2004); /n the Mater ofEchoStar Satellie L L.C., DA 04—3164, SAT—LOA—
20031215—00355 (re. Sept.30, 2004).
       "°See Amendment at2, 11, 14; Application at 1, 8, 10.
       "" MSV Opposition at 17.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       1, Chung Hsiang Mah, an attomey with the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, hercby
certify that on February 24, 2005, I caused a true copy of the foregoing to be served by hand
(where indicated by *) or first class mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Bruce D. Jacobs                                   Lon C. Levin
David S. Konezal                                  Vice President
Shaw Pittman LLP                                  MobilSatellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
2300 N Street, N.W.                               10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
Washington, DC 20037—1128                         Reston, VA 20191
Commissioner Kathleen Q. Abemathy®                Chairman Michael K. Powell®
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                              445 12" Street,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554
Commissioner Kevin J. Martin®                     Commissioner Michael J. Copps*
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street,SW.                                445 12" Street,SW.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Sheryl Wilkerson®                                 Commissioner Jonathan S. Adelstein®
Office ofChairman Powell                          Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                 445 12" Street, SW.
445 12" Street, S.W.                              Washington, DC 20554
Washington, DC 20554
Paul Margie®                                      Jennifer Manner®
Office of Commissioner Copps                      Office ofCommissioner Abemathy
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                              445 12" Street, SW.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554
Barry Ohlson*                                     Sam Feder®
Office of Commissioner Adelstein                  Office of Commissioner Martin
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 12"Strect, S.W.                               445 12"Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                              Washington, DC 20554

Thomas S. Tyez*                     Donald Abelson*
Intemational Bureau                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission   Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                Washington, DC 20554
Andrea Kelly*                       Robert Nelson®
Interational Bureau                 International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission   Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.                445 12° Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554                Washington, DC 20554

Document Created: 2005-03-02 16:11:05
Document Modified: 2005-03-02 16:11:05

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