Attachment EchoStar-Req for con

EchoStar-Req for con

REQUEST submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20020328-00051 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                STEPTOE &%JOHNSON w
                                          ATTORNEYS      AT   LAYW

Pantelis Michalopoulos                                                            1330 Connecticut Avenue, NWY
202429.6494                                                                        Washington, DC 20036—1795                  .                                                      Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                              Fax 202.429.3902

   August 22, 2011
                                                                                                  Alin 22 2011
   Marlene H. Dortch                                                                      Federal Communications Commission
   Secretary                                                                                    Office of the Secretary
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, S.W.
   Room TW—A325
   Washington, D.C. 20554


   Re:      EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation;
            File Nos. SAT—LOA—20020328—00050 (Call Sign $2440);
                      SAT—LOA—20020328—00051 (Call Sign $2441);
                      SAT—LOA—20020328—00052 (Call Sign $2442);
                      SAT—LOA—20070105—00001 (Call Sign $2723); and
                      SAT—LOA—20070105—00003 (Call Sign $2725).

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

          In the attached filing, EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation ("ESOC®") submits
   documentation in order to:

             1) provide background on and summarize ESOC‘ s prior submissions to show its
   compliance with the milestone conditions for its five 17/24 GHz Broadcast—Satellite Service
 . ("BSS") space station authorizations (Call Signs $2440, $2441, $2442, $2723, and $2725); and

           2) respond to the Commission‘s request, dated July 21, 2011 ("July 21" Letter"), for
   additional information and materials regarding ESOC‘s compliance with such milestones.‘ This

            ‘ Letter from Robert G. Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, FCC, to Pantelis
   Michalopoulos, Counsel for EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, File Nos. SAT—LOA—
   20020328—00050; SAT—LOA—20020328—00051; SAT—LOA—20020328—00052; SAT—LOA—
   20070105—00001; SAT—LOA—20070105—00003 (July 21, 2011) ("July 21Letter").

                                                                               STEPTOE &JOHNSON uw

Marlene H. Dortch
August 22, 2011
Page 2

information and materials further demonstrate that the critical design review ("CDR") has been |
duly completed for three of these authorizations (Call Signs $2440, $2725, and $2723).

        Pursuant to Sections 0.457 and 0.459 of the Commission rules governing the submission
of confidential materials," ESOC respectfully requests that the attached letter and associated
materials be afforded confidential treatment in their entirety and not be placed in the
Commission‘s public files. A public version is being submitted for the public file.

        The supplemental documentation demonstrating milestone compliance for the satellites in
the enclosed letter should be withheld from disclosure because this information contains
extremely sensitive commercial, financial, and technical information that would customarily be
kept from competitors. Specifically, the information consists of details of the design of ESOC‘s
proposed 17/24 GHz BSS satellites, as agreed upon with Space Systems/Loral("SS/L"),
including analyses of the satellite‘s dynamics and control, mass properties, electrical power
subsystems, thermals, and structure. ESOC faces substantial competition in the satellite services
markets from such entities as SES World Skies, Intelsat, and others. SS/L similarly faces
substantial competition in the satellite manufacturing market from such entities as Lockheed
Martin. If the information in Attachments 1, 2, and 3 is released to competitors, both entities
would face substantial competitive harm."

        ESOC would be severely prejudiced in its ability to compete if specific information
regarding the specific design and operations of its satellites, as well as price and critical non—
price terms were released to competitors because such competitors could use it to develop
competing services." ESOC also would be prejudiced in any future negotiations regarding
construction of satellites if pricing information were available to satellite construction
companies. For its part, SS/L would be prejudiced in any future negotiations regarding
construction of satellites if its pricing and technical information were available to other satellite
construction companies or to prospective purchasers of satellites.

      The documentation provided also qualifies as "commercial or financial information" that
"would customarily be guarded from competitors" regardless of whether or not such materials

         > 47 C.FR. §§ 0.457, 0.459.
         * National Parks & Conservation Ass‘n v. Morton, 498 F.2d 765 (D.C. Cir. 1974).
        * See Application of Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc. for Authority to Construct
the ELLIPSO Elliptical Orbit Mobile Satellite System, Order on Reconsideration, 10 FCC Red.
1547, 1548 (1994) ("[BJuyers receive a clear competitive advantage if they know the prices that
other buyers have been charged as a result of individual negotiations").

                                                                              STEPTOE &JOHNSONu

Marlene H. Dortch
August 22, 2011
Page 3

are protected from disclosure by a privilege.5 ESOC and SS/L take significant measures to
ensure that this information is not disclosed to the public, and the attached material for which
non—disclosure is sought is not available to the public.

        Finally, denying ESOC‘s request that this information be kept confidential would impair
the Commission‘s ability to obtain this type of voluntarily disclosed information in the future.
The ability of a government agency to continually obtain confidential information was behind
the legislative purpose in developing exemptions from the Freedom of Information Act.° The
U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit has recognized a "private interest in preserving the
confidentiality of information that is provided the Government on a voluntary basis."" The
Commission should extend a similar recognition to the enclosed materials.

        ESOC requests that the attached material be withheld from disclosure for an indefinite
period. Disclosure of this information at any time could jeopardize the competitive position of
ESOC and SS/L. ESOC further requests that the Commission not release these redacted
materials if its request for confidentiality is denied in whole or in part without first consulting
with ESOC. ESOC requests that if its request for confidentiality is denied in whole or in part,
the Commission returns Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to ESOC.

       * See 47 C.F.R. § 0.457(d); see also Critical Mass Energy Project v. NRC, 975 F.2d 871,
879 (D.C. Cir. 1992) ("[WJe conclude that financial or commercial information provided to the
Government on a voluntary basis is ‘confidential‘ for the purpose of Exemption 4 if it is of a
kind that would customarily not be released to the public by the person from whom it was
        6 See Critical Mass Energy Project, 975 F.2d at 878 ("Where, however, the information
is provided to the Government voluntarily, the presumption is that [the Government‘s] interest
will be threatened by disclosure as the persons whose confidences have been betrayed will, in all
likelihood, refuse further cooperation.").
       " Id. at 879.


Marlene H. Dortch
August 22, 2011
Page 4

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                          7   —Y—Z                     |
Alison Minea                              Pantelis Michalopoulos
Corporate Counsel                         Christopher R. Bjornson
EchoStar Satellite Operating              Stephanie A. Roy
Corporation                               Steptoe & Johnson LLP
1110 Vermont Avenue, NW Suite 750         1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005                    Washington, D.C. 20036
(202) 293—0981                            (202) 429—3000
                                          Counsel for EchoStar Satellite Operating


ce:   Andrea Kelly — International Bureau
      Kathyrn Medley — International Bureau
      Stephen Duall — International Bureau
      Chip Fleming — International Bureau

Document Created: 2011-08-29 18:47:52
Document Modified: 2011-08-29 18:47:52

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