Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by AstroVision



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20000518-00091 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                     WileyRein &Ficlding us                                               RECEWED
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npucorce             BY HAND DELIVERY               x ruie) Brencn
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sure im              Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
ww weeee             Federal Communications Commission
now mosam
me masame        236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.ESuite 110
                 Washington, DC 20002
weent on          Re:      AstroVision Intemational,Inc., Request for Extension of Milestones,
                           File Nos. SAT—MOD—20030528—00094, SAT—LOA—20000518—00090,
                           SAT—LOA—20000518—00091, Call Signs 2418 and 2419
                 Dear Ms. Dortch:

                 AstroVision Intemational,Inc. ("AstroVision"), by its counsel, submitsthis letter
                 pursuantto Sections 1.65 and 25. 111 of the rules ofthe Federal Communications
                 Commission (‘FCC" or "Commission") in connection with the application
                 referenced above for an extension of milestones." Specifically, this etter responds
                 to an oral inquiry from the Intemational Bureau staff regarding the status of
                 AstroVision‘s contracts, construction and launch of its planned, two—satellite
                 commercial land remote—sensing system in geostationary orbit.
                 AstroVision has a contract in full foree and effect dated March 30, 2001 with Ball
                 Aerospace and Technology Corporation ("Ball") for the development, build and
                 integration of the satellite bus and ground control systems for AstroVision‘s
                 authorized system. A copy of this contract is on file with the Commission."
                 Pursuant to this contract, Ball has completed the System Requirements Review
                 ("SRR") for the satelite buses and associated systems. Ball has also updated the
                 original satellitesystem design to include technology improvements that will be
                 used in the Preliminary Design Review (°PDR"). AstroVision has made contract
                 payments amounting to $938,000.00 to Ball. Attached hereto is a leter from Ball to
                 AstroVision confirming recent activity under the contract.

                 *        47 CER. 5§ 1,65 and 25. 111 ("The Commission may requestfrom any partyat any time
                 adtiional nformation concerningany appleation, o any other submissionor pleadingregarding
                 and application and Aled underthis part?
                 £         See Contacfor AstroVision AVStarSpacecrftand Associated Systems, appended as
                 Atachment 1 to AstoVision IntemationalIc.Pettionfor Milestone Extension, Fl No. SAT—
                 MOD—20050328—00094 (dated May 27, 2003)(‘Milestone ExtersionPeition Contact)..

      Wiley Rein &Fielding us

     Marlene H. Dortch
     August 25, 2005
     Page 2

     AstroVision also has a contract in full force and effect dated November 30, 2000
     with Malin Space Science Systems Inc. (°MSSS") for the design and development
     of the visible sensors to be flown on the two satellites. A copy of this contract is on
     file with the Commission." MSSS has held a SRR on the sensor suite and a
     PDR/CDR (citical design review) on the optics for all sensors. MSSS has built a
     prototype of the camera and tested it as evidenced on the MSSS web site
      hitp://www AstroVision has made contract
     payments amounting to $1,034,799.91 to MSSS.
     In addition, since fling its milestone extension request, AstroVision has updated its
     satellite design to reflect the needs of its prospective customers. For example, after
     discussions with the National Geospatial—Intelligence Agency (NGA) and other
     agencies of the Department of Defense, AstroVision has updated the design of an
     optional satelite which has direct implications for Homeland Security. Several of
     the advances which would be inherent in this design have been incorporated into the
     updates mentioned with regard to Ball and the satellite bus. NGA is a significant
     customer for commercial remote sensing and it is only prudentthat AstroVision
     work with NGA with regard to system capabilities and implementations.
 AstroVision has also made considerable progress on business development and
 marketing. For example, AstroVision has been instrumental in the founding of
 AstroVision Australia (AVA), which is interested in providing weather,
 environmental, coastal security and natural hazard warning services in Australia and
 throughout Asia. Notably, AstroVision has entered into an agreement to license
 intellectual property to AVA in exchange for stock in AVA and its 51% parent
 company, Horizon Global Lid, and royalty fees. Implementation of this agreement
 allows AstroVision to pursue an internationalstrategy with a minimal expenditure
 of resources, while leveraging the Company‘s intellectual property into new revente
 streams. Additionally,the agreement provides AstroVision a means to refine its
 business model, deploy itstechnology and continue itsintellectual property
 development wile pursuing its global market development strategy.
 AstroVision has not yet secured a Isunch vehicle. However, the small size of the
 AstroVision satellites will ensble them to be Iaunched as secondary payloads or as
 primary payloads on a smaller launch vehicle. To that end, AstroVision has not
 committed to a launch vehicle at this time because doing so would severely limit
§*         See Milstone Extersion Peiion Conmaat, Ar. 2

 Wiley Rein&Ficlding ur

Marlene H. Dortch
August 25, 2005

AstroVision‘s choices. AstroVision is in discussions with providers of smaller
Iaunch vehicles which may be more cost effective but have not yet evolved to the
point where a commitment is warranted. With AstroVision‘s satellites being able to
be Iaunched as a secondary on a large launch vehicle or being the primary one of
several newer, smaller launch vehicles, AstroVision anticipates no difficulty
securing a launch vehicle by the Isunch milestones of September 2007 and
December 2008, as requested in AstroVision‘s currently pending extension request.
Please contact Todd Stansbury (202) 719—4948 or Jennifer Hindin at (202) 719—
4975 if there are any additional questions.

Jennifer D. Hindin
ces    Andrea Kelly
       Jabin Vahora

             Ball Aetospace
             & Technologies Corp.
 1600 Commerce Street, Boulder, CO 80301 (303) 939—4000 Fax (203) 830—5815
 Replyto: P.. Box 1062, Boulder, CO 80306—1082
 August 25, 2005

 AstroVision International, Inc.
 11911 Freedom Drive, Suite 500 A
 Reston, Virginia 20190
Attention:     Mr. Charles R. Wasaif
               Chaiman, President and CEO

Subject:       AVStar Spacecraft and Associated Systems
               Contract # 0001 (As Amended)
               Revised Payment Schedule

References: AstroVision (Mr. Charles Wasaff) / BATC (Mr. T. Lapotosky) letter;
               Same Subject, January 10, 2005.
               AstroVision (Mr. Charles Wasaff) / BATC (Mr. T. Lapotosky)
               telecon; Same Subject, August 23, 2005.
Pursuant to the above References, Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp.
(BATC) is pleased to confirm the agreed upon change to the AVStar Spacecraft
contract payments plan effective as of January 10, 2005.

If questions arise ofif we may be of further service, please contact the
undersigned at (303) 930—4888.

Director ohGontracts
Commercial Space       Operations

Document Created: 2005-08-30 15:48:56
Document Modified: 2005-08-30 15:48:56

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