Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20000119-00019 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


w                 Wiley Rein & Fielding us

anexsmeem         November 24, 2004
                                                          Received                        ert W. Rein
wsmnone oc mss                                                                            202.710.7000
now annvzon                                               DE 0 2 200                      breingurt.con
m ainnioe
                  Thomas S. Tycz                          Poliey Branch
in ance                                                  rermational Bureau
ms ons sumer on   Chief, Satellite Division
surt ns           International Bureau
now mssam         Federal Communications Commission
m masam           445 Twelfth Street, SW
                  Washington, D.C. 20554
                  Re:     Request for Technical Corrections to License Conditions; SAT—A/O—
                          20000119—000002 to SAT—A/O—20000119—000018; SAT—AMD—20000119—
                          00029 to SAT—AMD—20000119—00041; SAT—LOA—20000119—00019 to
                          SAT—LOA—20000119—00028; SAT—ASG—20030728—00138/00139

                  Dear Mr. Tyez:
                          We are wrting on behalf of Intelsat LLC and Intelsat North America LLC
                  (collectively, "Intelsat") to request that the Federal Communications Commission
                  ("FCC" or "Commission") conform the conditions on Intelsat‘s space station
                  licenses to a recent amendment to Section 621(5) ofthe Open—Market
                  Reorganization for the Betterment of Intemnational Telecommunications Act
                  (‘ORBIT Act" or "Act‘)."

                          Intelsat‘s licenses are conditioned on, among on things, a Commission
                  finding that Intelsat has conducted an initial public offering (‘IPO®) in accordance
                  with Sections 621(2) and 621(5)(A)G) of the ORBIT Act. Congress, however,
                  recently amended the Act to provide that Intelsat may either conduct an TPO in
                  accordance with Sections 621(2) and 621(5)(A)() or, under Section 621(S)FYG),
                  certify that it has achieved substantial diution of former signatory ownership,
                  eliminated former signatory control, and has no intergovernmental organization
                  ownership. Therefore, Intelsat respectfully requests that the Commission revise
                  Intelsat‘s icense conditions so that the licenses are conditioned on either a
                  Commission finding thatIntelsat has conducted an IPO consistent with Sections
                  621(2)and 621(5)(A) or a Commission determination that Intelsatis in compliance
                  with ts Section 621(S)F)G) certification. Prompt approval of this request will
                  serve the publicinterest by ensuring U.S. consumers® access to an additional,
                  competitive choice for DTH, DBS, and services in the Ka— and V—bands

                  &      Oper—Market Reorganization fr theBeterment oInernational Telecommunications Act,
                  Pub.L No: 106—180, 114 Stt 48 (2000),as amended, PubL. No. 107—233 (2002), as anended.
                  Pub. L. No.108—228 2006as amended,Pub.L. No. 106—371 (2008.

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immediately upon a Commission determination that Intelsat is in compliance with
its Section 621(S))G) certification.

        Congress passed the ORBIT Act in 2000 to "promote a fully competitive
global market for satellite communications services ... by fully privatizing the
intergovernmental satellite organizations, INTELSAT and Inmarsat."". Since that
time, the Commission granted space station authorizations to Intelsat LLC® and
approved the assignment of satelite licenses from Loral Satellite,Inc. (Debtor—in
Possession) and Loral SpaceCom Corporation (Debtor—in—Possession) (collectively,
"Loral") to Intelsat North America LLC.*. At the same time, however, the
Commission conditioned Intelsat‘s licenses on fulfiling its remaining obligations
under the Act.
       Specifically, Intelsat‘s satellite authorizations are "subject to a future
Commission finding that Intelsat, Ltd., has conducted an TPO consistent with the
requirements of Sections 621(2) and 621(5)(A)G) of the ORBIT Act and any actions
the Commission may take in view of this finding under Section 601(b)(1)(B) ofthe
Act."* In addition, Intelsat North America‘s authorizations also contain a condition
*        ORBET Act, §2. To this end.Sections 621 and 622 of he Act require INTELSAT or is
suecessor entity o, among otherthings,"operatas (an] independent commercia entify}",‘have a
pro—competiive ownership strcure", forgo al former IGO *privlepes and immunites* *convett)
to a) stock corporation(]® "conductaniniial pablic offering" (TPO), and conduct technical
coordinaton . under Intrnational Telccommunication Union procedures." 1. 5§ 621, 622.
a       iee Applications of Intlsat LLC; For Authorit to Operate,and to Further Construc,
Launch, and Operare C:band and Kxband Satlites hat For a Global Comnunicaions System in
Geostarinary Orbi, Memorandam Opinion Order and Authorization,15 FCC Red 15460, 15319 4
160 (2000) (Licensing Order"), econ. denied, 15 FCC Red 25234 (2000); Applicarions ofIwelsar
LLC; For Authoriyto Operate, and to Further Constrect Lennch and Operate Cband and Kieband
Sereltesthat Form a Global Communications System in Geostationary Orbi, Memorandam
Opinion Order and Authorizaion, 16 FCC Red 12280, 12207, 12302, 9951, 71 2001)(°ORBITAcr
Conpliance Order®.
w        Loral Sutelite,In. (Debto—in—Possession) and Lorel SpaceCom Corporation (Debto—in
Passesson), Assignarsand Imelsat North America, LLC, Assignce, Applicationsfor Consen to
Assignments ofSpace Station Authorizations and Petiionfr Declaratory Ruling Under Sction
310b¥4) ofthe Communications Actof1934, Order and Authorization, 19 FCC Red 2404, 2430
(2000 ClnreatLoral Order")
&       ORBIT Act Compliance Order,16 CC Red at 12303, 1 76 (applying th conditonto
IntelstLLO);ItelsaLoral Order, 19 FCC Red at 242272 Gapplying th condition to Intlst
North America)

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November 24, 2004

that "prohibits Intelsat North America from providing additional services until
successful completion of the IPO process as required by the ORBIT Act."* In the
text ofthe IntelsarLoral Order, the Commission noted that Section 602 ofthe
ORBIT Act prohibits expansion into "additional services" prior to privatization and
expressed its view that "in order to meet the ORBIT Act‘s requirements for
privatization, Intelsat, Ltd. must complete its TPO procedures.""
        Effective October 25, 2004, Congress amended the Act to provide an
alternative to the IPO requirement. Intelsat may conduct an IPO in accordance with
Sections 621(2) and 621(3¥A)G). Or, under Section 621(5)(B),Intelsat may forgo
an IPO and public listing of securities i it otherwise achieves substantial dilution of
former signatory ownership, eliminates former signatory control, and has no
intergovernmental organization ownership. Section 621(S)(P) states:
                a successor entity may be deemed a national
                corporation and may forgo an initial public offering
                and public securities listing and stll achieve the
                purposes of this section if—
                (i) the successor entity certifies to the Commission
                       (D the successor entity has achieved substantial
                       dilution of the aggregate amount of signatory or
                       former signatory financial interest in such
                       (11) any signatories and former signatories that
                       retain a financial interest in such successor
                       entity do not possess,together or individually,
                       effective control of such successor entity; and

§       AntelsalLoral Order, 19 FOC Red at 2429, 963. Section 6B1(12X(B) of t Act deines
"addional srvices" to mean "or INTELSAT, diectto—home (DTH) o diectbroadcaststellte
(DBS) video services,or services ithe Ka or V bands."
         AnnelsatLoral Orde, 19 FCC Red R 2427—28,99 56—59. This condition apples oly to
Intesat Nort Ameria. See id, 19 RCC Red at 2420 63

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November 24, 2004

                      (111) no intergovernmental organization has any
                      ownership interest in a successor entity of
                      INTELSAT or more than a minimal ownership
                      interest in a successor entity of Inmarsat;
               (i)the successor entity provides such financial and
               other information to the Commission as the
               Commission may require to verify such certification;
               (}i) the Commission determines, after notice and
               comment, that the successor entity is in compliance
               with such certiication."
       In light of this amendment, Intelsat plans to file a certification pursuant to
Section 621(®B)G).
         NDITH          NFOR                   THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE

        The Commission should correct Intelsat‘s icense conditions to conform to
the requirements of the amended ORBIT Act. ‘The licenses granted to Intelsat
reflect the then—existing ORBIT Act requirement that Intelsat conduct an TPO and
publicly list ts securities. Today, however, the ORBIT Act no longer mandates an
TPO and public isting of securities. As noted sbove, Congress, in Section 621(S)F)
of the Act, provided a "certification" alternative to the IPO requirement. The prior
imposed license conditions, therefore, no longer accurately reflect Intelsat‘s current
statutory obligations.
        The need for corrective action created by this change in law is plain. Intelsat
intends to satisfy ts remaining ORBIT Act obligations by certifying thatit has
complied with Section 621(5)(F). Thereafter, Intelsat expects the Commission to
determine that Intelsatis in compliance with such certification upon consummation
of Intelsat‘s pending transaction with Zeus Holdings Limited. At such time, Intelsat
would have fulfilled its remaining ORBIT Act obligations. Nonetheless,Intelsat‘s
Hicenses would remain conditioned on completion of an PO, which at that point,
+      orai is§ 16.

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would be statutorily superfluous. A technical correction, therefore, is necessary to
conform Intelsat‘s outdated license conditions to current law.
        Specifically, Intelsat requests that the Commission revise Ordering
Paragraph 76 of the May 29, 2001 ORBIAct Compliance Order toinclude the
italicized lenguage:
                TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that the authorizations
                issued in the Licensing Order [short citation is
                italicized in the original] are subject to either a future
                Commission finding thatIntelsat, Ltd. has conducted
                an IPO consistent with the requirements of Sections
                621(2) and 621(5)(A)G) ofthe ORBIT Act and any
                actions the Commission may take in view of this
                finding under Section 601(b)(1)(B) ofthe Act, or a
                Commission determination, after notice and comment,
                that Intelsat, Lid. is in compliance with its
                certification under Section 621(SXFY() ofthe ORBIT

Relatedly, Intelsat requests that the Commission revise Ordering Paragraph 77 of
the May 29, 2001 ORBIT Act Compliance Order toinclude the italicized language:
                TT 1S FURTHER ORDERED that ifintelsar, Ltd.
                holds an IPO in satisfaction of Ordering Paragraph
                76 ofthis order, Imelsat LLC shall file with the
                Commission 30 days after conduct of ts IPO a
                demonstration that the IPO is consistent with Section
                621(2) and 621(S)(A)G)of the ORBIT Act.""
In addition, Intelsat requeststhat the Commission update Ordering Paragraph 72 of
the Intelsat/Loral Order to read:

4       ORBIT Act Compliance Order976. To thextet necessry, Itelsat also requests thatthe
FCC updatesimilrsttements, for example, in paragraphs 19,25—27, and 33 regrding the statwory
requirementto hold an TPO.
*        1. §77. To th extent necessary, Itelsat lso requests thatthe FCC updat imilar
statements, for example,in pragraph 27 reparding th demonstation requirement.

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                TT IS FURTHER ORDERED that,the authorizations
                granted to Intelsat North America herein are subject to
                either a future Commission finding that Intelsat, Ltd.
                has conducted an TPO consistent with the
                requirements of Sections 621(2) and 621(5)(A)G) of
                the ORBIT Act and any actions the Commission may
                take in view of thisfinding under Section
                601(b)(1)(B) of the Act, o a Commission
                determination, after notice and comment, that
                Antelsar, Ltd. is in compliance with its certification
                under Section 621(SY(F)() of the ORBIT Act."
Intelsatfurther requests that the Commission revise Sections IV.B.c and IV—B.d of
the Intelsar/Loral Order to clarify that Intelsat may provide "additional services""
upon a Commission determination, after notice and comment, that Intelsat North
America is in compliance with itscertification under Section 621(5)F)G)of the
Act. For example, the Commission should change the last sentence of paragraph 63
to read:
               Except to the extent discussed below pursuant to
                Special Temporary Authority, our grant of authority
               to Intelsat North America prohibits Intelsat North
               America from providing additional services until
                successful completion ofthe TPO process as required
                by the ORBIT Act, or wnil the Commission
                determines after notice and comment, that Intelsat,
                Lid. is in compliance with its certification under
                Section 621(SNFY(i) ofthe ORBITAct.
This change to the text of the Antelsatoral Order would clarify that Intelsat,
consistent with Ordering Paragraph 75, will "no longer be subject tothe prohibition

f       Antelsaoral Order,§72. To the extent necessary, Inrlsat also equest thatthe FCC
updatesimilr statements, for examplein pragraphs 6 and 53.55 regarding thesututory
requirement to hold an PO and th demonstation requirement

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under the ORBIT Act for providing such additional services" following the
Commission‘s determination that Intelsat has complied with ts certiication.""
        The requested corrections to conform to current law would be consistent
with Commission precedent. For example,in a Supplemental Order released March
4, 2004, the Commission granted Intelsat North America‘s Request for Technical
Correction of Ordering Paragraph 76 of the Intelsar/Loral Order in order to prevent
customer confusion regarding the timing and nature of Intelsat‘s authority to
provide "additional services".." The Commission, on its own motion, also amended
Ordering Paragraph 75 to clarify the effective date for Intelsat‘s Special Temporary
Authority to provide "additional services"."" Similarly, the Commission has
amended license conditions, on its own motion, to reflect rule changes," where an
alternative approach would better achieve its original objective,"" or where the
amendment would serve the public interest by providing licensees with greater
        Granting this request will erve the public interest by remedying the current
disparity between Intelsat‘s obligations under the ORBTT Act and itslicense
conditions, which the Commission always intended to mirror Intelsat‘s statutory
obligations. Such action also would eliminate any uncertainty regarding Intelsat‘s
authority to provide a full range of services in the United States following its
compliance with amended Section 621(5) of the ORBIT Act. Moreover, prompt
action by the Commission to conform these conditions to the Act will provide U.S.
consumers access to additional, competitive choice for DTH, DBS, and services in
*       1. §75. To the extent necessary,Intelsa also requests thatthe FCC updatesimilar
strements, fo example in pragraphs 58,59, 64 and 66 regardingthestatuory requrementto old
an P0
i       Loral Satlite, Inc. (Debtor—in—Possession) and LoralSpaceCom Corporetion (Debtor—in—
Possession) Assignors and Intesat North Americe, LLC, Asignce, Applicationfor Consent to
Asvintent ofSpace Staion Authorizations and Petiionfor Declaratory Ruting Under Section
410(b¥4) ofthe Communications Act of1934, Supplemental Order, 19 FCC Red 4029, 4031,9 10
(2000 (Supplemental Order®,
i       u.
*       See,eBlack Hils Video Corp; For Renewal of the Licensefr Station KARE2,
Memorandm Opinion and Order, 1 RC.C.24 1030, 1037.389 12 (1965)
        See,ex.Applications ofGeneral Telephone and Elecrcs Corporation to Acquire Contol
ofTelenet Cory and ts Wholl—Owned Subsidiary Telenet Communications Cory., Memorandurn
pinionand Order, 72 C.C.2d 516,518 16 (1979)
C       See, . Par 68 Waiver RequesofAlameda Eng‘s, Order on Reconsidertion, 15 FCC
red 1ess, 16613 (1999).

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the Ka: and V—bands immediately upon the effective date of a Commission
determination that Intelsatis in compliance with its Section 621(S)()G)
certifiation. Grant ofthis request, therefore, would serve the public interest.

        Intelsatrespectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously revise
Intelsat‘s icense conditions as proposed herein to conform the conditions to the
ORBIT Act, as amended.


Busg oR
Bert W. Rein
Amy E. Bender
Counsel for Intelsat LLC and Intelsat North America LC

cc:—   Donald Abelson, FCC
       Roderick Porter, FCC
       JoAnn Lucanik, FCC
       Nancy Eskenazi, SES AMERICOM, Inc.
       Phillip L. Spector, Counsel for SES AMERICOM, Inc.
       Patrick S. Campbell, Counsel for SES AMERICOM, Inc.
       Brett M. Kitt, Paul, Counsel for SES AMERICOM, Inc.
       David K. Moskowitz, EchoStar Satelite Corporation
       David R. Goodiriend, EchoStar Satellite Corporation
       Pantelis Michalopoulos, Counsel for EchoStar Satellte Corporation
       Chung Hsiang Mah, Counsel for EchoStar Satellite Corporation
       Kenneth J. Wees, StarBand Communications, Inc.
       Earl W. Comstock, Counsel to StarBand Communications,Inc.
       John W. Butler, Counsel to StarBand Communications, Inc.
       Laurence D. Atlas, Loral Space and Communications Ltd.
       Philip L. Verveer, Counsel for Loral Space and Communications Ltd.

Document Created: 2004-12-02 16:04:23
Document Modified: 2004-12-02 16:04:23

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