Attachment Intelsat - Progress

Intelsat - Progress

REPORT submitted by Intelsat



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20000119-00019 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            Before the                           QE@E éVE S
                           Federal Communications Commission
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554                         APR — 1 2093
                                                                            Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                     Office of Secratary

  In the Matter of Applications of:                  APR 0 7 2003
                                                      Policy Branch
  INTELSAT LLC                                     International Bureau
  For Authority to Operate, and to Further                 File Nos. SAT—A/O—20000119—00008/18;
  Construct, Launch, and Operate C—band                    SAT—AMD—20000119—00029/41;
  and Ku—band Satellites that Form a                       SAT—LOA—20000119—00019/28
  Global Communications System in
  Geostationary Orbit

                                    PROGRESS REPORT

         In an order adopted on September 28, 2001 and released on October 5, 2001, the

Federal Communications Commission (the "FCC" or the "Commission") granted a

request by Intelsat LLC to extend until December 31, 2002 the October 1, 2001 deadline

set forth in the Open—Market Reorganization for the Betterment of International

Telecommunications Act (the "ORBIT Act") for Intelsat, Ltd. to conduct an initial public

offering of its equity securities (an "IPO").‘ In its Extension Order, the Commission

required Intelsat to "file reports on a six—month basis demonstrating due diligence in

pursuing an IPO under the requirements of the [ORBIT] Act.‘"" The Commission further

ordered that Intelsat should file these IPO progress reports "on April 1, 2002 and October

1, 2002."" Intelsat filed such reports on each of the required dates.

‘ Intelsat LLC Requestfor Extension of Time Under Section 621(5) ofthe ORBIT Act, 16
ECC Red 18185 (2001) (Memorandum Opinion and Order) ("Extension Order"). All
Intelsat entities shall be referred to herein collectively as "Intelsat."
  Id., 16 FCC Red at 18190.
" Id. at 18191.

WRFMAIN 12057846.1

         As Intelsat noted in its second report, in the latter portion of the third quarter of

 2002, Congress passed a bill to amend the Communications Satellite Act of 1962 to

 extend the deadlines by which Intelsat must conduct its o. Specifically, Intelsat now

 must conduct its IPO by December 31, 2003, unless the Commission extends the deadline

 until June 30, 2004 in consideration of market conditions and relevant business factors.

Although not specifically required to do so, Intelsat files this report to continue to keep

the Commission apprised ofits progress toward conducting an IPO.

         Intelsat continues to make progress toward conducting an IPO by the December

31, 2003 deadline. In January 2003, Intelsat completed its exchange offer for debt issued

by the company. Intelsat is thus now subject to the information reporting requirements of

the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (the "Exchange Act)."

        Intelsat believes that being subject to the information reporting requirements of

the Exchange Act should facilitate Intelsat‘s return to the market when conditions

improve. Intelsat is required as a foreign private issuer to file with the U.S. Securities

and Exchange Commission (the "SEC") an annual report on Forr;q 20—F within six

months after the end of each fiscal }?ear. Intelsat has recently filed its first such report.©

The updating of Intelsat‘s disclosure for filing with the SEC should facilitate the

preparation and filing of Intelsat‘s IPO registration staterfient.

         Unfortunately, market conditions generally, and in the fixed satellite servicés (the

"FSS") sector specifically, have remained depressed. Over the past year, for example,

the share prices of FSS operators that compete with Intelsat have fallen drastically. From

the end of February 2002 through the end of February 2003, SES Global, PanAmSat, and

* Pub. L. No. 107—233, 116 Stat. 1480 (2002).
* 15 U.S.C. § 78a; 48 Stat. 881.
° Filed on Mar. 28, 2003 and available on the EDGAR database at

WRFMAIN 12057846.1

 company, Telkom SA Ltd. of South Africa, has investors who have "seen the value of

their shares hardly budge from where they stood on the first day of trading." ‘° All but

 one of the IPOs through mid—March closed below their IPO prices on the first day.16 As a

result of these developments, Intelsat‘s financial advisors have continued to recommend

that it delay moving forward with an IPO until market conditions are more favorable.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Intelsat LLC

                                                    Bert W. Rein
                                                    Patricia J. Paoletta
                                                    Jennifer D. Hindin           '
                                                    Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
                                                    1776 K Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20006—2304
                                                    Its Attorneys

April 1, 2003

5 14.
6 T4.

WRFMAIN 12057846.1


       E1X A MCLIX G

     by Francis McMortis                                Perhaps the one bright spot Ffi.;m
                                                                                        *:200                                                           * g }; ';:’}‘ fif‘      The problem with the IPO }
                                                      was anon—traditional TFO from GV:0s!:                                                             fixem|~"".. . market, Holmes said, is this ||
            here have been precious few detu—         New Jersey banking company Z                *            .                               _ s _ PP |        EGHH        same for the broader mar—
            tantes at the initial public market       Provident Financial Services      1/15 Pnlld:m fiun:m Serfises im.               $§1000   $152 ysM        | PBg@tsras   kets—Iraq. "We leftDecember
                                                      Inc. Certainly, that company is    2/12 .lafinity Property and Carsaity Corp.    1500.    16135   1645   128           with Iraq and came into Jan—
            ball this year. Greenwich, Conn.—

                                                      giving investors their money‘s     2/14 Acesadited Marae Leaders Holding Co. AM            aA®M    7.3   {i625         uary with Iraq. Everyone was
     based research fimm Renaissance Capital
     utters the obvious: ‘"‘The year 2003 is start—   worth. On the company‘s lirst      2728 Eadwrance Speciaity Holdings Ltd,        2200     2201 2298 02t    hoping that we would have a ©
     ing off as one ol tire worst years in IPO his—   day of trading Jan. 16, Provi—      /A 19¥ SA M4 (Shrea m apas)                  1290     1410 1184 ::meuz resolution within the lirst few |
     tory." And a war may still be coming             dent‘s shares shot up by 53%.                                                                                          weeks." Three months later,
        A mere quartet of companies in the            As ofWednesday, the stock price was still       $77.2 million offering f{rom Accredited                  war with Iraq appears imminent, but the ||
     United States and one from South Africa          hovering near that figure. The buyetrs were .   Home Lenders Holding Co. and the                         liming is still uncertain. "The IPO market |
     have ventured forth as new issues com—           Provident‘s employees and current depos—        $220.8 million deal from Hamilton,                       is absolutely held bostage to this [threat
     pared with 18 for the first three months of      itors in this $518 million deal.                Berrouda—based insurer Endurance Spe—                    of) war."
     a hardly inspiring 2002. These IPOs arerr‘t         Infinity Property and Casualty                clalty Hoddings Ltd. Both companies saw                   All this makes 2002‘s dismal IPO mar— |
     giving the kind of first—day returns their       Corp. was up 2.81% Wednesday over its            their share prices down fractionally                    ket—hammered by the accounting scan— |
     counterparts o[ the high—filying tech boom  offer price from the first day of trading in          Wednesday.                                              dal at Enron Carp. and the bankruptcies |
     did three years ago. Of course, many of * February for its $198 million IPOQ                          On average, four of the deals, exclud—              of several companies including Kmart )
     those tech IPOs crashed and burned and         From overseas, South Africa‘s state—               ing Provident, were priced belowtheir ini—              Corp.—look remarkably robust.
     are now having salt rubbed in their owned Tellkom SA Ltd. raised less than                        tial price ranges, Renaissance Capital                        Last year, investors sank money into ||
     wounds through shareholder litigation       the government originally had hoped. In—              noted. Although those IPOs "were offered                 the $3.9 billion spinoff by Citigroup Inc.‘s |
        But are these newest IPOs still pretty vestors in this $486.6 million IPO have                 at a 20% discount on average, investors                  insurance unit, Travelers Property Ca—
     good investments?                           seen the value of their shares hardly budge           bailed out shortdy after iakeoft," the re—               sualty Corp. That deal eclipses any of the
        "Right now, the market‘s response to From where they stood on the first day of                 search Etm said. "As a result, three of the              IPOs complered so far this year. ‘‘The first ||
     the class o{ 2003 has been disappointing," —trading.                                              {our deals closed below their IPO prices                 quarter of 2002 was where everyone made
     said Ben Holmes of,            The performance of other IPOs can                 on the first day, and only one IPO, En—                  their money," Holmes said.
     a Boulder, Colo.—based research fitm. "It‘s only give investors hope that there are               durance Specialty Holdings, mamgtd to                       In retrospect, "it was pretty damn good _
      basicallyfat."                                   profits over the long haul. Consider the        close Nat."                                              compared to right now." ®


Dow Jones Interactive® Publications Library                                                     Page 1 of 3

                                                                      ‘Q-fn.fl}‘"a *, BAAAE ..

                     THE WALL STREET JOURNAL.
                     Article 1 of6

                     Deals & Deal Makers:
                     The Pipeline / Securities Offering Calendar

                    . 02/10/2003
                     The Wall Street Journal
                     Page C4
                     (Copyright (c) 2003, Dow Jones & Company, Inc.)

                         iPOs scheduled for this week, in rough1g the order expected. after a
                    barren Januarx. in which no injtial     public   offerings were issued in
                    the U.5. —— the first time that happened since    1974 —— this week may
                    see the first new stocks of the year, markets permtrting.      ,     ©
                     1ISSuer (symbol)/Headquarters =— gancshares of Florida/(BOFL) Naples,
                    Fia.       .
                      Business —— Commercial bank
                         Price Range —— $10       .
                         Shares Expected (in m{llions) —— 0.9
                         Lead Manager —— advest

                     . Issuer (symbol)/Headquarters ——.accredited Home Lenders/(LEND) San
                    Diego., Calif.    .                    ,
                    ‘~ gusiness —— Nationwide mortgage—banking
                         Price Range —— $9—511.   _
                         Shares Expected (in millions) —— 9.65
                         Lead Manager —— Friedman, Billings, Ramsey
                         Issuer (symbol)/headquarters —— Infinity Property & Casualty/(IPCC)
                    Birmingham, ala           '                                  .    >
                      Business —— Provides personal automoblile {nsurance
                      Price Range —— §18—820
                      Shares Expected (in mi]lioqsg ~— 12.378
                      Lead Manager —— CSFB, Merrill    Lynch
                      Issuer (szmbo1)/neadquarters —— Industrias Innopack Sa de
                    CV/*(Innopak) Mex1co                  _
                      Business —— Manufactures drink containers
                      Price Range —~ $20—§22
                      read manager —— Deutsche Bank AG, Merrill tynch
                      source: Dealogic
                      wote: as of noon Friday
                      *"This is a so—called Rule 144a offering, which is available only to
                    certain qualified investors. No shares wil1l trade in the u.5.       .


                                 This week‘s IPO Lockup Expirations
                    . _here are companies whose officers and other insiders will become
                   eligible to sell shares in their newly public companies for the first
                   time. such sales are watched because the sellung can {mpact the
                   stock‘s price.
                     Feb. 12: windRose Med{cal Properties Trust (wRS)
                     source: dealogic
                                   other Stock and Bond Offerings
                     here are other u.5. Treasury, corporate and mumicipal offerings that
                                                                           enc Rumills

Document Created: 2017-02-01 16:46:23
Document Modified: 2017-02-01 16:46:23

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