Attachment LETTER


LETTER submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990427-00049 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            January 26, 2005

Ms. Jennifer Warren
Senior Director, Trade & Regulatory Affairs
Lockheed Martin Corporation
1725 Jefferson Davis Highway
Arlington, VA 22202—412

            Re: Lockheed Martin Corp., Application for Authority to Launch and Operate
            Geostationary Orbit Satelltes in the Radionavigation Satellite Service at the 133°
            W.L(File Nos. SAT—LOA—19990427—00047, SAT—AMD—20030730—00151, SAT—
            AMD—20040130—00009, SAT—AMD—20040203—0001 1, SAT—AMD—20040706—
            00129, Call Sign: $2372), 107.3° W.L. (File Nos. SAT—LOA—19990427—00046,
            SAT—AMD—20030730—00150, SAT—AMD—20040130—00008, SAT—AMD—20040205—
            00012, SAT—AMD—20040524—00106, Call Sign: $2371), 79° W.L. (File Nos. SAT—
            LOA—19990427—00045, SAT—AMD—20030730—00149, SAT—AMD—20040721—
            00142, Call Sign: $2370), 71° E.L. (File Nos. SAT—LOA—19990427—00049, SAT—
            AMD—20030730—00152, SAT—AMD—20040721—00143, Call Sign: $2374), and
            131.8° E.L. orbital locations (File Nos. SAT—LOA—19990427—00050, SAT—AMD—
            20030730—00153, SAT—AMD—20040721—00144, Call Sign: $2375).

Dear Ms. Warzen:

         Lockheed Martin Corporation (*Lockheed") has filed the above—captioned applications
to launch and operate satellites at the 133° W.L., 107.3° W.L., 79° W.L., 71° EL. and 131.8°
EL orbital locations, as part ofts Regional Positioning System (RPS®),a rdio—navigation
satellite service (RNSS®) network.
        In its applications and subsequent amendments, Lockheed requested authority to utilize
frequencies in the L—band and C—band spectrum for its proposed radio—navigation satellite
service. In a Public Notice the Satellte Division released in June 2004‘, we provided
clarification of Section 25.140(b)2) ofour rules, concerning the Space Station Application
Interference Analysis requirement. In the Public Notice, we provided guidance on the
T       See Public Note, Interational Bureau Satelfte Division Iformation: Clarifcation of 47 C.F. §
25.1400(), Space Sution Applieation Interference Analysi, No. SPB—195, 18 FCC Red 25099 (2003) as
clariied by Interational Boreau Satlfte Division Information: Clrifeation of47 C.F.R. 25,140(b)2) Space
Sttion Interfrence Anabysis, Pubiic Norice, SPB—207, DA 04—1708 (rel.June 16,2004) (Jane 0° Public

    submission ofthe two—degree interference analysis.. We also expressly stated thatthe rule
    would be applied to "falny geostationary satellite orbit space station applications for operation
    in any FSS frequency band."". Since Lockheed requests FSS spectrum for its feeder uplinks and
    TT&C functions, we find that these requests render this rule applicable to Lockheed‘s RPS
    applications." However, Lockheed did not include such an interference analysis in its
    applications and subsequent amendments.. We make note that we stated in the Public Notice
    that "Applications fled prior to this Public Notice that do not meet these requirements may be
    subject to a Commission leter requesting that the applicant provide supplemental information
    on the interference analysis." Therefore, since this Public Notice was released subsequent to
    Lockheed‘s filings, we request that Lockheed amendits existing applications and provide a
    two—degree spacing interference analysis for each of its five proposed orbital locations by
    February 10, 2005. If Lockheed fails to file the requested information by February 10, 2005,
    Lockheed‘s applications, may be dismissed pursuant to sections 25.1 12(c) and 25.152(b) ofthe
    Commission‘s rules.

Additionally, we remind Lockheed of the Commission‘s recent decision to amend the Part 25
satellte rules to adopt new rules concerming mitigation of orbital debris.* These rules require
applicants for space stations to submit a description of design and operational strategies it will
use to mitigate orbital debris, including a statement assessing the risk of collusion with co—
located satellites, and detailing post—mission disposal plans.. We note that since these rules will
become effective in the near future, Lockheed may wish to consider providing this information
in connection with its amendments.

*          See June 16" Public Notice t 2.
*         Specifcally, Lockheedrequests FSS spectrur for the feeder uplinks and TTRC functions for ts
proposed satelitatthe79° W.L., 131.4° L. and 79° E... orbal loctions. See Lockheed Marin 1999 RNSS
appleationsatpp.33—34,asamended. Lockheed requests FSS spectrum fr only the feeder uplinksfois
proposed steltat107.3° W.L. and 133° W.L. See also Lookheed Martin RPS—133 February 2004 amendmentat
"Table 1.1—1, Requested Frequency Bands forthe 133° WL. OrbialLocation, subsequently amended by July 2004
appliation. See also Lockheed Martin RPS—107:3 February 2004 amendmentat Table1.1—1, Requested
Frequency Bandsforthe 107.3° W.L. Orbtl Location.
£          Mirigaton ofOrbial Debris Second Report and Order,1B Docke Number(2—54, RCC O+—130 (elJune 21,

For further information or clarification regarding this letter please contact Jabin Vahora of my
staff at 202—418—1229. Also, please provide a courtesy copy to Jabin Vahora of all responses to
this letter.

                                                   Yhores           T4
                                                    yThomas S. Tyczs<
                                                     Chief, Satellite Division

         ce:   Stephen D. Baruch
               Attomey for Lockheed Martin Corp.
               Leventhal, Senter & Lerman, PLLC
               2000 K Street, N.W. Suite 600
               Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

Document Created: 2005-01-26 12:06:29
Document Modified: 2005-01-26 12:06:29

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