Attachment ERRATUM





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990427-00047 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Federal Communications Commission

                                               Before the
                               Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

In the matter of                                     )
                                                     )       File No..   SAT—LOA—19990427—00047
Lockheed Martin Corporation                          )       FileNo.     SAT—AMD—20030730.00151
                                                     y       FileNo.     SAT—AMD—20010130—00009
Application To Launch and Operate a                  )       FileNo.     SAT—AMD20040203.0011
Geostitionary Orbit Space Station in the                     File No..   SAT—AMD—20040706—00120
Radionavigation Satelite Service at133 W.L           )       File No..   SAT—AMD—20050210—00035
                                                     ;       Call Sign: 52372


                                                                  Released: June 28, 2005

        1. On June 23, 2005,the Commission released an Order andAuthorizarion (DA—05—1747) in the
above captioned proceeding. This Eratum corrects paragraph 29 to read as follows:
               Therefore, as part o ts consultation requirements under ITU—R Resolution 609, we wl
       require Lockheed to continue to participate in these consulttion meetings and coordinate with
       other RNSS operators
       2. This Ervatum also correts th thrd sentence in paragraph 49 to read as follows:
           «0 IT 18 FURTHER ORDERED that the LM—RPSI space station must be constructed,
                 Isunched, and placed into operation in accordance with the technical parameters set
                 forth in its application and amendments and terms and conditions of this authorization
                 by these specified time periods following the date oauthorization:
                           Execute a binding contract for construction by 62372006;
                 s en se

                           Complete the Criical Design Review by 623/2007;
                           Commence construction by @2302008;
                           Launch and begin operations by 623/2010;
                           Lockheed Martin Corporation must post a $3 million bond with the
                           Commission, pursuant to the procedures set forth in Public Notie, DA 03—
                           2603, 18 FCC Red 16283 (2003), by 725/05.. Failure to meet any of these
                           dates shall render this authorization null and void without any further action
                           by the Commission. See 47 CFR. §§ 25.161 and 25.164

                                                FEDERAL COM:M'LW[CAT!ONS COMMISSION

                                                CartandaaC— Hpmas
                                                ‘Thomss 8. Tyer              w
                                                Chief, Satelite Division     .‘
                                                International Burcau

Document Created: 2005-06-28 10:50:52
Document Modified: 2005-06-28 10:50:52

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