Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Lockheed Martin



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990427-00045 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                           LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLC

                                         October 29, 2004

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BY HAND DELIVERY:                                                    Poley Branch
Mr. Thomas S. Tyez
Chief, Satellte Division
Interational Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
445 12® Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20045
               Re:     Lockheed Martin Corporation, Application for Authority to
                       Launch and Operate Geostationary Satellites in the
                       Radionavigation—Satellte Service at the 79° W.L., 71° E.L.and 131.8°
                       E.L. Orbital Locations (File Nos. SAT—LOA—19990427—00045, —00049,
                       and 00050; SAT—AMD—20030730—00149, —00152, and ~00153; SAT«
                       AMD—20040721—00144, 00145         —00146

Dear Mr. Tyer:
       This lete is submitted on behalf of Lockheed Martin Corporation ("Lockheed Martin®),
the applicant in the above—reference proceedings for authority to establish satelltes that would
operate in the Radionavigation—Satellite Service ("RNSS®) from the 79° W.L., 71°E.L. and 1318
EL orbital locations. In this leter, LockheedMartin, by itattomeys, responds to the Satelite
Division‘s October 8, 2004 letter equesting additional information on Lockheed Martin‘s plans
for tperformance oftracking,telemetry and command (‘TT&C") functions for the three
spacecraft. See Letter dated October 8, 2004, from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satelite Division, to
Jennifer Warren, Senior Director, Trade and Regulatory Affairs, Lockheed Martin Corp., at 1—2
("October 8 Letter®)
       The Satellite Division‘s October 8 Lerter asks Lockheed Martin to provide:

        1. Information regarding faciliies by which Lockheed Martin will execute control
operations for ts proposed Asia/Pacific region satellis (ie., the satelites at 71° EL. and 131.8°
EL),including,for exampl, "information regarding the locations of the primary and back—up
TT&C stations [at] which TT&C functions will be carried out for ts proposed satellites, including
whether these TT&C stations will be located on United States tertory in the Asia@Pacific region."
October 8 Letter at1.

Mr. Thomas S. Tyez
October 29, 2004
       2. A description ofthe procedure Lockheed Martin would execute at Asia/Pacific region
TT&C stations located outside U.S. territory "in the event that Lockheed [Martin] was required to
shut down its RNSS satelites at the 71° EL. and 131.8°.L. orbital locations(.)"including an
explanation of whether "Lockheed Martin will rtain the abilty, through actions initated using its
United States facilites, and without any third—party intervention, to cease operations ofits
proposed satellites." 14. at 2.
        3. Information regarding the locations of the primary and back—up TT&C stations located
in the United States for its proposed satellite at 79" W.L."" 1d.
        In its above—referenced applications, Lockheed Martin proposes toestablish dedicated
satelltes atthe three orbital locations that are the subject of the October 8 Letter. In the case of
the U.S.—visible satelite at 79° W.L., the expectation stated in the original application — .e.,that
there will be a primary and a back—up TT&C station located in the U.S. o control and monitor the
satelite — is current. In other words, it is likely — but not assured — that Lockheed Martin would
co—locate both the primary and backeup TT&C facilites for this satellte with the ground uplink
stations through which it will communicate with the two RNSS satellites (at 107.3° W.L. and 133°
W.Lthat are in the ltter stages of construction now and slated for launch in 2005. See Lockheed
Martin Corporation Applications, File Nos. SAT—AMD—20040203—00011 and SAT—AMD—
20040205—00012, er seq. Forthe AsiafPacific region spacecraft, the expectation stated in the
original application —«., that there will be a primary and a back—up TT&C station located in the
AsiafPacific region to control and monitor the satelite — also remains current.

        Lockheed Martin urges the Commission to recognize that because the applications for the
three subject spacecraft remain at the "pending" stage with implementation plans that have yet to
be finalized, Lockheed Martin is not yet able to provide more specific information regarding the
locations of the primary and back—up TT&C stations that will be used to ransmit and receive
TT&C signals from the three satellites in question. In each case, the answer to this question will
necessarily depend on such factors as the identty of the anchor tenant/customer for the respective
satelltes and the service objectives and performance requirements those customers and other
significant users of the future spacecraft convey to Lockheed Martin. Lockheed Martin does not
presently have any authorizations, applications for authorizations, or agreements for ground
station facilties —either in the U.3. (including U.S. Possessions) or elsewhere — in connection
with the contemplated TT&C functions for the three subject spacecraft. Lockheed Martin also
continues to explore, with respect to each ofthe three proposed satellite networks, the possibility
that ts proposed RNSS payload could be hosted on a satellte that is being developed for operation
in another satellite service by a putative U.S.—licensed or non—U..—licensed operator. _In short,the
three pending applications for Lockheed Martin RNSS satellites at 71° EL., 131.8° EL., and 79°
W.Lare thus ata very different stage of implementation than are the two "fast—tracked
applications for RNSS satelltes at 107.3° WL. and 133° W.L. that are under construction with
anticipated launch in 2005.

Mr. Thomas S. Tyer
October 29, 2004
       Through engagement with staff, Lockheed Martin fully understands that U.S—Llcensed
operators of satelltes that either do not serve the United States (due to orbital location/coverage
considerations) orthat are comprised of a service—specific payload thatis hosted on a spacecraft
that is established and physically controlled by another administration must possess the ability,
through actions initited using U.S. faciities and without any third—party intervention, to cease
operation of the satellite or payload. To the extent that Lockheed Martin ultimately may sek to
locate the respective primary and/or back—up TT&C stations for any of the three RNSS satellites
that are the subject of the October 8 Letter outside of the United States or its Possessions,
Lockheed Martin emphasizes thatit will always possess the direct and unilateral ability t tim off
the satelltes‘ TT&C and RNSS payloads from a location in the United States, and that it will
establish a mechanism by which it can exercise this irect and unilateral ability. Purthermore, if
Lockheed Martin seeks in the future to pursue a hosted payload scenario similar to the approach it
is pursuing for its RNSS network at the 107.3° W.L. orbital location for one or more of these
RNSS networks,it will establish a mechanism substantially similar to the one it recently
established for tat situation. Lockheed Martin will apprise the Commission ofrelevant
developments in its plans for TT&C facilies for the RNSS satelites at 71° E.L. 131.8° EL., and
79° W.L. as they occur.
        Lockheed Martin truststhatits above—expressed intentions regarding the prospect of the
use of extra—U.3. TT&C facilities for control of RNSS satellites in the AsiaPacific region are
sufficient at this early stage of the satelite implementation process. Should the Satellite Division
have any further questions or require any additional information on this matter, please do not
hesitate to contact the undersigned.

                                       Artorneifor Lockheed Martin Corporation
Ms. Jennifer Warren
Senior Director
Trade & Regulatory Affairs
Lockheed Martin Corporation
1550 Crystal Drive, Suite 400
Artington, VA 22202
ces    Ms. Andrea Kelly
       Ms. Jabin Vahora
       Mr. Karl Kensinger

Document Created: 2004-11-18 14:30:15
Document Modified: 2004-11-18 14:30:15

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