Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Virtual Geosatellite LLC



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990108-00007 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                       &                                           ORIGINAL
                                LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLLC

                                                December 1, 2003

RauL R. RoprRriGuez                                                                                          E—MAIL
  (202) 416—6760                                                                                    RRODRIGUEZ@LSL—LAW.COM

                                                                 RECEIVED — FCC

    Mr. Thomas S. Tycz                                                    DEC — 1 2003
    Chief, Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
    International Bureau                                        Federal Communication Commission
                                                                           Bureau / Office
    Federal Communications Commission
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
    Washington, D.C. 20554

                             Re: Application of Virtual Geosatellite LLC
                                  File No. SAT—LOA—19990108—00007

    Dear Tom:

                    I am writing to you on behalf of Virtual Geosatellite LLC ("Virtual Geo"), the
    applicant for the pending VIRGO NGSO KU—band satellite system referenced above. Pursuant
    to the discussion Amb. Gerald Helman and I had with you and your staff regarding VIRGO‘s
    pending ITU network filings, we have decided on the following course of action.

                      First, the United States will re—file Advance Publication information with the ITU
    for the VIRGO NGSO Ku—band system because it will not be "brought into use" within the
    seven—year period required under the current ITU regulations. Even if the VIRGO application
    were granted in this calendar year, it is impossible for the first satellite to be launched and the
    system brought into use within the time line of the ITU network designated as USAKU—H2.
    Virtual Geo therefore will prepare a set of ITU filings to perfect a new Advance Publication for
    the VIRGO system and will forward these to your office for transmittal to the ITU. Virtual Geo
    acknowledges thatit is responsible for the payment of cost recovery fees associated with the ITU
    filings made by the United States on its behalf. Virtual Geo also acknowledges that the new
    filing will place the VIRGO system behind other NGSO Ku—band networks that may have been
    advanced published since USAKU—H2 network was advanced published in 1999. Virtual Geo is
    prepared to coordinate from the basis of its new filing and is confident that VIRGO‘s orbital
    architecture will allow successful coordination.

                      Second, Virtual Geo will not remit to the ITU CHF159,477.40 as invoiced on
    June 6, 2003 for the USAKU—H2 network. This amount is based on an accounting standard now
    discredited by the Council as not reflecting an accurate measure of the cost of processing satellite

                                2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                              TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202,293.7783    WWWLSL—LAW.COM

Mr. Thomas S.Tycz
December 1, 2003
Page —2—

Geo understands that non—payment of the amount currently assessed by the ITU mayresult in the
ITU‘s removing the present USAKU—H2 network from its list of advanced published networks.

          Third, these actions will not affect the status or the processing of the pending
VIRGO NGSO Ku—band application.

               Please inform me of any concerns you may have with the course of action set out


                                       ounsel to Virtual Geosatellite LLC

ce by email:     Ms.   Jennifer Gilsenan IB/FCC
                 Mr.   John Martin IB/FCC
                 Mr.   Robert Nelson IB/FCC
                 Mr.   Frank Williams CIP/U.S. Department of State

Document Created: 2019-04-16 02:39:52
Document Modified: 2019-04-16 02:39:52

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