Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by Virtual



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990108-00007 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  P                                           DUPLICATE
                         LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN PLLC

                                           January 18, 2007
                                                                                           JAN 1 8 2007
VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                                   Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                          Office of the Secretary
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                     SrtIi¥— MG9D0U0— TCoo1
Secretary                                                Snt. AMD— acma091p— 00(73
Federal Communications Commission                       SA . Aub, andfiese— tose1
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                               SPT AMD— accs |lig — DoA
Washington, D.C. 20054

                               Re: Virtual Geosatellite, LLC, Call Sign $2366

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       Virtual Geosatellite, LLC ("Virtual Geo"), by its attomeys, hereby requests a two—week
extension (from January 20, 2007 to February 3, 2007) of the deadline established in Paragraph
93 of the Order and Authorization in Virtual Geosatellite, LLC, DA 06—2560, slip op. at 27 (Int‘l.
Bur., released, December 21, 2006) ("Virtual Geo Order") for Virtual Geo to submit the $5
million system implementation bond required under Section 25.165 of the Commission‘s Rules,
47 C.E.R. § 25.165. Virtual Geo offers the following points in support of this request.

        As an initial matter, Virtual Geo emphasizes that it does not make this request lightly.
Although Virtual Geo‘s application was filed more than three years before the rulemaking
proceeding that led to the 2003 imposition of the bond requirement was even initiated, it
understands that the bond requirement is an important early indicator of the seriousness of a
nascent licensee‘s system concept and commitment to proceed with its implementation plans.
The fact of the matter is that while Virtual Geo is elated finally to have been issued a license that
validates its novel design and approach to the highly—efficient use of the orbital/spectrum
resources, the timing of the release of the Virtual Geo Order — coming on the penultimate day
before the start of the Christmas/New Years holiday period — could not have been more
inopportune. Virtual Geo understands that this timing was inadvertent. Nevertheless, the request
here is for a 14—day extension that compensates Virtual Geo for time that was effectively
unusable with respect to securing arrangements for posting of the performance bond.

        For all intents and purposes, Virtual Geo was not able to get the attention of investors,
lenders, or potential partners regarding the issuance of the system license (and the details and
conditions thereof) or the bond obligation until the week of January 8, 2007. —It took the balance
of December 21 (the day of issuance) and into December 22 (the last business day before
Christmas) for Virtual Geo and its representatives to digest and summarize what the Commission
had decided in its 27—page licensing decision. By the time Virtual Geo principals were able to
intelligently reach out to the financial and satellite manufacturing communities, it is not
inaccurate to say that most decision makers had ceased work for the year. Certainly, the

                          2000 K STREET, NW, SUITE 600, WASHINGTON, DC 20006—1809
                        TELEPHONE 202.429—8970   FAX 202,293.7783   WWW.LSL—LAW.COM

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 18, 2007
Page —2—

aerospace and satellite industry companies had shut down, as they typically do, for the period
from Christmas through New Year‘s Day. The truncated work week from January 2 through
January 5, 2007 was only marginally more conducive to Virtual Geo‘s efforts. By the time the
key people had ramped up for the year, it was January 8 — fully 18 days into the 30—day period
Virtual Geo was afforded to post its $5 million performance bond, and only 12 days from the
deadline itself.

       In the 10 days that have elapsed since January 8, Virtual Geo has made substantial
progress in securing arrangements to post the bond. It has been buoyed by the excitement the
license is generating, and is making very substantial progress with several potential investors
who are currently conducting due diligence on the opportunity and evaluating arrangements with
Virtual Geo that would enable the license‘s bond requirement to be met. As a start—up company,
success at this level involves an additional step that new licensees with established businesses do
not have. Start—up companies and established entities both have to go through the logistically
time—consuming process of negotiating, funding, and securing a performance bond. This process
alone can take up to a week even for a Fortune 500 company. Start—up companies, which cannot
self—fund the letter of credit or other financial instrument that underlies the bond, face the
additional step of making arrangements with investors or lenders that will put up the secured
capital that funds the bond. This takes time above and beyond the logistical exercise of issuing a
bond. Together, these two steps require more of the 30—day period than the 12 days that Virtual
Geo had available to it by virtue of the unfortunate timing of the license grant.

       Virtual Geo is hopeful that with an extension of just over two weeks —i.e., with a new
filing deadline of February 5, 2007 (February 3, the 14" day after January 20, is a Saturday) — it
will be able to complete the investment discussions that are so promising today, and have an
appropriate performance bond issued for posting with the Commission. Given the intervention
of the holidays and the impact the "down time" had on Virtual Geo‘s efforts, the two—week
extension Virtual Geo seeks does not flout or otherwise contravene the Commission‘s
requirements. A license that is issued at any other time of the year would not be subject to the
same considerations, so this is not a situation that is likely often to be repeated. Virtual Geo is
entitled to a "normal" 30 day period. To be sure, the public interest would not be served if the
Commission were to strictly enforce an inopportunely—timed 30—day deadline in a manner that
inadvertently penalizes a new licensee that filed its application more than 8 years ago.

        Virtual Geo emphasizes that if the negotiations it is now pursuing with vigor do not
timely mature into meaningful arrangements, Virtual Geo will voluntarily return its authorization
to the Commission by February 5, 2007. Virtual Geo also emphasizes that its requested
extension of the bond condition deadline does not require or contemplate any adjustment to the
license milestones in Paragraph 93 of the Virtual Geo Order — the first of which comes due on
December 21 of this year.

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 18, 2007
Page —3—

       Virtual Geo encourages the Commission to give favorable consideration to this modest
request for extension, which is supported by the attached Declaration of David Castiel, Virtual
Geo‘s President and Manager. Virtual Geo thus respectfully urges the Commission to extend the
performance bond posting deadline it established in the Virtual Geo Order —to February 5, 2007.

       Please direct any questions regarding this request to the undersigned.

                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                  (        R{Rodriguez
                                      Stephen D. Baruch
                                      Attorneys for Virtual Geosatellite, LLC.

cc (by e—mail):       Robert Nelson
                      Andrea Kelly
                      Cassandra Thomas
                      Mark Young
                      Steven Spaeth
                      Karl Kensinger

                           DECLARATION OF DAVID CASTIEL

       I, David Castiel, President and Manager of Virtual Geosatellite, LLC ("Virtual Geo"),

hereby declare, under penalty of perjury, that the statements of fact presented in the foregoing

request for a 14—day extension of the performance bond submission deadline that was imposed in

the Commission‘s December 21, 2006 Order and Authorization in Virtual Geosatellite, LLC, DA

06—2650 (Int‘l. Bur., released Dec. 21, 2006), are true and correct to the best of my belief and


                                                             David Castiel

                                                     Dated: January 18, 2007

Document Created: 2007-01-22 17:41:26
Document Modified: 2007-01-22 17:41:26

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