Attachment report


SUBMISSION FOR THE RECORD submitted by Virtual



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990108-00007 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         BEFORE THE
                                    Washington D.C. 20554

in re the Application of
viRTUAL GEOSATELLITE, LLC                              File No. SAT—LOA—19990108—00007
For Authority to Launch and Operate a Global
Fixed—Satellite Service System Employing                                  RECEIVE p
Nongeostationary Satelltes in Sub—Geosynchronous
Ellipical Orbits in Ku—Band and C—Band                                       res — 9 2006
                                                                       reten connunicaton Connmisso
To: The Commission                                                            imeatSenue
       Virtual Geosatellite, LLC ("Virtual Geo"), pursuant to Section 1.65 ofthe Commission‘s
Rules, 47 C.FR. § 1.65, hereby reports minor changes to its ownership structure and provides
updated company information.
       As reported to the Commission on December 6, 2001 and until recently, Virtual Geo was
75% owned by Ellipso, Inc.      (‘Ellipso") and 23 % owned by Sahagen Satellite Technology

Group, LLC (‘Sahagen"). Sahagen has now agreed to retur to the Virtual Geos treasury its
shares of the company and to withdraw its representative from the Virtual Geo Board of
Managers. Virtual Geo‘s Board of Managers has accepted the retum of Sahagen‘s shares to the
Virtual Geo treasury and accepted the withdrawal of Sahagen‘s representative from the Virtual
Geo Board of Managers. Ellipso now owns and controls 100% of the shares ofVirtual Geo.
This does not represent a change in the control of Virtual Geo because David Castiel has been at
all times during the pendency of referenced application and continues to be the beneficial owner
and controlling principal ofboth Ellipso and Virtual Geo.

       A revised version of Exhibit No. 2 to the FCC Form 312 application that Virtual Geo

filed in connection with its above—captioned application is attached for ease of reference. The

revised FCC Form 312 also contains applicant‘s updated address and contact information.

                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                             VIRTUAL GEOSATELLITE, LLC

                                             By:     4                    &
                                                            — Rodriguer

                                                    Leventhal Senter & Lerman PLLC
                                                    2000 K Street, NW
                                                    Suite 600
                                                    Washington, DC 20006
                                                    (202) 420—8070
February 9, 2006                                    Its Attomeys


       The undersigned certifies under penalty or perjury, individually and for Virtual
Geosatellite, LC that the statements made in this Section 1.65 Statement are true and

correct to the best ofhis knowledge and belief, and are made in good faith.

                                                            David Castiel
                                                            President and Chairman
                                                            Virtual Geosatellite, LLC
                                                            February _7 2006

                                                                   EXHIBIT NO. 2 (Revised)

                                                                    Virtual Geosatellte, LLC
                                                                               FCC Form 312
                                                                                  Question 40
                                                                               February 2006
                  Ownership/Management of            al Geosatellite, LLC

Management of Virtual Geosatellite, LLC ("VGL"):

      David Castielis the President and Manager of VGL. Gerald B. Helman is a member of
      VGL‘s Board of Managers.
Owners of 10% or More of Virtual Geosatellite, LLC:
      Ellipso, In. ("Ellipso") owns 100 percent of VGL.

      Ellipso is a Delaware corporation, which is majority owned (60 percent) and controlled
      by Ellipso Private Holdings, LLC ("EPH"), which also is a Delaware company.. EPH is
      managed solely by David Castiel, who holds 69 percent of the voting and equity interests
      in EPH. No other party owns a 10 percent or greater interest in cither Ellipso or EPH.
      The address of VGL, Ellipso, EPH, David Castiel, and Gerald B. Helman is as follows

      4410 Massachusetts Avene, NW
      Suite 385
      Washington, DC 20016
      (202) 466—4488

Document Created: 2006-02-13 15:32:31
Document Modified: 2006-02-13 15:32:31

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