Attachment grant


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990108-00007 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                           LEVENTHAL SENTER & LERMAN ruc

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  via namp peurvery
  Mr. Thomas S. Tycr
  Chief,Sateite Division
  Interational Bureau
  Federal Communications Comm@s              omid                       i
  445 12" Stree, S.W., Room 6—A66                                             z      z>
  Washington, D.C. 20554                                           esn o o4 To:(E
                                                                            Nmsslsues              & Seoy
                   Re: Application of irtual Geosatelite L.LC. for Authorityto Launeh / °C<> )
                        and Operate a Global Fixed—Satelite Service System Employing                   ;
                        Satelites in Sub—Geosynchronous Elliptical Orbits, File Nos. SAT—
                        LOA—19980108—00007 and SAT—AMD—20020916—00173, Call Sign
 Dear Mr. Tyer:
                 Virtual Geosatelite,LLC. (*Virtual Geo),through its attomeys, hereby
  requestsa twelve—day extension of time in orderto respond to the two requests for additional
  information the Satelite Division made of Virual Geo in its November 10, 2004 lete in the
  above—referenced application procceding. See Letter dated November 10, 2004, from Thomas
  Tyez to David Castiel, President and Manager,Virtual Geo November 10 Lettr®). In the
  November 10 Leter, the Satelte Division directed Virtual Geo to amend ts appliction on or
  before December 10, 2004 to include an updated and conforming orbitl debris mitigation plan
  and to provide, porsuant to Section 23.46(a) of the Commission‘s Rules, a computer program
  that demonstrites the proposed "Virgo" non—seostationary satllite orbit ("non—GSO") fied—
  satelite service (‘FSS®)system‘s compliance with the Ku—band equivalent power fux density
  (‘EPFD®)limits in Section 25.208 of he Commission‘s Rules.. For the reasons provided below,
  Virtal Geo requests an additiona twelve days — or until December 22, 2004 — within which to
  finalize and file the required amendment.
                  With respectfrst t the orbital debris mitiation plan, Virtual Geo has used the
  eccasion ofthe November 10 Letter and the elaboration earlier this year othe Commission‘s
  policy on orbital debris mitigation to revisits 2002 plan for post—mission disposal of the
  spaceeraft in the proposed Virgo system. It has determined that under all relevant
  considerations, disposal of the sateltes via controlled atmospheri r.entry is the prefereed.
  method. As this marks a change from the prior proposal,and as a revised plan has had tobe
  developed in parallel with the EPFD showing also required of Virtual Geo, there has not been

Mr. Thomas S. Tyer
December 8, 2004
Page 2—

sufficient time for work to be fully completed on the revised submissionin advance of the
original December 10 deadline. The bief extension Virtal Geo requests here would allow that
work t be completed, and would lt Virtual Geo introduce the debris—reducing approach o
having ts satelitesre—enter the atmosphere rather than lingerin orbit for conturies.
              In its November 10 Leter, the Satelite Division, noting a number of
developments in the Commission‘s rulesand in Working Party 4of the Radiocommunication
Sector ofthIntemmational Telecommunication Union ("TTU—R), also called upon Virtual Geo to
provide a computer program (including source codes and an executable file) based on the
software specification in related TTU—R Recommendation S.1503, to enable the Commission to
determine the accurzcy of Virtual Geo‘s demonstrtion ofthe Virgo system‘s compliance with
the EPFD limits. November 10 Lettr at 2..    Virtual Geo also reguires an extension of the
complince deadline for this lement of he November 10 Lettr,
                 In September 2002, Virusl Geo amended its applicationtoinclude a
comprehensive showing of how ts propased non—GSO FSS system, using ellitical orbit
satellites with active arcs thatare widely separated from the geostationary satelite orbit
(°GSO®), willeasily meetthe applicable EPFD limits contained in Section 25.208 of the
Commission‘s Rules, 47 CFR § 25.208. In he case ofthe Virgo system, tmaximum PFD
produced at the surface ofthe Earth, taking into account various GSO earth station off—axis
angles (from a minimum of 40° for one satelite t a maximum of 120") is used to generate the
EPFD levels, ‘he relatively strailtforward analytical approach Virual Geo used n its
September 2002 analysis of compliance with the Commission‘s EPFD limits— an appronch that
showed that the maximum EPFDy..« and EPFD,, levels produced by the Virgo system are lower
than the moststringent of the respective EPFD limits given in the FCC rules and Article 22 of
the TTU Radio Regulations — is much more approprite for use with the Virgo HEO architecture
than it would be in the much closer case for EPFD compliance that is found with non—GSO
systems using cireular low—Earth orbits. See Vitual Geo Application, September 2002
Amendment, File No. SAT—AMD—2002—916—00173. In the low—Earth orbit case, the complex
computer algorthms contemplated by the TTU studies and the Commission‘s rules are clearly
necessary to ensurethat the EPFD levels established for the protection of GSO networks are met.
                In light ofthis background,severalfactors have combined to hinder Vitual Geo‘s
effors at timely compliance with the EPFD element of the November 10 Letter, lading it to
require a modest etension of he December 10 deadline. Firs, and notwithstanding the Satelte
Division‘sleter, there is no completely stisfictory commercial computer program that is
appropriate for assessing EPFD compliance by non—GSO FSS systems using highly—elliprical
orbits (*HEO®). HEO systems such as Virgo are designed from the outset to minimize the
production of nterference into GSO FSS networks through techniques such as wide separation
of the non—GSO FSS system active ares from the GSO. The software tools referenced in the
November 10 Letteras being "readily available" are not identified in the TTBterature that
discussesthem (see TTU—R Document 4A/78, Annex 13, May 2004), and thliterature itself

 Mr. Thomas S. Tyez
December 8, 2004
Page 3—

suzgests that the tools under discussion are subjectto some materil shortcomings. With an
extension to December 22, Virtual Geo is confident that it can build upon work done t date and
ereate a program that accurately accomplishes the objectives setfort in Section 25.146(a)of the
Commission‘s rules —i«., provide a vaid program thatallows the Commission todetermine
Virgo‘s EPFD compliance.
                Second. and as the Division may be aware, TTU—R Working Party 4A just
finalized a substantia revision of Recommendation S.1503 at its October 2008 meetine, and the
iaftrevision to threcommendation was adopted for approval by correspondence by Study
Group 4 on October 22 of this year. Virtial Geo and ts technical consultants ar assessing the
revisions to Recommendation S.1503 (despite thefactthatthe revision t the recommendation is
not yet formully spproved) in an effortto avoid having to re—amend it application again i ts
«pplication remains pending when Recommendation S.1503—1 becomes effective. As the
recommendation and ts revisions are lengthy and complex,the extension Virual Geo requests
here is necessary o allow forthe completion of this effort
                Finally, Virtal Geo and ts technical consultantshave run into some procedural
delays attibutable to questions over Virtual Geo‘s ability to submit proprictary software used for
the assessment of EPFD compliance to the Commission. These dificulies, which remain
unresolved, have led Virtual Geo t the conclusion that an altemative computer program has to
be developed. Virtul Geo is developing the necessary program and is confident that work wl
be finished in time for Virtual Geo to file the required materals withthe Commission on
December 22
               In sum, Virual Geo subrmits that good caus existsfor the grant by the Division
of an extension untl December 22,2004 of the deadline for compliance with the November 10
              Please contact the undersigned ithere are any questions regarding this mattr.
                                                    Respesifully submited,

                                                    Stephen D. Baruch

ces    Ms. Fem Jarmulnck (by email
       Mr. Mark Young (by email
       Mr. Kal Krauktkramer (by email
       Mr. Sankar Persuud (by email)

Document Created: 2004-12-10 16:19:30
Document Modified: 2004-12-10 16:19:30

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