Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19990108-00007 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                             Federal Communications Commission
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                          November 10, 2004

Mr. David Castiel
President and Manager
Virtual Geosatellite,LLC.
1133 21" Street, NW, 8" Floor
Washington, DC 20036

                Re:     Application ofVirtual Geosatellite,LL.C. for Authority to Launch and
                        Operate a Global Fixed—Satelite Service System Employing
                        Nongeostationary Satelltes in Sub—Geosynchronous Elliptical Orbits, File
                        Nos. SAT—LOA—19990108—00007, and SAT—AMD—20020916—00173, Call
                        Sign S2366
Dear Mr. Castick:

        The Satellte Division is reviewing the above—referenced application of Virtual
Geosatellite, L.L.C. ("Virgo")to operate a Ku—Band non—geostationary satellite orbit (°NGSO®)
fixed—satellite service ("FSS") system. Staffexamination of the application has indicated two
issues with respect to which additional information is needed. One concerns the showing that the
proposed system meets the required equivalent power flux—density limits. The other involves the
required orbital debris mitigation showing. This etter requests that Virgo supplement ts
application to provide thiinformation. If Virgo does not provide the requested information
through an amendment filed by December 10, 2004, its application will be dismissed without
prejudice to re—filing.
   mivalent Power Flux—density      Sh

         On November 29, 2000, the Commission adopted the First Report and Order in a
proceeding that permitted non—geostationary satelite systems to operate in the Ku—band
frequency range." In that First Report and Order, the Commission adopted technical sharing
eriteria to allow NGSO FSS and geostationary satellite orbit SS to operate on a co—primary
basis in certain Ku—band frequencies, consistent with decisions taken at the 2000 World
Radiocommunication Conference. The adopted technical criteria are based upon uplink and
downlink limits on equivalent power Aipc—density ("EPFD®). The Commission also adopted
rules, codified in section 25.146(a)ofthe FFC rules, requiring a pre—licensing technical showing

        ‘ Amendnent ofParts 2 and 25 othe Commission‘s Rules to Permit Operation ofNGSO FSS Systems Co—
Frequency with GSO and Terrestial Systems in the Ku—Band Frequency Range, it Report and Order and Further
Notie ofProposed Rulemaking, PCC 00—418, 16 CC Red. 4096 (2000)("Fis Report andOrder").

Mr. David Castiel
November 10, 2004
Page 2

that a proposed system will meet the adopted EPFD limits" There is no exception to this
requirement for systems employing highly—elliptical orbits.
         On April 18, 2002, the Commission adopted its Report and Order and Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, establishing the policies and service rules for the non—geostationary
satellite orbit FSS systems operating in the Ku—band frequency range.". Applicants were afforded
30 days after a summary of this Report and Order was published in the Federal Register to
amend their filings. Although Virgo filed an amendment by that deadline, its conforming
amendment did not include a computer program for determining compliance with the EPFD
        In February 2003, the Commission adopted a Third Memorandum Opinion and Order in
the NGSO FSS Ku—band proceeding, further refining the rules for establishing the required
comprehensive technical showing, specifically, trules for demonstrating that limits on EPFD
are met.® We note that the International Telecommunication Union Working Party 4A has also
issued a "Functional Description To Be Used In Developing Software Tools For Determining
Conformity OfNon—Geostationary—Satelite Orbit Fixed—Satellte System Networks With Limits
Contained In Article 22 OfThe Redio Regulations" and that two software development
companies have already independently developed EPFD validation software based on the
software specifications contained in Recommendation ITU—R $.1503.. With these rule
refinements and readily available software, Virgo should now be able to provide a computer
program for determining ts compliance with the EPFD limits as part of the required
comprehensive technical showing
OrbitalDebris Mitigation Showing
        In the orbital debris mitigation statement provided by Virgo in its conforming
amendment, Virgo stated that it was not possible to provide the Commission with a
comprehensive orbital debris mitigation plan for its Virgo satellite system. However, Virgo
asserted that it intended to incorporate standard orbital debris mitigation techniques into the
design and construction of ts satelites,® In order to evaluate Virgo‘s application, we request that

        * arcra 5251400
         " The Establshnent ofPliciesandService Rulesfo the Nor—Geostationary Stelite Orki, Fzed Sorlize
Service in the Kirhand, Report and Order and Ruther Notee oProposed Rulemaking, PCC 02—123, 17 FCC Red
7e« oo2)
        * Seed7 CBR 525.1460)0—0)
        5 AmendimentofParts 2 and 25 ofhe Commision‘s Rulesto Pernit Operation ofNGSO FSS Sytems Co—
Proquency with GSO and Terrestil Systems in the Ki—bandFrequency Range, Third Memorandum Opinion and
Orde, FCC 03—24, ET Docket No. 98206.
        °* Amendment to applicaton, SAT—AMD20020916—017, Form 312, Exhibit No.5 "Orbial Debris

Mr. David Costiel
November 10, 2004
Page 3

Virgo provide the following information purstant to Section 25.111(a) of the Commission‘s

        1. Spacecraft Hardware Design: A statement that Virgo has assessed and limited the
        amount of debris released in a planned manner during normal operations, and has
        assessed and limited the probability of the space station becoming a source of debris by
        collisions with small debris or meteoroids that could cause loss of control and prevent
        post—mission disposal.. As part of this statement Virgo must identify steps taken to limit
        the effects of collisions with small debris or meteoroids, such as, through the use of
        shielding, the placement of components, and or use of redundant systems. In addition,
        Virgo must confirm whether any debris is planned to be released during the course of
        normal operations and to describe any such planned release with particularity.
        2. Minimizing Debris Generated by Accidental Explosions: A statement that Virgo has
        assessed and limited the probability of accidental explosions during and after completion
        ofmission operations.
        3. Collisions with Large Objects: A statement that Virgo has assessed and limited the
        probability ofits satllites becoming a source of debris by collision with large debris or
        other functioning satelltes.

               a) Please indicate whether there are any other NGSO constellations, currently in
               orbit or planned, with similar orbital characteristics (Le. apogee, perigee,
               inclination, or RAAN) such that the volumes in which the satellites will orbit
               substantilly overlap. If there are, please provide an analysis of the potential risk
               of in—orbit collsion and a description ofany measures Virgo plans to take to avoid
               such collision.

               b) Please specify the tolerance, during the operational life of the satellite, to
               which the following orbital parameters will be maintained:

               a. Apogee:
               b. Perigee;
               c Inclination;
               e Satellite phasing, for orbits with more than one satellite.
        4. End—oflife disposal: Virgo stated thatit has no plans to dispose of ts satelites via
       atmospheric re—entry." Therefore, we request that Virgo provide the following
       information with respecttoits plans for storage orbit

       " Amendment to n          m, SAT—AMD—20020916—00173, Form 312,Exhbit No5 "Orbial Debris

Mr. David Castiel
November 10, 2004
Page 4

               a) A statement disclosing the anticipated inital atitudes (apogee and perigee) and
               orbital parameters of the storage orbit and an analysis of the stability of the
               storage orbit (e... a plot of apogee and perigee altitude of the storage orbit verses
               time, over a period of more than 100 years);
               b) An analysisincluding all assumptions, of the amount of fuel, in kilograms, that
               would be required to accomplish the post—mission disposal and the amount of fuel
               Virgo intends to reserve for this purpose;
               c) An analysis, including all assumptions, of fuel gauging uncertainty and a
               statement of whether Virgo has or will compensate for such uncertainty.
       Virgo must amend its pending application with a comprehensive technical showing,
including the masks generated by a computer program, proving Virgo‘s proposed network can
meet the EPFD limits in Article 22 ofthe Radio Regulations and Sections 25.146(a) and 25.208
of the Commission‘s rules, and a comprehensive orbital debris mitigation plan. If Virgo fails to
file this amendment by December 10, 2004, Virgo‘s application will be dismissed pursuant to
Sections 25.1 12(c) and 25.152(b) of the Commission‘s rules.®
         If you have any questions on the requirements for the EPFD Showing, you may either
contact Mark Young by telephone at (202) 418—0762 or by e—mail at mark.youns@fee.zov or
Kal Krautkramer at (202) 418—1335 or by e—mail at If you have any
questions on the Orbital Debris Mitigation Showing, you may contact Sankar Persaud by
telephone at (202) 418—2441 or by e—mail at
                                                      Faz»        944%”2« J
                                                 v ThomasS. Tycz
                                                   Chief, Satellite Division
                                                   Intemational Bureau
ce:    Raul R. Rodriguez, Esq.
       Stephen D. Baruch, Esq.
       David S. Keir, Esq.
       Leventhal, Senter & Lerman P.LL.C.
       2000 K Street, NW
       Suite 600
       Washington, DC 20006
       Counsel for Virtal Geosatellite, LL.C.
       * Seealso Amendnent ofthe Conmission‘s Space Staton Licensing Rulesand Polies(Pis Reportand
Orden, FCC 03—102,18 RCC Red 10760 a$ 244 2003

Document Created: 2004-11-15 15:16:31
Document Modified: 2004-11-15 15:16:31

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