Attachment 2000Pegasus-Hughes s

2000Pegasus-Hughes s




This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19980403-00028 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                          E2 x PARTLEAO   M TE
                                                        HALA & WATKINS
       PAUL R. WATKINS dsgo — i973)                       ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                             YORK_OFFICE
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                                                 Telecom D‘igsi%w commuucrnons commicgine
            MESSENGER                           internation
                                                      ional Bureau
                                                                         ermce ofs secammr
             Ms. Magalie Roman Salas
             Secretary                                                                         Written Ex Parte Presentation
             Federal Communications Commission
             445 12"" Street, S.W. _
             Washington, DC 20554

                                 Re:      File Nos. SAT—AMD—19971219—00199, SAT—AMD—19971222—00204, SAT—
                                          AMD—19971222—00216, SAT—AMD—19971222—00229, SAT—AMD—
                                          19980123—00009, SAT—LOA—19951109—00185, SAT—LOA—19951109—00186,
                                          SAT—LOA—19970702—00057, SAT—LOA—19971222—00201, SAT—LOA—
                                          19971222—0205, SAT—LOA—19971222—00206, SAT—LOA—19971222—00207,
                                          SAT—LOA—19971222—00208, SAT—LOA—19971222—00209, SAT—LOA—
                                          19971222—00211, SAT—LOA—19971222—00212, SAT—LOA—19971222—00213,
                                          SAT—LOA—19971222—00214, SAT—LOA—19971222—00215, SAT—LOA—
                                          19971222—00223, SAT—LOA—19971222—00224, SAT—LOA—19971222—00225,
                                          SAT—LOA—19971222—00226, SAT—LOA—19971222—00227, SAT—LOA—
                                          19971222—00228, SAT—LOA—19980312—00018, SAT—LOA—19980312—00019,
                                          SAT—LOA—19980403—00025, SAT—LOA—19980403—00026, SAT—LOA—
                                          19980403—00027, SAT—LOA—19980403—00028, SAT—LOA—1998—0403—
                                          00029, 94— through 98—SAT/P/LA—97, SAT—LOI—19971222—0217, and SAT—

            Dear Ms. Salas:

                           Hughes Communications, Inc. hereby replies to the proposed orbital assignment
            plans and other filings that applicants in the Commission‘s second GSO Ka band processing
            round have recently filed.

                                                                                                     No. of Copios ree‘d_{ 22 ?i
                                                                                                     List ABCDE
             DC_DOCS\322734.2 [(W97]


       Ms. Roman Salas
       September 7, 2000
       Page 2

                        On August 8, 2000, the twelve filers of the above—referenced applications and
       letter of intent in the second GSO Ka band processing round filed a joint ex parte letter. In that
       letter, the applicants indicated that they had agreed that each applicant would have opportunity to
       file, either individually or as part of a group of applicants, a proposed orbital assignment plan for
       the Commission‘s consideration.

                     Thereafter, two individual applicants, Loral Cyberstar, Inc. and PanAmSat
      Corporation, filed letters setting forth their current desires for orbital locations for their proposed
      systems. In addition, two groups of applicants filed comprehensive proposals for an orbital
      assignment plan. A group comprised of Hughes Communications, Inc., TRW, Inc., Celsat
      America, Inc., Lockheed Martin Corporation, CAI Data Systems, Inc., KaStarCom World
      Satellite, LLC, and Pacific Century Group, Inc. submitted one of the comprehensive proposals
      (the "Majority Plan"), while a group comprised of Pegasus Development Corp., DirectCom
      Networks, Inc., and CAI Data Systems, Inc. submitted the other comprehensive proposal (the
      "Pegasus/DirectCom Plan"). TRW, Celsat, Lockheed Martin, Hughes and Pacific Century
      Group have also filed individual letters in support of the Majority Plan.

                       At the outset, Hughes reiterates its support for the Majority Plan. Hughes
      strongly believes that the Majority Plan fairly and adequately accommodates all applicants. The
      Plan was developed by taking into account the relative "equities" of all of the applicants under
      all of the relevant Commission rules. Furthermore, each of the supporters of the Majority Plan
      has made compromises to ensure that the Plan is workable and fair for all applicants. Indeed, the
      fairness of the Majority Plan is demonstrated by the broad coalition that supports the Plan, which
      coalition includes a balanced mix of new entrants to the Ka band satellite services market, as
      well as existing Ka band satellite licensees, and both established and start—up, entrepreneurial
      companies. Also, the Majority Plan is, of course, supported by a majority of the second—round
      applicants. Finally, the Majority Plan provides to the Commission a workable, comprehensive
      solution to the second GSO Ka band processing round.

                      In contrast to the all—inclusive rationale behind the Majority Plan‘s approach, the
      rationale set forth in the Pegasus/DirectCom Plan relies heavily on only one of the relevant
      Commission satellite—licensing policies, namely the orbital—location limits set forth in
      Commission rule Sections 25.140(e) and (f). At the outset, the Pegasus/DirectCom Plan
      discusses Section 25.140(e) and (f) as though those rules have a settled interpretation in the
      context of applications for global, Ka band satellite systems. To the contrary, those rules have
      their genesis in the Commission‘s previous rules for domestic satellites, and to Hughes‘s
      knowledge those rules have not been expressly and definitively interpreted in any relevant
      context since the Commission removed the distinction between domestic and separate systems in
      the DISCO I proceeding. In fact, as the formal pleadings in this second Ka band processing
      round demonstrate, there is no settled interpretation of Sections 25.140(e) and (f), although most
      of the pleadings that addressed the issue suggested that if the rules are applied at all in the
      context of global, Ka band systems, they should be applied on a regional basis. Furthermore, the
      Commission has itself waived these rules in the context of international satellite systems that

       DC_DOCS\322734.2 {(W97]

       Ms. Roman Salas
       September 7, 2000
       Page 3

       propose service to different regions of the world.‘ Moreover, as Hughes indicated in its formal
       pleadings in this second Ka band processing round," the text of Sections 25.140(e) and (f)
       indicates that the Commission applies these rules to applicants only after it has applied its rules
       relating to legal, financial and technical qualifications, which rules form the backbone of the
       Commission‘s satellite—licensing policies.

                      Conspicuously absent from the rationale for the Pegasus/DirectCom Plan is any
       mention of the Commissions rules for legal, financial and technical qualifications, including rule
       Sections 25.140(b)(3), (b)(4) and (c) relating to financial qualifications. This is not surprising
       because both Pegasus and DirectCom requested waivers of those financial qualification rules in
       their Ka band applications® and Commission precedent is clear that waivers of the financial
       qualification rules would not be appropriate in this case. The Commussion will only waive its
       financial qualification rules where the grant of an application by a financially unqualified
       applicant will not prevent a qualified applicant from going forward with its proposal in the same

                       Furthermore, the Commission has on several occasions noted the distinct import
       of the financial qualification rules in the context of satellite licensing. In Constellation
       Communications, the Commission recited the "enormous costs involved in constructing and
       launching a satellite system" and therefore the particular importance that "applicants for satellite
       licenses to use spectrum which is in high demand demonstrate, in advance, the financial ability
       to proceed with construction of their systems."" Thus, Commission precedent is clear that when
       all applicants cannot be accommodated as requested, the Commission will not grant waivers of
       its financial qualification rules in Sections 25.140(b) and (c).°

        1       See PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 14 FCC Red. 2719, 2723 (1998); PanAmSat Licensee Corp., 13
                FCC Red. 4743, 4745, 4747 (1997).
                  Consolidated Opposition and Reply Comments of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. and
                Hughes Communications, Inc. at 7—9 (filed June 11, 1999).
       3        See Application of DirectCom Networks, Inc. at 16 (filed Dec. 22, 1997); Application of Pegasus
                Development Corporation at 43 (refiled April 3, 1998).
       4        iSee VisionStar, Inc., 13 ECC Red. 1428, 1431—32 (1997); see also NetSat 28 Company, L.L.C., 13
                FCC Red. 1392, 1396 (1997); Morning Star Satellite Company, L.L.C., 12 FCC Red. 6039, 6043—
                44 (1997).
       5          Constellation Communications, 11 FCC Red. 18502, 18506 (1996) (citing the Commission‘s Big
                  LEO Order).
                See Amendment ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to a
                Mobile Satellite Service in the 1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands, 9 FCC Red.
                5936, 5949—50 (1994) (applying financial qualification demonstration requirement when all
                pending Big LEO applicants could not be accommodated).

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       Ms. Roman Salas
       September 7, 2000
       Page 4

                      Hughes strongly believes that the Majority Plan appropriately takes account of all
       of the Commuission‘s satellite—licensing policies and the relative "equities" of the applicants. The
       Majority Plan accommodates new entrants, but also recognizes that imposition of the
       Commission‘s financial qualification rule is appropriate in this second GSO Ka band processing
       round because the applicants have not been able to agree on a unanimous, comprehensive
       settlement of their competing proposals. The Majority Plan also recognizes that the Commission
       might apply some version of an orbital—location limitation to otherwise qualified applicants. In
       this manner, the Majority Plan represents the best accommodation of the competing interests in
       the second GSO Ka band processing round. Indeed, the broad coalition that supports that
       Majority Plan is testament to the balanced and realistic rationale underlying the Majority Plan.

                      Thus, Hughes urges the Commission to adopt the Majority Plan in full and to
       adopt it quickly so that implementation of the second GSO Ka band processing round systems
       can begin in earnest as soon as possible.

                                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                                    Gary M. Epstein
                                                                    John P. Janka
                                                                    Arthur S. Landerholm
                                                                    of LATHAM & WATKINS

                                                                    Counsel for Hughes Communications, Inc.

       go:     Donald Abelson
               Thomas Tycz
               Fern Jarmulnek
               Jennifer Gilsenan
               Ronald Repasi
               Julie Garcia
               Selina Khan
               All Second Round Ka—band Filers

       DC_DOCS\322734.2 [W97]

Document Created: 2019-04-09 06:45:03
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 06:45:03

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