Attachment 1998Pegasus-Celsat e

1998Pegasus-Celsat e




This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19980403-00026 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           EX PARTE OR LATE FILED                                ORIGINAL
                         Skappen, Arps, SLate, MeaosonHer & From LLP
                                           1440 NEW YORK AVENUE, NW.
                                                                                                  FIRM/AFFILIATE OFFICES

                                           WASHINGTON, D.C. 20005—2111                                   BOSTON
                                               TEL: (202) 371—7000                                    LOS ANGELES
     DIRECT DIAL                               FAX: (202) 393—5760                                       NEWARK
202—371—7604                                                                                           NEW YORK
                                                                                                       PALO ALTO
                                                                                                     SAN FRANCISCO
                                                              August 22, 2000                         WILMINGTON

                                                                                                       HONG KONG

                                                                           RECEIyEn                     .$

          VIA HAND DELIVERY                                                                  EF        "Srone—
                         .                                                  AUG 2 2                     TgRON$O
          Magalie Roman Salas, Secretary                                                 2000
          Federal Communications Commission                               moo““‘-’”@nmg is
          The Portals, 12"" Street Lobby                                     CC 5F TheSerreny,
          445 12th St., SW, Counter TW—A325
          Washington, DC 20554

                   Re:       Ex Parte Presentation in File Nos. SAT—AMD—19971219—00199, SAT—
                             AMD—19971222—00204, SAT—AMD—19971222—00216, SAT—AMD—
                             19971222—00229, SAT—AMD—19980123—00009, SAT—LOA—19951109—
                             00185, SAT—LOA—19951109—00186, SAT—LOA—19970702—00057, SAT—
                             LOA—19971222—00201, SAT—LOA—19971222—00205, SAT—LOA—19971222—
                             00206, SAT—LOA—19971222—00207, SAT—LOA—19971222—00208, SAT—
                             LOA—19971222—00209, SAT—LOA—19971222—00211, SAT—LOA—19971222—
                             00212, SAT—LOA—19971222—00213, SAT—LOA—19971222—00214, SAT—
                             LOA—19971222—00215, SAT—LOA—19971222—00223, SAT—LOA—19971222—
                             00224, SAT—LOA—19971222—00225, SAT—LOA—19971222—00226, SAT—
                             LOA—19971222—00227, SAT—LOA—19971222—00228, SAT—LOA—19980312—
                             00018, SAT—LOA—19980312—00019, SAT—LOA—19980403—00025, SAT—
                             LOA—19980403—00026, SAT—LOA—19980403—00027, SAT—LOA—19980403—
                             00028, SAT—LOA—19980403—00029, 94— through 98—SAT/P/LA—97, SAT—
                             LOI—19971222—00217, and SAT—LOI—19971222—00218

          Dear Ms. Salas:

                         This ex parte submission is rfiade on behalf of Celsat America, Inc. ("Celsat")
          in connection with its pending application in the second processing round of the Ka—band.
          See file no. SAT—AMD—19980123—00009. On August 11, 2000, Celsat — together with CAI
          Data Systems, Inc., TRW, Inc., Hughes Communications, Inc., Lockheed Martin
          Corporation, KaStarCom World Satellite, LLC, and Pacific Century Group, Inc. — submitted
          to the Commission a proposed orbital assignment plan for the second processing round of
          the Ka—band. The proposed orbital assignment plan was crafted in a strong spirit of
          compromise and includes numerous concessions by the companies that submitted the

                                                                         No. of Copies rec‘d fi’/’?       Z
                                                                         List A BC D E

Magalie Roman Salas
August 22, 2000
Page 2

 proposal, including Celsat. In this regard, Celsat indicated to the Commission in the August
 11 submission its willingness to accept Ka—band orbital assignments at 83 W and 121 W.

                 By way of background, Celsat‘s Ka—band application requested 850 MHz of
 spectrum anywhere in the Ka—band uplink and 850 MHz of spectrum anywhere in the Ka—
 band downlink. Celsat made this broad request in an effort to be as flexible as possible for
 the benefit of the Commussion and the other second round Ka—band filers. Celsat‘s Ka—band
 application also demonstrated a great degree of flexibility with respect to its preferred orbital
 location by indicating that Celsat would accept an orbital assignment anywhere between 90
 W and 100 W.

                 Celsat actively participated in all of the meetings over the past two years of
 the second round Ka—band filers to discuss potential consensus orbital assignment plans.
 Early orbital assignment plans of this group placed Celsat at 107 W and 111 W, both of
 which were outside ofits preferred location but were slots with which Celsat indicated it
 was willing to work. Then, as a means of trying to create additional orbital resources for the
 secondround group, Celsat — at the suggestion of Commission staff — investigated the
 possibility of using the 500 MHz of spectrum available at 83 W and 121 W. Celsat
 determined that it could use these slots and prepared appropriate ITU filings to add S band
 beams to the existing ITU filings (which contain Ka—band beams only). By considering 83
 W and 121 W, Celsat permitted other second round applicants to pursue assignments at 107
 W and 111 W.

                 Despite Celsat‘s efforts to free up slots by accepting a tentative assignment at
 83 W and 121 W, the Ka—band filers still could not reach agreement. In another attempt to _
 makeadditional slots available to the second round filers, Celsat took the lead in filing
 pleadings asking the Commission to declare the first round Ka—band licenses of NetSat 28
 and Morningstar null and void. After many months and numerous filings by interested
 parties (including several other Ka—band filers), the Commission declared the licenses of
 NetSat 28 and Morningstar null and void on June 26, 2000. This Commission action also
 made additional orbital resources available to the second round Ka—band filers.
 Nevertheless, despite continued negotiations by the Ka—band group, we collectively
 determined that a consensus could not be reached and, on August 8, 2000, asked the
 Commission to make a final determination so that companies could meet the impending ITU
 due diligence deadlines.

                If the Commussion were to assign orbital slots based solely on a company‘s
 application, then Celsat would be assigned the slot freed up by the Commission‘s action
 concerning NetSat 28 (1.e., 95 W), since it is located between 90 W and 100 W and no other
 second round Ka—band filer has applied for the slot. While Celsat would accept the

Magalie Roman Salas
August 22, 2000
Page 3

 assignment of the 95 W slot, Celsat recognizes that this assignment could make a resolution
 of the remaining issues facing the second round of the Ka—band much more difficult or even
 impossible. It was because of this concern that Celsat accepted the compromise slots at 83
 W and 121 W in the proposal submitted by a majority of the Ka—band filers on August 11.

               In sum, Celsat recognizes the difficult issues facing the Commission in the
 second processing round of the Ka—band. Celsat believes, however, that the orbital
 assignment plan submitted by Celsat and others on August 11 should be expeditiously
 adopted by the Commission because it is the best approach to reaching a resolution of these
 difficult issues.

                                             Respectfully submitted,
                                            M      c    [(N    /\/1' a
                                          ~ ,5/7       M 20     S   SR_wlz

                                             iBrian D. Weimer        :
                                             Counselfor Celsat America, Inc.

 ce:    Donald Abelson
        Thomas Tycz
        Fern Jarmulnek
        Jennifer Gilsenan
        Ronald Respasi
        Julie Garcia
        Selina Khan
        Alex Roytblat
        All Second Round Ka—band Filers

Document Created: 2019-04-09 08:24:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-09 08:24:56

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