Attachment Pegasus-cert of mile

Pegasus-cert of mile

LETTER submitted by Pegasus



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19980403-00025 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                             45— SAT— P/LA —4¢
. ShawPlttman LLP
  A Limited Liability Partnership Including Professional Corporations

                                                                         Tony LIn
                                                                                      SEP — 0 2002

                                                                        September 9, 2002                        reseraL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                                                                       OFFICE OF THE SECRETATY

             By Courier

             Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
             Office of the Secretary
             Federal Communications Commission
             445 12th Street, SW
             Washington, DC 20554

                                Re:                Certification of Milestone Compliance;
                                                   Pegasus Development Corporation and Pegasus Development 107
                                                   License Corporation;
                                                   SAT—LOA—19980403—00025 to 00029;
                                                   Call Sign $2350 to $2354

             Dear Ms. Dortch:

                     Transmitted herewith on behalf of Pegasus Development Corporation and
             Pegasus Development 107 License Corporation (collectively "Pegasus") is Pegasus‘
             certification concerning the satisfaction of its initial Ka—band satellite system
             implementation milestone. (On August 7, 2002, the Commussion approved the pro forma
             assignment of the 107°W orbital location from Pegasus Development Corporation to
             Pegasus Development 107 License Corporation.)

                                Please contact the undersigned if you should have any questions regarding this

                                                                                    Very truly yours,

                                                                               /    Arzce&acobs
                                                                                    Tony Lin

             ce:                Jennifer Gilsenan

                                                                                                                                                       Washington, DC
                                                                                                                                                       Northern Virginia
                                                                                                                                                       New York
                                                                                                                                                       Los Angeles
 2300 N Street, NW, Washington, DC 20037—1128                               ' 202.663.8000   Fax: 202.663.8007        .          . London


         Pegasus Development Corporation and Pegasus Development 107 License Corporation
(collectively, "Pegasus") hereby certify that on August 9, 2002 Pegasus Development 107
Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Pegasus Development Corporation and the direct
parent company of Pegasus Development 107 License Corporation, entered into a non—
contingent satellite construction contract with Space Systems/Loral, Inc. Accordingly, Pegasus
has satisfied the August 2002 construction commencement milestone set forth in its Ka—band
satellite authorization. See Pegasus Development Corporation, 16 FCC Red 15478, at §27

                                            Pegasus Development Corporation and
                                            Pegasus Development 107 License Corporation

                                            byY    /\Q/       [

                                                   John K. Hane
                                                   Senior Vice President

September 9, 2002

Document Created: 2019-04-15 23:57:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 23:57:04

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