Attachment reply


REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by ContactMEO



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19970904-00083 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Before the                              OCT — 8 z0n
                                 Washington, DC 20554                          W
In re the Applications of                    P
                                             )               sAT—LoA—19970904—00080/84
Northrop Grumman Space & Mission             )               SAT—LOA—19971222—00219
Systems Corporation                          )               sxrephiD—20081104—00324
                                             )                         20040719—0136/40
For Authority to Launch and Operate          )                                 s
Geostationary and Non—Geostationary          )       gct 1 9 2004                Int Bureau
Satelites in the Fixed—Satellite Service     )
                                                     Py Branch                   OCT 1 3 2004
                                                   intomational Bureas          &      e
                                                                                Front Office

               ContactMEO Communications, LLC ("@contact") hercby fil its Reply
to the Consolidated Opposition to Petitions to Deny or Dismiss (*Opposition"") filed by
Northrop Grumman Space & Mission Systems Corporation through its Northrop
Grumman Space Technology sector ("NGST" or "Northrop"). For the reasons stated
below, @contact concurs with the compelling analyses and conclusions articulated by
Northrop in response to the Petition to Deny and the Consolidated Petition to Dismiss or
Deny ("Petitions") filed respectively by EchoStar Satellite LLC ("EchoStar") and SES
Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom") jointly, «Petitioners") in the above—captioned

               Petitioners filed virtuallyidentical pleadings in response to @contact‘s
 own application for authority to launch and operate a non—geostationary orbit (NGSO")
Fixed Satellte System ("FSS®)in the Ka—band." In both sets of pleadings, Petitioners

! Application for Authority to Launch and Operate Geostationary and Non—
Geostationary Orbit Fixed Satellite System in the Ka—Band, File Nos. SAT—LOA—

    taise many of the same issues thatthe International Bureau (*Bureau‘") resolved in its

    Denial Decision in response to EchoStar‘s fatally fawed Ka—band application.*

                  NGST completely refates Petitioners‘ argument that EchoStar‘s NGSO
    applications are "similarly situated" to those filed by NGST. For example, NGST
    correetly observes (as @contact also observed in ts Opposition with regard to the same
    argument), EchoStar mischaracterizesits own applications as "dismissed." whereas they
    were, in fact, denied." Among other insufficiencies in its applications, EchoStar asserted
    that it would turn offits GSO spacecraftif interference to NGSO systems occurred, but
    it provided absolutely nothing to supportits claim — even after NGST and Hughes noted
    this defect in their petiions to deny EchoStar‘s original applications. NGST, on the

    19971222—00222, SAT—AMD—20040322—00057, SAT—AMD—20040719—00141. EchoStar
included an argument regarding priority in certain orbitallocations. As @contact
demonstrated, however, EchoStar provided no logical olegal basis for reinstatement of
its applications, and it suggested that were EchoStar to refile ts applications it would
need to protect all NGSO system satellites from harmfulinterference. @contact
Opposition at $—9.

*      Memorandum Opinion and Order, In the Matter ofEchoStar Satellite LLC,
Applicationsfor Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Geostationary Satellites In
the FixedSatellite Service Using the Ka and/or Extended Ku—Bands atthe 83° WL.,
113° WL, and 121° WL. Orbital Locations, DA 04—1167 (rel. Apr. 29. 2004) ("Denial
Decision") (denying EchoStar‘s applications to use NGSO FSS Ka—band frequencies for
GSO FSS satellites, denying EchoStar‘s failure to show good cause for waiver of the
NGSO FSS spectrum designation, denying EchoStar‘s application to use the extended
Ku—band, denying EchoStar‘s application to operate Ka—band GSO satellitesat 121° W.L.
and 83° W.L., denying EchoStar‘s request for waiver of footnote NG 165 of 47 C.ER.
Section 2.106, and denying applications of EchoStar to operate hybrid GSO satellites at
105° W.L.and 83° W.L.), petition for reconsideration filed June 1, 2004. As @contact
noted in its Opposition to petitions to Deny or Dismiss, filed September 28, 2004,
"EchoStar‘s arguments in large part amount to no more than a lte—filed second petiion
for reconsideration...." @contact Opposition at 1.
*      @contact Opposition at 4—7, NGST Opposition at 4—8.

    other hand, demonstrated (as did @contact) how their GSO satelites, operating as part

    ofan NGSO system, will be capable ofoperating compatibly with other NGSO systems
    and how, contingently, the same spacecraft could be operated as GSO satellites on a
    completely secondary basis with respect to Commission—authorized NGSO FSS systems.
    Rather than follow EchoStar‘s strategy offiling applications while trying to commence a
    ule change, NGST designed its system (as has @contact)to comply with existing rules,
    with a request for waiver ofthe allocation rules to permit secondary, non—harmful

    interference GSO operation in the 18.8—19.3 GHz bands. NGST correctly states,

    therefore, that the Bureau‘s conclusion that EchoStar did not show it could operate

    compatibly with NGSO systems wasjustification for denial. But, it notes, this was
    decided only after complete processing, not at the acceptance for filing stage as
    Petitioners supgest. NGST‘s analysis and characterization ofthe differences between

    EchoStar‘s applications and its own filings are irefutably correct. The two sets of
    applications are simply not "similarly situated." NGST also correctly states that
    EchoStar‘s Petition represents a "supplement to its Petition for Reconsideration of the

    EchoSter Denial Order" and that "EchoStar‘s arguments directed to its pending petition
    for Rulemaking are misplaced and should be ignored." *

                  Further, NGST reveals SES Americom‘s factually flawed argument
    regarding harmful interference in the Ka—band, showing that a non—GSO FSS system
    operating at or below the Ka—band EPFD limits will not cause unaeceptable or harmful

*      NGST Opposition t 8.

    interference to a co—frequency GSO FSS network." NGST demonstrates that the
    Commission in fact has endorsed the Ka—band EPFD limits.® Also, contrary to SES
    Americom‘s contention, NGST adds that the Bureau‘s Denial Decision is not controlling
    with regard to NGST even if it were assumed, arguendo, that NGST‘s GSO satellites
    operating in the NGSO band are GSO satellites. This is because, NGST correctly
    concludes, "EchoStar‘s application was rightfully denied because EchoStar had
    completely failed to demonstrate how its proposed satellites could operate on a
    secondary basis with non—GSO FSS systems.""

s     T4. at9—13.
s     14. at 11—12.
1     14. t 14.

              @contact supports fully the arguments and conclusions NGST presents in
 its Consolidated Opposition to Petitions to Deny or Dismiss.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            contaciMEO Communications, LLC

                                            Tames M. Talens
                                            6017 Woodley Road
                                            MeLean, Virginia 22101
                                            Counselfor contacMEO
                                                   Communications, LLC
David M. Drucker, Manager
contactMEO Communications, LLC
2539 N. Highway 67
Sedalia, C 80135
October 8, 2004

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVI

1, James M. Talens, do hereby certify that on this 8" day of October, 2004, copies of the
foregoing "Reply to Opposition® were served on the following parties by hand delivery,
United States Postal Service (indicated by *) or electronically (indicated by **):

                                                     fames M. Talens

Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                        Pantelis Michalopoutos®
Federal Communications Commission                   Philip L. Malet
445 12" Street, S.W.                                Lee C. Milstein
Washington, DC 20554                                Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                                    1330 Connectiout Aven, NW
Thomas S. Tycz                                      Washington, DC 20036
Satellte Division, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Peter A. Robrbach*
236 Massachusetts Avene, N.E                        Karis A. Hastings
Suite 110                                           Hogan & Hartson LLP.
Washington, DC 20002                                555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20004
Nancy J. Eskenazi®
Vice President &                                    Peter Hadinger®*
  ‘Assoc. General Counsel                           Northrop Grumman
SES Americom, Inc.                                  1000 Wilson Bivd, Suite 2300
Four Research Way                                   Arlington, VA 22200
Princcton, NJ 08540
                                                    Stephen D. Baruch**
David K. Moskowite*                                 David S. Keir
EchoStar Satellite LLC                              Leventhal, Senter & Lerman, PLLC
9601 South Meridian Boulevard                       2000 K Street, NW Suite 600
Englewood, CO 80112                                 Washington, DC 20006

Document Created: 2004-10-20 15:07:23
Document Modified: 2004-10-20 15:07:23

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