Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by Pegasus



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19970605-00051 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
2300 N Street, NW I Washington, DC 20037-1122   I tel202.663.8000 I fax 202.663.8007

                                                                                                Tony Lin

September 26,2008

Via Courier
Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

         Re:      DIRECTV Enterprises LLC
                  File Nos. SAT-AMD-20080908-00166; SAT-AMD-20080321-00080;
                  SAT-AMD-20080114-00017; SAT-AMD-2005 1118-00224; SAT-
                  LOA- 19970605-00051 (Call Sign S2244)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Pegasus Development DBS Corporation (“Pegasus”) hereby submits this letter
regarding the above-referenced 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service (“BSS”)
application of DIRECTV Enterprises LLC (“DIRECTV”) to operate a satellite at the
118.4”Worbital location. The operations of the proposed DIRECTV satellite at that
location would cause more interference to Pegasus’ proposed satellite at 115.0”W
than if the DIRECTV satellite were located at precisely 119.0°W, contrary to the
Commission’s rules. Accordingly, the Commission should not grant DIRECTV’s
application unless DIRECTV further amends the application.

         On January 14,2008, DIRECTV applied to operate a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite
at full power and with full interference protection at 118.4”W.’ Pegasus
contemporaneously submitted a pending application to operate at full power and with

  See e.g., File No. SAT-AMD-20080114-00017 (Call Sign S2244), Application Narrative, at p. 5
  (“DIRECTV proposes to operate [at the 118.4”Woffset location] at full power and with full
  interference protection.”); p. 11 (“DIRECTV is applying for an orbital location that is offset 0.6”
  from an Appendix F slot [and] seeks to operate at full power and with full interference protection).

Marlene H. Dortch
September 26,2008
Page 2

full interference protection at 115.0”W,2which is an Appendix F orbital l ~ c a t i o n . ~
Because the pending applications for adjacent satellites are considered simultaneously
filed and Pegasus proposed to locate its satellite at an Appendix F location, while
DIRECTV did not, the Commission’s rules prohibit the grant of the DIRECTV
application for full power, full protection operations at 118.4”W.4 On August 1,2008,
Pegasus submitted a letter to the Commission, inter alia, raising this issue?

        Recognizing this problem, DIRECTV amended its application to “ensure that
[its proposed operations at 118.4”WI comply with the Commission’s rules governing
how off-grid systems must operate in the presence of another system at the adjacent
on-grid slot.”6 Specifically, DIRECTV proposed to remain at 118.4”W and reduce the
peak EIRP of its system by 0.1 dB (i.e. from 63.0 dBW to 62.9 dBW).7

         The power reduction, however, fails to ensure that the proposed DIRECTV
satellite at 118.4”W will not cause more interference to Pegasus’ proposed satellite at

  See File No. SAT-AMD-20080114-00023 (Call Sign S2700), Application Narrative, at p. 20
  (“Pegasus requests authority to operate the proposed satellites at full power with full interference
  protection (i.e. a full-power Appendix F space station) at the following orbital locations: 9 1.O”W,
  1O7.O0W, and 115.0”W.”).
  Appendix F orbital locations range from 43”W to 179”W, inclusive, and are spaced four degrees
  apart. See In the Matter of The Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting-
  Satellite Service at the 17.3-1 7.7 GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7-17.8 GHz Frequency Band
  Internationally, and at the 24.75-25.25 GHz Frequency Band for Fixed Satellite Services Providing
  Feeder Links to the Broadcast-Satellite Service and for the Satellite Services Operating Bi-
  directionally in the 17.3-17.8 GHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, 22 FCC Rcd 8842, at
  Appendix F (2007) (‘‘I 7/24 GHz Order”); Order on Reconsideration, 22 FCC Rcd 17951, at
  Appendix B (2007) (“I 7/24 GHz Order on Reconsideration”).
  See 17/24 GHz Order on Reconsideration, at 7 26 (grant of an Appendix F satellite application will
  prevent the grant of a simultaneously filed full power, full interference protection application to
  operate a satellite at an offset location less than 4” away); 7 34 (establishing second filing window
  “in cases where an application for authority to operate at an offset location at h l l power conflicts
  with [a simultaneously filed] application for an Appendix F location”); 7 36 (“Any applicant
  proposing a full-power, offset space station that conflicts with an application for an adjacent
  Appendix F space station will have thirty days after the deadline for amended applications . . . to
  amend its application.”).
  See Letter from Bruce Jacobs to Marlene Dortch (August 1,2008).
  See File No. SAT-AMD-20080908-00 166, Application Narrative, at p.2.
  Id. at 3.

www. piIlsburylaw.corn

Marlene H. Dortch
September 26,2008
Page 3

115.0"W than if the DIRECTV satellite were located at precisely 119.O0W,as
required by the Commission's rules? By Pegasus' calculations, DIRECTV must
reduce peak EIRP of its proposed satellite by 2.5 dB.

        Pegasus agrees with DIRECTV that "[ulsing the standard ITU-R BO. 1213
reference antenna pattern at 17.5 GHz, a decrease in orbital spacing from 4.0" to 3.4"
reduces off-axis protection to the adjacent satellite system from 23.5 dB to 21.8 dB -
a difference of 1.7 dB (based on topocentric angle)."g Additionally, because
DIRECTV's satellite, as originally proposed (File No. SAT-AMD-20080114-00017),
has a peak power flux-density ("PFD") of -1 14.2 dBW/m2 /MHz," DIRECTV must
further reduce peak EIRP by 0.8 dB in order to meet the Commission's PFD limits.
See 47 C.F.R. 0 25.208(w). Accordingly, the total peak EIRP reduction must be 2.5
dB, not 0.1 dB as DIRECTV asserts.

  See e.g., 47 C.F.R. $8 25.140(b)(4)(applicant proposing to operate a satellite at an offset location
  must demonstrate that its proposed network will not cause more interference to adjacent satellite
  networks), 25.140(~)(3)(applicantproposing to operate at offset location must design satellite
  network to be capable of operating with adjacent 17/24 GHz BSS satellites less than four degrees
  away), 25.262(d)("Any U.S. licensee or permittee using a 17/24 GHz BSS space station that is
  located less than four degrees away from a prior-authorized 17/24 GHz BSS space station . . . : (1)
  may not cause any more interference to the adjacent satellite network than would be caused if the
  adjacent 17/24 GHz BSS space station were located four degrees away from the proposed space
  station; and (2) must accept any increased interference that results from the adjacent space station
  network ....").
  File No. SAT-AMD-20080908-00166, Application Narrative, at p.3 n. 8.
lo Pegasus calculated the PFD on the   surface of the Earth using a 30 MHz noise bandwidth, rather than
  a 36 MHz transponder bandwidth, which DIRECTV incorrectly used. Additionally, Pegasus did not
  consider atmospheric losses in its computation, which DIRECTV did. As a general matter, Article
  2 1 of the ITU Radio Regulations and the FCC's rules require the assumption of free-space
  propagation conditions in calculating PFD limits. Accordingly, by Pegasus' calculations, PFD
  (dBW/m2 /MHz) = EIRP-162.4 -10 log (30) = 63 -162.4 -14.8 = -1 14.2. While the FCC's rules do
  not expressly require the assumption of free space conditions for the 17.3-17.7 GHz band and the
  ITU PFD limits apply only to the 17.7-17.8 GHz band, even if atmospheric losses are considered,
  Pegasus estimates such losses to be at most 0.8 dB and not 1.6 dB as DIRECTV argues (using
  SatMaster software for 99.7% availability for the downlink to Miami, gaseous attenuation is 0.35 dB
  and scintillation is 0.45 dB), and under that assumption, DIRECTV would still need to reduce peak
  EIRP of its satellite by 1.7 dB not 0.1 dB, as it proposes.

Marlene H. Dortch
September 26,2008
Page 4

        For these reasons, Pegasus requests that the Commission not grant
DIRECTV's application for a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite at 118.4"W unless DIRECTV
fbrther amends its application, consistent with the comments stated above.

                                  Very truly yours,

                                  Tony Lin                                                 400946994~1

                                                                        1    1     I'   1

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I, Renee Williams, hereby certify that on this 26th day of September 2008 I
served a true copy of the foregoing by first-class United States mail, postage prepaid,
upon the following:

Andrea Kelly*                                  William M. Wiltshire
Federal Communications Commission              Michael D. Nilsson
445     Street, S.W.                           Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
Washington, D.C. 20554                         1200     Street, N.W.
                                               Washington, D.C. 20036
                                               Counselfor DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

                                              Renek Williams

*By Hand Delivery

Document Created: 2008-10-01 15:04:42
Document Modified: 2008-10-01 15:04:42

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