Attachment update





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19970605-00050 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                        March 24, 2005        MAR 2 4 2095
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    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                                  *
    Federal Communications Commission                                     Rece’Ved
    445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                                             Hke s
    Washington, DC 20554                                                   44
           Re:     Information Update                                  Intompy .2iGn
                  SAT—LOA—19970605—00049                                         "ween

    Dear Ms. Dortch:
           Pursuant to Section 1.65 of the Commission‘s rules, this letter provides updated
    ownership and management information relevant to the pending applications referenced
    above, reflecting recent transactions and changes in DIRECTV management.
           If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact undersigned counsel.
                                                Sincerely yours,

                                                Williom M. Wiltshire
                                                Counselfor DIRECTV


                          Ownership, Directors, and Officers


Information relating tothe stockholders that own of record and/or vote 10% or more of
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC‘s stock is as follows:

 DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
State ofOrganization:           Delaware
Principal Place ofBusiness: 2230 E. Imperial Highway
                            El Segundo, CA 90245

Primary Business Activites: Provides digital television entertainment services.
Principal Shareholders:
DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (*DIRECTV Enterprises") is a wholly owned subsidiary of
DIRECTV Holdings LLC, which is a wholly owned subsidiary of The DIRECTV Group,
Inc. (*DIRECTV Group"). The address of DIRECTV Holdings LLC is: 2230 E.
Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245. The address of DIRECTV Group is: 2250
E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245
Fox Entertainment Group, Inc. (°FEG"), a Delaware corporation, owns 34% ofthe equity
and voting stock of DIRECTV Group. FEG is a wholly owned subsidiary ofNews
Corporation ("News")." The address of FEG and News is: 1211 Avenue of he
Americas, New York, NY 10036. Additional information regarding News is set forth
United States Trust Company of New York, a New York corporation, (acting as trustee
for various trusts and employee benefit plans) beneficially owns approximately 15.6% of
the voting stock of DIRECTV Group. The address of United States Trust Company of
New York is: 114 West 47° Street, NewYork, NY: 10036.

.   The Commission hasfound that News has a defrcto contoling iterest over DIRECTV Group and is
    subsidlaries, icluding DIRECTV Emerprises,fopurposes ofthe Communications Actof1934, See
    General Motors Corporation, Hughes Electronics Corporation, and The News Corporation Linited
    19 FCC Red. 473 (f14) 2004 News discluims any beneficia ownership ofthe votin securies of
    DIRECTV Enterprsesheldby subsidariesofDIRECTV Group and does noconcede, y thisiling,
    that DIRECTV Enterpriss is contzoledby News orit subsidlaries

News Corporation

State ofIncorporation:          Delaware
Principal Place ofBusiness: 1211 Avenue ofthe Americas
                            New York, NY 10036
Primary Business Activitie:. Diversified international media and entertainment company
with operations in a number of industry segments, including: filmed entertainment;
television; cable network programming; magazines and inserts; newspapers; and book
Principal Shareholders:
Interests associated with Mr. K. Rupert Murdoch, a United States citizen and the Chief
Executive ofNews, directly and indirectly control an approximately 12.6% equity and
29.5% voting interest in News." Mr. Murdoch‘s address 1211 Avenue ofthe
Americas, New York, NY 10036.
LibertyMedia Corporation, a Delaware corporation, holds an approximately 18.0%
equity and 9.1% voting interest in News according to its Form 100 filing with the
Securities and Exchange Commission on November 9, 2004 and is Schedule 13G filing
with the Securities and Exchange Commission on December 21, 204. The address of
Liberty Media Corporation is: 12300 Liberty Boulevard, Englewood, CO 80112.

Chase Carey, a U.S. citizen, is the sole director of DIRECTV Enterprises. He can be
contacted at the following address: DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 2230 E. Imperial
Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245.

*         "This agproximate voting interest is calculated as of November 12, 2004, and includes
307,913,147 Class & (voting) shares owned by (1) Mr. K. Rupert Murdoch; (2) Gruden
Investments Py. Limited, a private Austalin investment company ouned by Mr. K. Rupert
Murdoch, members ofhi family, and various coporations and tusts, the beneficiaries of which
include Mr.K. Rupert Murdach, members ofhs family, and certain chariies; and (2) corporations
that are controled by tustees of setlements and trustsset up for the benefi of the Murdach
farmily, certain charties, and other persons. In additon, as of November 12, 2004, Mr. K. Rupert
Murdoch and the above entites benefcialy owned 61,952,941 Class A (non—vating) shares:


The officers of DIRECTV Enterprises are listed below:

        Chase Carey — President and Chief Executive Officer
        Steven J. Cox — Executive Vice President
        Daniel M. Fawcett — Executive Vice President, Business and Legal Affairs,
                 Programming Acquisition
        David Hill — Executive Vice President
        Larry D. Hunter — Executive VicePresident, General Counsel and Secretary
        Robert D. Pacek—— Executive Viee President and Chie? Information Officer
        Michael W. Palkovie — Executive VicePresident and Chief Financial Officer
        Romulo Pontual — Executive Vice President
        Richard D. Slenker, Jr. — Executive Vice President
        Neal J.Tiles — Executive Vice President
        Keith A. Causey — Senior Vice President and Controller
        Pat Doyle, Senior Viee President, Treasurer and Chief Accounting Officer
        Leigh Anne Nanci — Senior Vice President
        Robin N. Rogers — Senior Vice President and Assistant Corporate Secretary
        David E. Shanks — Senior Vice President
        Stanton S. Trara — Vice President
        Paul A. James — VicePresident
        Michael G. Krenik — VicePresident
        April L. Ammeter — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Hilary J. Hatch — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Todd W. Mathers — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Christopher A. Murphy — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Stevie Pyon — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Brign M. Regan — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Takehiko Suzuki — Assistant Corporate Secretary
        Janet L. Williamson — Assistant Corporate Secretary
Each officer is a U.S. citizen‘ and can be contacted at the following address: DIRECTV
Enterprises, LLC, 2230 E. Imperial Highway, El Segundo, CA 90245.

5   David l also has dual citzenship in Austrlia.

Document Created: 2005-03-30 11:16:50
Document Modified: 2005-03-30 11:16:50

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