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GE reply.pdf

REPLY submitted by GE American Communications



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19960904-00111 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                      SEP 3 0 1997

                                     Before the                                     FEDERALo%mw
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                                                —

                                              No NN N NNN N/ N/
                                                                                0C1 1 6 199
Application of
MOTOROLA SATELLITE SYSTEMS, INC.                                  File Nos. 157°SAT—P/LA—96 (72)
                                                                            & 29—SAT—AMEND—97
For Authority to Construct, Launch
and Operate a Non—Geostationary Orbit
Satellite System in the
Fixed—Satellite Service


             GE American Communications, Inc. (°GE Americom"), by its attorneys

and pursuant to Section 25.154 of the Commission‘s rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.154,

hereby submits this reply regarding the above—captioned application of Motorola

Satellite Systems, Inc. ("Motorola") for the M—Star non—geostationary satellite

system ("M—Star Application").

             In its Petition to Deny, GE Americom demonstrated that grant of the

M—Star Application could preclude efficient use of the 40 GHz band for fixed

satellite services. Motorola asserted in its application that sharing between its

proposed system and geostationary FSS operations in the 40 GHz band would be

theoretically possible, but only if the number of geostationary and nongeostationary

licensees was limited. M—Star Application at 70. GE Americom observed that the

filing window for FSS applications in the 40 GHz band remained open, making it

premature to make assumptions about how many qualified applicants would

request authority for FSS operations in the band. GE Americom Petition to Deny at


             Subsequent events have borne out GE Americom‘s concerns that

demand for FSS spectrum in the 40 GHz band would be high. GE Americom itself

filed for a global geostationary satellite system to operate in the 40 GHz band prior

to closing of the filing window. Hughes and TRW had previously filed applications.

Recent press reports indicate that additional applications were filgd last week by

Hughes for two new systems, as well as by Loral, Orbital Sciences Corp., Lockheed

Martin, and Teledesic.

             In its response to Petitions to Deny, Motorola briefly acknowledged

GE Americom‘s concern that resolution of sharing issues would depend heavily on

the number of applications filed for the 40 GHz band, and agreed that further

discussions will be needed after the filing window closes. Motorola Consolidated

Opposition at 20 n.47. However, Motorola made no suggestions rggarding how its

sharing proposal could be enhanced to accommodate multiple NGSO and GSO


             Thus, the Commission is left with no record to support Motorola‘s

claim that authorization of the M—Star system would be consistent with efficient use

of the 40 GHz band. Specifically, Motorola has not refuted GE Americom‘s

demonstration that authorization of geostationary systems in the 40 GHz band will

permit greater re—use of spectrum and the licensing of multiple competitors.

GE Americom Petition at 3. GE Americom recognizes that Motorola is seeking to

develop appropriate sharing procedures to allow M—Star to co—exist with

geostationary systems. We will cooperate fully in the development of such

procedures. However, Motorola has not demonstrated that its proposals to date are


             Absent a showing that M—Star can successfully share with multiple

competing FSS systems, Motorola‘s application for the M—Star system should be


                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                      GE AMERICAN COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

Philip V. Otero                             Peter A. Rohrbach
Senior Vice President and                   Karis A. Hastings
 General Counsel                            Hogan & Hartson LL.P.
GE American Communications, Inc.            555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Four Research Way                           Washington, D.C. 20004
Princeton, NJ 08540                         (202) 637—5600

September 30, 1997

                         CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

            I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing Reply of GE American

Communications, Inc. were served by hand delivery this 30th day of September,

1997 to:

Regina Keeney                               Mr. Harold Ng
Chief, International Bureau                 Engineering Advisor, Satellite and
Federal Communications Commission           Radiocommunications Division
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 830               International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            2000 M Street, NNW., Room 801
Ruth Milkman                                Washington, D.C. 20554
Deputy Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission           Virginia Marshall
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 821               Attorney Advisor
Washington, D.C. 20554                      International Bureau — Satellite
                                            Federal Communications Commission
Thomas S. Tycz                              2000 M Street, NW., Room 515
Chief, Satellite and                        Washington, D.C. 20554
Radiocommunications Division
International Bureau                        Kathleen Campbell
Federal Communications Commission           Satellite and Radiocommunications
2000 M Street, NW., Room 520                Division
Washington, D.C. 20554                      Federal Communications Commission
                                            2000 M Street, N.W., Room 593
Fern Jarmulnek                              Washington, D.C. 20554
Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite and Radiocommunications
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, NW., Room 518
Washington, D.C. 20554

and by first class mail, postage prepaid to:

Michael D. Kennedy                             Philip L. Malet
Barry Lambergman                               Pantelis Michalopoulos
Motorola, Inc.                                 Brent H. Weingardt
1350 I Street, NW., Suite 400                  1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005                         Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                  /K/befu é11o
                                                         Kthy Bates

Document Created: 2016-11-16 17:47:27
Document Modified: 2016-11-16 17:47:27

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