Attachment 2002DIRECTV-Pegasus





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19950929-00130 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


ShawPittman ur                                                                                              ORIGINAL
A Limited Liability Partnership Including Professional Corporations
                                                                       Tony LIn

                                                                        April 1, 2002

         By Courier                                                      APR       s 20(09
           o2                                                                                                 APR — 1 2002
         William F. Caton                                             Csten
         Federal Communications Commissi®n»;:,~;..                                         moh         PEBERAL COMMUNICATIONEG COMMIBGION
         445 12"" Street, S.W., Room 1—A835                                                                  prfibe OF TSE SEDREIARY
                                                                                                             OFFICE OF THE SECRET

          Washington, D.C. 20554

                                             Re: Notification Pursuant to Protective Order;
                                                 Acknowledgement of Confidentiality;
                                                 File No. SAT—LOA—19950929—00130/131;
                                                          FOIA No. 2002—124

         Dear Mr. Caton:

                 Pursuant to the Order Adopting Protective Order and the accompanying
         Protective Order, DA 02—609 (March 15, 2002), Pegasus Development Corporation
         ("*Pegasus") hereby requests access to an unredacted copy of the documents at issue in the
         above—referenced proceeding. Attached is an Acknowledgement of Confidentiality
         executed by Bruce D. Jacobs, outside counsel for Pegasus.

                       Please contact either of the undersigned, if you have questions regarding this

                                                                                  Very truly yours,

                                                                              /   cfi
                                                                                   ce D. Jacobs
                                                                                  Tony Lin


         ce            Alyssa Roberts

                                                                                                                                       Washington, DC
                                                                                                                                       Northern Virginia
                                                                                                                                       New York
                                                                                                                                       Los Angeles
2300 N Street, NW Washington, DC 20037—1128                           202.663.8000 Fax: 202.663.8007            London

                                  Federal Communications Commission                              DA 02—609

                                               APPENDIX B

                                   Acknowledgment of Confidentiality

         I hereby acknowledge that I have received and read a copy of the foregoing Protective Order in
the above—captioned proceeding, and I understand it. I agree that I am bound by the Protective Order and
that I shall not disclose or use Confidential Information except as allowed by the Protective Order. I
acknowledge that a violation of the Protective Order is a violation of an order of the Federal
Communications Commission.

        Without limiting the foregoing, to the extent that I have any employment, affiliation or role with
any person or entity other than a conventional private law firm (such as, but not limited to, a lobbying or
public interest organization), I acknowledge specifically that my access to any information obtained as a
result of the order is due solely to my capacity as Counsel or consultant to a party or other person
described in paragraph 5 of the foregoing Protective Order and that I will not use such information in any
other capacity nor will I disclose such information except as specifically provided in the Protective Order.

        I hereby certify that I am not involved in "competitive decision—making" as that term is used in
the definition of In—House Counsel in paragraph 2 of the Protective Order.

        I acknowledge that it is my obligation to ensure that: (1) Confidential Information are used only
as provided in the Protective Order; and (2) the Contract is not duplicated except as specifically permitted
by the terms of paragraph 10 of the Protective Order, and I certify that I have verified that there are in
place procedures, at my firm or office, to prevent unauthorized disclosure of Confidential Information.

         Capitalized terms used herein and not otherwise defined shall have the meanings ascribed to them
in the Protective Order.

        Executed at   Washinaton, DC               this 1st day of _April           , 2002

                                                 Qutside Counsel        for Pegasus Development Corporation

                                                 2300 N Street, NW
                                                 Washington, DC 20037

                                                 (202) 454—7077

                                   Certificate of Service

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Notification
Pursuant to Protective Order" and "Acknowledgement of Confidentiality" were sent by
electronic mail, this 1" day of April 2002, to the following:

         Joseph A. Godles
         Michael A. McCoin
         Goldber% Godles Wiener & Wright
         1929 19"" Street, NW
         Washington, DC 20036

                                                                              /   /"/’(
                                                            Marcella Schiappacasse
                                                             mm           /

Document Created: 2019-04-20 14:13:41
Document Modified: 2019-04-20 14:13:41

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