Attachment 2001Loral Opposition

2001Loral Opposition

OPPOSITION submitted by Loral



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19950929-00130 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                   |                        2                                                                          .                                                                                                                                s                  APR 1 0 2001
                   Federal Communications Commussion
                                      WASHINGTON, D.C.                                                                                                                                                                                                                *To
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            o ecerpipge
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        COMMUNICA  COMILUSEI

In the Matter of

                                                mo/ No/ m Wws Nce Nn Nn Nue! Nund! ue‘ Nuse Nume! Nue! Nuet! Nue! Nued! Nut! Nue! Ned Ww ut Num! No Nee Nt Nuue! Snd Nuul! Nue! Nu! Suul Nund! Nue! Ned Snd Nus! Nt Num! Nu! Nut Nt Nu/
EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                                                                                                                                                                            File Nos. 167/168—SAT—P/L—95: SAT—LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19950929—00118/00019: 54—SAT—AMEND—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          96 SAT—AMD—19960124—00006:

Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                        File Nos. 3/4—DSS—P/LA—94; SAT LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          1993 1203—00040/0004 1: 174—179    LA

Loral CyberStar, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     File Nos. 205—SAT—P/LA—95; SAT—LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19950929—00157; 205/206—SAT—AMEND—95:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—AMD—19950929—00 1 57/00158

Morning Star Satellite Company, LLC                                                                                                                                                                                                       File Nos. 190—193—SAT—P/LA—95;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—LOA—19950929—00120—00 123

Motorola, Inc.                                                                                                                                                                                                                            File Nos. 163—166—SAT—P/LA—95; SAT—LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           19950929—00145—00148; 157—SAT—P/LA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          96(72) SAT—LOA—19960904—001 1 1:
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—AMD—19961204—00141; 94—98—SAT—P/L A—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          97;, SAT—LOA—19970715—00060—00064:

NetSat 28 Company, LLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                    File Nos. 194—SAT—P/LA—95; SAT—LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19950929—00150; SAT—T/C—19990727

PanAmSat Corporation                                                                                                                                                                                                                      File Nos. 00198/00199—SAT—LOA—95; SAT—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          LOA— 19950929—00155/00 1 54;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—AMD—19950929—00 1 09;

Teledesic LLC                                                                                                                                                                                                                             File Nos. 22—DSS—P/LA—94; SAT—LOA—
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          19940321—00012; 43—SAT—AMEND—95;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—AMD—19950713—00086; 195— SAT ML—97;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          SAT—MOD—19970926—00 155

VisionStar. Inc.                                                   File Nos. 200—SAT—P/LA—95: SAT—LOA—
                                                                   19950929—00156: SAT—T—C—2000 12 15—00 163

WB Holdings 1 LLC                                                  File Nos. 128—SAT—P/LA—95: SAT—LOA—
                                                                   19950712—00085: 203—SAT—P/L A—95:
                                                                   SAT—LOA—19950928—00 108


          Loral Space & Communications Ltd. ("Loral"), by its attorneys. submits this opposition

to the Motion to Consolidate All First—Round and Second—Round Licensing Matters (~Motion to

Consolidate" or "Motion") filed by Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus").‘ Pegasus‘

Motion to Convsolidate is illogical. legally deficient and wholly without merit. It should be


I.        Pegasus has failed to meet the Commission‘s standard for consolidation.

          Although Pegasus complains that progress has not been made on second—round Ka—band

licensing issues, it fails to explain how the relief it requests will achieve that result.

Consolidation will do nothing but delay the progress of first round Ka—band licensees to

implement their systems and provide service to the public. Such a result would inhibit rather

than increase administrative efficiéency, and is certainly not in the public interest.

          Pegasus fails to satisfy the standard the Commission has established for consolidation.

Pegasus attempts to sidestep this problem by instead citing the standard and precedent for

consolidation of applications. not the far more unwieldy proposition of consolidation oflicenses

          Pegasus Development Corporation, Motion to Consolidate All First—Round and Second—Round Licensing
          Matters (filed Mar. 26, 2001). Pegasus simultaneously filed a Motion for Stay of FCC action on all Ka—
          band matters listed in Attachment A to its Motion. Loral has opposed the Motion for Stay. Oppositions
          were also filed by Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., WB Holdings 1 LLC, Teledesic LLC. EchoStar
          Satellite Corporation and PanAmSat Corp.

with applications requested by Pegasus.2 And yet Pegasus‘s proposal to consolidate first round

proceedings withsecond—round application proceedings fails even to meet the Commission‘s

standard for consolidation of applications. That standard generally requires that the actions for

which consolidation is sought have parties and/or legal or factual issues in common." None of

those factors applyto the proceedings involved here—the actions that have arisen out ofthe first

and second Ka—band processing rounds have been diverse in both the issues raised and the parties


        Pegasus has made no attempt to explain howthe proceedings it proposes to consolidate

involve the same parties or factual or legal issues. That the proceedings Pegasus cites involve

the Ka—band generally. although several address Ka—band licensing in the first processing round

and the others address issues that were raised after the processing round‘s close, simply is not

enough to justify consolidation under the Commission‘s standards. The factual and legal issues

and the parties involved in each proceeding "are sufficiently unique as to render consolidation

inappropriate."" Each issue can and should be resolved independently of the other proceedings,

affording no basis for consc;lidation.

        Pegasus glosses over the lack of commonality brought about by its request by

mischaracterizing all the proceedings listed in Attachment A as "pending." In fact, it has

proposed that the Commission consolidate licenses that have already been granted or are in —

different stages of processing. In some of the proceedings that Pegasus seeks to consolidate, like

       See 47 C.F.R. §§ 1.201, 1.227 (2000).

       See 47 CF.R. § 1.227(a) (2000) ("The Commission . . . will, where such action will best conduce to the
       proper dispatch of business and to the ends ofjustice, consolidate for hearing . . . any cases which involve
       the same applicant or involve substantially the same issues.").

5      See In re DIRECTV, Inc. v. COMCAST Corporation, CSR 51 12—P, CSR 5244—P, Memorandum Opinion
       und Order, 15 FCC Red. 22802 at 2, n.4 (2000).

the proceedings that led to Loral‘s authorization at 93° W.L.. the Commission has alreadyissued

a final order. while in others the Commission has yet to issue a public notice." Ironically. the

only reason most ofthe listed first round matters are "pending‘ is because of opposition

pleadings filed by Pegasus.

        The Commission will consider consolidation when it will bring about a significant

increase in administrative efficiency.© But consolidating these procedurally and substantively

distinct Ka—band issues and staying all Commission action on first round matters (as Pegasus also

requests)7 will not speed up the second round licensing process: it will instead freeze all Ka—band

proceedings and throw both the first and second Ka—band processing rounds into a chaotic

stalemate. In most cases the window has closed on pleadings regarding these matters. Further.’

consolidation would permit the parties involved in every underlying proceeding to have

procedural rights with respect to all other parties‘ applications and the right to judicial appeal on

all matters.

        The Commission is precluded from reaching this very result in other actions. See 47 C.F.R. § 1.227(b).
        Under the hearing consolidation rules, the Commission is precluded from consolidating applications that
        were filed outside of various deadlines set in the rules. For example, any mutually exclusive application
        must be filed within 5 days of publication of an earlier application on Public Notice for the Commission to
        consolidate the two. See id. at 1.227(b)(2). These deadlines are imposed for good reason: consolidation of
        proceedings at different stages can serve only to slow the process. Consolidation of all the proceedings in
        the Ka—band would do so exponentially, bringing the entire Ka—band licensing scheme to a standstill.

        Pegasus improperly relies on the "cumulative effect" analysis of In re Applications of First Charleston
        Corp.. Memorandum Opinion and Order, 97 F.C.C.2d4 271 (1984). In that case, the Commission
        consolidated two license applications for hearing following a court order to consider the cumulative effect
        ofthe applications on a third station. See id. at 272—73. First Charleston is not an addition to the
        requirement of similarity of parties, facts or issues. It is instead an elaboration on the procedure by which
        the Commission consolidates hearings on license applications that are mutually exclusive. See 47 C.F.R.
        § 1.227(b). As such, it bears little relation to the consolidation Pegasus requests here.

        Pegasus Development Corporation Motion for Stay of First—Round Licensing Matters (filed Mar. 26. 2001).

41.      Pegasus has failed to identify proceedings for which consolidation is appropriate.

         Moreox'er: i{t is impossible to determine. based on Pegasus® Motion to Consolidate.

 exactly what proceedings Pegasus wishes to consolidate. The Motion identifies three

 proceedings as "keyfirst—round licensing matters®~: (1) Netsat‘s application for reviewofthe

 revocation ofits license for 95° W.L.. (2) Motorola‘s apparent abandonment of its Ka—band

 satellite plans. and (3) Visionstar‘s transfer of control épplication.g Attachment A to the Motion

 lists other first Ka—band processing round issues Pegasus has identified as "relevant." but which

 are completely unrelated to the three "key" matters discussed in Pegasus® Motion. Further. the

 caption to the Motion includes file numbers for proceedings that appear in neither the text of the

 Motion nor its attachments.

        Pegasus requests that two Loral matters, among numerous other first round issues, be

| consolidated with the second Ka—band processing round." First, Pegasus includes Loral‘s

 application to modify the Orion F7 Ka—band authorization at 89° W.L. to add a Ka—band payload

 to Telstar 8. Despite the fact that it has not applied for the 89° W.L. orbital slot in the second

 round, Pegasus filed comments objecting to Loral‘s modification application. Loral‘s underlying

 license to construct, launch and operate a Ka—band satellite at 89° W.L., however is final. The

 mere fact that a party has filed comments regarding a subsequent technical modification pending

 before the Commission does not place the underlying license in jeopardy. Loral‘s Ka—band

 authorization at 89° W.L. is not available to second round applicants.

        Similarly, while Pegasus mischaracterizes as "pending" the assignment ofthe 93° W.L.

 orbital location to Loral, the Commission formally assigned this orbital location to Loral on

        See Motion to Consolidate at 3.

        See Motion for Stay at Attachment A.

        ~             [1          &                  Ds neel                     &         Sosae!   .
January 30. 2001."‘" Pegasus did not oppose this assignment. and Loral‘s authorization is no

longer subject to reconsideration or appeal. Grant ofthe 93° W.L. orbital location to Loral is a

Final order. and under no cireumstances mayit be characterized as "pending." Even if Pegasus‘s

arguments for consolidation had any merit. this particular order could not be consolidated with

other proceedings. The Commission may not consolidate an order that is final.

       Pegasus‘s Motion to Consolidate is completely without merit. and the Commission

should promptly deny it.

                                          LORAL SPACE & COMMUNICATIONS LTD.
                                          By:           M@ V@K
                                                                z>                      ——Z__

                                                  Stephen R. Bell
                                                  Jennifer D. McCarthy
                                                  Kasey A. Chappelle®
                                                  WILLKIE FARR & GALLAGHER
                                                  Three Lafayette Centre
                                                  1155 21st Street, N.W.
                                                  Washington. D.C. 20036—3384
                                                  Tel. (202) 328—8000
                                                  Its Attorneys

April 10. 2001

10     See In re CyberStar Licensee LLC, File Nos. 109—SAT—P/LA—95, 1 10—SAT—P—95, 187—SAT—AMEND—95,
       188/189—SAT—P/LA—95, 102/103—SAT—AMEND—96, 103/104/105—SAT—ML—98, Order and Authorizution,
       DA 01—223 (rel. Jan. 31, 2001). The underlying license for this Loral Ka—band slot was granted May 8.
       1997. See In re Loral Space & Communications Ltd. Application for Authority to Construct, Launch and
       Operate a Ka—Band Satellite System in the Fixed—Satellite Service. Order and Authorization, 13 FCC Red.
       1379 (1997).

       Not admitted in D.C.

                                   CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        I. Dennette Manson. do herebycertify that on this 10th day of April. 2001 copies ofthe

foregoing Opposition of Loral Space & Communications Ltd. were delivered by postage pre—

paid first class mail, unless otherwise indicated, to the following parties:

Donald Abelson. Chief*                              Thomas S. Tycz, Chief*
International Bureau                                Satellite and Radiocommunications Division
Federal Communications Commission                   International Bureau
445 12"" Street. SW                                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington. DC 20554                                445 12"" Street, SW
                                                    Washington. DC 20554

Fern Jarmulnek. Chief*                              Alyssa Roberts*
Satellite Policy Branch                             Satellite Policy Branch
Federal Communications Commission                   International Bureau
445 12"" Street. SW                                 Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554                                445 12"" Street, SW
                                                    Washington, DC 20554

Jennifer Gilsenan*                                  Selina Khan*
Satellite Policy Branch                             Satellite Policy Branch
International Bureau                                International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                   Federal Communications Commission
445 12"" Street. SW                                 445 12"" Street, SW
Washington. DC 20554                                Washington. DC 20554

Cassandra Thomas. Deputy Chief*                     Bruce D. Jacobs
Satellite and Radiocommunications Div.              Kathryn R. Schmeltzer
International Bureau                                Dawn Sciarrino
Federal Communications Commission                   Tony Lin
445 12" Street, SW                                  Shaw Pittman
Washington. DC 20554                                2300 N Street, N.W.
                                                    Washington, DC 20037
                                                    Counselfor Pegasus Development Corporution

Gary M. Epstein _                             William M. Wiltshire
John P. Janka                                 Harris. Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
Arthur S. Landerholm                          1200 18"" Street. NW
Latham & Watkins                              Suite 1200        |
1001 Pennsylvania Ave.. NW                    Washington. DC 20036
Suite 1300                                    Counsel for Wildblue Communications. Inc.
Washington. DC 20004
Counsel for Hughes Communications, Inc.

David M. Brown                                Joseph A. Godles
General Counsel                               W. Kenneth Ferree
Wildblue Communications, Inc.                 Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
4600 Syracuse Street                          1229 Nineteenth Street, NW
Suite 500                                     Washington, DC 20036
Denver. CO 80237                              Counsel for PanAmSat Corporation

Peter A. Rohrbach                             Pantelis Michalopoulos
Karis A. Hastings                             Phonda Rivens Bolton
Yaron Don                                     Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Hogan & Hartson LLP                           1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
Columbia Square                               Washington, DC 20036—1795
555 Thirteenth Street. NW                     Counselfor EchoStar VisionStar Corporation
Washington. DC 20004—1109
Counsel for GE Americom

Philip L. Malet                               Mark A. Grannis Jonathan B. Mirsky
James M. Talens                               Fred B. Campbell            ‘
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                         Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW                   1200 18"" Street, NW
Washington. DC 20036—1795                     Suite 1200
Counsel for Motorola Corporation              Washington, DC 20036
                                              Counselfor Teledesic LLC

Michael R. Gardner, P.C.                      Raymond G. Bender, Jr.
The Law Offices of Michael R. Gardner. P.C.   Carlos M. Nalda
Attorneys at Law                              Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, PLLC
1150 Connecticut Avenue, NW                   1200 New Hampshire Avenue. NW
Suite 710                                     Suite 800
Washington. DC 20036                          Washington, DC 20036                 .
Counsel for VisionStar Corporation            Counsel for Astrolink International LLC

 Norman P. Leventhal                              Robert A. Mazer
 Stephen D. Baruch                                Albert Schuldiner
  David S. Keir                                   Vinson & Elkins LLP
  Leventhal. Senter &Lerman PLLC                  1455 Pennsylvania Avenue. NW
 2000 K Street. NW. Suite 600                     Suite 700
 Washington, DC 20036                             Washingtion. DC 20004—1008
 Counsel for TRW, Inc.                            Counselfor NetSat 28 Compuny, LLC

 James U. Troup                                   Tara K. Guinta
 Brian D. Robinson                                Coudert Brothers
 Arter & Hadden LLP                               Attorneys at Law
 1801 K Street. NW                                1627 I Street. NW
 Suite 400K                                       Washington, DC 20006—40007
 Washington, DC 20036                             Counsel for Pacific Century Group, Inc.
 Counsel for CALI Data Systems, Inc.

_ Brian D. Weimer                                 Todd M. Stansbury
  Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP           Wiley, Rein & Fielding
  1440 New York Avenue. NW                        1776 K Street, NW
  Washington, DC 20005                            Washington, DC 20006
  Counsel for Celsat America, Inc.                Counselfor DirectCom Networks. Inc.

 Lauren J. Blevin                                 Gerald Musarra, Vice President
 Wilkinson. Barker & Knauer, LLP                  Trade & Regulatory Affairs
 2300 N Street, NW                                Lockheed Martin Corporation
 Suite 700                                        Crystal Square 2, Suite 403
 Washington. DC 20037                             1725 Jefferson Davis Highway
 Counselfor Lockheed Martin Corporation           Arlington, VA 22202

 Francis L. Young                                 William D. Wallace
 Young & Jatlow                                   Crowell & Moring. LLP
 2300 N Street, NW                                1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
 Suite 600                                        Washington, DC 20004
 Washington, DC 20037                             Counselfor Globalstar. L.P.
 Counselfor Morning Star Satellite Company. LLC

 *Delivered by hand delivery

Document Created: 2014-01-02 14:42:21
Document Modified: 2014-01-02 14:42:21

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