Attachment 2001Pegasus motion f

2001Pegasus motion f

MOTION submitted by Pegasus

Motion for Stay


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19950929-00130 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION               >      MAR 2 6 2001
                               WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554
                                                                            FEDERAL wm OMARHON
                                                                               ORNDEOFThit SECREMIAN
In the Matter of                       )
EchoStar Satellite Corporation         )   File Nos. 167/168—SAT—P/L—95
                                       )             SAT—LOA—19950929—00118/00019
                                       )             54—SAT—AMEND—96
                                       )             SAT—AMD—19960124—00006
                                      )              SAT—MOD—20000222—00061/00062
Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.    )    File Nos. 3/4—DSS—P/LA—94
                                      )              SAT—LOA—19931203—00040/00041
                                      )             SAT—LOA—19950929—00124
                                      )                 through 00131
Loral CyberStar, Inc.                 )    File Nos. 205—SAT—P/LA—95
                                      )             SAT—LOA—19950929—00157
                                      )             205/206—SAT—AMEND—95
                                      ;             SAT—AMD—19950929—00157/00158

Morning Star Satellite Company, LLC   )    File Nos. 190 through 193—SAT—P/LA—95
                                      )             SAT—LOA—19950929—00120
                                      )                 through 00123
Motorola, Inc.                        )    File Nos. 163 through 166—SAT—P/LA—95
                                      )              SAT—LOA—19950929—00145
                                      )                 through 00148
                                      )            157—SAT—P/LA—96(72)
                                      )            SAT—LOA—19960904—00111
                                      )            29—SAT—AMEND—97
                                      )            SAT—AMD—19961204—00141
                                      )            94 through 98—SAT—P/LA—97
                                      )            SAT—LOA—19970715—00060
                                      )                 through 00064
                                      )            79—SAT—P/LA—97(63)
                                      )            SAT—LOA—19970613—00053
                                      )            SAT—AMD—19980729—00067
NetSat 28 Company, LLC                     File Nos. 194—SAT—P/LA—95

PanAmSat Corporation                              )      File Nos. 00198/00199—SAT—LOA—95
                                                  )                SAT—LOA—19950929—00155/001 54
                                                  )                00202—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                  )                SAT—AMD—19950929—00109
                                                  )                SAT—MOD—19980521—00070
Teledesic LLC                                     )     File Nos. 22—DSS—P/LA—94
                                                  y               SAT—LOA—19940321—00012
                                                  )               43—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                  )               SAT—AMD—19941230—00099
                                                  )               127—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                  )               SAT—AMD—19950713—00086
                                                  )               195—SAT—ML—97
                                                  )               SAT—MOD—19970926—00155
VisionStar, Inc.                                  )     File Nos. 200—SAT—P/LA—95
                                                  )               SAT—LOA—19950929—00156
                                                  )               SAT—T/C—20001215—00163
                                                  i                               .

WB Holdings 1 LLC                                 )     File Nos. 128—SAT—P/LA—95
                                                  )               SAT—LOA—19950712—00085
                                                  )               203—SAT—P/LA—95
                                                  )               SAT—LOA—19950928—00108
                                                  )               SAT—T/C—19990629—00071/00072

To: The Chief, International Bureau

                    Motion for Stay of First—Round Licensing Matters

       Pegasus Development Corporation ("Pegasus"), by its attorneys, and pursuant to Section

1.43 of the Commission‘s rules, hereby moves for a stay of all first—round licensing matters‘

pertaining to the GSO Ka—band orbital spectrum pending action on the Motion to Consolidate

First and Second—Round Licensing Matters that Pegasus is simultaneously filing. That motion

further describes the important public interest considerations that demand a stay of the above—

       Attachment A contains a list of the relevant pending matters.

referenced proceedings and consolidation of all first—round matters with the resolution of pending

second—round licensing applications.

        Under prevailing precedent, the Commission considers four factors in determining

whether to grant a request for a stay: whether (1) the movant has a substantial likelihood of

succeeding on the merits; (2) whether the movant would suffer irreparable harm absent a stay;

(3) whether grant of a stay would not substantially harm others; and (4) whether the stay would

be in the public interest. See Washington Metropolitan Transit Comm.v. Holiday Tours, Inc.,

559 F.2d 841, 842—43 (D.C.Cir. 1977) (hereinafter "WMATC "). However, the necessary

showing to establish a likelihood of success on the merits is governed by the "balance of equities

as revealed through examination of the other factors." Id. at 844.

        This Motion meets the test set forth in WMATC. First and foremost, a stay of the first—

réund licensing matters and consolidation of those matters with the second round will clearly

serve the public interest. The Commission has to act quickly to prevent the lapse of the United

States international rights to the Ka—band spectrum. To date, the record evidences four years of

ufiresolved licensing matters involving the first and second rounds. If the Commission does not

act quickly and enforce the rigorous timetables it originally proposed, the United States will lose

its opportunity to use valuable spectrum. Therefore, a stay of all first—round matters and

consolidation of those matters with the second round in order to resolve all pending licensing

matters is the only efficient and reasonable approach."

       See Separate Statement ofCommissioner Gloria Tristani In the Matter of Cumulus Licensing
       Corp (Assignor) and Clear Channel Broadcasting Licenses, Inc. (Assignee), FCC No. 00—391
       observing with respect to a stay request that "[mJeaningful allegations that the public interest is
       not served by Commission action should cause a lightening of the burden on the petitioner similar
       to the lesser burden on government agencies seeking injunctions to protect the public interest."

        Second, grant of a stay will not substantially harm others. In fact, consolidation and

prompt resolution of all outstanding matters affecting the first and second rounds will benefit all

parties because it will more quickly resolve competing claims. On the other hand, dealing with

first—round matters on a piecemeal basis will lead to more litigation, more delay in providing Ka—

band service and more difficulties in determining second round matters.

        Third, Pegasus (and other second—round applicants) will suffer irreparable harm if a stay

of first—round matters is not granted. As set forth in the Motion to Consolidate, the first—round

matters involve key CONUS orbital locations whose immediate availability is critical to the

successful resolution of the second—round licensing process. A piecemeal approach, in which the

Commission resolves first—round matters before it fully understands how it will resolve the

second—round licensing process is likely to lead to overall delay. Such delay will doom the

ability of second—round applicants to be licensed in time to bring their satellites into use by the

relevant International Telecommunications Union deadlines. Satellite construction and launch

requires several years of lead time, such that the second—round must be resolved very soon.

Continued delay in Commission action to enforce the milestones on these first—round

applications means that Pegasus and other second round applicants cannot obtain licenses, and

by the time there is action; the spectrum could be lost.

       Finally, Pegasus has a substantial likelihood of succeeding on the merits of its Motion to

Consolidate because consolidation is the only practical and sensible approach to resolving the

matter of preventing warehousing and trafficking of spectrum by first—round licensees and

providing the public with advanced digital services through the Ka—band orbital slots.

         Accordingly, for the reasons set forth herein and in the Motion to Consolidate, Pegasus

Development Corporation respectfully requests the Commission to stay all first—round licensing

matters and consolidate them with the pending second—round applications.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              PEGASUS DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION

                                              Bruce acobs
Shaw Pittman                                  Kathryn R. Schmeltzer
2300 N Street, N.W.                           Dawn Sciarrino
Washington, D.C. 20037—1128                   Tony Lin
(202) 663—800
                                             Its Attorneys

Dated:   March 26, 2001

Attachment A

First Round Ka—Band Licensees: Pending Applications and Matters

Applicant        Relevant File Numbers            Outstanding Licensing Matters
Echostar         167/168—SAT—P/LA 95              Reconsideration of ISL Order
                 54—SAT—AMEND—96                  Application for Modification of License (additional up & downlink)
                 SAT—MOD—20000222—00061/62                                                                        ©
Hughes           3 and 4—DSS—P/LA—94              Reconsideration of ISL Order
                 174 through 179—SAT—P/LA—95
Loral Space &    195 through 197—SAT—P/LA—95      Application for Modification of License (89° W.L.)
Communications   204—SAT—ML—95                    Assignment of Orbital Slot 93° W.L.
(Orion)          SAT—MOD—19991101—00108
Morning Star     190 through 193—SAT—P/LA—95      Application for Review of Revocation Order
Motorola         163 through 166—SAT—P/LA—95      Reconsideration of ISL Order
                 201—SAT—MISC—95                  Request for Dismissal

NetSat           194—SAT—P/LA—95                  Application for Review of Revocation Order
                 SAT—T/C—19990727—00080           Petition for Waiver of Milestones
                 SAT—WAV—20001215—00164           Emergency Motion for Stay of Revocation Order
                                                  Transfer of Control                        |
PanAmSat         180/181—SAT—P/LA—95              Reconsideration of ISL Order
                 00009—SAT—P/LA—96                Application for Review of Revocation Order
                 SAT—LOA—19950929—00130/3 1       Assignment of Orbital Slot 103° W.L.
                 SAT—LOA—19950929—00204 through

First Round Ka—Band Licensees: Pending Applicatiofis and Matters

Applicant     Relevant File Numbers          Outstandin'g Licensing Matters
VisionStar    200—SAT—P/LA—95                Reconsideration of Downlink Order
              SAT—T/C—20001215—00163         Application for Transfer of Control
Wildblue      128—SAT—P/LA—95                Reconsideration of ISL Order
              203—SAT—P/LA—95                Reconsideration of Transfer of Control

Second Round Ka—Band Licensees: Pending Applications and Matters

Applicant             Relevant File Numbers         Outstanding Licensing Matters
Motorola              94 through 98—SAT—P/LA—97
PanAmSat              52 through 57—SAT—P/LA—98
PCG                   33 and 34—SAT—LOI—98
Pegasus               94 through 98—SAT—P/LA—98
Skybridge             58—SAT—P/LA—98
TRW                   112 through 116—SAT—P/LA—97
                      60 and 61—SAT—AMEND—98

Document #: 1090646 v.2

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Vetlyn Victor, a secretary with the law firm Shaw Pittman, hereby certify that a true and
correct copy of the foregoing Motion to Stay was sent by first—class mail, postage prepaid, this
26th day of March 2001, to the following:

*The Honorable Michael K. Powell                  *Bryan Tramont
Chairman                                          Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner
Federal Communications Commission                 Furchtgott—Roth
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—B201             Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                            445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
*Commissioner Susan Ness
Federal Communications Commission                 *William J. Friedman IV
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—B115             Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner
Washington, D.C. 20554                            Tristani
                                                  Federal Communications Commission
*Commissioner Gloria Tristani                     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Federal Communications Commission                 Washington, D.C. 20554 _
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—C302
Washington, D.C. 20554                            *Donald Abelson
                                                  Chief, International Bureau
*Commissioner Harold Furchtgott—Roth              Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                 445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
445 Twelfth Street, S.W., Room 8—¢302             Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                  *Thomas S. Tycz
*Peter A. Tenhula                                 Chief, Satellite and Radiocommunications
Senior Legal Advisor to Chairman Powell           Division, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission _
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                            Washington, D.C. 20554

*Mark Schneider                                   *Fern Jarmulnek
Senior Legal Advisor to Commissioner Ness         Chief, Satellite Policy Branch
Federal Communications Commission                 Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                          445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                            Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                  *Alyssa Roberts
                                                  Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau
                                                  Federal Communications Commission
                                                  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20554

  *Jennifer Gilsenan                              Joseph A. Godles
  Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau   W. Kenneth Ferree
  Federal Communications Commission               Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.
  Washington, D.C. 20554                          Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                  Counselfor PanAmSat Corporation
  *Selina Khan
  Satellite Policy Branch, International Bureau   Peter A. Rohrbach
  Federal Communications Commission               Karis A. Hastings
  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Yaron Don
  Washington, D.C. 20554                          Hogan & Hartson LLP
                                                  Columbia Square
  *Cassandra Thomas                               555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
  Deputy Chief                                    Washington, D.C. 20004—1109
  Satellite and Radiocommunications Division,     Counselfor GE Americom         _
  International Bureau
  Federal Communications Commission               Pantelis Michalopoulos
  445 Twelfth Street, S.W.                        Rhonda Rivens Bolton
  Washington, D.C. 20554                          Steptoe & Johnson LLP
                                                  1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
  Gary M. Epstein                                 Washington, D.C. 20036—1795
— John P. Janka                                   Counselfor EchoStar VisionStar Corporation
  Arthur S. Landerholm
  Latham & Watkins                                Philip L. Malet
  1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW.                     James M. Talens
  Suite 1300                                      Steptoe & Johnson LLP
  Washington, D.C. 20004                          1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
  Counselfor Hughes Communications, Inc.          Washington, D.C. 20036—1795
                                                  Counsel for Motorola Corporation
 William M. Wiltshire
 Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP                  Mark A. Grannis
 1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.                     Jonathan B. Mirsky
 Suite 1200                                       Fred B. Campbell
 Washington, D.C. 20036                           Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
 Counselfor Wildblue Communications, Inc.         1200 Eighteenth Street, NW.
                                                  Suite 1200   _             »
 David M. Brown                                   Washington, D.C. 20036
 General Counsel                                  Counselfor Teledesic LLC
 Wildblue Communications, Inc.
 4600 Syracuse Street, Suite 500                  Michael R. Gardner, P.C.
. Denver, CO 80237                                The Law Offices of Michael R. Gardner, P.C.
                                                  Attorneys at Law
                                                  1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
                                                  Suite 710
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                  Counselfor VisionStar Corporation

Raymond G. Bender, Jr.                    Tara K. Guinta
Carlos M. Nalda                           Coudert Brothers
Dow, Lohnes & Albertson, PLLC             Attomeys at Law
1200 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W.           1627 1 Street, N.W.
Suite 800                                 Washington, D.C. 20006—4007
Washington, D.C. 20036                    Counselfor Pacific Century Group, Inc.
Counselfor Astrolink International LLC
                                          Brian D. Weimer
Norman P. Leventhal                       Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP
Stephen D. Baruch                         1440 New York Avenue, N.W.
David S. Keir                             Washington, D.C. 20005
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman PLLC           Counselfor Celsat America, Inc.
2000 K Street, N.W.         ‘
Suite 600                                 Todd M. Stansbury
Washington, D.C. 20006                    Wiley, Rein & Fielding
Counselfor TRW, Inc.                      1776 K. Street, N.W.
                                          Washington, D.C. 20006
Robert A. Mazer                           Counselfor DirectCom Networks, Inc.>
Albert Shuldiner
Vinson & Elkins LLP                       Lauren J. Blevin
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.            Wilkinson, Barker & Knauer, LLP
Suite 700                                 2300 N Street, NW.
Washington, D.C. 20004—1008               Suite 700
Counselfor NetSat 28 Company, LLC         Washington, D.C. 20037
                                          Counselfor Lockheed Martin Corporation
Stephen R. Bell
Jennifer D. McCarthy                      Gerald Musarra
Willkie Farr & Gallagher                  Vice President
Three Lafayette Centre                    Trade & Regulatory Affairs
1155 21" Street, N.W.                     Lockheed Martin Corporation
Washington, D.C. 20036—3384               Crystal Square 2
Counselfor Loral Space & Communications   Suite 403
                                          1725 Jefferson Davis Highway
James U. Troup                            Arlington, VA 22202
Brian D. Robinson
Arter & Hadden LLP                        Francis L. Young
1801 K Street, NW.                        Young & Jatlow
Suite 400K                                2300 N Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036                    Suite 600
Counselfor CAI Data Systems, Inc.         Washington, D.C. 20037
                                          Counselfor Morning Star Satellite Company, LLC
William D. Wallace
Crowell & Moring, LLP
1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004
Counselfor Globalstar, L.P.

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*By Hand Delivery

Document #: 1093872 v.4

Document #: 1093872 v.4

Document Created: 2014-01-02 14:39:30
Document Modified: 2014-01-02 14:39:30

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