Attachment 1995PanAmSat petit t

1995PanAmSat petit t

PETITION TO DENY submitted by PanAmSat

Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19950929-00130 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


e                                                                                   RECEVED _
                                                                                          DEC 1 5‘%
                                             Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554                                OFFICE OF SECRETARY

In re

Application of Hughes Communications                                                                -
Galaxy, Inc.,                                              File Nos. 174—181—SAT—P /LA—95

For Authority to Construct, Launch, and
Operate Galaxy/Spaceway, a Hybrid
Ka/Ku band Satellite System

To: Chief, International Bureau

                                      PETITION TO DENY

       PanAmSat Corporation ("PanAmSat"), by its attorneys, hereby submits this
petition to deny the above—referenced application (the "Application") of Hughes
Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("Hughes"). The Application requests authority to
construct, launch, and operate a hybrid satellite system consisting of 20 satellites,
utilizing both Ka—band FSS and Ku—band BSS frequencies at 15 orbital locations.!

        PanAmSat opposes the Application on two grounds. First, PanAmSat
proposes that the Commission eliminate excess concentration in the domestic
sateilite industry by capping at five (5) the number of fixed satellite orbital
locations that may be held by any single entity and its affiliates. To the extent that
grant of the Application cannot be reconciled with this cap, the Commission
should deny the Hughes Application. Second, grant of Hughes‘ Application
would further entrench Hughes‘ dominant position in the domestic satellite
market and would pose a serious threat to the growth and development of
competition in the international satellite services market. Hughes‘ vertical
integration exacerbates this risk. For all of these reasons, Hughes‘ Application
should be denied.

1 See Public Notice, Ka—Band Satellite Applications Accepted for Filing (Dec. 1, 1995).


L .    _: The Commission Should Take Measures To Ensure That Multiple
          Competitors and New Entrants Have Access To Orbital Locations In
          The Domestic Arc.

        A.       The Domestic Satellite Industry Is Excessively Concentrated.

                 Although the FCC‘s "open skies" domestic satellite policy was an
early success of the era of deregulation, the domestic satellite market of the 1990s
has suffered from extreme concentration. This concentration results from the
inherent scarcity of orbital and spectrum resources and because of FCC policies that
inadvertently have created barriers to the entry of new competitors, including an
unnecessarily stringent financial qualification requirement that favors only major
industrial concerns.?

       This has led to a domestic satellite market in which two companies
— Hughes and GE American Communications, Inc. ("GE Americom") —
control the vast majority of orbital locations and in which there are few, if
any, available opportunities for new entrants to provide C—band and Ku—
band fixed satellite services. Currently, there is a "dearth of prime orbital
slots over the United States," and the situation is likely to get worse as
demand for the scarce orbital resource increases.3 As a result, the
Commission must change its satellite licensing policies if it is to re—establish
competition as the key to providing consumer benefits in the domestic
satellite industry.

       Hughes is the prime example of the overconcentration in the
domestic satellite industry. The usable are for domestic satellites runs from
64° W.L. to 105° W.L., and from 121° W.L. to 135° W.L. (for 12/14 GHz

2 In theory, the Commission now could use its auction authority in lieu of financial qualifications in
an effort to avoid mutual exclusivity. Ironically, however, competitive bidding would be as much of
an obstacle to new entrants as is the stringent financial qualification test. In each case, only the most
well—established companies need apply. There are compelling public policy reasons, moreover, for
declining to use competitive bidding procedures for most satellite services. See Rulemaking to Amend
Parts 1, 2, 21, and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to Redesignate      27.5—29.5   GHz Frequency   Band, to
Reallocate the 29.5—30.0 GHz Frequency Band, to Establish Rules and Policies for Local Multipoint
Distribution Service and for Fixed Satellite Services and Suite 12 Group Petition for Pioneer‘s
Preference, CC—92—297, PP—22, Comments of PanAmSat (filed Sept. 7, 1995).
3 Satellite News, Oct. 17, 1994, at 3; cf. In re Orbital Communications    Corporation, 9 FCC Red 6476,
6481 (1994) (noting scarcity of geostationary orbital locations).

                                                  —3 .

satellites) or 143° W.L. (for 4/6 GHz satellites).A Accordingly, assuming 2°
spacing between satellites, there are, approximately, only 31 usable domestic
are orbital locations for C— and Ku—band satellites, and even fewer positions
which can support full 50 state coverage. Within the domestic arc, Hughes
has an existing satellite or a reservation in at least eleven orbital locations, a
reservation through AMSC (of which Hughes is the largest shareholder) for
three additional locations, an STA to operate Brazilsat to provide U.S.
domestic satellite services, and a prime DBS orbital location and 27 assigned
channels out of 98 for DBS satellites through its DirecTV affiliate."

        Hughes in addition has the lion‘s share of the world‘s satellite and
satellite hardware manufacturing market and, through its Hughes Network
Services affiliate, it dominates the market for VSAT services and hardware
with 55 percent of the market — the next closest competitor, GE/Gilat, has
only 12 percent.© Hughes also is an equity participant in, and satellite
supplier to, I—CO Global Communications Limited, which is the Inmarsat
affiliate that will provide Inmarsat land mobile services. Finally, in the
instant Application, Hughes has applied for authority to operate 20 more
satellites at 15 orbital locations.

      Hughes, in short, is dominant in every aspect of the satellite
hardware and services industries." PanAmSat urges the Commission to

4 See Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space      Stations in the Do  tic Fixed Satellit    rvic
FCC Red 6972 (1988).
5 See In re Revision of Rules and Policies for the Direct broadcast Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 95—
168, PP Docket No. 93—253, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (rel. Oct. 30, 1995) at n.75.
6 See Via Satellite, December 1995, at 22.
7 In comments recently submitted In the Matter of Preparation for International Telecommunications
Union World Radiocommunicati            nferences, IC Docket No. 94—31 (July 15, 1994) at 1—2, Hughes
described its activities as follows:

                [Hughes Space and Communications Company ("HSC")] and [Hughes
        Communications Group ("HCG")] are leading companies in the field of satellite
        communications. HSC is a preeminent manufacturer of communications satellites that
        provide a wide range of commercial and military services, both domestic and
        international. Over 100 HAC communications satellites have been launched to date,
        approximately 50 are now in service, and 25 are expected to be launched in the next
        two years.
                HCG and its affiliates operate the largest fleet of domestic communications
        satellites: the in—orbit Galaxy I—R, III, V—W, and VI C band satellites; the in—orbit
        SBS—4, SBS—5 and SBS—6 Ku band satellites; and the in—orbit hybrid (combined C and
        Ku band) Galaxy IV(H) and VII(H) satellites. An HCG affiliate operates the fleet


take the affirmative steps described below to limit the ability of Hughes to
leverage that dominant position to the detriment of competitors and the

        B.      The Commission Should Limit The Number Of Orbital
                Locations That Any One Entity Can Control So As To Make
                Room For New Entrants.

        As described above, Hughes holds interests in so many orbital
locations that it, in combination with current market conditions, has the
power to exclude competitors and distort the market. Hughes and GE
Americom collectively control roughly 23 of these 31 positions. AT&T is
able to provide only limited competition from three in—orbit satellites, two
of which (Telstar 302 and 303) are inclined orbit satellites. If other countries
obtain additional positions within the U.S. domestic arc, as anticipated, it
likely will be impractical, if not impossible, for new entrants and separate
system licensees to provide competitive domestic service. The Commission
should, therefore, take measures now to ensure that entities other than
Hughes and GE Americom have immediate access to orbital locations in the
US domestic arc.

        The effects of over—concentration in the domestic satellite market are
shown dramatically by the current severe shortage of domestic satellite C—
and Ku—band capacity,} a shortage that has resulted in sharply increased rates
for domestic C—band and Ku—band transponder capacity. Although the C—
band shortage is particularly severe, there is also a serious shortage of Ku—
band capacity, as reflected in the announcement by Hughes to charge a flat
fee of $1,000 per hour for C— and Ku—band occasional use service." Industry

        of Leasat satellites that provides essential worldwide communications services to
        the United States Navy.
                Within the last year, HCG and its affiliate, DIRECTV, Inc., have launched
        and begun operation of a high power direct broadcast satellite that provides (along
        with the United States Satellite Broadcasting Company) the first high—power DBS
        service in the United States. A second DBS satellite is scheduled for launch within
        the next two weeks. HCG is the largest shareholder in AMSC, the permittee for a
        geostationary MSS satellite that will provide services in the United States. In
        addition, HCG is an applicant for a Ka band "Spaceway" satellite system that will
        bring essential telecommunications services to underserved areas.

8 See, e.g., Communications Daily, March 8, 1995, at 7; Space News, November 7, 1994, at 1, 20.
9 Broadcasting & Cable, April 24, 1995, at 47.

                                                  — 5.

observers said the move, made possible by the domestic capacity shortage,
represents a doubling, and in some cases a quadrupling, of previous prices.10
Price gouging by domestic satellite providers has priced educational and
non—profit satellite users out of the market, prompting the National
Education Telecommunications Organization and EDSAT to warn that
"many, many small independent education providers [will] go dark and out
of business."!1

        One immediate step the Commission can take to ensure the fair and
equitable distribution of orbital slots is to cap the number of orbital locations
in which any single satellite operator may hold an interest. Indeed, Hughes
itself advocated such a cap when it was a new entrant in the market."2 If the
domestic satellite market is to become competitive, international satellite
providers and other new entrants must have reasonable access to domestic .
orbital locations.

        Limiting the amount of a scarce public resource that any one entity
can control in order to preserve a competitive market is fully consistent
with existing Commission policies. As the Commission noted in its recent
DBS Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, "[wle have adopted limits on
spectrum aggregation to promote diversity and competition in other
services in which excessive aggregation by licensees could preclude entry by
other service providers and thus confer excessive market power on

        In accordance with this principle, PanAmSat urges the Commission
to limit licensees and their affiliates to five (5) domestic arc fixed satellite
service orbital locations.!4 This number of orbital locations strikes the
proper balance between preserving the Commission‘s long—standing

10 1d. at 47—48; see also Via Satellite, November 1995, at 14—21.
11 Telecommunications Report, March 20, 1995, at 37.
12 See, e.g., In re Western Union Telegraph Co. et al., File No. 1077—DSS—P/LA—80, Comments of
Hughes Communications, Inc. (filed June 11, 1980) at 5, 7—8 (carriers should be limited to "three
orbital assignments each").
13 In re Revision of Rules and Policies for the Direct broadcast Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 95—
168, PP Docket No. 93—253, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (rel. Oct. 30, 1995) at [ 33.
14 This five location cap would apply to all FSS satellites regardless of the frequency on
which such satellites are transmitting. Thus, an entity that sought to operate five C—/Ku—band
hybrid satellites and three Ka—band satellites in the domestic are would be required to locate
these eight satellites in no more than five orbital locations.


competitive entry policies and rewarding existing operators for the
substantial financial risks and significant investments (both by the operators
and their respective users) associated with the establishment and operation
of existing satellite networks.

       As noted above, assuming 2° spacing, there are approximately 31
orbital locations in the domestic arc. Allowing any one licensee to control
five orbital locations effectively would allocate approximately half of these
positions to the existing three operators. The balance of the domestic arc
orbital locations would be available for assignment to new entrants,
although the presence of foreign—licensed systems makes it likely that the
number of positions available to U.S. licensees could be somewhat less than

      It is important to emphasize that access to these orbital locations is
the only means that separate system providers will have to provide
domestic service. As the Commission has recognized, separate system
operators cannot offer effective domestic satellite services from their
international orbital locations.!" On the other hand, domestic satellite
operators are capable of providing, from a single satellite, international
service fully—interconnected with the CONUS and, from a number of
locations, full fifty—state coverage. This difference in capabilities ensures
that domestic operators‘ market position in domestic services is protected so
long as they can exclude others from domestic orbital locations.

       In the Application, Hughes proposes the allocation of three domestic
Ka—band orbital locations — 67° W.L., 99° W.L., and 101° W.L. — for Hughes
satellites. Hughes currently operates FSS and BSS satellites at two of these
locations. As described above, however, Hughes already has an interest in
at least eleven domestic orbital locations; more if its DirecTV and AMSC
slots are counted. Thus, if the Commission adopts the orbital location cap

15 Amendment of the Commission‘s Regulatory Policies Governing Domestic Fixed Satellites and
Separate International Satellite Systems, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, IB Docket No. 95—41 (rel.
April 25, 1995) J 22.

                                                   L7 .

once propoéed by Hughes and now advocated by PanAmSat, Hughes will be
required to relinquish several of its orbital locations.!6

        Because it is premature to anticipate which orbital locations Hughes will be
permitted to retain if a cap is implemented, the Commission should not at this
time allocate to Hughes any of the three domestic are orbital positions proposed in
the Application for Hughes spacecraft. Instead, to the extent that a rulemaking
proceeding is required to change domestic satellite licensing policies and grant of
the Application would conflict with the proposed cap on orbital positions, the
Commission should withhold action on or deny the Hughes Application.

        Rather than commit additional orbital locations in the Ka—band to the
dominant domestic satellite operator — Hughes — the Commission should
allocate the orbital locations sought by Hughes to new competitors in the domestic
market. In this way, the Commission would help to ensure that new entrants
have a realistic opportunity to compete and thereby loosen the competitive
stranglehold that Hughes has on that market.

L.      The Proposed Expansion of Hughes‘ Market Position Into
        International Services Would Undermine Growing Competition
        Both In The Domestic And International Satellite Markets.

       The Hughes Application also proposes a vast array of new
international satellites. In combination with Hughes‘ dominance in the
domestic market and its vertically integrated position within the satellite
industry, this proposed expansion poses a threat to competition both in the
domestic and international satellite services markets. In order to avoid a
competitive imbalance that may fundamentally distort the satellite market
for years to come, the Commiuission should deny the Application.

       The competitive risks presented by the Hughes Application are
manifest. First, Hughes‘ proposed international service gives rise to
concerns relating to cross—subsidies. As described above, Hughes‘ dominant
position in the domestic market, in which capacity shortages and price
increases have been well documented, will allow it to cross—subsidize its

16 Existing satellites located at orbital positions in excess of the five orbital location cap should be
grandfathered for the life of the satellite at such location. However, as those satellites die, the
orbital locations that they occupy should be made available to new entrants.

                                          —g .

entryinto international satellite services. If it were to do so, Hughes could
undercut separate system operators with anticompetitive and predatory
prices and stifle the growth of competition in that market.

       Second, as noted above, Hughes enjoys an unfair advantage vis—a—vis
separate system operators because of its ability to provide international
service fully interconnected with the CONUS from a single satellite and,
from a number of locations, full fifty—state coverage. Grant of the
Application would allow Hughes to engage in the anticompetitive "tying"
of domestic satellite services to international services and vice versa. This
practice, which would be facilitated by the fact that the same customers
acquire both domestic and international satellite services, would
undermine competition in both the domestic and international satellite
markets: Satellite operators which could not offer both domestic and
international services would be unable to compete for such customers.

      Finally, Hughes‘ participation in nearly every facet of the satellite
industry allows it additional leeway to engage in unfair and anticompetitive
practices. For example, in the ordinary course of its business as a satellite
manufacturer, Hughes routinely learns of the proprietary business plans of
its customers, including separate system operators that acquire Hughes
satellites to provide international satellite services. To the extent that
Hughes is permitted to compete with its international satellite customers,
knowledge of their respective business plans gives Hughes a distinctly
unfair competitive advantage over those entities.

      In sum, Hughes‘ proposed construction and operation of an
international Ka/Ku band satellite system creates an undue risk of market
concentration and future anticompetitive behavior. Hughes simply is too
well entrenched in other aspects of the satellite industry to allow it
unrestricted entry into the international market on such a broad scale.


      For the reasons stated herein, PanAmSat urges the Commission to
deny or suspend processing of the Application of Hughes Communications
Galaxy, Inc., to construct, launch, and operate a hybrid Ka/Ku band satellite

                                       Respectfully submitted,
                                       PANAMSAT CORPORATION

                                       /s / Joseph A. Godles
                                       Henry Goldberg
                                       Joseph A. Godles
                                       W. Kenneth Ferree

                                       GOLDBERG, GODLES, WIENER &
                                       1229 Nineteenth Street, NW
                                       Washington, DC 20036
                                       (202) 429—4900

                                       Its Attorneys

December 15, 1995

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Petition to Deny
was sent by first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 15th day of December, 1995, to
each of the following:

              Mr. Scott Blake Harris
              Chief, International Bureau
              Federal Communications Commission
              2000 M Street, NW., Room 800
              Washington, D.C. 20554

              Mr. Tom Tycz
              Chief, Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
              International Bureau
              Federal Communications Commission
              2000 M Street, NW., Room 500
              Washington, D.C. 20554

              Gary M. Epstein
              John P. Janka
              James H. Barker
              Latham & Watkins
              1001 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Suite 1300
              Washington, DC 20004
              Attorneys for Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.

                                                   hb hrevees
                                                      W. Kenneth Ferree

* By Hand

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Document Modified: 2014-01-02 14:30:44

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