Attachment 2001Hughes aug 1 let

2001Hughes aug 1 let

LETTER submitted by Hughes



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19950929-00130 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         Latham & Watkins
                                           ATTORNEYS       AT   LAW                                NORTHERN
                                                                                                            NEw yorkVIRGINIA

 FRANKFURT                                                                                           ORANGE         COUNTY
                                    555 ELeventH StREEtT, N.W., Suite 1000
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                                       WasHincGton, D.C. 20004—1304
 HONG KONG                              TELEPHONE: (202) 637—2200                                    SAN FRANCISCO
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   moscow                                Direct Diac: (202) 637—2132                                         Tokvyo
                                       EMAIL: ART.
nEew JEersey                                                                                       wasHincton, p.c.

                                              August 1, 2001

                                                      Received                  rECEIVED
                                                      AU                                         2001
Ms. Magalie Roman Salas                                    6    8 2001             AUG       1
Secretary                                         Satei                      resuri. COHMUNCATIONG COMINSDION
Federal Communications Commission                  ,mgrgg“‘;ong?yssr':“c“         ormice oF The SECRETARY
445 12th Street, SW                                                    s
Washington, DC 20554

                  Re:       Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.                    2;
                            FCC File Nos. 3/4—DSS—P/LA—94, CSS—94—021 through CSS—92—025,
                           ©174 through 181—SAT—P/LA—95

Deér Ms. Salas:

               On behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc., enclosed are an original and
four copies of a certification pertaining to the Commission‘s Order and Authorization (released
June 19, 2001, as modified by Erratum dated July 13, 2001) in the above—referenced proceeding.

               Please contact either John Janka or the undersigned at (202) 637—2200 with any
questions regarding this matter.

                                                      Respectfully sub%

                                                     Ar%anderholm                                               c
                                                     of LATHAM & WATKINS


DC_DOCS\395362.1 [W2000]

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                                                          Before the
                                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                          Washington, D.C. 20554                                  RECEIVED

              In the Matter of                                                 J                                  AUG        1 2001
                                                                               p                              ressnat communicatione commmenn
              Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.                               )                          Ormce of the secastfany
                                                                               )            File Nos. 3/4—DSS—P/LA—94
~             For authority to construct, launch and                           )            CSS—94—021 through CSS—94—025
              operate a Ka—Band satellite system in the                        )            174 through 181—SAT—P/LA—95
              Fixed Satellite Service


                              Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. ("Hughes") is not aware of any other
             satellite licensee authorized on a primary basis by the Federal Cornmunications Commission to
             use 17.7—18.3 GHz for GSO or NGSO satellite downlinks, or to use 27.5—28.35 GHz for GSO
             satellite uplinks. Under the auspices of the United States Governmient, and for a number of
             years, Hughes has been internationally coordinating use of these bands for links to and from
              foreign countries for its licensed Ka band GSO FSS satellite systeim, and Hughes wishes to
              continue to do so.

                            Hughes therefore submits that it has met the conditions set forth in the third
              subparagraph of paragraph 3 in the Order and Authorization in this proceeding {released June 19,
             2001)‘ as modified by Erratum (released July 13, 2001)." This Certification is submitted without
             prejudice to Hughes‘ Petition for Reconsideration of the Order and Authorization.

                                   The undersigned hereby certifies that the foregoing statements are true and correct
             to the best of his information and belief.

                                                                           CAFMIONS GALAXY, INC.

                                                                  Name: GrafiifBeatson
                                                                  Title:           Vice President &. ChMef Financial Officer —

                       In the Matter ofApplication by Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for Authbrity to
                       Construct, Launch, and Operate a Ka—Band Satellite Systemin the Fixed—Satellite
                       Service, Order and Authorization, DA 01—1457 (rel. June 19, 2001).
                       In the Matter ofApplication by Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc. for Authority to
                       Construct, Launch, and Operate a Ka—Band Satellite Systemin the Fixed—Satellite
                       Service, Erratum, (rel. July 13, 2001).

              DC_DOCS\393301.1 [W97]

Document Created: 2014-01-02 14:44:29
Document Modified: 2014-01-02 14:44:29

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