Attachment 51898 Comments of Or

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                      Before the
                      FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                MAY 1 8 1998
                               Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                                               Federal Communicstions Commission
                                                                                           Office ofSecrutury

In the Matter of

SERVICES, INC.                                                  76—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                                79—SAT—AMEND—96 _ _
Order and Authorization to Construct, Launch and                151—SAT—AMEND—96
Operate a Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                          7—SAT—AMEND—97
Mobile—Satellite System in the 148—150.05 MHZ,
400.5—401 MHZ, and 137—138 MHZ Bands

                                COMMENTS OF ORBCOMM

               Orbital Communications Corporation ("ORBCOMM") hereby comments on the

Application for Clarification and Review filed by FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS

SERVICES, INC. ("Final Analysis") concerning the International Bureau‘s partial grant of the

application and amendments for Final Analysis‘ non—voice, non—geostationary satellite system.~

The Bureau Order granted Final Analysis‘ amended application in part, finding that certain of

*       Final Analysis Communications Services, Inc., DA 98—616, released April 1, 1998
(hereafter cited as "Bureau Order"). ORBCOMM had also filed an application for review of the
Bureau Order challenging the failure to provide adequate protection to ORBCOMM as specified
in Section 25.142(a)(1) of the Commission‘s Rules.

 the changes submitted by Final Analysis in its "conforming amendment" were "major

 amendments" that should not be granted in the Little LEO second processing round.* In its

Application for Clarification and Review, Final Analysis contends that the Bureau Order erred in

failing to approve the entire amended application. As explained below, ORBCOMM disagrees

with several of the claims made by Final Analysis.

                As an initial matter, ORBCOMM observes that Final Analysis‘ Application for

Clarification and Review fails to comply with or seek a waiver of Section 25.156(b)(2) ofthe

Commission‘s Rules.* That provision requires that a recipient of a partial grant, in order to

challenge the Commission action, must file a reconsideration request that, inter alia, "Rejects the

grant as made and explains the reasons. why the application should be granted as originally

requested." Although it argues for grant of the application as amended, Final Analysis‘

Application for Clarification and Review does not reject the Bureau Order‘s partial grant of its

amended application.

                The Courts have upheld similar FCC rules applicable to other radio services.*

These provisions requiring the recipient of a partial grant to reject that grant in order to challenge

the Commission‘s decision are intended to establish procedural finality.* In addition, such

provisions promote equity. As the Court in Capital Telephone observed, it was logical to require

2"             Bureau Order at T4 46—67.

i/             47 CER. § 25.156(b)(2). See also 47 C.ER. § 1.110 (general provision
specifying that a partial grant is considered a grant unless the licensee, within 30 days, files a
written request rejecting the grant as made).

4            E.g., Central Television v. FCC, 834 F.2d 186 (D.C. Cir. 1987); Capital
Telephone Company, Inc. v. FCC, 498 F.2d 734 (D.C. Cir. 1974).

&7             Central Television, 834 F.2d 186 at n. 10.


 the licensee to accept the privileges along with the obligations, or to follow the procedures to

 seek reconsideration of the burdens accompanying the license." Thus, in light of Final Analysis‘

 apparent non—compliance with Sections 1.110 and 25.156(b)(2) of the Commission‘s Rules, the

 Commission can summarily dismiss Final Analysis‘ Application for Clarification and Review."

                 In addition to this fatal procedural defect in its Application for Clarification and

 Review, Final Analysis made a number of misstatements in its challenge to the International

 Bureau‘s finding that several of the changes to its system were "major amendments" warranting

 denial in the second processing round. As a general matter, ORBCOMM believes that the

 International Bureau applied the correct standard —— an amendment that causes an increase in

 interference potential is a "major amendment‘**—— and that the International Bureau correctly

 applied that standard in determining that several of the proposed changes would increase

 interference. Following is a brief discussion of the particular technical issues in the Final

 Analysis pleading with which ORBCOMM disagrees:

_1.       —     In its summary of the arguments made in its conforming amendment and
                Application for Clarification and Review, Final Analysis (at p. 8) discusses the
                need to increase power on its uplinks to adjust to the "noisiness" of the assigned
                spectrum, and to increase power on the downlinks to adjust for different
                operational characteristics. As a general matter, ORBCOMM observes that to the
                extent this increase in power occurs in an uplink frequency band shared with
                ORBCOMM, it would, other factors being equal, increase the interference that
                ORBCOMM receives. With regard to increases in the downlink channels, an

&                Capital Telephone Company, 498 F.2d at 740.

2               Alternatively, the Commission could treat the Application for Clarification and
Review as a rejection of the partial grant. Presumably, however, Final Analysis has made clear
its intentions with regard to acceptance of the partial grant pursuant to the condition in its license.
See Bureau Order at [ 80; Final Analysis Communications Services, Inc., DA 98—881, released
May 8. 1998.

&               Bureau Order at TY 50—5 1.

               increase in Final Analysis‘ power increases the power coupled into the adjacent
               bands used by ORBCOMM for service links. Although ultimately steps may be
               taken unilaterally or through coordination to mitigate the effects of these increases
               in power, Final Analysis‘ conforming amendment did not include protective
               measures. Thus, as filed, the conforming amendment increases in power represent
               major amendments."

2.             Final Analysis (at p. 14) asserts that "the relevant measure of whether a proposed
               power increase causes increased potential interference is the resulting pfd level on
               the ground." While this may be true for in—band interference, it is not true for out—
               of—band interference. For two signals of equal pfd, one broad and one narrow, the
               broader signal with higher total power would produce more interference in
               adjacent bands than the narrower signal.

3.             Final Analysis (at n. 26) claims that its use of the GMSK modulation will solve
               any out—of—band emissions problems. ORBCOMM observes that while GMSK
               modulation tends to reduce the possibility of adjacent band interference, it will
               still be necessary to evaluate the specific adjacent band sharing situation as part of
               the coordination process when specific channel frequencies, powers and
               bandwidths have been set for the Final Analysis satellites.

4.             Final Analysis seeks reversal of the International Bureau‘s conclusion that the
               increase in the number of satellites in its constellation (from 26 to 32) and
               increase in the number of uplink channels on each satellite (from 12 or 14 to 40)
               were major amendments. In doing so, Final Analysis relies on two precedents
               involving ORBCOMM. With respect to the first instance, when ORBCOMM
              increased the number of satellites from 20 to 36, it also reduced the number (and
              power) of downlink transmitters, resulting in less interference to Starsys‘ CDMA
              operations. The Commission did not have to evaluate the impact of an increased
              number of satellites on sharing the subscriber uplink channels among DCAAS—
              like systems, because at that time ORBCOMM was the only such systermm. The
              Commission here correctly held that the increase in the number of satellites and

2/            In addition, ORBCOMM notes that while ORBCOMM and Final Analysis have
held some preliminary discussions, no coordination has been reached with respect to either the
downlinks or the uplinks. Based on the initial coordination discussions between ORBCOMM
and Final Analysis, ORBCOMM believes that adequate protections could be implemented with
respect to the downlinks. With regard to the uplinks, however, ORBCOMM is less optimistic.
The increased Mobile Earth Station (MES) power (from 10 W to 20W (compared to the 5 W
ORBCOMM subscriber communicators)) will increase the risk of interference if the Final
Analysis subscribers transmit on the same or an adjacent channel being used by an ORBCOMM
subscriber. Coordination of the uplinks so that Final Analysis® subscribers will avoid such
overlapping transmissions has not even started, and the method of reaching a solution has not
been defined, and thus it remains unclear how Final Analysis intends to protect ORBCOMM‘s

                significant increase in the number of uplink channels would increase the potential
                for interference in the 148—149.9 MHZ band."" With respect to the other
                ORBCOMM precedent cited by Final Analysis —— the slight increase in altitude ——
                ORBCOMM first distinguishes that precedent because that modification was
                submitted outside of the second processing round, and thus its characterization as
                "minor" or "major" was not relevant to Section 25.116© and cut—off deadlines. In
                addition, Final Analysis relies on an apparent misperception by the Commission,
                because it is not necessary for a system to be "balanced" in terms of service
                uplinks and downlinks. The number or capacity of service downlinks do not
                necessarily constrain the number of service uplinks. Rather, the number and
                capacity of service uplinks limits capacity, and ORBCOMM‘s slight increase in
                elevation did not change either of those parameters.

5.             Final Analysis (at p. 18) contends that its use of STARS (a DCAAS—like
               operation) will eliminate any interference, rendering moot the number of
               subscriber uplink channels on each satellite. ORBCOMM disagrees. The more
               subscriber uplinks there are on each Final Analysis satellite, and the higher their
               power (increased to 20 W, compared to 5 W for ORBCOMM), the greater the
               likelihood that Final Analysis will cause interference to ORBCOMM. As
               ORBCOMM has explained, in light of the very brief ORBCOMM subscriber
               transmissions (less than 450 ms), it does not believe that Final Analysis‘ STARS
               system will be able to detect and avoid the ORBCOMM transmissions. Thus, the
               use of STARS does not alter the fact that the proposed increase in the number of
               subscriber uplinks on each satellite will increase the probability of interference,
               rendering the change a "major amendment."

6.        —    Final Analysis also states (at p. 19) that they have determined that a change in
               uplink power from 10W to 20W is essential, based on data presented in
               Appendix II. As discussed below for Appendix II, the comparison between the
               VHF and UHF environment is essentially based on a single data point, and
               therefore is not reliable. In addition, Final Analysis‘ solution —— coupling the
               power to "burn through" the noise —— will cause greater interference to both
               terrestrial and satellite operators in the band. With respect to the satellite systems,
               increasing the Final Analysis subscriber transmit power will increase the out—of—

10              To the extent that Final Analysis now suggests it will limit the number of
activated uplink receivers (Leo One Application for Clarification and Review at p. 17), it had not
clearly indicated earlier that it would adopt any such limit. Thus, the amended application sought
authority for a significant increase in the number of uplink channels on each satellite, and hence
was a major amendment.

                In addition, an increase in the number of satellites, or changes to Final Analysis‘
constellation, would raise orbital debris and disposal issues that would need to be addressed
adequately by Final Analysis.

                band emissions produced by the subscriber. This will adversely affect the
                usability of adjacent channels by other Little Leo systems.

7.              In Appendix II, "Measurement of Noise Levels From FAISAT—2v Spacecraft,"
                Final Analysis reaches the conclusion that there is a significant increase in noise
                between VHF and UHF channels of about 10 to 12 dB. The analysis is based on a
                variable Fa, which does not appear to be defined. It is therefore rather difficult to
                follow the analysis. As best as ORBCOMM can tell, however, the conclusion
                appears to be based on Table 1, which provides a summary of the statistics of Fa
                comparing results for the UHF band to the VHF band. The table makes clear,
                however, that only one set of measurements comparing UHF and VHF noise
                levels were made at the same time and the same place. The type of data being
                collected will vary both geographically and temporally, so that there is only a
                single data point in the table that is valid for comparison purposes. The
               conclusion of a 10 to 12 dB difference is based on this one measurement, taken
               over the Barent‘s Sea in the Arctic Ocean at 5:30 a.m. local time. This is far from
               a typical situation and cannot be the basis for a broad conclusion.‘‘

               In sum, ORBCOMM believes that the procedural infirmity in Final Analysis‘

Application for Clarification and Review warrants summary dismissal of its request.

Alternatively, even if the Commission addresses the merits of that pleading, it should uphold the

International Bureau‘s determination that many of the proposed changes would increase the

/              Given the data in the chart, the troubling issues raised by these data are whether
Final Analysis‘ STARS system will protect terrestrial receivers from interference as well as
ORBCOMM. The data suggests that Final Analysis is unable to identify usable (temporarily
unoccupied) channels across the band. If the satellite cannot detect the terrestrial transmitters
and the absence therof, they will not be able to avoid transmitting on the terrestrial channels
being used (or the channels designated for use by ORBCOMM). In contrast, ORBCOMM‘s
DCAAS system, the design of which is based on extensive frequency scanning data collected by
multiple experimental and operational satellites over the last five years, permits ORBCOMM
subscriber communicators reliably to close the link to the satellites using five watt transmitters.
The inability of Final Analysis to identify open channels and the conclusion that 20 watt
transmitters are required due to the "noisiness" of the VHF uplink band testifies to significant
design flaws in the Final Analysis system. Until and unless Final Analysis (and Leo One) verify
their system designs through on—orbit collection of comprehensive scanning data and
demonstration of communications reliability, there is no way that either company can design a
communications and interference avoidance system that protects both terrestrial users and

potential for interference and are properly classified as "major amendments," and thus not ripe

for grant in the second processing round.

                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                                 1/          J   /‘ *y*   n

                                  <=   By:    fi/\ 2A        MA    52’/4/{/-
                                             / Stephen L. Goodman
                                              J. Randall Cook
                                              Halprin, Temple, Goodman & Sugrue
                                              Suite 650 East Tower
                                              1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
                                              Washington, D.C. 20005
                                              (202) 371—9100

                                              Counsel for Orbital Communications

Dated:        May 18, 1998

                             ENGINEERING CERTIFICATE

               The undersigned hereby certifies that I am the technically qualified person

responsible for reviewing the engineering information contained in the foregoing

Comments of Orbital Communications Corporation on the Application for Clarification

and Review filed by Final Analysis Communications Services, Inc. Further, I certify,

under penalty of perjury, that the technical information is complete and accurate to the

best of my knowledge.

               Dated this 18th day of May, 1998.

                      By:        WM /%
                              Alan G. Rinker
                              Principal Engineer, Spectrum Management
                              Orbital Communications Corporation

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              I, Mary—Helen Dove hereby certify that on the 18th day of May, 1998, a true

copy of the foregoing Comments of ORBCOMM was mailed, postage prepaid, to the


Henry Goldberg                                  Robert A. Mazer
Joseph Godles                                   Albert Shuldiner
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright               Vinson & Elkins
1229 19th Street, N.W.                          1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036                          Washington, D.C. 20004

Leslie A. Taylor                                Aileen Pisciotta, Esq.
Guy Christiansen                                Kelly, Drye & Warren
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.                  1200 19th Street, N.W.
6800 Carlynn Court                              Suite 500
Bethesda, MD 20817—4301                         Washington, D.C. 20036

Mr. James T. Vorhies
Office of Spectrum Management
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
Room 4076
Washington, D.C. 20230

and was hand delivered to the following:

Honorable William Kennard                       Commissioner Gloria Tristani
Chairman                                        Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission               1919 M Street, N.W.
1919 M Street, N.W.                             8th Floor
8th Floor                                       Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554

Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott—Roth          Commiuissioner Michael K. Powell
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W.                             1919 M Street, N.W.
8th Floor                                       8th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20554                          Washington, D.C. 20554

Commissioner Susan Ness              Regina Keeney
Federal Communications Commission    Chief, International Bureau
1919 M Street, N.W.                  Federal Communications Commission
8th Floor                            2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554               Room 858       .
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Cecily C. Holiday                    Dan Connors
Federal Communications Commuission   Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W.                  International Bureau
Room 520                             2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554               5th Floor
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Cassandra Thomas                .    Tom Tycz
Federal Communications Commission    Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W.                  2000 M Street, N.W.
Room 810                             Room 811
Washington, D.C. 20554               Washington, D.C. 20554

Alexandra Field
Federal Communications Commission
International Bureau
2000 M Street, N.W., 5th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20554

                                     L;fl@uw /{/Ja«/           AO‘%M/
                                     Mary—Hélen Dove

Document Created: 2012-11-02 14:33:05
Document Modified: 2012-11-02 14:33:05

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