Attachment 40698 Letter - 11021

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                   UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF c
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                                                                   Information Administration _
                                                                   Washington, D.C. 20230

                                                                       in 26 SS                                :
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       Regina Keeney                                                                          he mdnanad   s       un
       Chief, International Bureau                                                            o Afinetaamonils"
       Federal Communications Commission             6
       2000 M Street, NW
       Washington, D.C. 20554

       Dear Ms. Keeney:

              We have reviewed the draft license for Final Analysis (FAT) Non—Voice Non—
      Geostationary (NVNG) Mobile—Satellite system. We continue to have two concerns: 1)
      interference to DoD‘s defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) at 400 MHz; and 2)
      FAI‘s ability to respond in a timely manner to failure ofits satellites to avoid causing interference
      to NOAA satellites in the 137—138 MHz band. In order to address these concerns, we request
      that the FAI license incorporate the additional conditions described below:

               Operation:at 400 MHz

              Final Analysis (FAI) is proposing to operate within the 400.505—400.645 MHz portion of
      the 400.15—401 MHz band that is situated between the two DMSP channels. The spectrum
      proposed includes that allocated for use by the first round applicants VITA and STARSYS.

              We agreed during the FCC Negotiated Rulemaking in 1992 to the principle of sharing the
      spectrum between the two DMSP channels with two U.S. mobile satellite systems based on the
      proposed technical parameters of the first round applicants. In 1994, we agreed to the licensing
      of VITA and STARSYS systems based on the technical parameters proposed for these systems .
      The VITA system was specified to have an EIRP of 8 dBW at the horizon. The STARSYS —
      system was specified to have an EIRP of 8$.2 dBW in the vicinity of the horizon. FAT‘s amended
      application proposes an EIRP of 17.8 dBW at the horizon. This value is 9.6 dB greater than that
      planned by STARSYS. This value ofEIRP substantially increases the interference power
      received by the DMSP, over that which would have resulted from the STARSYS system.

               The FAI application states its power flux—density (pfd) near the horizon (at a 5 degree
      arrival angle) will be —127.8 dBW/m"/4 kHz. This pfd is low enough to avoid harmful interference
      to the DMSP. However, the FAI application indicates their system design will use a shaped beam
      antenna to produce uniform pfd at the surface of the Earth. We are concerned that the amount of
      antenna beam shaping needed to accomplish this uniform pfd may not be practically achieved once
      the antenna has been mounted on the spacecraft. In this case, the result could be that the .
     maximum pfd (at higher arrival angles) will be greater than the —127.8 dBW/m*/4 kHz value
      calculated in the application.

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                               In order to facilitate coordination between Air Force and FAL, the license needs to be
                    conditioned on a pfd levels at any point on the surface ofthe earth not exceeding
                    —125.0 dBW/m*/4 kHz. FAI should also be required in their license to demonstrate through tests
                    on the first completed spacecraft that this pfd value will be met at all arrival angles. These tests
                    should be performed within 120 days after the launch ofthe first satellite by FAI and monitored
                    by the Air Force. Because pfd levels greaterthan —125.0 dEW/m"/4 kHz could prevent the
                    DMSP from satisfying its mission, the FAT license should clearly state that the license is subject to
                    being revoked unless the pfd limit is met, in practice.

                            Operation at 137—138 MHz

                            There is uncertainty about FALI capability to detect problems that could result in
                    interference to NOAA satellite operations due to timesharing violations and, FAT‘s ability to
                    command shut—off of the malfunctioning FAI satellite. NOAA has stated its desire that FAI be
                    ableto detect all timesharingviolations within two hours. However, we understand that the
                    specific time periods in which to accomplish failure detection in some cases is dependent on the
                    number and location of FAI ground stations and that initially FAI will have a limited number of
                    ground stations available outside the U.S. Therefore, the FAX license needs to reflect the
                    requirement that any timesharing failures be detected at the first time the satellite is in view of an
                    FAI ground station and in any case in less than four hours.

                              The NVNG Report and Order requires, in Section 25.259, instantaneous shut down
                    when the timesharing agreement is violated. In some cases this may not be practical. Therefore,
                    if the satellite is not operating in accordance with the timesharing agreement and cannot be
                    commanded to immediately cease or modify its transmissions, it should be done by the first
                    ground station with satellite visibility, but in any case, in less than four hours.

                            Additionally, since FAI will also be operating in the lower end of the 137—138 MHz band
                    on a non—timeshared basis, it is necessary to further condition the license on successful completion
                    of coordination and an operating agreement between FAI and NOAA concerning FAI out—of—band


                                                                                  William T. Hatch
                                                                                  Deputy Associate Administrator
                                                                                  Office of Spectrum Management

Document Created: 2012-11-02 13:27:58
Document Modified: 2012-11-02 13:27:58

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