Attachment 61998 Opposition - 1

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            Before the
                                                                                           Office ofSecratery.
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
                                              )                      .
FINAL ANALYSIS                                )       File Nos.          25—SAT—P/LA—95 >
COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC.                  )                          76—SAT—AMEND—95y m:=
                                              )                          79—SAT—AMEND06 Sure8i
Order and Authorization to Construct,         )                          151—SAT—AMEND—96:=
Launch and Operate a Non—Voice, Non—          )                          7—SAT—AMEND—97
Geostationary Mobile Satellite System         )
in the 148—150.05 MHz, 400.15—401 MHz,        )
and 137—138 MHz bands                         )

       Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys, subt

this Opposition to the "Comments" filed by Leo One USA Corporation ("Leo One") on Ma

1998 in the above captioned matter.‘ Leo One asks that the Commission confirm that the—

Certification Letter filed by Final Analysis on May 15, 1998 in fulfillment of the condition in

Paragraph 80 of the Final Analysis Licensing Order® satisfies the condition, and that Final

Analysis‘s May 14, 1998 Petition for Reconsideration seeking a stay of the condition be

1      Leo One‘s filing is styled as "comments on a blizzard of filings." Such a pleading, whi’(:h;
does not respond to any particular filing by Final Analysis, is not authorized under the
Commission‘s Rules. In particular, it is late—filed under Section 1.106 of the Commission‘s
Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106 with respect to Final Analysis‘s May 14, 1998 Petition for
Reconsideration, and should be returned without consideration. In any event, Leo One‘s efforts
to create its own unauthorized pleading opportunities is just further evidence of its disregard:of
Commission Rules and procedures see, e.g., Letter fromJohn I. Riffer, FCC Assistant General
Counsel, Administrative Law Division, to Robert A. Mazer, counsel for Leo One, dated June 5,
1998 (strongly admonishing Leo One for violations of the Commission‘s ex parte rules), and the
Commission should admonish Leo One not to file additional unwarranted and irregular
pleadings. However, against the possibility that the Commission may accept the "Comments" |
as some sort of motion to dismiss or request for clarification or declaratory ruling, Final Analysis
submits this Opposition in accordance with Section 1.45 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R.§
2      Letter from Aileen A. Pisciotta to Regina M. Keeney, Chief, FCC International Bureau,
dated May 15, 1998 conveying Letter from Nader Modanlo ("Certification Letter").

dismissed as moot. Leo One‘s request is not only unwarranted and meritless, but it actually

proves the point made by Final Analysis in its Petition for Reconsideration that the certification=

requirement is prejudicial.

        First, Leo One‘s request is unwarranted on its face as the Certification Letter is perfectly.

clear. Final Analysis expressed its "present intention" to constructand coordinate its syste

compliance with the Licensing Order license becausethat order is thesubject of a pending:

Application for Review," pursuant to which the Licensing Order may be revised. The

Certification Letter was also clear that it was filed only because, in the absence of action bythe:

International— Bureauon its pending request, it risked thelossofits—license.: Final Analysisv

compelled to file the certification on that date, so without. giving up its rights:;

this respect; thereis nothing inconsistent withFinalAnalysis‘s expressionof.commitment: c

construct and coordinate the system as authorized and its reservation ofall rights to seek a stay_ |

of the condition and/or a reversal of the underlying Licensing Ordér. To conclude otherwise=

would require a determination that, simply through inaction, the Commission could deprive

parties of due process.

       Second, Leo One‘s request is completely without merit. The International Bureau has—

clarified that compliance with the Certification Condition should not compromise Final

Analysis‘s due process rights in this proceeding." In its,Petition, Final Analysis showed that

compliance with the Certification Condition is in fact préjfidicial. The Certification Letter was

expressly filed "without prejudice" to pending proceedings concerning its Licensing Order. Leo

g. ..continued)
         Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., DA 98—616, Order and Authorization (rel
April 1, 1998) ("Licensing Order").
4      Final Analysis, Application for Review, filed May 1, 1998.
5      Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., Order, DA 98—881 (rel. May 8, 1998).

One‘s request is merely an effort to obtain clarification from the Commission that the

Certification Letter should be deemed to prejudice Final Analysis‘s position. This is completely


        Finally, Leo One‘s request, and in particular its statemenit, ét p. 2, that "Final Analysis

appears to have survived what it graphically characterized as a ‘Hobson‘s Choice‘" is a perfect

indication that what Final Analysis has tried to avoid has occurred. Final Analysis argued that

imposition of the Certification Condition would cause detrimental reliance among others in the

industry that would prejudice Commission decision—making on its Application for Review. Leo

One, in seeking further assurances upon which it can rely, essentially requests confirmation that

this is the case. Any finding in favor of Leo One would, therefore, be prejudicial to Final

Analysis in deprivation of its due process rights.                                 |

        Final Analysis does not consider its pending Petition to be moot, and further believes that

in its Application for Review it has made a compelling case that thé Licensing Order must be

modified. It therefore respectfully requests that the International Bureau expeditiously grant its

Petition for Reconsideration and stay the Certification Condition pending Commission action on

its Application for Review. Only such action would preserve all of Final Analysis‘s rights in this

proceeding and prevent further confusion among the other licensees."                   |

       Most importantly, Final Analysis urges the Commission to recognize Leo One‘s untimely

6      The fact that the certification is not even necessary is made evident by the fact that Final
Analysis and Orbital Communications Corporation ("ORBCOMM") are proceeding with
coordination even though certain aspects of both constellations are unresolved. See Joint letter to
of Aileen A. Pisciotta, counsel for Final Analysis, and Stephen L. Goodman, counsel for
ORBCOMM to Regina M. Keeney, FCC International Bureau Chief, dated June 2, 1998. The
Commission is urged to further note that, at this point, the only real ongoing coordination efforts
involve ORBCOMM, which does not appear to find Final Analysis‘s position in this proceeding
confusing. Leo One professes confusion, but is not apparently active in coordination. In this
respect, it is clear that its pleadings on this issue are intended more to harass Final Analysis than
to achieve any positive results for the industry.

pleading for what it is, merely one more self—serving attempt on the part of that company to

manipulate the administrative process to its advantage. Final Analysis has shown in detail in its

May 1, 1998 Application for Review and its June 2, 1998 Reply that many of the errors in the

Licensing Order are traceable to misrepresentations and mischaracterizations made by Leo One.

Leo One here, and elsewhere,‘ has shown itself to lack credibility in this proceeding. In this

light, its Comments are not deserving of consideration.

        WHEREFORE, for the reasons stated, Final Analysis respectfully requests the

Commission deny the requests made by Leo One‘s in its "Comments" as untimely filed and


                                      Respectfully submitted,

                                     FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC.

                                     Aileen A. Pisciotta
                                     KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                                      1200 19°" Street, N.W., Suite 500
                                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                                     (202) 955—9600

Dated: June 8, 1998                  Its Attorney

       See, e.g., Final Analysis‘s May 7, 1998 Request for Investigation of Leo One.

                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I, Beatriz Viera, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Opposition"
to the Comments filed by Leo One USA Corporation, on behalf of Final Analysis:
Communication Services, Inc. was delivered by hand or regular mail this 8th day of June 1998,
to each ofthe following:

Chairman William E. Kennard*                        Ms. Cassandra Thomas*
Federal Communications Commission                   Deputy Chief, International Bureau
1919 M Street, NW., Room 814                        Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                              2000 M Street, NW., Room 810
                                                    Washington, D.C. 20554
Commissioner Gloria Tristani*
Federal Communications Commission                   Ms. Regina Keeney*
1919 M Street, NW., Room 826                        Chief, International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                              Federal Communications Commission.
                                                    2000 M Street, NW., Room 830
Commussioner Harold W. Furchtgott—Roth*            Washington, D.C. 20554
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, NW., Room 802                       Ms. Tania Hanna*
Washington, D.C. 20554                             International Bureau
                                                   Federal Communications Commission
Commissioner Susan Ness*                           2000 M Street, NW., Room 800
Federal Communications Commission                  Washington, D.C. 20554
1919 M Street, NW., Room 832
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Mr. Harold Ng*
                                                   Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch
Commissioner Michael K. Powell*                    Satellite and Radio Communication Div.
Federal Communications Commission                  International Bureau
1919 M Street, NW., Room 844                       Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                             2000 M Street, NW., Room 801
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
Mr. Christopher J. Wright*
General Counsel                                    Mr. Alex Roytblat*
Federal Communications Commission                  Satellite and Radio Communication Div.
1919 M Street, NW., Room 614                       International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                   2000 M Street, NW., Room 500
Mr. Thomas Tycz*                                   Washington, D.C. 20554
Chief Satellite Division        .
Federal Communications Commission                  Stephen Goodman, Esq.
2000 M Street, NW., Room 811                       Halprin, Temple & Goodman
Washington, D.C. 20054                             Suite 650 East
                                                   1100 New York Avenue, NW.
                                                   Washington, D.C. 20005
                                                      Counsel for ORBCOMM


Henry Goldberg, Esq.                          Mr. William T. Hatch
Joseph Godles, Esq.                       *‘ Associate Administrator
Mary Dent, Esq.                              Spectrum Management
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright            U.S. Department of Commerce
1229 19th Street, NW.                        National Telecommunications and
Washington, D.C. 20036                          Information Administration:
    Counsel for Volunteers in Technical      14*" and Constitution Avenue, N.W.
    Assistance                               Washington, D.C. 20230

Robert A. Mazer, Esq.                        Kira Alvarez, Esq.
Vinson & Elkins                              Attorney Advisor
 1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW.               Office of General Counsel
Washington, D.C. 20004—1008                  National Atmospheric and Oceanic Adm.
   Counsel for Leo One USA                   (Dept. of Commerce)
                                             1325 East—West Highway 18111
Leslie Taylor, Esq.                          Silver Spring, MD 20910
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
6800 Carlynn Court                           SMC/CHS
Bethesda, MD 20817—4302                      Attn: Lt. Dave Meyer
    Counsel for E—Sat                        2420 Vela Way, Suite 1467—A8°
                                             Los Angeles AFB
Mr. Nelson Pollack                           El Segundo, CA 90245—4659
4040 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 204
Arlington, VA 22203—1613

Mr. Richard Barth
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Office of Radio Frequency Management
Room 2246, SSMC—2
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, MD 20910

                                                  [   .   &
                                               Beatriz Viera


Document Created: 2012-11-02 11:42:10
Document Modified: 2012-11-02 11:42:10

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