Attachment Oral Ex Parte - 1102

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          Wiley Rein 8&3ieldifieL(Li                                x
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                                        may 2 7 2003
                                                                                                                   Tricia   Paolett
1776 K STREET NW           May 16, 2003 pojiey Branch                MA¥ 2 7 2003                                  253??19.37?5382 ¢
PHONE   202.719.7000                   international Bureau |        POliqy Braheh                       
FAX     202.719.7049
                                                                ,m             ‘Bureau

7925 JONES BRANCH DRIVE    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary                                       RECEIVED
SUITE 6200                 Federal Communications Commission
McLEAN, VA 22102           236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E., Suite 110
                           Washington, DC 20003                                                     MAY 1 6 2003
                                                                                            FBDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                           Re:    Notice of Oral Ex Parte Presentations                           OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY
                                  Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.
                                  Petition for Waiver (filed Mar. 29, 2002);
                                  File No                                5
                                  SAT—AMD—19950224—00033; SAT—AMD—19960223—00031;
                                  SAT—AMD—19960819—00107; SAT—AMD—19971030—00175
                                                                     :2 L“)m‘f\i’ * . ? v,v“:/‘_k; ~         ons
                                                                                                     1...7 <

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                          On Thursday, May 8, 2003 and Monday, May 12, 2003, representatives of New
                          York Satellite Industries, LLC ("NYS"), and Final Analysis Communication
                          Services, Inc. ("FACS") and their counsel, met with staff from the Federal
                          Communications Commission ("FCC") to discuss the above—referenced Petition for
                          Waiver. —

                          Specifically, on Thursday, May 8, 2003, Nadar Modanlo of NYS, Jan Friis and
                          Mary Kay Williams of FACS, Tricia Paoletta and Rodney Glover of Wiley Rein &
                          Fielding, LLP, counsel to NYS, Glenn Manishin and Randy Sifers of Kelley Drye &
                          Warren LLP, counsel to FACS, Amy Mehlman of Capitol Coalitions, Inc.,
                          consultant, met with the FCC International Bureau Chief Don Abelson, Deputy
                          Chiefs Anna Gomez and Rod Porter, Assistant Chief Jackie Ruff, Satellite Division
                          Chief Tom Tycz, Deputy Satellite Division Chief Cassandra Thomas, Special
                          Adviser Karl Kensinger, Deputy Chief Strategic Analysis and Negotiations Division
                          John Giusti, Bob Nelson, Mark Young and others from the Bureau staff. During
                          this meeting, the participants discussed substantive issues contained in, and
                          procedural issues with respect to, the FACS®‘ Petition for Waiver. FACS also
                          provided a progress update on development and construction of its satellite system,
                          Agenda Item 1.16 of WRC 2003, and the status of review of FACS®‘ Technical
                          Assistance Agreement ("TAA") by the Office of Defense Trade Controls Licensing
                          of the U.S. Department of State.

                          On Monday, May 12, 2003, Nader Modanlo of NYS , Jan Friis and Mary Kay
                          Williams of FACS, Tricia Paoletta and Jennifer Hindin of Wiley Rein & Fielding,
                          LLP, counsel to NYS, Glenn Manishin and Randy Sifers of Kelley Drye & Warren

  May 16, 2003
  Page 2

 LLP, counsel to FACS, Amy Mehlman of Capitol Coalitions, Inc., met with Anna
 Gomez, Tom Tycez, John Giusti, Cassandra Thomas, Robert Nelson, Mark Young
 and Rod Porter of the FCC International Bureau. During that meeting, NYS and
 FACS reviewed facts pertaining to the involuntary Chapter 7 bankruptcy of FACS®
 parent company and prime satellite contractor and requested that the International
 Bureau refrain from releasing any action on the FACS Petition for Waiver pending
 further review of the written material filed by NYS and FACS on Monday, May 12,
 2003. On Monday, May 12, 2003, Tricia Paoletta and Amy Mehlman discussed
 these issues with Bryan Tramont and Jennifer Manner.

 On Tuesday, May 13, 2003, Jan Friis, Tricia Paoletta, Amy Mehlman and Randy
 Sifers discussed these issues with Barry Ohlson, senior legal advisor to
 Commissioner Adelstein.

 Pursuant to Section 1.1206 of the FCC‘s rules,‘ an original and one copy of this
 letter is being filed. Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions.

      t#      +Y          C
Patricia J. Paoletta

co:        Anna M. Gomez

‘ Counsel to NYS is filing this ex parte notice at the request of the International Bureua out of an
abundance of caution due to an ambiguity surrounding the procedural posture of the FACS Petition
for Waiver, which, to date, has not been placed on public notice as accepted for filing.

Document Created: 2012-11-02 11:35:36
Document Modified: 2012-11-02 11:35:36

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