Application Form [pdf]

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                             MAY — 1 1998
                                                  Before the                         c        Federal Communicztions Cornmission
                          FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ~, —                               .— ...Office of Seoretury
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554                                          '

                                                                                    MaAy             ;
In the Matter of                                            )
FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION                                )          File Nos. 2      »    x
SERVICES, INC.                                              )                    76—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                            )                    79—SAT—AMEND—96
For Authorization to Construct, Launch                      )                    151—SAT—AMEND—96
and Operate a Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                  )                    7—SAT—AMEND—97
Mobile Satellite System in the 148—150.05 MHz,              )
400.15—401 MHz, and 137—138 MHz bands                       )

                                    APPLICATION FOR REVIEW

       Leo One USA Corporation ("Leo One USA"), by its attorneys, hereby submits this application

for review of the International Bureau Order granting Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.

("Final Analysis") a license to launch and operate a Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite

Service ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO") system.‘‘                  Final Analysis has recently stated its intention

to seek Commission review of those portions of the Final Analysis License which deny certain system

modifications proposed in Final Analysis‘ October 30, 1997 amended application.* To the extent the

Commission grants any such Final Analysis application for review, other second round Little LEO

licensees will suffer harmful interference. In that event, Leo One USA submits the Commission must

review Final Analysis‘ financial qualifications and reverse the International Bureau‘s erroneous

conclusion that Final Analysis is financially qualified to hold the Final Analysis License.

       Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc., DA 98—616, Order and Authorization (April 1, 1998) ("Final
       Analysis License"). This application for review is submitted pursuant to Section 1.115 of the Commission‘s
       Rules. 47 C.F.R. § 1.115.

¥      See Request for Clarification or Stay of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. dated April 20, 1998.

 A.      Background

         In October 1996, the Commussion issued a Notice of Proposed Rule Making setting out rules

 designed to eliminate mutual exclusivity in the second Little Leo processing round.* The NPRM

 propased, among other things, to adopt a stricter financial qualification test for Little LEO applicants.

 In September 1997, after long and difficult negotiations, the five remaining second round applicants

 agreed to a comprehensive band sharing and settlement plan.* That Joint Proposal® set out detailed

 parameters for licensing three new Little LEO systems and for providing expansion capabilities to two

 existing systems. The five applicants voluntarily and unanimously agreed to the Joint Proposal."

 This settlement agreement embodied significant compromises and concessions to particular

 applicants. For example, in the case of Final Analysis, the applicants agreed to grant Final Analysis

 preferential rights to future spectrum allocations to ensure Final Analysis‘—needs were met.

        Based almost exclusively on the Joint Proposal, the Commission adopted its October 15, 1997

 Report and Order* establishing rules for resolving the second processing round. That Report and

 i      See Amendment ofPart 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to the Second
        Processing Round of the Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service, IB Docket No. 96—220, Notice
        ofProposed Rule Making (rel. Oct. 29. 1996) ("NPRM).

        Three applicants (CTA,. Inc., GE Starsys and GE Americom) had withdrawn their second processing round

 —      Joint Proposal among E—SAT, Final Analysis, Leo One USA, Orbcomm, Orbital Sciences Corporation and VITA
        in IB Docket No. 96—220 (Sept. 19, 1997} ("Joint Proposal").

        It is important to note. however. that the Joint Proposal was based on each applicant‘s understanding of the

        technical details in the applications pending before the Commission at that time. Had Leo One USA been aware
        ofthe Final Analysis amended technical details and the changes in the sharing environment that would result,
        Leo One USA would not have agreed to the Joint Proposal.

—       Amendment of Part 25 of the Commussion‘s Rules to Establish Rules and Policies Pertaining to the Second
        Processing Round of the Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite Service. FCC 97—370, Report and
        Order (rel. Oct. 15, 1997) ("Report and Order"}.

                                                            L3 —

    Order established the exact Little LEO systems agreed to in the Joint Proposal. Because the Joint

Proposal allowed the Bureau to accommodate all remaining applicants, the Report and Order did not

amend the Little LEO rules to adopt a stricter financial qualification test.® The Report and Order

invited all five applicants to amend their applications to conform to the Report and Order.

           The Report and Order had cautioned applicants that only those amendments necessary to

conform to the Report and Order would be accepted unconditionally —— all others would be evaluated

under the Commission‘s existing Part 25 Rules.® Notwithstanding the Commission‘s admonition,

Final Analysis submitted an amendment which proposed far reaching technical changes beyond those

required to conform to the Report and Order.‘"                      Because those changes would have caused

interference to the other second round Iicenéees, the International Bureau rejected those changes and

licensed Final Analysis to launch and operate the exact system Final Analysis had agreed to in the

Joint Proposal and the Commission had designated for Final Analysis in the Report and Order.

           The Final Analysis Amendment also contained updated financial qualification material. In

the Final Analysis License, the Bureau simply accepted Final Analysis‘ assertion that it had raised

$3 million from investors as proof of financial qualification to satisfy Section 25.142(a)(4) of the

3         See Report and Order at 10—11 ("Because our spectrum sharing plan can accommodate all of the second
          processing round applicants in the available spectrum, we find it unnecessary to require a second round applicant
          to meet the stnct financial standard. Therefore, we will retain our relaxed financial standard to determine a
          second round applicant‘s financial qualification for a license.").

4         See Report and Order at 52—54 ("an amendment . . . which would increase frequency conflicts . .. would render
          the application a newly filed application to be considered in a future processing group.").

1¥        See Amendment to Application dated (Oct. 30, 1997) ("Amendment").

                                                     —4 .L

Commission‘s Rules.The Bureau did not make any finding, however, that Final Analysis possessed

current assets as required by the Commission‘s Rules.

        To the extent the Commission grants any application for review which Final Analysis may

file, authorizing Final Analysis‘ proposed system modifications will create new interference adversely

affecting the other parties to the Joint Proposal. The Joint Proposal was designed to eliminate this

possibility by establishing technical parameters which permitted sharing of the band. The Report and

Order merely codified this agreement in the second processing round rules. Any change in the

sharing environment will mean the Commission is no longer able to accommodate all the second

round applicants. In that case, it should review the Bureau‘s conclusions about Final Analysis‘

financial qualifications under the existing rules.

B.     Financially
       Final Analysi Qualified.                                            —

       The Bureau incorrectly concluded that Final Analysis had satisfied the requirements of Section

25.142(a)(4) of the Commuission‘s Rules. That rule requires each Little LEO applicant to show it is

financially qualified to construct. launch and operate for one year the first two satellites of its

proposed system.    Section 25.140 of the Rules* provides guidance on the showing required to

demonstrate this financial qualification.       Applicants must submit a current balance sheet

demonstrating the applicant possesses "current assets and operating income" sufficient to cover the

system costs.

h      47 CFR. § 25.142(a)(4).

i2     47 CFR. § 25.140.

C.     Conclusion

       For the foregoing reason. Leo One USA requests that the Commussion find Final Analysis

financially unqualified an revoke the Final Analysis License in the event it reverses the Bureau‘s

technical decisions in the Final Analysis License.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     _ AtuAShollnn
                                                            Robert A. Mazer
                                                            Albert Shuldiner
                                                            Vinson & Elkins
                                                            1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20004—1008
                                                            (202) 639—6500

                                                            Counsel for Leo One USA Corporation
Dated: May 1. 1998                                                       —


        In the Final Analysis License, the Bureau concluded Final Analysis‘ costs totaled $2.785

million. The Bureau relied on Final Analysis‘ statement "that it has raised over $3 million from

investors"" to satisfy Final Analysis‘ proposed system costs.

        The record demonstrates, however, that Final Analysis has not proven current assets and/or

operating income of $3 million. The balance sheet included in the October 30, 1997 Final Analysis

Amendment listed current assets of $208,893.             The Amendment includes "Notes to Financial

Statements" which set out events subsequent to the December 31, 1996 year end. Note 10 states:

                the Company sold 386,375 shares of Series H Non—voting Convertible
                Preferred Stock to investors for $8.00 per share generating aggregate
                proceeds of $3,091,.000.4+

The Amendment contains no additional information about these funds, and at no time has Final

Analysis provided a balance sheet that indicated that these are included as_current assets. In fact, it

is curious that Final Analysis did not provide an updated balance sheet to account for these funds or

a balance sheet for Final Analysis‘ parent Final Analysis, Inc.

       With regard to this $3 million. Leo One USA submits there is no evidence Final Analysis still

has this money or that the Series H shares were sold for cash. The Series H shares may well have

been issued for cash, a note, settlement ofa debt, in—kind services or other, non—cash consideration

which may not meet the definition of a current asset. If Final Analysis chose to base its financial

qualification showing on assets it claimed to have obtained after the date of the submitted audited

financial statements, it should have also submitted an update ofthe entire financial statement. The

Commission has an obligation to require, at a minimum, this level of additional information and to

15     Final Analysis License at 28.

+      Amendment, Emmst & Young Audit Statement at 16.


refrain from simply accepting the unsubstantiated claims ofthe applicant. To accept anything less

than an updated financial statement would open an enormous loophole for applicants to simply claim

qualification on the basis of events that have not yvet occurred. Moreover, Leo One USA submits

subsequent financial updates to audited financials are meaningless in this case absent consolidated

statements of Final Analysis and its parent. A consolidated statement would have allowed the FCC

and other affected parties to properly evaluate the current asset position net of intercompany

climinations such as sales and receivables between affiliates.       Full disclosure of consolidated

anancials is critical to venifying a current asset position.

        A reexamination of the Amendment leads only to the conclusion that Note 10 raises more

questions than it answers. Final Analysis‘ aggressive accounting practices failed to comply with both

the letter and the spirit of the Commussion‘s financial qualification rules. The Final Analysis

Amendment is incapable of supporting a finding of financial qualification. Reversing the Bureau‘s

rejection ofthe technical amendments proffered by Final Analysis will cause harmful interference to

the other parties to the Joint Proposal. In that case, the Commussion is obligated to reevaluate Final

Analysis® financial qualifications. As long as the Bureau was accommodating the requests of all the

parties in accordance with the Joint Proposal,. Final Analysis‘ financial qualifications were less

significant.   To the extent entities other than Final Analysis are not fully accommodated, the

Commission has an obligation to ensure an unqualified and under funded entity does not block better

funded and qualified entities from implementing their planned and licensed systems.

                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing Application for Review of Leo

One USA Corporation was sent by first—class mail, postage prepaid. this 1st day of May, 1998, to

zach ofthe following:

                                     Chairman William E. Kennard
                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                     1919 M Street, NW., Room 814
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                     Commissioner Harold Furchtgott—Roth
                                     Federal Communications Commussion
                                     1919 M Street, NW.. Room 802
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                     Commuissioner Michael Powell
                                     Federal Communications Commussion
                                     1919 M Street, NW., Room 844
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

                                     Commissioner Susan Ness
                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                     1919 M Street, N W.. Room 832
                                     Washington. D.C. 20554

                                     Commissioner Gloria Tristani
                                     Federal Communications Commussion
                                     1919 M Street, N W.. Room 826
                                     Washington. D.C. 20554

                                     Ms. Regina Keeney
                                     Chief. International Bureau
                                     Federal Communications Commussion
                                     2000 M Street, N.W.. Room 830
                                     Washington. D.C. 20554


                    Mr. Thomas S. Tycz
                    Division Chief, Satellite &
                     Radiocommunication Division
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commussion
                    2000 M Street, NW., Room 520
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Mr. Daniel Connors
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street, NW.. Room 506—A
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Mr. Harold Ng
                    Engineering Advisor
                    Satellite & Radiocommunications Division
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street, NW., Room 801
                    Washington, D.C. 20554          =

                    Ms. Cassandra Thomas
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street. N.W.. Room 810
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    Ms. Tania Hanna
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2000 M Street. NW.. Room 506
                    Washington. D.C. 20554

                    Mr. Alex Royvtblat
                    International Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commussion
                    2000 M Street, NW.. Room 502
                    Washington,. D.C. 20554

*By Hand Delivery

Albert Halprin, Esq.
Stephen L. Goodman, Esq.
Halprin, Temple & Goodman
Suite 650 East
1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20005
       Counsel for Orbcomm

Henry Goldberg, Esq.
Joseph Godles, Esq.
Mary Dent, Esq.
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
1229 Nineteenth Street, N. W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
       Counsel for Volunteers in Technical Assistance

Aileen Pisciotta, Esq.
Kelley, Drye &Warren
1200 19th Street, N.W.
Suite 500                          =
Washington, D.C. 20036
        Counsel for Final Analysis

Mr. Charles Ergen, President
E—SAT, Inc.
90 Inverness Circle, East
Englewood, CO 80112

Leslie Taylor. Esq.
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, MD 20817—4302
       Counsel for E—Sat

           Philip V. Otero, Esquire
           Vice Presgident and General Counsel
           GE American Communications, Inc.
           Four Research Way
           Princeton, NJ   08540

           Peter A. Rohrbach, Esquire
           Julie T. Barton, Esquire
           Hogan & Hartson
           Columbia Square
           555         13th Street,   NW
           Washington, DC             20004
               Counsel for GE American Communications,   Inc.

           Michael D. Kennedy
           Barry Lambergman
           Motorola Inc.
           1350 Eye Street, N.W.
           Suite 400
           Washington, D.C.             20005

           Philip L. Malet, Esquire
           Steptoe & Johnson
           1330 Connecticut Avenue,             N.W.
          Washington D.C.             20036

                                                                E. Sroon
                                                       Kaigh K. Johnson


Document Created: 2012-10-24 15:33:51
Document Modified: 2012-10-24 15:33:51

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