Attachment Final Analysis reply

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


se                         o            es                 oc                         c                  pEcEIVED~
                                                                                                            DEC 1 6 1997
                                                                                                     Federal Communications Commissi
                                              Before the                                                     Offics of Secretary
                             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of

                                                               No N Ns N Nt N Nt
FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INC.                                        File Nos.      7—SAT—AMEND—98;
Application for Authority to Construct
Launch and Operate a Non—Voice,
Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite System

To:               The Chief, International Bureau

                                        REPLY COMMENTS

                  Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final Analysis"), by its attorneys,

hereby submits its reply to the comments filed by Orbital Communications Corporation

("ORBCOMM") on Final Analysis‘s above—captioned amendment to its application for a non—

voice, non—geostationary mobile satellite system ("NVNG MSS" or "Little LEO®") license. Final

Analysis‘s amendment conforms its original FAISAT constellation to the band plan and sharing

requirements for "System 2" established in the band—sharing agreement entered into by the

second round Little LEO applicants (the "Joint Proposal") and the Commission‘s recently

released Report and Order.         For the reasons discussed below, Final Analysis believes that

ORBCOMM‘s concerns in its comments are being satisfactorily addressed by Final Analysis.

                  ORBCOMM‘s comments focus on two concerns:                                    (i) potential out—of—band

interference from Final Analysis to ORBCOMM‘s adjacent channel operations in the 137 MHz

downlink band; and (11i) coordination of Final Analysis‘s co—channel uplink operations in the 148

MHz band.‘           ORBCOMM suggests that these concerns should be addressed before a license

                   In this regard, it is important to note that the concerns about Final Analysis‘s

## DCOUIBATAP/55397.41

can be issued to Final Analysis. Subsequent to the filing of ORBCOMM‘s Comments on the

Final Analysis Amendment, Final Analysis and ORBCOMM initiated coordination of the issues

identified as concerns by ORBCOMM, and as demonstrated by the Joint Letter provided as

Attachment A, hereto, both Final Analysis and ORBCOMM are confident that coordination can

be successfully concluded. Therefore, ORBCOMM‘s interference concerns are being addressed

and delay in issuance of an NVNG MSS license to Final Analysis thus would not be in the

public interest. Specific explanations of how ORBCOMM‘s concerns are being addressed are

discussed below.


                   ORBCOMM raises concerns regarding the possibility of out—of—band interference

to ORBCOMM‘s operations in the 137—138 MHz band from Final Analysis‘s adjacent dowrflifik

operations.      See ORBCOMM Comments at 8—9. Specifically, ORBCOMM is concerned that

adjacent channel interference may arise due to the proposed increased data rate and power of

Final Analysis’; downlink transmissions.

                   Final Analysis‘s adjacent downlink operations comply with Commission‘s

requirements and do not pose a threat of potential out—of—band harmful interference to

ORBCOMM in the 137 MHz band. Final Analysis has begun coordination with ORBCOMM

for use of the downlink spectrum. In this coordination meeting, Final Analysis and ORBCOMM

system augmentation and possible increased interference alleged by Leo One in its Petition to
Deny Final Analysis‘s amended application are not a concern to ORBCOMM. Final
Analysis finds this lack of concern significant given that ORBCOMM is an existing licensee
with extensive experience in designing and launching satellites as well as designing and
operating a Little LEO communications system.

## DCOL/BATAP/55397 .41                          — 2 —

                                                                                                 ad en Sb odvex® P1tid d¥

discussed at length the details of downlink operations as proposed in the Final Analysis

amendment. As can be seen from the attached Final Analysis/ORBCOMM Joint Letter, both

companies believe that downlink operations as proposed in Final Analysis’s and ORBCOMM‘s

Amendments can be coordinated without any technical difficulties."

                  Attached hereto as Appendix A is a description of how the characteristics of Final

Analysis‘s downlink transmissions, using GMSK modulation, are such that adjacent channel

operations without harmful interference are readily achievable and are well within generally

accepted U.S. cellular industry standards (IS—54). Over the past several years Final Analysis

has devoted significant time and resources in the development of its GMSK modulation practices

which were ultimately implemented and tested in the FAISAT—1 and FAISAT—2v experimental

satellites. The result of our R & D program demonstrated that GMSK was by far the superior

technology for minimization of out—of—band emissions, and as implemented by Final Analysis

produces results well within industry standards. Specifically, the U.S. cellular industry finds

acceptable adjacent channel interference of less than 25 dB below carrier power in the adjacent

25 kHz chénnel. The Final Analysis system, in actual performance tests, produces out—of—band

emissions in the 137 MHz and 400 MHz bands 35 dB and 36 dB (respectively) below carrier

power, values comfortably in the acceptable range and well within the coordination capabilities

of the parties.

    2          ORBCOMM notes in its October 30, 1997 Amendment on page 4 that it has
previously coordinated adjacent channel operations with NOAA, and anticipates also being
able to coordinate successfully with System 2 (Final Analysis) with regard to adjacent
channel operations.

## DCOUBATAPISS39T.41                            — 3 —

                  MHz UPLINK BAND.

                  ORBCOMM is concerned that both Final Analysis‘s proposed uplink operations

in System 2 and Leo One‘s proposed uplink operations in System 1 may not sufficiently protect

ORBCOMM from co—channel interference in the 148 MHz band. It has two specific concerns.

First, ORBCOMM questions whether Final Analysis‘s version of a Dynamic Channel Activity

Assignment ("DCAAS")—based system called Scanning Telemetry Activity Receiver System

("STARS ") will work to avoid interference*®. Second, ORBCOMM asserts a primary status for

use of subscriber uplinks during periods of reduced channel availability.* This would be in

contravention of the requirement in the Report and Order that licensees will share the available

uplink channels. Id. at ({ 54—56.

                  A.     Final Analysis‘s DCAAS System —— STARS —— Can Be Shown To Avoid
                         Harmful Interference.

                  Final Analysis has proposed to employ its proprietary DCAAS—based STARS to

avoid interferer;ce to ORBCOMM in the 148 MHz uplink band.            See Amendment at 52—53.

The active channel avoidance capability of the Final Analysis‘s STARS system will not permit

assignment of the 148 MHz uplink‘bands for uplink transmissions when in use by other services

or systems. See id.

    >          As noted by ORBRCOMM on page 5 of its October 30, 1997 Amendment,
ORBCOMM does not yet know how System 1 (Leo One) and System 2 (Final Analysis) will
operate their subscriber uplinks in the 148—149.9 MHz band, but ORBCOMM anticipates that
through means such as pre—defined algorithms, it may be possible for Systems 1 and 2 to
avoid selection of the same frequencies selected by ORBCOMM.

      4            See ORBCOMM Comments at 3—4; see also Comments of ORBCOMM on Leo
One USA Corporation Amendment.

## DCOLIBATAP/55397.41                        — 4 —

                  As discussed in the Report and Order, "System 1 and System 2 can operate in this

band [148.905 — 149.8] without causing harmful interference into the ORBCOMM system."

Id. at §62.         The Commission further states that "by employing DCAAS and FDMA

transmission techniques, System 1 and System 2 can also use the spectrum efficiently and avoid

causing harmful interference into ORBCOMM‘s uplink transmissions by detecting open channels

on which to transmit. Id. at [ 63 (citing ORBCOMM Comments in IB Docket No. 96—220 at

41). Accordingly, consistent with the sharing parameters established in the Report and Order,

Final Aflalysis’s uplink operations in the 148 MHz band will employ STARS/DCAAS channel

polling techniques to avoid co—channel interference to ORBCOMM.

                  Through its experimental satellite program, Final Analysis has been continuing

to refine its STARS technology, and based on this experience is confident of the robustness,

accuracy, and reliability of its STARS systems. ~The STARS technology is contained in each

satellite and operates autonomously with respect to the other satellites in the bands of interest

assigned to the system by the Network Control Center ("NCC"). This central control provides

the necessary monitoring and control to minimize the occurrence of harmful intérference which

could be experienced by the overlapping satellites in the constellation. Each satellite scans the

relevant portions of the 148—150 MHz band* on a periodic basis and collects occupancy data on

the bands of interest. The STARS technology scan capability is based on the use of sensitive

receivers matched with Fast Fourier Transform ("FFT") scanners which have a frequency

resolution of a few Hertz. The result of this scan is used to build a database of channel use over

time in order to assess the statistical probability of channel occupancy. This data base is used

     5             The STARS technology can scan several UHF and VHF bands, with resolution
from a few Hertz to several megahertz.

## DCOUIBATAPISS397 41                           — 5 —

to make a frequency assignment to a series of remote terminals ("MESs") which are being

instructed to broadcast to the satellite the data collected at the remote terminals.

                   As reported in the ITU—R M.1039—1 (FN Appendix 1 to Annex 1 Para. 4),

ORBCOMM has collected substantial data regarding sharing of the 148.0—149—9 MHz band using

ORBCOMM test satellites (Communications Demonstration Satellites ("CDS")). The result of

this experimental program demonstrates that sharing without harmful interference is statistically

predictable and supports the efficacy of the DCAAS strategy on which STARS is based. |

           |       The Final Analysis STARS technology was designed to permit the FAISAT

constellation to optimize its ability to operate on frequencies below 1 GHz on a co—frequency

basis with terrestrial services such as fixed and mobile users.      The question of merging the

channel éurvey and selection methods of the three operators, ORBCOMM, Leo One, and Final

Analysis, poses a challenge which can be managed with study and coordination. We agree with

ORBCOMM that there may be some specialized algorithms Which may be utilized to mitigate

any operationaloverlap problems in the utilization of the subject band. As previously noted,

Final Analysis and ORBCOMM have started coordination discussions, and both parties have

discussed the need to examine each company‘s interference avoidance scanning methodology.

Both companies have expressed confidence in their systems.

                   Detailed information to verify how Final Analysis‘s proprietary STARS

technology and ORBCOMM‘s propriectary DCAAS system will work to preclude mutual

interference must be considered in such a way that does not require disclosure of proprietary or

commercially sensitive information.       Cf. ORBCOMM Petition at 7.          Both ORBCOMM‘s

DCAAS system and Final Analysis‘s STARS technology involves proprietary software.           Both

companies are thus limited as to the extent they can provide information to the other to verify

## DCOLIBATAP/55397 .41                         — 6 —

 the system technical parameters.        In order to resolve this problem and provide mutual

 verification, both companies have initially agreed to explore the appointment of an independent

 third party to conduct an in camera performance review of ORBCOMM‘s DCAAS software and

 Final Analysis‘s STARS software.        Such a review would result in either a confirmation that the

 systems will work as designed, or else will result in an outline of requirements to make the

 systems work together.©

                    B.     Grant of the Full Degree of Protection Requested by ORBCOMM in
                           the 148 MHz Uplink Band Is Not Proper.

                    ORBCOMM claims that its status as an incumbent authorized Little LEO licensee

 entitles it to a "standard of protection" whereby subsequent applicants must demonstrate that they

 will not cause unacceptable interference to ORBCOMM. ORBCOMM Comments at 3—4 (citing

 47 C.F.R. § 25.154(a)).       In particular, ORBCOMM requests that Final Analysis take steps fo

 avoid harmful interference to ORBCOMM to prevent a "reduced number of open channels"

 available to ORBCOMM in the 148 MHz band.                This may effectively render Final Analysis

 secondary in oéerafions to ORBCOMM. Cf. ORBCOMM Comments at 6. This result would

 conflict with the co—primary, shared status accorded the System 2 operator (Final Analysis) and

 ORBCOMM, as agreed in the Joint Proposal and confirmed in the Report and Order.                Final

 Analysis does not believe that thelevel of protection requested by ORBCOMM beyond that

 already being coordinated is necessary or appropriate.

       6          Both ORBCOMM and Final Analysis have invested significant resources in the
  development of their scanning software, and feel that coordination and interference avoidance
  is technically feasible and not difficult to achieve. However, nothing in the record indicates
  that Leo One has spent any resources or done any R&D to develop such software, or to
  identify a vendor that can perform this complex task for it. Final Analysis is therefore
, concerned as to how Leo One will develop this critical element in a timely fashion.

 ## DCOLUIBATAP/S5397.41                          — 7 —

                                                                                   s3 0oi iAdhotty onseienp eteorverraniiinald

                 WITH ORBCOMM.

                 In its comments on the Final Analysis Amendment, ORBCOMM asks the

Commission to delay licensing of Final Analysis until it completes coordination with

ORBCOMM.                Final Analysis believes the Commission should proceed with licensing

immediately.     It should follow the precedent it established in the ORBCOMM Authorization

Order where it issued a license to ORBCOMM conditioned on ORBCOMM‘s completion of

coordination with NOAA and NTIA prior to launch of the satellites.‘ It should be noted that

although ORBCOMM received its license over three years ago, coordination between it and

NOAA has yet to be completed, and coordination between ORBCOMM and GE—Starsys took over

two years.>

                 According to Final Analysis the same treatment as ORBCOMM is not only fair

it also is pro—competitive, and will properly promotethe Commission‘s goal of quickly achieving

competition in —the Little LEO marketplace.        Final Analysis is ready to enter the market

immediately upon licensing, unlike the other unlicensed applicants. Final Analysis has invested

over $30 million in the development of its system, has built and launched two experimental

satellites, began construction of the first two commercial satellites," has developed its prototype

    7         See Application of Orbital Communications Corporation, Order and
Authorization, 9 FCC Red 6476 at [ 35 (1996) ("ORBCOMM Authorization Order").

       8          See, e.g., Joint Letter from Stephen D. Baruch, Counsel for STARSYS Global
Positioning, Inc., and Stephen L. Goodman, Counsel for ORBCOMM, to Mr. Donald Gips,
Acting Chief, International Bureau, FCC, dated June 20, 1996 (resolving outstanding
technical issues between ORBCOMM and STARSYS).

       9          The Coramission has granted Final Analysis a Section 319(d) waiver to

## DCOUBATAP/S5397.41                           — 8 —

user terminals, has built three commercial quality ground stations, secured launch services for the

entire constellation, and has signed agreements with its Value Added Resellers and National

Service Providers. Final Analysis also has in place utility application demonstration contracts and

has implemented an International Awareness Program." Delay in licensing Final Analysis until

it has completed coordination with its only effective competitor merely gives ORBCOMM the

ability to control the timing of Final Analysis‘s licensing by controlling the pace of coordination

discussions. As can be seen from ORBCOMM‘s own case, coordination discussions can take

years to complete, and therefore waiting until completion of coordination before licensing Final

Analysis could mean a delay of many years. As ORBCOMM itself has demonstrated, such a

delay in licensing is not necessary to ensure proper coordination.

IV.              CONCLUSION

                 Accordingly, for the foregoing reasons, Final Analysis urges the Commission to

find that the concerns in ORBCOMM‘s comments are being sufficiently addressed.                Final

Analysis is sufficiently addressing ORBCOMM‘s concerns regarding potential interference

issues, and delay in the granting of a System 2 license to Final Analysis would merely serve to

construct the first two commercial satellites in its constellation, and Final Analysis is the only
second round Little LEO applicant to receive a Section 319(d) waiver.

      10          By contrast, Leo One has not done any satellite, user terminal, or ground
station R & D (indeed it has abandoned its originally planned experimental satellite
program); has not contracted with a designer or manufacturer for its satellite, its ground
stations, or its user terminals; and has not contracted with a provider of launch services.
Therefore, Final Analysis is three to four years ahead of Leo One in readiness to enter the
market, and as such, is the only applicant able to achieve the Commission‘ss policy goal of
providing competition in the Little LEO market during the next few years.

## DCOUBATAP/S5397.41                           — Q —

                                                                                          w20 0szit

delay the introduction of effective competition to ORBCOMM. Accordingly, Final Analysis

urges the Commission to expeditiously grant it an NVNG MSS license.

                                        Respectfully submitted,

                                        FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION SERVICES, INnC.

                                        Aileen A. Pisciotta
                                        Peter A. Batacan
                                        KELLEY DRYE & WARREN LLP
                                        1200 19th Street, N.W., Suite 500
                                        Washington, D.C. 20036
                                        Its Attorneys

Dated:            December 15, 1997

## DCOUBATAP/55397 .41                    — 10 —

                         ATTACHMENT A

                         JOINT LETTER

## DCOL/BATAP/55397.41

DEC. —15" 97 (MON) 17:43          H. T. 6KS                            TEL:202 371 1497                       P. 002 _
            Dec 15 ‘9r 15:596 FR                                   '      To 3711497             p.02—03

                                                  December 15, 1997

            Ms. Regina Keeney, Chief
            International Bureau
            Federal Communications Commission
            2000 M Street, N.W.     >
            Washington, D.C. 200554

                           Re:     Applications for Second Round NVNG MSS Licenses:
                                   Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. File Nos.
                                   25—SAT—P/LA—95 and 7—SAT—AMEND—98; and ORBCOMM File
                                   Nos. 28—SAT—MP/ML—95 and 194—SAT—ML—97

            Dear Ms. Keeney

                           This letter is submitted joindly by Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc.
            ("Final Analysis") and Orbital Communications Corporation ("ORBCOMM") to fuform you
            of discussions conducted last. week regarding technical coordination between the two
            proposed Non—voice Non—geostationary Mobile Satellite Service ("NVNG MSS") systems
            referenced above.

                          With respect to coordination on downlink operations in the 137— 138 MHz
            band, Final Analysis and OFBCOMM bave conducted discussions concerning sharing in this
            band and are satisfied that coordination can be achieved successfully.

                           In its Comments recently submitted to the Commission on amendments to
            these applications filed on October 28, 1997, ORBCOMM focused attention on the need to
            ensure that Final Analysis, ORBCOMM and Leo One USA ("Leo One") will effectively
            coordinate co—channel uplink operations in the 148 — 150 MHz band. In Reply Comments
            separately filed contemporansously with this letter, Final Analysis describes in detail its
            proprietary Scanning Telemetry Activity Receiver System ("STARS") which it proposes to
            utilize to avoid interference in this band.

                           In order to verify that Final Analysis‘s proprictary STARS system and
            ORBCOMM‘s proprietary Dynamic Channel Activity Assignment ("DCAAS") system can
            operate along side each other to avoid co—channel interference in the 148 — 150 MHz band,
            ORBCOMM and Final Analysis have discussed and agreed that each company‘s technology
            may be reviewed by an independent and confidential source, This approach would protect
            cach company‘s proprietary inferest in the technology while facilitating expeditious resolution
            of coordination issues.

 DEC. —15¢ 97 (MON) 17:44         H. T. G&S                     —   TEli202 371 1497                     _ Poos C T
     204    pEC 15 ‘9r 1s‘se rR                                         To 937411497              p.o3—a3

                                                                                           Ms, Regina Keeney
                                                                                           December 15, 1997
                                                                                                   Page Two

                             To the extent that Leo One has developed its own proprietary rechnology,
              Final Analysis and ORBCOMM would be agreeable to having it reviewed under the same

                                                           Sincerely yours,
                                                                                  1    a

                                                           Alleen A. Pisciotta
                                                           Counsel to Final Analysis

                                                           AGoar    thsAAco———
                                                           Stephen L. Goodman
                                                           Counsel to ORBCOMM

                                                                                               xok TOTAL PAGE.93 sok

                                  APPENDIX A


## DCOLIBATAP/55397.41

                     Adjacent Channel Out of Band Emission Study

1. Introduction

Over the past several years Final Analysis has devoted significant time and resources in
the development of GMSK modulation practices which were ultimately implemented and
tested in the FAISAT—1 and FAISAT2v experimental satellites. The result of our R&D
demonstrated that GMSK was by far the superior technology to minimize out of band

Final Analysis has performed analysis, laboratory demonstrations in conjunction with
Texas A&M University, laboratory demonstrations at Final Analysis, and measurements
of actual flight hardware and subscriber terminals transmitters in order to determine out
of band emissions of transmitters using GMSK modulation with a BT=.5. Final
Analysis has found that all laboratory demonstrations and measurement of flight
hardware have yielded results close to the theoretical calculations which have been

This paper first provides a brief definition of adjacent channel interference used by the
U.S. digital cellular Industry (IS—54). This definition is then applied to the Final Analysis
system and the results compared with the IS—54 specification for suppression of emissions
in the first adjacent band. Without additional information from Little LEO systems that
have adjacent frequency assignments, these standards are considered to be a close first
order approximation sufficient to demonstrate the feasibility of coordination with other
users of the band who are assumed to use a signal—in—space very similar to that used by
the U.S. digital cellular FDMA systems.

2. Definition of Adjacent Channel Interference

Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI) is defined as follows:

       [       om—C|Hcf— an| ) af

           [    GCB<[ECB| y af

Where G(f) is the Power Spectral Density (PSD) of the signal, H(f) is the receive band—
pass filter (BPF) transfer function, and Af is the carrier spacing between adjacent

3. U.S. Cellular Industry Standard (IS—54) Definition and Specification of Adjacent
Channel Interference

The receive band—pass filter is assumed to be a 25 kHz brick wall filter. This definition is
consistent with the U.S. digital cellular (IS—54) system with the exception that this
standard uses a receive bandwidth of 30 kHz. In this standard the first channel ACI is
specified to be —26‘ dB below the desired carrier power in a 30 kHz bandwidth. In a 25
kHz bandwidth the equivalent power would be —25.2 dB below the desired carrier power.

4.   Power Spectral Density of the Final Analysis Transmitters

Figure 1, labeled "GMSK Normalized PFD" shows the PFD of the FAISAT transmitter
normalized to the transmission rate. The modulation parameters are as follows:

        a.    Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying
        b. BT=.5
         c.   Non Linear Amplifier (Hard Limited Channel)

GMSK modulation has a constant power envelope and as such may be amplified by a
non—linear power amplifier with minimal spectral re—growth.

It is important to note that the chart is normalized to zero and shows the roll—off relative
to the center PFD as a function of frequency offset from carrier center. The power flux
density at the center frequency is reduced from total carrier power and is a function of the
type and rate of modulation. For GMSK (BT=.5) the relationship to carrier power and
carrier power flux density in a 4 kHz bandwidth at carrier center is as follows:

         a.   Bit Rate = 96,000 bps,        Carrier PFD/4 kHz = Carrier Power —11 dB
         b.   Bit Rate=19,200 bps,          Carrier PFD/4 kHz = Carrier Power —4 dB

The above results are based on generated direct measurement of a simulated downlink
signal by laboratory simulation using a variety of state—of—the—art equipment including an
Arbitrary Waveform Generator and a Vector Signal Analyzer.

 ‘ Feher, Kamilo — "Wireless Digital Communications", 1995, Prentice Hall, Inc.

                        GMSK Normalized Power Flux Density

           PSRiAHr)3               CHCHK Mornalized PFD
               &0 ;

                                     1 .98    1.
                                    lizesd Frequency

5.   Adjacent Channel Interference from Final Analysis Transmitters

The chart labeled "ACI Normalized to 25 kHz Bandwidths Brick—wall BW shows the
Adjacent Channel Interference that would be received by a receiver with a receive
bandwidth of 25 kHz and a brick—wall band—pass shape.

                                ACI in a 25 kHz Bandwidth
                            Frequency Normalized to Baud Rate

             AClidfir}              l1 Normalized to 25 kiz Brickwaili H4

The ACI was calculated for the following specific cases (normalized to PFD at carrier

        1.     Final Analysis transmitter at 137.1 MHz
                   Transmitter Doppler shift =—2896 Hz
                   Transmitter Frequency Error = —274 Hz
                   GMSK Modulation (BT=.5, 96,000 bps)
                   Victim Receiver Frequency = 137.0125 MHz
                   Victim Receiver bandwidth = 25 kHz (Brick—wall)

        2.     Final Analysis transmitter at 400.52835 MHz
                   Transmitter Doppler shift =—8478 Hz
                   Transmitter Frequency Error =—800 Hz
                   GMSM Modulation (BT=.5, 19,200 Hz)
                   Victim Receiver at 400.4925 MHz
                   Victim Receiver bandwidth = 25 kHz (Brick—wall)

For case 1, the PFD roll—off normalized to the PFD at cartier center is —35 dB.

For case 2, the PFD roll—off normalized to the PFD at carrier center is —36 dB.

These cases can be considered to be representative of all channels in the two bands of

4. Conclusion

As stated in Section 3 of this report the U.S. cellular industry finds acceptable out of band
emissions less than 25.2 dB below the carrier power in a 25 kHz channel. As indicated in
Fig. II, the Final Analysis system out of band emission in the 137 and 400 band are 35 dB
and 36 dB respectively below carrier power, a value well within the coordination
capabilities of the parties.

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "REPLY
COMMENTS" of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. was sent by hand delivery
or mailed, via first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 15th day of December, 1997, to each of
the following:

Chairman William E. Kennard*                      Albert Halprin, Esquire
Federal Communications Commission                 Halprin, Temple & Goodman
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 814                     Suite 650 East
Washington, D.C. 20554                             1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20005
Commissioner Gloria Tristani*                         Counsel for ORBCOMM
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 802                     Mr. Harold Ng*
Washington, D.C. 20554                            Chief, Satellite Engineering Branch
                                                  Satellite and Radio Communication Div.
Commissioner Harold W. Furchtgott—                International Bureau
Roth*                                             Federal Communications Commission
Federal Communications Commission                 2000 M Street, N.W., Room 500
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 844                     Washington, D.C. 20554
Washington, D.C. 20554
                                                  Mr. Alex Roytblat*
Commissioner Susan Ness*                          Satellite and Radio Communication Div.
Federal Communications Commission                 International Bureau
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 832                     Federal Communications Commission
Washington, D.C. 20554                            2000 M Street, N.W., Room 500
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
Commissioner Michael K. Powell*
Federal Communications Commission                  Ms. Regina Keeney*
1919 M Street, N.W. Room 826                       Chief, International Bureau
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Federal, Communications Commission
                                                   2000 M Street, N.W., Room 830
Cassandra Thomas*                                  Washington, D.C. 20554
Deputy Chief, International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission.                 Henry Goldberg, Esquire
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 810                      Joseph Godles, Esquire
Washington, D.C. 20554                             Mary Dent, Esquire
                                                   Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
Dan Connors*                                       1229 19th Street, N.W.
International Bureau                               Washington, D.C. 20036
Federal Communications Commission                      Counsel for Volunteers in Technical
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800                          Assistance
Washington, D.C. 20554

## DCOLUIBATAP/55426.41

                                                          se n cremine enn mwesnn uiesA

Robert A. Mazer, Esquire
Vinson & Elkins
1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20004—1008
    Counsel for Leo One USA

Leslie Taylor, Esquire
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, Maryland 20817—4302
    Counsel for E—Sat

Mr. Charles Ergen, President
E—SAT, Inc.
90 Inverness Circle, East
Englewood, Colorado 80112

William T. Hatch (NOAA)
U.S. Department of Commerce
14th & Constitution, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20230

Nelson Pollack
4040 North Fairfax Drive, Suite 204
Arlington, Virginia 22203—1613

Richard Barth
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Office of Radio Frequency Management
Room 2246, SSMC—2
1325 East West Highway
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910

Richard D. Parlow
Associate Administrator
Spectrum Management
U.S. Department of Commerce
National Telecommunications and
   Information Administration
Washington, D.C. 20230

                                       Peter A. Batacan

Document Created: 2012-10-19 18:11:46
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 18:11:46

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