Attachment STARSYS petit to den

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           BEFORE THE                                RECEIVED

              Federal Communications Commissioff
                                               o        o                 *      *       R   '   9    ‘”6

                                    WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIOR
                                                                                      OFFICE OF SECRETARY

In re: Application of                               )
                                                    )                 _                                         4
FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATION                        )       File Nos. 79—SAT—AMEND—96
SERVICES, INC.                                      )                    25—SAT—P/LA—95
For A Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                  )
Low Earth Orbit Satellite System Below 1 GHz )                                         Recsived
To: Chief, International Bureau

                        PETITION TO DENY AMENDED APPLICATION                                     Poficy Bramch
                                                                                                  i    mifogy

                     STARSYS Global Positioning, Inc. ("STARSYS"), by counsel and pursuant

to Section 25.154 of the Commuission‘s Rules, hereby petitions to deny the above—

captioned amended application of Final Analysis Communication Services, Inc. ("Final

Analysis"). STARSYS petitioned the Commussion to deny Final Analysis‘s original

application to construct, launch and operate a non—voice, non—geostationary mobile—

satellite service ("NVNG MSS") system. The current amendment to that application only

exacerbates the flaws to which STARSYS objected in the first instance which, among

other consequences, renders it a major amendment under the Commission‘s Rules.

Accordingly, neither incarnation of the Final Analysis NVNG MSS system proposal is

acceptable, and the Commission should deny the amended version for failure to protect

existing authorized systems from unacceptable interference. At a minimum, the amended



 application should be dismissed from the current processing round pursuant to the

 Commission Rule requiring applications modified by a major amendment to be treated as

 newly filed.

            A.        Final Analysis‘s Amendment Is A "Major" Amendment.

                      The Final Analysis amendment is "major" as that term is defined by the

 Commussion‘s Rules and, at a minimum, requires the underlying application to be

 dismissed from the second round NVNG MSS processing group. Section 25.116(b)(1)

 provides that any amendment to a pending application will be considered a "major"

 amendment if the changes proposed would increase the potential for interference, or

 change the proposed frequencies to be used." Final Analysis‘s proffered amendment both

 adds additional frequencies to its proposal* and increases potential interference to

 authorized users — STARSYS, in particular.

                      The Commussion‘s Rules provide that the normal consequence of filing a

 major amendment is the treatment of the affected application as "newly filed." In Final

 Analysis‘s case, where the application was initially filed in response to a "cut—off" notice,

 1         See 47 C.F.R. § 25.116(b)(1) (1995).
           Final Analysis requests use of the 455 — 456 MHz and 459 — 460 MHz bands earmarked

           for MSS use at WRC—95, which have not yet been reallocated domestically.


 the result would be that Final Analysis would no longer be eligible for consideration in

 the same group as other applicants that filed on or prior to the cut—off date *

                     Recognizing that its amendment would ordinarily be treated in this manner,

 Final Analysis attempts to avoid this problem simply by characterizing the amendment as

 minor.* There is no substance to this characterization, however. The section of the

 Commission‘s Rules that Final Analysis cites provides an exception from normal "cut—

_off" procedures in those instances where a modification both "does not create new or

 increased frequency conflicts" and "is demonstrably necessitated by events which the

applicant could not have reasonably foreseen at the time of filing."* Final Analysis‘s

amendment satisfies neither of these requirements.

                     First, as described fully in the following section, Final Analysis‘s

amendment makes alterations to its overall frequency proposal that increase the potential

to interfere with STARSYS‘s already authorized system. In addition to violating the

threshold application requirements for NVNG MSS systems," these proposed changes

          See 47     C.F.R. § 25.116(c) (1995).

          See Final Analysis Amendment at 2.

          47 C.FE.R. § 25.116(c)(4) (1995); Final Analysis Amendment at 2—3.

&         See 47 C.F.R. § 25.142(a) (1995) ("Applicants must . . . file information demonstrating
          compliance with all requirements of this section, and showing, based on existing system
          information publicly available at the Commission at the time of filing, that they will not
          cause unacceptable interference to any non—voice non—geostationary mobile—satellite
          service system authorized to construct or operate.")


unquestionably create significant new frequency conflicts, and thus the amendment

cannot satisfy the first factor set out under Section 25.116(c)(4) of the Commussion‘s


                     With respect to the second factor, Final Analysis has not attempted to

distinguish its own amendment seeking to add new frequencies to its proposal from the

circumstances found to give rise to a major amendment in STARSYS Global Positioning.

©Inc., 2 Comm. Reg. (P&F) 159, 163—64 (Int‘l Bur. 1995) ("STARSYS"). Under the

analysis employed in the STARSYS decision, the Final Analysis amendment is

unquestionably "major" because Final Analysis cannot demonstrate that its amendment is

"necessitated by events." Instead, the amendment can fairly be characterized as an

attempt by Final Analysis to take advantage of an unforeseen opportunity. Final Analysis

has failed to identify any exigencies similar to those identified in STARSYS, which led

the Bureau to refrain from treating the entire STARSYS application as newly—filed in that


          B.         Final Analysis‘s Amended Application Would Increase Interference To
                     STARSYS‘s Authorized NVNG MSS System.

                     As observed above, in addition to adding new frequencies, Final Analysis

proposes to modify the channels it would use in the 137—138 MHz band, narrowing the

4         Indeed, evidently recognizing the inherent defect in its amendment, Final Analysis
          expressly declares that its amendment should be considered a nullity in the event that the
          Commussion concludes that it is a major amendment. See Final Analysis Amendment at 3.


 channel width from 25 kHz to 15 kHz. Despite the smaller size of each channel,

 however, the new proposal would cause more interference to STARSYS than Final

 Analysis‘s original — and already unacceptable — frequency plan. This is so because

 the new channels selected by Final Analysis are closer to the STARSYS center frequency

 than those in its initial application.

                      In the amended application, seven of Final Analysis‘s nine channels in the

_ 137—138 MHz band would be within 100 kHz of the STARSYS centerline frequency, and

 the remaining two channels would be within 200 kHz. Final Analysis‘s selected channel

 locations, coupled with both the very high power output in these channels and the

 proposed simultaneous operation of three channels per satellite, will cause additional

 harmful interference to STARSYS. Thus, Final Analysis‘s representation that its

 amended proposal will not result in such interference is wholly inaccurate." Accordingly,

 Final Analysis has again failed to meet the threshold obligation of new applicants, under

 Section 25.142(a) of the Commussion‘s Rules, to demonstrate that their proposals will not

 interfere with existing authorized systems."         This fundamental deficiency alone requires

 the Commussion to reject the Final Analysis application.

 &         See Final Analysis Amendment at II—15.

 *         See 47 CFR. §25.142(a) (1995).


                     Rather than going to the trouble of complying with the requirement to

protect authorized systems, Final Analysis simply asserts that its system design is

consistent with the 1992 joint frequency sharing plan and will result in "the sharing of

these bands effectively and efficiently with the other existing and proposed users without

causingharmful interference."*" »10/ Unfortunately, Final Analysis has not performed even a

rudimentary initial analysis of the interference attributable to the operation of its

proposed system. If it had performed this examination, it would have been compelled to

conclude that its system would cause from three to five times as much interference to

STARSYS as the originally—proposed Orbcomm system that was contemplated at the

time of the 1992 agreement. In the intervening years, Orbcomm has made several

adjustments to its usage of spectrum in the 137—138 MHz band which have significantly

reduced the opportunity for similar multiple—channel FDMA use in this band." The

system proposed by Final Analysis far exceeds the remaining capacity in the 137—138

MHz band.

                     In short, a reasonable sharing situation, if one is even possible at all, cannot

be achieved without a fundamental overhaul of the Final Analysis system concept through

rechannelization and the abandonment of the proposal for simultaneous operation of three

19        See Final Analysis Amendment at II—15.

          See (e.g., Comments and Provisional Petition to Deny of STARSYS Global Positioning,
          Inc., File No. 5—SAT—ML—96, at 4 n.4 (filed December 8, 1996).


                     .                                ~7—
channels per satellite. Despite having over a year to address the fundamental problems

with its proposal, Final Analysis has only made its application weaker with the current

amendment. It continues to rely on empty assertions that it can co—exist with STARSYS

in the 137—138 MHz band, rather than offering a system design that can actually achieve

this goal.

                         An additional example of the gross deficiency of the Final Analysis

proposal is its continued reliance on the notion that it will be able to operate on a cross—

polarized basis vis—a—vis STARSYS in the 137—138 MHz band, and use channels that are

"similar to Orbcomm‘s."** This approach is wholly insufficient to demonstrate that

successful sharing is possible. As STARSYS has now pointed out on numerous

occasions, the use of cross polarization to effect successful sharing between STARSYS

and Orbital Communications Corporation ("Orbcomm") came as a result of painstaking

negotiation and coordination efforts between these parties."‘ Both STARSYS and

Orbcomm made substantial accommodations and agreed to significant reductions in

capacity to achieve a workable compromise allowing both CDMA and FDMA/TDMA

use of the 137—138 MHz frequency band.

          See Final Analysis Amendment at III—3.

1y        See, e.g., STARSYS‘s Consolidated Petition to Deny, File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95, et al.,
          at 13—14 (filed February 24, 1995).

                                                 —g —

                     In contrast to that situation, and as STARSYS has repeatedly emphasized.

Final Analysis is not on co—equal footing with STARSYS, or any of the other systems

authorized in the first round. The agreements reached to permit grant of first round

licenses are not open—ended to accommodate all future comers. Instead, second— and

future—round NVNG MSS applicants are required by the Commission‘s Rules to

demonstrate that they will not cause harmful interference to the already—licensed systems.

Not only has Final Analysis failed to meet this burden, it has not even made a

commitment to coordinate its use with STARSYS.

           C.        Final Analysis Has Not Demonstrated That Its Proposed System Could
                     Successfully Share The 149.9—150.05 MHz Frequency Band With Other

                     Finally, with respect to proposed operation in the 149.9—150.05 MHz

frequency band, Final Analysis has failed to acknowledge the restriction in this band to

Land Mobile—Satellite use,** or provide any demonstration of how its system would

comply with this limitation. It also has recently become known that the Russian

TYSKADA radionavagation satellite system is operating in this spectrum, so that any

W         See Radio Regulation 609B (ITU 1994)

                                                     — 9.

planned new MSS use will need to demonstrate the capability to share with this existing


                     For the foregoing reasons, as well as those set forth in its initial

Consolidated Petition to Deny, STARSYS urges the Commussion to reject the Final

‘Analysis application, both as originally filed and as amended, as inconsistent with the

Commission‘s Rules.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING, INC.

                                                             7\             oz
                                                    By:      A\/A//ZZ
                                                            Raul R. Rodnguez
                                                            Stephen D. Baruch
                                                            David S. Keir

                                                            Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                                                            2000 K Street, N.W.
                                                            Suite 600
                                                            Washington, D.C. 20006
                                                            (202) 429—8970

April 19, 1996                                      Its Attorneys

5          Although Russia states that this system has been operational for several years, it was
           registered with the ITU only recently.

                                   TEC          CAL    CERTIFICATE

                        I. Kenneth E. Newcomer, hereby certify, under penalty of pegury, that I am the

techm\?:ally qualified person responsible for the preparation of the technical information contained

in the *regomg "Petition to Deny Amended Application". and that this information is true and
corrcc1 to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                               | /’        a   e    )

                                                        B)‘:   A“Vw“fl          2. ’7/&7&%""’1\"“""’
                                                                Kenneth E. Newcomer
                                                                Chief Engineer
                                                                STARSYS Global Positioning, Inc.

                                                        Dated: April 19, 1996
    enc esie c lc

                                    CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

           I, Kaigh K. Johnson, hereby certify that a true and correct copy of the foregoing "Petition

to Deny Amended Application" was mailed, first—class postage prepaid, this 19th day of April,

1996 to each of the following:

                        * Scott Harris, Chief
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 800
                          Washington, DC 20554

                        * Tom Tycz, Chief
                          Satellite and Radiocommunication Division
                          International Bureau
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 811
                          Washington, DC 20554

                        *Cecily C. Holiday, Deputy Chief
                          Satellite and Radiocommunications Division
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 520
                          Washington, DC 20554

                         *Harold Ng, Chief
                          Satellite and Radiocommunications Division
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 512
                          Washington, DC 20554

                         *Jim Talens, Deputy Chief
                          Satellite Engineering Branch
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          2000 M Street, NW, Room 513
                          Washington, DC 20554

*By Hand Delivery


                     Albert J. Catalano, Esq.
                     Ronald J. Jarvis
                     Catalano & Jarvis, P.C.
                     1101 30th Street, NW.
                     Suite 300
                     Washington, D.C. 20007
                       Counsel for Final Analysis

                     Albert Halprin, Esq.
                     Halprin, Temple, Goodman & Sugrue
                     Suite 650 East Tower
                     1100 New York Avenue, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20005
                       Counsel for Orbcomm

                     Jonathan Wiener, Esq.
                     Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
                     1229 19th Street, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                       Counsel for VITA

                     Robert A. Mazer, Esq.
                     Vinson & Elkins
                     1455 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
                     Washington, D.C. 20004
                       Counsel for Leo One USA

                     Mr. Philip V. Otero
                     Vice President & General Counsel
                     GE American Communications, Inc.
                     Four Research Way
                     Princeton, New Jersey 08540

*By Hand Delivery


                     Peter A. Rohrbach, Esq.
                     Hogan & Hartson, LLP.
                     555 13th Street, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20004—1109
                       Counsel for GE Americom

                     Phillip L. Spector, Esq.
                     Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison
                     1615 L Street, NW.
                     Washington, D.C. 20036
                       Counsel for CTA

                     Leslie Taylor
                     Leslie Taylor Associates
                     6800 Carlynn Court
                     Bethesda, MD 20817
                       Counsel for E—Sat


                                                         }   wCLM         1/   +oL   ,\"’N/'v :(_fl"/"/v
                                                     ‘       Kaigfh’ K. Johnson


Document Created: 2012-10-19 17:43:27
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 17:43:27

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