Attachment Commission PN march

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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Report No. SPB—40                                                                         .               March 20, 1996

                                 SATELLITE POLICY BRANCH INFORMATION:
                                   APPLICATIONS ACCEPTED FOR FILING

        The applications listed below have been found, upon initial review, to be acceptable for filing.
The Commission reserves the right to return any of the applications if, upon further examination, it is
determined the application is not in conformance with the Commission‘s Rules or its policies. Petitions,
oppositions and other pleadings filed in response to this notice should conform to Section 25.154 of the
Commission‘s rules, unless otherwise noted. 47 C.E.R. § 25.154.

EchoStar Satellite Corporation                                                                File No. 68—SAT—ML—96

EchoStar Satellite Corporation has filed a request for license to cover its eastern Direct Broadcast Satellite.
EchoStar requests that it be granted a license to operate the satellite at the 119.2° W.L. orbital location.

Loral Corporation                    i                                                         File No. 70—SAT—DR—96

Loral Corporation has filed a Petition for Declaratory Ruling concerning Section 310(b)(4) of the
Communications Act of 1934. Loral requests that the Commission issue a declaratory ruling confirming
that, under Section 310(b) of the Communications Act and Section 100.11 of the Commission‘s rules,
there is no reason why the public interest would be served by preventing SpaceCom Ltd. from acquiring
an indirect controlling interestin the Continental DBS permit. One hundred percent of the stock of
SpaceCom Ltd. is held by a Bermuda company called Loral Space & Communications Ltd.

Final Analysis Communication Services                           %                       FileNo. 79—SAT—AMEND—96

Final Analysis Communciation Services has filed an amendment to its pending NVNG MSS satellite
system (see File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95). Final Analysis proposes to add to its system the additional 2
MHz of uplinkfrequencies at 455—56 and 459—460 MHz recently allocated for Region II at the 1995 World
Radiocommunications Conference (WRC—95),                   In order to incorporate these frequencies, numerous
technical changes are required as set forth in the amendment. In addition, Final Analysis proposes to add
four spare satellites to its system.

Report No. SPB—40                                  — 2 —                                    March 20, 1996

E—Sat, Inc.                   1                                ’           File No. 78—SAT—AMEND—96

E—Sat, Inc. has filed an amendment to its pending NVNG MSS satellite system (see File No. 24—SAT—
P/LA—95). E—Sat proposes to add to its system the additional 2 MHz of uplink frequencies at 455—56 and
459—460 MHz recently allocated for Region II at WRC—95.

AT&T Corporation                                                                 File No. 80—SAT—ML—96

AT&T Corporation has filed an amendment to its February 1, 1995 modification to extend the life of its
TELSTAR 303 satellite. In this amendment, AT&T requests authority to operate the TELSTAR 303
satellite while drifting it to 120° W.L. and to permit AT&T, thereafter, to operate TELSTAR 303 at that
orbital location in an inclined orbit mode.

EchoStar KuX Corporation                   o                               File Nos. 82/83—SAT—P/LA—96
                   ‘                                                                       83—SAT—P—96

EchoStar KuX Corporation has filed an application to construct, launch and operate a satellite system
consisting of two "Extended" Ku—band communications satellites and one ground spare. EchoStar KuX
proposes to operate one satellite at 85° W.L. and the other satellite at 91° W.L. in the 13.75—14.0 and
11.45—11.7 GHz frequency bands (commonly referred to as the Extended Ku—band). Each satellite will
be equipped with sixteen 27 MHz 135 watt transponders. EchoStar KuX proposes to offer video, datea
and video servicesto business and individual users, using a digital satellite transmission system that will
provide service to customers throughout the Continental United States, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean
including the Virgin Islands, and regions in Latin and South America via spot beams. EchoStar KuX
plans to offer its services on a non—common carrier basis.

Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc.                    '                    File No. S5—SAT—ML—96

Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. has filed an application to modify its authorization in the MSS
Above 1 GHz frequency band. See Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc., 10 FCC Red 2268 (1995).
Motorola is seeking modifications and technical rule waivers reflecting developments in system design and
Motorola‘s assessment of the emerging demand for more varied types of services. In addition, Motorola
requests removal of the feeder link conditions imposed on its authorization, in light of the successful
allocation of MSS feeder link spectrum at WRC—95, and grant of an unconditional launch and operational
authority for its MSS feederlinks.

L/Q Licensee, Inc.                                                           File No. 88—SAT—WAIV—96

L/Q Licensee, Inc. has filed a Request for Waiver of Section 2.106 of the Commission‘s rules for authority
to construct, launch and operate its Globalstar system with feeder links in the 5091—5250 MHz (Earth—to—
space) and 6875—7055 MHz (space—to—Earth) bands. LQL requests that it be authorized to use these
frequencies consistent with the recently modified International Table of Frequency Allocations adopted
at WRC—95.

 Report No. SPB—40            .                     —3 —                                    March 20, 1996

 L/Q Licensee, Inc.                                                              File No. 90—SAT—ML—96

—L/Q Licensee, Inc. has filed an application for modification of its authorization to construct, launch and
 operate a low—earth orbit MSS satellite system in the Above 1 GHz frequency bands.           See Order and
 Authorization, 10 FCC Red 2333 (1995). LQL requests that it be authorized to use the 5091—5250 MHz
 band for its feeder uplinks and the 6875—7055 MHz band for its feeder downlinks. In addition, LQL seeks
 to modify its system with certain technical updates. Finally, LQL proposes to modify its power flux
 density levels to conform to levels established at WRC—95.


Document Created: 2012-10-19 17:35:32
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 17:35:32

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