Attachment Motorola comments se

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



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                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION " 4@E ~*~+ £*
                         Washington,      D.C.                                                                             20554

                                                                                                                                            EAl             of 1995

                                            &2 ic ic 2222 s 2222 22 22 s n S n sR s N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N m iz
In the Matter of the

Applications of :

CTA Commercial Systems,     Inc.                                                                                         File No.   23—SAT—P/LA—95

E—SAT,   Inc.                                                                                                            File No.   24—SAT—P/LA—95

Final Analysis Communication
Services, Inc.
                                                                                                                         File   No yy25=—SAT=P/LAS 5

GE American Communications,        Inc.                                                                                  File   No. 26—SAT—P/LA—95

Leo One USA Corporation                                                                                                  File   Nos. 27—SAT—AMEND—95
                                                                                                                                     57—DSS—P/LA—94 (48)
Orbital Communications Corporation                                                                                       File No.   28—SAT—MP/ML—95

Voluntsers In Technical Assistance                                                                                       File No.    29—SAT—AMEND—95

For Authority to Construct,        Launch
and Operate a Low Earth Orbit
Non—Voice Non—Geostationary Mobile
Satellite System

         COMMENTS OF MOTOROLA SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,                                                                                                   INC.

             Motorola Satellite Communications,                                                                                     Inc.     ("Motorola‘")

hereby files its comments on the above—captioned applications to

construct,      launch and operate Non—Voice Non—Geostationary

("NVNG")       low earth orbit satellite systems       ("Little LEOs").

These comments are limited to issues relating to the requlation

and monitoring of orbital assignments for LEO satellite systens.

               Motorola holds a license to construct,          launch and

operate the IRIDIUM® system, a "Big LEO" MSS satellite systenm

that will comprise 66 operational satellites and up to 12 in—

orbit spares.!‘         The IRIDIUM® satellites will circle the Earth
in near—polar orbits in six orbital planes at an altitude of

approximately 780 km,            while the spares will be launched in near—

polar orbit approximately 645 kilometers above the Earth.

Because some of the instant applications propose satellite

systems that would utilize orbits of similar altitude to the

orbits of the IRIDIUM® satellites, Motorola has a profound

interest in ensuring that the IRIDIUM® satellites are adequately

protected from any risk of collision (however remote) with any of

these proposed satellites.              The need for protection is all the

more heightened because, absent adequate monitoring by this

Commission,       no U.S.       or international reqgulatory body has assumed

jurisdiction to reqgulate and/or coordinate the orbital locations

of low—earth—orbit satellite systems.              It is therefore imperative

that,    in licensing any of the proposed Little LEO systems,               the

Commission establish orbital parameters that avoid any risk of

1/       See In re Application of Motorola Satellite
Communications,         Inc.     for Authority to Construct,   Launch and
Operate a Low Earth Orbit Satellite System in the 1616—1626.5 MHz
Band, File Nos. 9—DSS—P—91(87), CSS—91—010, 43—DSS—AMEND—92, 15—
SAT—LA—95,       16—SAT—AMEND—95,       Order and Authorization,   (DA 95—131,
rel.    Jan.    31,   1995) .

collision between the proposed LEO satellite systems and the

already licensed satellites of other Big LEO and Little LEO

systems,   and that it require close compliance with these orbital

parameters .e
           Motorola notes its particular concern with the proposed

systems of GE American Communications,        Inc.    ("GE Americom")   and

Volunteers in Technical Assistance      ("VITA"), which contemplate

800 km orbital altitudes,    or only 20 km in altitude above the

IRIDIUM® satellites.*?    A measurable risk of satellite collision

would arise if these two applicants failed to comply very

strictly with their orbital parameters and failed to keep their

space vehicles within "station keeping" boxes circumscribed by

reasonable tolerance parameters.       Further,      two other applicants —

— CTA Commercial Systems,    Inc.   ("CTA")   and Final Analysis

Communication Services,    Inc.   ("Final Analysis")      —— propose to use

the same 1000 km orbital altitude.*‘      If both of these systems

2/    The Commission must also take measures to avoid
interference by launch vehicles with the orbits of licensed
satellites, and must require the instant applicants to implement
orbital correction mechanisms that correct a satellite‘s orbit
when it transcends reasonable tolerance levels.

3/    See GE Americom Application at 2        (24 satellites inserted
in nominal polar orbit at an orbital altitude of 800 km); VITA
Application, Exhibit B at 3 (one satellite in a near polar orbit,
with a nominal circular altitude of 667 km and apogee and perigee
altitudes of 800 km.)

4/    See CTA Application at 6 and I.A—7 (32 satellites in 4
planes in 50° inclined orbit and 6 satellites in polar orbit at
1000 km altitudes); Final Analysis Application at II—1 — II—3 and
Fig. II—1  (24 satellites in four orbital planes and two
satellites in quadrature orbits, all at an altitude of 1000 km).

were launched,      there would be a substantial risk of collision

between satellites of the two systems,          exposing IRIDILUM®

satellites and other licensed LEO satellites to an even greater

risk of collision from the resulting space debris.

             The Commission must focus        its attention on the orbital

parameters proposed by these Little LEO applicants,           and,    if

necessary,    require certain revisions to the system designs in

order to avoid the possibility of in—orbit collisions.               In any

case,   the Commission should require close compliance with the

orbital parameters set forth in any authorization that may be

issued in the above—captioned proceedings.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   MOTOROLA SATELLITE
                                     COMMUNICATIONS, INC.

                                         § v'/yéégéézéhéz%§j>
Michael D. Kennedy                 Philip L. Male
Vice President and Director        Alfred M. Mamlet
  Regqgulatory Relations           Pantelis Michalopoulos
Barry Lambergman
Manager, Satellite                 STEPTOE      &   JOHNSON
  Regqgulatory Affairs             1330 Connecticut Ave., N.W.
MOTOROLA INC.                      Washington, D.C.  20036
Suite 400                          (202) 429—6239
1350    I Street,   N.W.
Washington,    D.C.    20005
(202) 371—6900
                                   Its Attorneys

Date:     February 24,     1995

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I, Pantelis Michalopoulos, hereby certify that a copy
of the foregoing Comments of Motorola Satellite Communications,
Inc. was served by first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 24th
day of February, 1995, on the following persons:

*   Reed E.     Hundt
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919   M   Street,   N.W.
    Washington,       D.C.   20554

*    James H. Quello
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919   M   Street,   N.W.
     Washington,      D.C.   20554

*    Andrew C.     Barrett
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street,       N.W.
     Washington,      D.C.   20554

*    Rachelle B. Chong
     Federal      Communications Commission
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Washington,      D.C.   20554

*    Susan Ness
     Federal Communications Commission
     1919 M Street,       N.W.
     Washington, D.C.        20554

*    Karen Brinkmann
     Special Assistant
     Office of the Chairman
     Federal Communications Commission
     Room   814
     1919 M Street, N.W.
     Washington,      D.C.   20554

Scott Harris
Chief,    International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Room 658, Stop Code 0800
1919 M Street,      N.W.
Washington,      D.C.    20554

Thomas Tycz2
Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau           —
Federal Communications Commission
Room 6010, Stop Code 0800B
2025 M Street,      N.W.
Washington,      D.C.    20554

Cecily C. Holiday
Deputy Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Room 6324, Stop Code 0800B
2025 M Street
Washington,      D.C.    20554

Fern J.    Jarmulnek
Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, NW, Room 6112
Stop Code 0800B
Washington, D.C.         20554

Russell L. Schweickart
Executive Vice President
6116    Executive Boulevard
Suite    800
Rockville, Maryland 20852

Charles W.       Ergen
E—SAT,    Inc.
90 Inverness Circle, East
Englewood, Colorado 80112

Nader Modanlo
Final Analysis Communication Services,   Inc.
7500 Greenway Center, Suite 1240
Greenbelt, Maryland 20770

    Philip V. Otero                .
    GE American Communications, Inc.
    Four Research Way
    Princeton, New Jersey 08540

    Joseph F. Sedlak
    Director of Government Relations
    Voluntesers in Technical Assistance
    1600 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 500
    Arlington, Virginia 22209

*   Stephen L. Goodman
    Halprin, Temple & Goodman
    1100 New York Avenue, N.W.,        Suite 650 East
    Washington, D.C. 20005

    David A. Bayer
    Leo One USA Corporation
     150 North Meramec Avenue,    Suite 620
    St.   Louis, Missouri 63105

                                  Pantélis Mfchalop

*Signifies delivery by hand.                  t   //

Document Created: 2012-10-19 17:18:10
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 17:18:10

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