Attachment Leo One declaratory

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             Rosenman & CoLiN                                   MAR ~ 2 1995
                              1300 I9TH STREET, N.W., SUITE 200, wasHINGTON, D.C. 20036   _
                                               TELEPHONE (202) 463—4640                   %EDE%C&%%Q%%%‘SSW
                                              TELECOPIER (202) 429—0046
   NEW YORK OFFICE                                                                        SAMUEL i. ROSENMAN (1896—1973)
575 MADISON AVENUE                                                                        RALPH F. COLIN (is00—1985)
NEW YORK, NY 10O22—2585
    (212) 940—8800

  NEW JERSEY OFFiCcE                             March    2 1   1995
     suite 2600
  NEWARK, N.J. 07102

          By Hand Delivery

          William F. Caton, Acting Secretary
          Federal Communications Commission
          1919 M Street,           N.W.
          Washington,        D.C.    20554

                     File No.
                     NVNG MSS Application

          Dear Mr.        Caton:

               On February 24, 1995, this office filed, on behalf of Leo One
          USA Corporation ("Leo One USA"), a "Petition to Deny" ("Petition")
          the above—referenced application of Final Analysis Communications
          Services,        Inc.    for authority to         construct,     launch     and operate           a
          Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Mobile Satellite System.                           Attachment
          B to the original Petition included a facsimile copy of a February
          24, 1995 Declaration of David G. Watkins, partner in KPMG Peat
          Marwick. Mr. Watkins‘ original Declaration has since been received
          by the undersigned, and it is submitted herewith for association
          with Leo One USA‘s original Petition.

               Should there be any questions concerning this matter, please
          contact Robert Mazer, Esquire, of this office or the undersigned.

                                                                Very truly yours,

          Enclosure                         .
          cc w/enc:        Attached Service List

ROSENMHN &0 LULLN          14 :z2zuz—4b5—f( 199          +kE 240950   lb:is¥ No.015 P.02

                                         DECLARATION                          MAR — 2 1995
                                                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                                            OFFIGE OF THE SECRETARY
            I, David G. Watkins, hereby declare under penalty of perjury
       as follows:

             1.  I anm a Partner in the St. Louis, Missouri, office of
       ‘KPMG Peat Marwick LLP.

            2.  On behalf of Leo One USA Corporation, I prepared a
       Memorandum for Record, dated February 21, 1995, pertaining to
       financial statements of Financial Analysis, Inc., which
       Memorandum has been or will be filed with the Federal
       Communications Commission in connection with Leo One USA
       Corporation‘s Petition to Deny an application filed by Final
       Analysis Communications Services, Inc.
             3.     The statements contained in the referenced Memorandunm
       for Raecord are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,
       information and belief.

             The foregoing statements are true and correct.

                                                  David 6. Watkins

                                                  Iabiencs, 24.5.
                                                  bate    (/


 Scott Blake Harris, Chief*                 Jill Abeshouse Stern, Esq.
 International Bureau                       Shaw, Pittman,    Potts &
 FCC                                          Trowbridge
 2000 M Street,      N.W.,    Rm 800        2300 N Street,   N.W.
 Washington,   DC 20554                     Washington, DC   20037
                                              (Counsel for CTA)

~ Thomas S. Tycz, Chief*®                   Philip V. Otero, Esq.
  Satellite & Radiocommunication Div.       Vice President & General Counsel
  International Bureau                      GE American Communications, Inc.
 FCC                                        Four Research Way
 2000 M St.,   NW,    Rm 520                Princeton, New Jersey    08540
 Washington,   DC 20554                       (Counsel for GE Americom)

 Cecily C. Holiday,      Deputy Chief*      Albert J. Catalano, Esq.
 Satellite   & Radiocommunication Div.      Ronald J. Jarvis, Esq.
 International Bureau                       Catalano & Jarvis, P.C.
 PCC                                        1101 30th Street, NW, Suite 300
 2000 M St.,   NW, Rm 520                   Washington, DC 20007
 Washington,   DC 20554                      (Counsel for Final Analysis)

 Fern J. Jarmulnek, Chief*                  Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.
 Satellite Policy Branch                    Leslie Taylor Associates
 Satellite & Radiocommunication Div.        6800 Carlynn Court
 International Bureau                       Bethesda,   MD   20817—4301
 FPCC                                        (Counsel for E—Sat,       Inc.)
 2000 M Street,      N.W.,    Fifth Ploor
 Washington,   DC     20554

 Ms. Kristi Kendell*                        Henry Goldberg, Esq.
 Satellite Policy Branch                    Goldberg, Godles, Wiener &
 Satellite   & Radiocommunication Div.        Wright
 International Bureau                       1229   19th Street,   N.W.
 FPCC                                       Washington, DC     20036
 2000 M St.,   NW,    Fifth Floor            (Counsel for VITA)
 Washington,   DC     20554

 Albert Halprin, Esq.
 Halprin, Temple & Goodman
 Suite 650 East Tower
 1100 New York Avenue,         N.W.
 Washington, DC   20005
    (Counsel for ORRBCOMM)

 Raul R. Rodriqguez, Esq.
 Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
 2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
 Washington, DC   20006
    (Counsel for STARSYS)

 * Hand Delivered

Document Created: 2012-10-19 17:15:54
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 17:15:54

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