Attachment ORBCOMM response sec

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                Before the                                         Te C
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                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSIOI                                                              2      \&7   [|   ,
                         Washington,   D.C.                                     20554W%WW@!                           psps              s
                                                                                   APR 2 7 1995‘                       app 2 51995
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In the Matter of                                               hkfidiomm                                   sPEDERAIrCOMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
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FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS                                                    File No.         25—SAT—P/LA—95

Application for Authority to
Construct, Launch and Operate
Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary
Mobile—Satellite System in the
137—138 MHz,    148—150 MHz   and
400—401 MHz Bands

                           RESPONSE OF ORBCOMM

             Orbital Communications Corporation ("ORBCOMM")                                                             hereby

responds to the Consolidated Opposition addressing the comments

on the Application for a Non—Voice,       Non—Geostationary                                                       ("NVNG")

satellite system filed by FINAL ANALYSIS COMMUNICATIONS                                                                SERVICES,

INC.   ("Final Analysis").!     In its comments on the Final Analysis

application,    ORBRCOMM questioned the financial and technical

qualifications of Final Analysis to become an NVNG satellite

system licensee.       Despite the Consolidated Opposition of Final

Analysis,    ORBCOMM continues to believe that Final Analysis has

failed to demonstrate that it is financially and technically


A4   Public Notice, Report No. DS—1484, November 25, 1994.   The
date for filing responses to replies was extended by the
Commission to April 25, 1995, in response to a request by GE
Americom.     Order,   DA 95—598,   released March 24,                                           1995 .

            With respect to the financial qualifications issue,

while Final Analysis has now retained a "real"            CPA to review its

accounting records,    the fact remains that its balance sheet and

income statement will not support financing of the constructionj

launch and first year‘s operation of the initial two satellites,

even accepting the exceedingly low cost estimate of Final

Analysis.     The primary asset of Final Analysis‘         parent is a

recently—launched experimental satellite,            labelled "equipment" on

the balance sheets.*        Although Final Analysis asserts that this

"equipment"    falls within the category of         "inventory" because of

its parent‘s line of business,        it does not appear to fall within

the Commission‘s definition of "current assets" for purposes of

assessing the financial qualifications of a satellite applicant.

            The Commission has indicated that in evaluating an

applicant‘s ability to promptly proceed with the construction,

launch and operation of a satellite, the Commission will look to

operating income and "cash plus other assets reasonably expected

to be realized in cash or sold or consumed during a normal

operating cycle of a business."}             Final Analysis‘   corporate

parent‘s experimental satellite does not appear to qualify under

this standard.*?    It is not at all clear that Final Analysis!‘

¥    Consolidated Opposition at p. 20.

¥    Licensing Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite
Sservice,   58 RR28@ 1267   (1985)   at n.    24.

4     Final Analysis also refers to possessing "valuable and
expensive components"       (Consolidated Opposition at p.        25)   that
will aid it in constructing the initial two satellites of its
constellation.  It is not clear whether this equipment has also
been donated or sold to the corporate parent by the shareholders
as was the experimental satellite.


parent intends to,   or would be successful in,   quickly selling the

experimental satellite to raise cash.?

            The other source of Final Analysis‘   funding appears to

be government largesse,    insofar as NASA has been subsidizing th;

design and development costs of the Final Analysis system."        It

is not clear the extent to which this subsidization will

continue,   and thus whether Final Analysis can rely on this

funding source for demonstrating its financial qualifications to

proceed expeditiously with the construction,      launch and operation

of its satellite system."
            Given the continuing deficiencies of Final Analysis‘

financial demonstration,    it is not even necessary for the

Commission to resolve the issue raised by ORRBCOMM concerning the

exceedingly   (and disproportionately)   low cost estimate submitted

by Final Analysis for the construction,     launch and first year‘s

operation of the initial two satellites in its constellation,

because Final Analysis does not even demonstrate an ability to

finance the $6.2 million cost it claims.      Final Analysis has

failed to show that it has access to adequate resources that will

3    A quick sale would be particularly difficult if the reports
that the Faisat—1 satellite is experiencing severe difficulties
are accurate.

&    Consolidated Opposition at p. 25.

L    Cf., 47 C.F.R. § 25.140(d) (2) (iii), which allows grants or
other external funding commitments to be used to demonstrate
financial qualification.

permit it to proceed promptly with the deployment of its


             With respect to the technical issues,    ORBCOMM remains

concerned with sharing the spectrum used for the transmitter             ~

uplinks.     ORBCOMM has indicated that it should be possible to

share the 148—150.05 MHz band for the transmitter uplinks,

although it will require careful use by,       and coordination among,

the different satellite systems to minimize risks of

interference.     In response to ORBCOMM‘s questions,    Final Analysis

baldly asserts that its     "STARS technology contains the necessary

algorithms to select unused uplink channels.""        However,   Final

Analysis provides no details on its proposed system that would

allow ORBCOMM or the Commission to evaluate the accuracy of that

assertion,    and whether in fact the Final Analysis scanning system

will both preclude interference to terrestrial users and allow

sharing with other NVNG satellite systems.

$    Cf., Amendment of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish Rules
and Policies Pertaining to a Mobile Satellite Service in the
1610—1626.5/2483.5—2500 MHz Frequency Bands,       9 FCC Red 5936
(1994)    at (C 26—27   (the public interest is disserved if spectrum
lies fallow while funding is raised) .

¥     Consolidated Opposition at p. 15.

1Y%   CfE., GE Americom April 10, 1995 Opposition at Technical
Appendix pp. 4—6, which (somewhat belatedly) provided details on
its proposed scanning system.  ORBCOMM had also raised some other
concerns with respect to the Final Analysis application, but now
believes that in light of the changes made by Final Analysis,
those issues can be resolved through the coordination process.
ORBCOMM notes the relocation of the Final Analysis downlink
channels and agrees that this will measurably reduce the
potential for interference between the two systems.  While a
worst case C/(N+I)      of 7.5 dB   (as reflected in the Final Analysis
filing)    is not sufficient to avoid intersystem interference one
hundred percent of the time, ORBCOMM realizes that these values
are not steady state, but are dynamic.  Now that the downlink

            For the reasons articulated above and in ORBCOMM‘s

initial comments on the Final Analysis application,          ORBCOMM

continues to urge the Commission not to grant the Final Analysis


                                Respectfully submitted,

                                     Albert Halprin
                                     Stephen L. Goodman
                                     Halprin, Temple & Goodman
                                     Suite 650 East
                                     1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
                                     Washington, D.C.     20005
                                     (202) 371—9100

                                     Counsel for Orbital Communications

Dated:     April 25,   1995

channels do not overlap,        if good spectrum containment techniques
are used,    the two systems should be able to be coordinated.

      With regard to the uplink interference calculations
contained in the ORBCOMM submission, Final Analysis is correct
concerning the error in Table A2—2          (the value should have been a
C/ (N+1)   of +1.5 dB).       If the Final Analysis Gateway uplink is
implemented on frequencies separate from those used by ORRBRCOMM,
then no difficulties should be encountered.


n COn:k
               5ed in this r   ep‘ty,               aim 12r wil6 Part 25 of t h e Commussion‘s Rules,
                                        that I am Lrisn

    L   o the best of my knowled g°.         &

                                          1 fefels


                                        BY: 1_o

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                                                          Orbital Cormmur mica   as Corporation

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

               I, Katherine H. Rasdorf, hereby certify that the foregoing Response of
ORBCOMM was served by first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 25th day of April, 1995 on
the following persons:

Chairman Reed Hundt*                            Commissioner James H. Quello*
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 814                   1919 M Street, N.W., Room 802
Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

Commissioner Andrew C. Barrett*                 Commissioner Rachelle B. Chong*
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 826                   1919 M Street, N.W., Room 844
Washington, D.C. 20554                         Washington, D.C. 20554

Commissioner Susan Ness*                        Karen Brinkman, Special Assistant*
Federal Communications Commission               Office of the Chairman
1919 M Street, N.W.                             Federal Communications Commission
Room 832                                        1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                          Room 814
                                                Washington, D.C. 20554

Tom Tycz*                                       Cecily C. Holiday*
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W.                             2000 M Street, N.W.
Room 811                                        Room 520
Washington, D.C. 20554                          Washington, D.C. 20554

Kristi Kendall, Esq.*                           Fern J. Jarmulnek*
Satellite Radio Branch                          Satellite Radio Branch
Federal Communications Commission               Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 517                   2000 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554                          Room 518
                                                Washington, D.C. 20554

Mr. Scott Blake Harris*             Jill Abeshouse Stern
Chief, International Bureau         CTA INCORPORATED
Federal Communications Commission   Shaw, Pittman, Potts, & Trowbridge
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800       2300 N. Street, N.W., Second Floor
Washington, D.C. 20554              Washington, D.C. 20037               —

Robert Mazer                        Raul R. Rodriguez, Esquire
LEO ONE USA Corporation             Starsys, Inc.
Rosenman & Colin                    Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
1300 19th Street, N.W.              2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20036              Washington, D.C. 20006—1809

Henry Goldberg, Esq.                Ms. Julie Barton
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright   Hogan & Hartson
1229 Nineteenth Street, N.W.        555 13th Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036              Washington, D.C. 20004

E—Sat, Inc.                         Albert J. Catalano
c/o Leslie A. Taylor                Ronald J. Jarvis
Leslie Taylor Associates, Inc.      Final Analysis Communications
6800 Carlynn Court                    Services, Inc.
Bethesda, Maryland 20817—4301       Catalano & Jarvis, P.C.
                                    1101 30th Street, N.W.
                                    Suite 300
                                    Washington, D.C. 20007

Michael Ladino                      Joseph F. Sedlak
General Counsel                     Volunteers in Technical Assistance
CTA INCORPORATED                    1600 Wilson Boulevard
6116 Executive Boulevard            Suite 500
Suite 800                           Arlington, VA 22209
Rockville, MD 20852

                                    Xlome [
                                    +                *
                                    Katherine H. R‘asdorf

* Hand Delivered

Document Created: 2012-10-19 16:53:53
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 16:53:53

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