Attachment STARSYS reply commen

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            BEFORE THE
             Federal Communications Commission 4PR 1 0 195
                                     WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554
                                                                                 FEDERAL COMbUANCATIONS COMMIGSIOH
                                                                                      OFFICE OF TwE SECRETARY

In the Matter of                                                  i   ‘it,,‘}

The Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary                           ppa l &y""
Mobile Satellite Service
Applications of

CTA Commercial Systems, Inc.                         File No. 23—SAT—P/LA—95

E—Sat, Inc.                                          File No. 24—SAT—P/LA—95

Final Analysis Communication                         File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95
  Services, Inc.

GE American Communications, Inc.                     File No.   26—SAT—P/LA—95

Leo One USA Corporation                              File No. 27—SAT—AMEND—95

Orbital Communications Corporation                   File No.   28—SAT—MP/ML—95

Volunteers In Technical Assistance                   File No. 29—SAT—AMEND—95

To: Chief, International Bureau


                       STARSYS Global Positioning, Inc. ("STARSYS"), by counsel, hereby

replies to comments filed by GE American Communications, Inc. ("GE Americom")

and Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. ("Motorola") concerning the above—

captioned applications for authority to construct non—voice, non—geostationary mobile—

satellite service ("NVNG MSS") systems. Motorola‘s comments are directed solely to

the issue of establishing orbital assignments and control criteria for non—geostationary

satellite systems generally. Among other issues, GE Americom addresses the


provisions of the Joint Sharing Agreement that was entered into by the first round

NVNG MSS applicants in its comments on the application of Orbital Communications

Corporation ("Orbcomm").

                       1. Reply to Motorola

                       STARSYS agrees with Motorola that, with many low—Earth orbit satellite

systems seeking to launch multiple satellites, the issues of assigning access to orbital

altitudes and monitoring the positions of these satellites take on heightened

importance. STARSYS cautions, however, that the need for debate and study is wide—

ranging, indeed international, in scope. With the possible exception of the suggestion

that the Commussion require close compliance with orbital parameters in any

authorization that may be issued in these proceedings (see Motorola Comments at 4),

the issues Motorola raises should probably be addressed in a rulemaking proceeding of

general applicability.

                       Motorola‘s comments raise substantial issues concerning the manner in

which satellite orbits of non—geostationary spacecraft should be regulated. For

example, Motorola broadly states that the Commiussion should establish parameters that

"avoid any risk of collision," a standard that cannot possibly be defined, let alone met.

Motorola Comments at 2—3. This simply illustrates the fact that establishing guidelines

for orbital altitudes will require some technical analysis to determine what the risks

are under defined circumstances.


                       Similarly, Motorola‘s suggestion that licensees be required to implement

"orbital correction mechanisms" to correct deviations beyond "reasonable tolerance

levels" begs two questions. Motorola Comments at 3 n.2. First, it is not at all clear

what sort of "correction mechanisms" Motorola is advocating, or how broad such a

requirement would be. For example, Motorola does not specify whether it proposes

that all individual geostationary space stations, including experimental satellites, have

such capabilities, or whether this requirement should apply only to space stations that

are part of multiple satellite constellations.

                       Second, Motorola does not provide any suggestion concerning what

constitutes the "reasonable tolerance level" beyond which correction would be

required. It is unclear, for instance, exactly what degree of protection or separation

between constellations Motorola believes is appropriate. Motorola expresses concern

about two systems that will be more than two—hundred kilometers above its own orbit

height, in addition to systems orbiting twenty kilometers higher. See Motorola

Comments at 3.              And Motorola offers no ideas as to how elliptical orbit satellites,

which may cross the orbital altitudes of many other non—geostationary systems, or

newly—launched satellites passing through certain low—Earth orbits on their way to

higher altitudes, would be treated. At the least, Motorola needs to be more specific

concerning the orbital parameters that would be regulated, and the means for

achieving compliance.

                       In short, while STARSYS agrees with Motorola that the issue of

regulating and monitoring orbital assignments must be addressed, this cannot be done


                                                  — 4 —

without establishing clear technical guidelines, as well as a reasonable means for

determining.priority among systems. Motorola has not offered workable approaches

to achieve either of these ends, and it is doubtful that proceedings intended to address

specific applications represent the appropriate forum for such a debate.

                       2. Reply to GE Americom

                       STARSYS also comments here on GE Americom‘s assertion that the

Joint Sharing Agreement ("JSA") among Orbcomm, STARSYS and Volunteers In

Technical Assistance ("VITA") "is not locked in stone."‘ In fact, as a private

agreement among the first round applicants that was entered into to facilitate sharing

and avoid mutual exclusivity, the JSA itself is not subject to amendment to

accommodate new applicants that have decided they would like to provide NVNG


                       The JSA provided a foundation for the adoption of the rules governing

NVNG MSS, and enabled the Commussion to conclude that the first—round applicants

were not mutually exclusive.*‘ Under the Commission‘s NVNG MSS rules, new

applicants must demonstrate (as a threshold technical qualifications showing) that their

proposed systems will not cause unacceptable interference to previously authorized

U         See Comments of GE Americom, File No. 28—SAT—MP/ML—95, at 5 (filed February
          24, 1995).

2/        See Orbital Communications Corp., 9 FCC Red 6476, 6479 n.27 (1994) ("Orbcomm


systems.él Thus, second round applicants will need to protect all systems licensed as

a result of the first round of applications.

                       The established sharing environment in the existing NVNG MSS bands

provides for entry by additional service providers. The burden is squarely upon these

prospective service providers, however, to demonstrate how their new service can be

offered without causing interference to previously authorized systems. While it may

be possible for these new applicants to reach their own sharing agreement in order to

ensure protection of previously licensed operators, and each other, deviation from the

sharing scenario detailed in the JSA will be approved by the Commission only when

an applicant demonstrates conclusively that such a sharing plan does not "adversely

impact" the first round applicants.4‘ GE Americom has not yet attempted such a

                                          xo   k   k   o#   ox

                       For the foregoing reasons, STARSYS urges the Commiésion to be

mindful of the possible need to regulate the orbital altitudes of non—geostationary

satellite cénstellations, and to consider commencing a separate rulemaking proceeding

to identify appropriate actions. STARSYS also requests that the Commission

reconfirm that the Joint Sharing Agreement that has formed and will form the basis of

the spectrum assignments to STARSYS, Orbcomm, and VITA is not subject to

alteration to suit new NVNG MSS applicants, and that such new applicants must

3         See 47 C.F.R. § 25.142(a) (1994).

4/        See Orbcomm Order, 9 FCC Red at 6479 n. 27.

                                        — 6—

demonstrate that their proposed systems will have no adverse impact on first round


                                       Respectfully submitted,

                                       STARSYS GLOBAL POSITIONING, INC.

                                       mAutPey Raul R. Rodriguez
                                               Stephen D. Baruch
                                               David S. Keir

                                               Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
                                               2000 K Street, N.W.
                                               Suite 600
                                               Washington, D.C. 20006
                                               (202) 429—8970

April 10, 1995                         Its Attorneys


                          CERTIFITCATE OF SERVICE

          I, Kaigh K. Johnson, hereby certify that true and

correct copies of the foregoing "Reply Comments of STARSYS Global

Positioning Inc." were sent by first—class,         postage prepaid mail,

this 10th day of April,       1995,   to the following:

    *Mr. Scott Blake Harris
     Chief, International Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
     Room 658
     1919 M Street,      NW
    Washington, DC        20554

    *Mr. Thomas S. TyCcz
     International Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
    Room 6010
    2025 M Street,       NW
    Washington,     DC    20554

    *Ms. Cecily Holiday
     International Bureau
     Federal Communications Commission
    Room 6324
    2025 M Street,       NW
    Washington,     DC    20554

    *Kristi Kendall, Esquire
    International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission
    Room 6334—A
    2025 M Street,       NW
    Washington,     DC    20554

   *Mr. Harold Ng
    International Bureau
    Federal Communications Commission
    Room 6104
    2025 M Street,       NW
    Washington,   DC      20554

*By Hand Delivery

           Joseph Godles,          Esquire
           Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
           1229        19th Street,   NW
           Washington, DC           20036
               Counsel for Volunteers in Technical Assistance

           Albert Halprin, Esquire
           Stephen L. Goodman, Esquire
           Halprin,        Temple & Goodman
           Suite 650 East
           1100 New York Avenue,             NW
           Washington, DC  20005
             Counsel for Orbital Communications Corp.

           Robert A. Mazer, Esquire
           Roseman & Colin
           1300        19th Street,   NW
          Washington,         DC   20036
               Counsel      for Leo One USA,       Inc.

          Michael Landine, Esquire
          General Counsel
          CTA Incorporated
          6116 Executive Boulevard
          Suite 800
          Rockville, MD   20853

          Jill Abeshouse Stern, Esquire
           Shaw Pittman Potts & Trowbridge
           2300 N Street, NW
          Washington, DC           20037
               Counsel for CTA Commercial Systems,        Inc.

          Leslie A. Taylor, Esquire
          Leslie Taylor Associates
          6800 Carlynn Court
          Bethesda, MD  20817
            Counsel for E—Sat,              Inc.

          Albert J. Catalano, Esquire
          Ronald J. Jarvis, Esq.
          Catalano & Jarvis, P.C.
          1101 30th Street,           NW
          Suite 300
          Washington,         DC   20007
               Counsgsel for Final Analysis Communication Services,   IncC.


Document Created: 2012-10-19 16:48:41
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 16:48:41

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