Attachment Leo One oppostion to

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19941116-00088 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the                                                                                                        MAR 2 2 1995
                        FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                                                                                         y
                               Washington, D.C.                                                                     20554   ;                PEOERALCOMMUNICATIONS COHMMISSION

                                                       N h h N n N2 2 N N2 N2 N n n N2 n N2 t n Nn N N N N N N Nz
In the Matter of

Non—Voice, Non—Geostationary Low

Earth Orbit Satellite Applications
Filed by:                         f

CTA Commercial Systems,           Inc.                                                                               File No.          23—SAT—P/LA—95

E—Sat,    Inc.                                                                                                       File No.          24—SAT—P/LA—95

Final Analysis Communication                                                                                                           h      _
  Services, Inc.                                                                                                     File No. 25—SAT—P/LA—95
GE American Communications,              Inc.                                                                        File No.          26—SAT—P/LA—95

Leo One USA Corporation                                                                                             File No. 27—SAT—Amend—95

Orbital Communications Corporation                                                                                  File No. 28—SAT—MP/ML—95

Starsys Global Positioning, Inc.                                                                                    File No.           31—DSS—Amend—94

Volunteers In Technical Assistance                                                                                  File No.           29—SAT—Amend—95

                                 OPPoOoSITTION TO
                          MOTION FOR EXTENSION OF TIME

        Leo One USA Corporation           ("Leo One USA"),                                                                      by counsel,             hereby

opposes the GE American Communications, Inc. ("GE Americom") Motion

for Extension of Time to submit replies to Comments and Petitions

filed    on     March    21,    1995     with   regard                                                                to    the            above—captioned

applications.       In its Motion,         GE Americom asks the Commission to

extend    the    time    from   March     27,   1995                                                                until   April            10,      1995    for

applicants to submit their Oppositions.                                                                              In support of this Motion

GE Americom contends that more time is needed to analyze the large

                                                  — 3 _

number of Comments and Petitions and that representatives of the

applicants          for    NVNG    MSS     spectrum       are   attending       the       Conference

Preparatory Meetings in Geneva.

         Leo    One USA         opposes    this    request      for    a    number    of    reasons.

First,     Leo One USA believes that 33 days is an adequate amount of

time to respond tb the Petitions and Comments filed on February 24,

 1995.    Although a number of filings were submitted on February 24,

.1995, the purpose of the Oppositions due on March 27,                               1995 are for

the applicant to respond to Petitions and Comments made against its

individual application.                  Thus, an applicant need only respond to a

subset        of    the    total       number     of    Comments      and    Petitions        filed.

Second,        it should be noted that Leo One USA was provided only 30

days     to    respond      to    the     numerous      Petitions      and    Comments        to    its

application.‘              It    would    not     be    fair    to    provide    other      pending

applicants more time.                  Finally,        although GE Americom clains that

the delay will not cause harm to the public interest,                                  it must be

recognized          that    the    Commission          has   already       granted    one     30—day

extension          of   time     for    filing    Oppositions         and    that    it    has     been

almost 18 months since Leo One USA filed its application.                                           The

grant of an additional extension will                           only cause delays             in the

Ccommission‘s consideration of these applications, grant of new NVNG

MSS licenses and ultimately in the availability of competitive NVNG

MSS services.

1    Petitions and Comments on Leo One USA‘s application were due
to be filed with the Commission on November 16, 1994.  Leo One
USA was required to file its response on December 16,                                 1994.

                                     —   3   —

     For    these   reasons,   Leo   One     USA    opposes     the   GE    Americon‘s

Motion for Extension of Time.

                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                     LEO~ONE USA CORPORATION

                                     7“@}A& W\Oy/\ re
                                     Robert A. Mazer,
                                     Rosenman & Colin
                                     1300        19th Street,   N.W.,      Suite 200
                                     Washington, DC           20036
                                     (202) 463—4640
                                     Its Attorney

March 22,   1995

                              CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I,   Robert     A.    Mazer,     hereby   certify   that   the   foregoing
"Opposition to Motion for Extension of Time" was served by hand or
first—class mail, postage prepaid, this 2nd day of March, 1995, on
the following persons:

Scott Blake Harris, Chief*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800
Washington, DC  20554

Thomas S. Tycz, Chief*
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street,       N.W.            Room 520
Washington,    DC     20554

Cecily C. Holiday, Deputy Chief*
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street,       N.W.            Room 520
Washington,    DC     20554

Fern J. Jarmulnek,          Chief*
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Fifth Floor
Washington, DC  20554

Ms.   Kristi Kendell*
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Fifth Floor
Washington, DC  20554

Albert Halprin, Esq.
Halprin, Temple & Goodman
Suite 650 East Tower
1100 New York Avenue,          N.W.
Washington, DC  20005
  (Counsel for ORBCOMM)

Raul R. Rodriqguez, Esq.
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC        20006
  (Counsel for STARSYS)

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I,  Robert A.   Mazer,  hereby certify that the foregoing
"Comments of Leo One USA Corporation" was served by hand or first—,
class mail, postage prepaid, this 6th day of March, 1995, on the
following persons:

Scott Blake Harris, Chief*
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Room 800
Washington, DC  20554

Thomas S. Tycz, Chief*
 Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
‘\International Bureau
 Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street,     N.W.            Room 520
Washington,   DC    20554

Cecily C. Holiday, Deputy Chief*
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street,     N.W.            Room 520
Washington, DC      20554

Fern J. Jarmulnek,        Chief*
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Fifth Floor
Washington, DC  20554

Ms.   Kristi Kendell*
Satellite Policy Branch
Satellite & Radiocommunication Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2000 M Street, N.W., Fifth Floor
Washington, DC      20554

Albert Halprin, Esq.
Halprin, Temple & Goodman
Suite 650 East Tower
1100 New York Avenue, N.W.
Washington, DC  20005
  (Counsel for ORBCOMM)

Raul R. Rodriqguez, Esq.
Leventhal, Senter & Lerman
2000 K Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, DC  20006
  (Counsel for STARSYS)

Henry Goldberg,    Esq.
Goldberg, Godles, Wiener & Wright
1229 19th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC  20036
  (Counsel for VITA)

Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.
Leslie Taylor Associates
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda,   MD   20817—4301
  (Counsel for E—Sat,       Inc.)

Albert J.   Catalano,     Esq.
Ronald J. Jarvis, Esq.
Catalano & Jarvis,       P.C.
1101 30th Street,    N.W.
Suite 300
Washington, DC 20007
  (Counsel for Final Analysis)

Jill Abeshouse Stern, Esq.
Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge
2300 N Street,    N.W.
Washington, DC  20037
  (Counsel for CTA)

Julie T. Barton, Esq.
Hogan & Hartson
555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.  20004—1109
  (Counsel for Americom)

                                               1|         14
                                                     ‘s    hk/i/L’
                                    RbbertA. Mazer

Document Created: 2012-10-19 16:46:42
Document Modified: 2012-10-19 16:46:42

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