Attachment FCC-94-77A1.pdf





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19901116-00072 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


9 FCC Red No. 9                    Federal Communications Commission Record                                                        FCC 94-77

                                                                              2. In issuing PAS conditional authorizations to construct,
                       Before the                                          launch and operate its PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7 satellite
           Federal Communications Commission                               systems, the Commission stated that the authorization was
                 Washington, D.C. 20554                                    conditioned on PAS's subsequent submission of the second
                                                                           stage financial information required under the Separate
                                                                           Systems decision. We stated that, unless otherwise autho
  In the Matter of                                                         rized, PAS could not expend any funds on the proposed
                                                                           system until it could demonstrate sufficient non-contingent
  PanAmSat                           File Nos. CSS-88-003(M)               funds to meet the construction, launch and first-year oper
                                                                           ational costs it projects for PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7. The
                                                                           Commission required that PAS make its second stage finan
  Licensee Corp.                                    CSS-91-003             cial showing no later than 60 days following the State
  Applications for                                  CSS-91-006             Department's notification to the Commission that the Unit
  Final Authority to                                                       ed States has fulfilled its Article XIV(d) obligations and
  Construct Hybrid Separate                                                that the Commission may proceed with final authorization
  System International                                                     of the proposed system. 3
  Communications Satellites                                                   3. On August 19, 1993, PAS submitted its second stage
                                                                           financial showing for its PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7 satellite
                                                                           systems. In its submission, PAS states that its estimated
              MEMORANDUM OPINION,                                          total costs to construct, launch and operate its three sat
             ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION                                       ellites are approximately $666.3 million. Of this amount,
                                                                           according to PAS, $104.6 million has already been paid for
Adopted: March 30, 1994;              Released: April 22, 1994             construction and prelaunch expenses.4 PAS claims that it
                                                                           has a total in cash, noncontingent partnership subscrip
                                                                           tions, and vendor financing of over $607.6 million to cover
  By the Commission:                                                       the remainder of its costs for the three satellites. 5
                                                                              4. Along with its filing, PAS has submitted a letter from
   1. PanAmSat Licensee Corp. (PAS) has filed the above-                   Chase Manhattan Bank of Connecticut, N.A. confirming
captioned application for final authority to construct its                 receipt by the bank of approximately $425 million into an
Pacific Ocean Region satellite system (PAS-4), its second                  escrow account set up between PAS and the bank. PAS
Atlantic Ocean Region satellite system (PAS-2) and its                     states that it raised $440 million through a public debt
Indian Ocean Region satellite system (PAS-7). 1 In support                 offering which closed on August 5, 1993. According to
of its request, PAS has filed information required by the                  PAS, the offering resulted in two notes: one for $175
Separate Systems decision for its second stage financial                   million, bearing interest at 9 3/4% per annum and the
showing.2 Since we find that PAS has complied with the                     other for $265 million, bearing interest at 11 3/8% per
financial requirements set forth in Separate Systems, we                   annum. PAS will begin paying interest on the first note
grant PAS's request for final authority to construct its                   beginning in February, 1994, with semi-annual installments
PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7 satellite systems.                                  of approximately $8.5 million, and on the second note in
                                                                           February, 1999. PAS states that an additional $10 million
                                                                           represents monies on deposit in several other accounts. In

 1 Pan American Satellite Corporation, 101 FCC 2d 1318 (1985)              granted to PanAmSat Licensee Corp.
(PAS Order). On December 31, 1992, the Common Carrier                         See Establishment of Satellite Systems Providing International
Bureau consented to the assignment by Alpha Lyracom, d/b/a                 Communications, 101 FCC 2d 1046, 1164 (1985).
Pan American Satellite of its international space station au               3 On October 5, 1993, the Commission received notification
thorizations, including its conditional authorizations for PAS-4,          from the United States Department of State that the United
PAS-2 and PAS-7, to PanAmSat, L.P. (PAS, L.P.) See Alpha                   States had fulfilled its obligations to consult with 1NTELSAT
Lyracom, d/b/a Pan American Satellite, Alpha Lyracom Space                 under Article XIV(d) of the INTELSAT Agreement, and that
Communications, Inc., Cygnus Satellite Corp., 8 FCC Red 376                the Commission could proceed with final authorization of the
(Com. Car. Bur. 1992). The assignments were consummated on                 PAS-4 system. See Letter, dated October 5, 1993, from Steven
the same day. See Letter, dated December 31, 1992, from Joseph             W. Lett, Director for Satellite and Cable Policy, Bureau of
A. Oodles, Attorney for PanAmSat, L.P. to Donna R. Searcy,                 International Communications and Information Policy, U.S. De
Secretary, Federal Communications Commission. Alpha                        partment of State, to George S. Li, Chief, International Facilities
Lyracom, d/b/a Pan American Satellite filed amendments to the              Division, Common Carrier Bureau, Federal Communications
present applications on December 9, 1992, requesting that the              Commission. We grant final authority for PAS to launch and
name of the applicant be changed to PanAmSat, L.P. See File                operate PAS-4 in a separate order. See PanAmSat Licensee
Nos. CSS-003-(M), CSS-91-003 and CSS-91-006. On January 28,                Corp., FCC 94-78 (adopted March 30, 1994).
 1994, the Common Carrier Bureau granted PAS, L.P.'s applica               4 The Commission has permitted PAS to spend up to $185.75
tion for consent to the pro forma assignment of PAS, L.P.'s                million for construction and pre-launch expenses for PAS-4. See
conditional authorizations for PAS-2, PAS-4 and PAS-7 to                   PanAmSat, L.P., 8 FCC Red 5120 (1993). In addition, the Bu
PanAmSat Licensee Corp. See PanAmSat, L.P., 9 FCC Red 668                  reau has given PAS permission to spend up to $103.25 million
(Com. Car. Bur. 1994). The assignment was consummated on                   and $90.75 million on construction and pre-launch expenses for
January 31, 1994. See Letter, dated February 1, 1994, from                 PAS-2 and PAS-7, respectively.
Joseph A. Oodles, Attorney for PanAmSat Licensee Corp., to                 5 In addition, PAS predicts that its earnings on its PAS-1
William F. Caton, Acting Secretary, Federal Communications                 satellite should be well over $30 million per annum through
Commission. Accordingly, the authority granted herein for final            1995.
construction of the PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7 satellite systems is


FCC 94-77                         Federal Communications Commission Record   9 FCC Red NO. 9

 addition, PAS states that it has received $100 million and
 will receive another $100 million due it as a part of a
  "Purchase Agreement" committing Grupo Televisa to pur
 chase $200 million in partnership assets in PAS.6
    5. Finally, PAS states that it has agreed with Hughes
 Aircraft Company (Hughes) to defer approximately $72.6
 million in construction costs, which will be paid in the
 form of "Supplemental Incentives" and "Incentives
 Obligations." Under the agreement with Hughes, the Sup
 plemental Incentives and Incentives Obligations are pay
 able to Hughes after delivery and in-orbit performance
 tests, respectively. PAS states that the Supplemental Incen
 tives are due in monthly installments of $77,088 per sat
ellite, and that the amount to be paid per satellite for one
year after launch would be slightly over one million dol
lars, assuming delivery occurs approximately 45 days prior
to launch. According to PAS, the Incentives Obligations
are due in monthly installments of $197,369 per satellite,
and the amount required to be paid per satellite through
one year after launch would be slightly under $2.1 million
per satellite, assuming in-orbit performance tests are com
pleted within 45 days of launch.
    6. Based on this information, we find that the showing
by PAS satisfies the requirement that it show sufficient
noncontingent funds to cover the costs of construction,
launch and first-year operation of its PAS-4, PAS-2 and
PAS-7 satellite systems.
    7. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that PAS is granted
final authority to construct its PAS-4, PAS-2 and PAS-7
satellite systems, and that final authorization for launch
and operation of PAS-2 and PAS-7 shall not be issued
unless and until: (1) one or more foreign authorities au
thorize use of this system and enter into consultation pro
cedures with the United States Party or Signatory under
Article XIV(d) of the INTELSAT Agreement to ensure
technical compatibility and to avoid significant economic
harm; (2) the Department of State informs the Commission
that the United States has completed its Article XIV(d)
obligations and that the Commission may proceed with
final authorization of the proposed system; and (3) the
Commission grants final authorization.
    8. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that PAS shall file with
the Commission no later than one year from the release
date of this authorization information showing that it is
making all reasonable efforts toward obtaining foreign ap
proval to provide services via its proposed PAS-2 and PAS-
7 systems.
    9. IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that this Memorandum
Opinion, Order and Authorization is effective upon adop


  William F. Caton
  Acting Secretary

 6 The Purchase Agreement was part of the assignment of space
 station and earth station licenses to PAS, L.P. See Alpha
 Lyracom, dlbla Pan American Satellite, Alpha Lyracom Space
 Communications, Inc., Cygnus Satellite Corp., supra note 1.


Document Created: 2007-12-03 14:47:24
Document Modified: 2007-12-03 14:47:24

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