Attachment 1991Comments of GTE

1991Comments of GTE

COMMENT submitted by GTE Spacenet



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                  DOW, LOHNES & ALBERTSON                         BEcEVED

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      Direct pial wo.                       December 10,     1991                          s
          es7—2035                                                              RE(]EIVED

      :                                                                            DEC 1 0 1991
 Ms.      Donna R.            Searcy
 Secretary                                                                  Hederal Communications Commission
 Federal Communications Commission                                                 Office ofthe Secretary
 1919 M Street,                N.W.
 Washington, D.C.                  20554

                        Re:    Norris Satellite Communications, Inc.,
                                File Nos.    54—DSS—P/L—90 and 55—DSS—P—90

 Dear Ms. Searcy:

           Transmitted herewith for filing on behalf of GTE
 Spacenet Corporation are an original and the requisite number of
 copies of its comments in response to Norris Satellite
 Communications, Inc.‘s further response in the above—captioned

           If there are any questions, kindly communicate directly
 with the undersigned.


                                                   Mitchell F. Brecher



                                                                                                      DEC 1 0 1991
                                Before the                                                      Rederal Communications Commission
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS     COMMISSION                                            Office of the Secretary
                           Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                 hes Nust Nuus Nee N Nee Nee Nes Nn Nt
In the Matter of

NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,        INC.                                             File Nos.
Application for Authority to Construct                                                   55—DSS—P—90
and Operate Communications Satellites
in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service


            On November 7,      1991, Norris Satellite Communications,

Inc.   ("Norris")    filed with the Commission a further response to

the petition to deny its above—captioned application filed by GTE

Spacenet Corporation      ("GTE Spacenet")     as well as to comments on

Norris‘s application filed by American Mobile Satellite

Corporation, Motorola Satellite Communications, Inc. and Geostar

Messaging Corporation.         GTE Spacenet hereby submits its comments

on that further response.

            I.   INTRODUCTION

            In its application as initially filed, Norris proposes

to construct, launch and operate satellites in the so—called Ka—

band   (30/20 GHz).     Although those frequencies are currently

allocated on a primary basis in the Commission‘s Table of

Frequency Assignments V to the Fixed—Satellite Service ("FSS"),

1/     47 C.F.R.    § 2.106.

Norris has proposed to provide a variety of FSS, mobile satellite

("MSS")   and direct broadcast satellite ("DBS")   services and has

petitioned the Commission to reallocate those frequencies fronm

the Fixed—Satellite Service to a generic allocation which Norris

calls the "General Satellite Service."*"

           By its further response, Norris asks the Commission to

limit its consideration to the fixed—satellite portion of its

application subject to revision at some later time —— presumably

after the Commission has addressed Norris‘s frequency

reallocation proposal.    In addition, Norris‘s further response

attempts to cure inadequacies in its financial and technical

qualification showings by inclusion of new financial and

technical exhibits to its application.

           GTE Spacenet does not object to grant of Norris‘s

application to provide FSS services, provided that Norris is able

to demonstrate compliance with the qualification and operational

standards applicable to FSS licensees.     However, it reiterates

its hope and expectation that the Commission will evaluate all

applicants for FSS authorizations in a consistent and even—

handed manner.   For reasons Gdiscussed in these comments, Norris

has not yet demonstrated that it is either financially or

2/   See, Petition for Rulemaking and Request for Pioneer‘s
Preference filed by Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. July
16, 1990, Rm—7511.

technically qualified in accordance with the Commission‘s

requirements for FSS applicants.y


           In its petition to deny, GTE Spacenet demonstrated that

Norris has not met the financial qualification standard for

Fixed—Satellite Service applicants established by the Commission

in 19854 and codified at Section 25.391 of the Commission‘s

rules.*"   That standard, based upon the Commission‘s Ultravision

standard,g requires that applicants demonstrate and document the

3/    In its further response, Norris has asked the Commission to
utilize the 10 day comment period contained at Section 1.45 of
the Commission‘s Rules.  However, that rule is inapplicable.   It
is not clear whether Norris‘s further response is intended to be
a pleading or an amendment to its application.  If it is a
pleading, it is an unauthorized pleading.  Section 1.45
contemplates oppositions to petitions and replies to oppositions.
Section 1.45(c) permits additional pleadings only when requested
or authorized by the Commission.  Since Norris‘s further response
neither has been requested nor authorized, it is not a pleading
permitted by the Commission‘s rules.  Therefore, the 10 day
response period is inapplicable.   Although there is no rule
governing responses to unauthorized pleadings, GTE Spacenet is
submitting its comments now so as not to delay Commission
consideration of the FSS portion of Norris‘s application.   GTE
Spacenet takes no position with respect to whether Norris‘s
further response should be treated as an amendment to its
application or what impact, if any, it should have on the further
processing and consideration of the application.

4/   Licensing of Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite
Service, 50 Fed. Reg. 36071 (September 5, 1985).

5/   47 C.F.R.   § 25.391.

6/   Ultravision Broadcasting, 1 FCC2d 544   (1965).

availability of firmly committed debt or equity financing,

sufficient to meet estimated costs of the proposed system and of

its initial year of operation.

          Norris indicated in its application that it intends to

rely upon anticipated revenues from future sales of transponder

capacity to fund its proposal.   However, as GTE Spacenet noted in

its petition, reliance upon prospective sales and leases of

transponders to demonstrate a Fixed—Satellite applicant‘s

financial qualifications is prohibited by Section 25.391(d).

Oonly revenues from executed transponder contracts may be used in

support of an applicant‘s financial qualifications.

          Norris‘s revised Exhibit I—E,   Income Statement,   is

merely a projection of what Norris hopes will be its revenues

between 1993 and 1999.   Norris has not even identified the

purchasers/lessees of its satellite capacity, let alone submitted

executed contracts.   Nor has Norris provided any explanation or

underlying assumptions for its projected income statement.         In

short, the revised Exhibit I—E does not contain information which

would enable the Commission to conclude that Norris has complied

with the financial qualifications requirements set forth at

Section 25.391 —— requirements that are applicable to all

applicants for licenses to operate satellites in the Domestic

Fixed—Satellite Service, irrespective of the applicants‘ proposed

frequency bands.

           In its reply to Norris‘s opposition, GTE Spacenet

recognized that Norris proposes to operate its satellites in a

currently—unused frequency band.   For that reason,   GTE Spacenet

stated that it would not object to the Commission subjecting

Norris to a somewhat more relaxed financial qualification

standard than that normally applicable to other Fixed—Satellite

applicants.y   However, Norris should be required to demonstrate

to the Commission that it will be able to construct within a

reasonable time and that Norris should be required to provide the

Commission with periodic reports on its capital raising and

construction efforts.

          Norris‘s further response neither complies with the

Commission‘s requirements for Fixed—Satellite applicants nor with

the two conditions suggested by GTE Spacenet.    GTE Spacenet

reiterates that it has no objection to a somewhat relaxed

financial qualification standard for Norris.    However, it urges

the Commission to be mindful not to abandon its financial

qualification requirements in a manner which will erode the

standard currently—applicable for Fixed—Satellite applicants —— a

standard which has served the public interest by promoting

development of Fixed—Satellite systems and delivery of innovative

satellite—based services by multiple well—managed, financially

qualified firns.

7/   See,  Reply to Opposition to Petition to Deny, filed by GTE
Spacenet January 22, 1991, at 11.

                    FOR ALL FIXED—SATELLITES

            In its petition to deny Norris‘s application, GTE

Spacenet noted that Norris had submitted an interference analysis

based upon ten degree spacing between satellites.         While ten

degree spacing (or at least nine degree spacing) might have been

necessary to accommodate Norris‘s proposal to provide DBS, its

ten degree spacing assumption was plainly violative of the

Commission‘s requirement that FSS applicants submit with their

applications interference analyses based upon two degree spacing.

That two degree spacing interference analysis requirement is

articulated in the Commission‘s 1983 Processing order.8         It is

applicable to all FSS applications, including those for C—band,

Ku—band and Ka—band.

            Although Norris, in its opposition to GTE Spacenet‘s

petition, alleged that its proposed Ka—band satellites could

operate "quite satisfactorily" at two degree spacing," it has

not until now subnmitted an interference analysis which purports

to support that conclusion.      Now, nearly sixteen months after

filing its application, Norris has, for the first time, submitted

8/   Filing of Applications for New Space Stations in the
Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service, 93 FCC2d 1260, 1266 (Appendix
B,   Paragraph F)    (1983).

9/     Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. Opposition to Petition
to Deny and Reply to Comments,      filed January 7,   1991, at 13.

an interference analysis based upor two degree spacing.        However,

Norris‘s latest interference analysis is based upon several

assumptions that are inconsistent with the application itself.

As a result of these inconsistent assumptions, the interference

analysis appended to Norris‘s further response does not

demonstrate that Norris‘s proposed FSS satellites will be able to

operate compatibly with other FSS satellites in a two degree

spacing environment.

             The first inconsistent assumption involves the proposed

bandwidth of the satellite transponders.     As proposed in Norris‘s

application, the nominal bandwidth of Norris‘s transponders is to

be 24 MHz.     However, the two degree interference analysis

indicates FM/TV bandwidths of 24 MHz,    26 MHz and 30 MHz.    Of

these, only the 24 MHz carriers will be feasible with the

transponder confiquration proposed in Norris‘s application.         In

addition, the revised analysis indicates a 54 MHz CFDM/FM carrier

and a 45.7 MHz QPSK (80 Mbps) carrier which also could not be

transmitted using the 24 MHz transponders proposed by Norris.

             Another inconsistent aspect of Norris‘s revised

interference analysis is its inclusion of traffic characteristics

for four carrier types taken from a comparable Ku—band satellite.

(See Norris Interference Analysis Section 1.0—Introduction).        The

carrier signal levels should have been increased to compensate

for the increased rain fade at Ka—band.

          Another inconsistency between Norris‘s application and

its reviged interference analysis involves antenna polarization.

According to Norris‘s application, "Norstar spacecraft are

planned to transmit 24 circularly—polarized channels .   .   .   ."

However, this proposed circular polarization is contradicted by

the link parameter tables in the revised interference analysis

which are based upon assumed linear polarization.   The difference

between circular and linear polarization would result in

different interference margins.

          As a consequence of these inconsistencies between

Norris‘s application proposal and its interference analysis,

Norris has not shown that two Ka—band satellites located two

degrees apart could be used to provide FSS services without

causing harmful interference to each other.   As it has stated on

several occasions throughout this proceeding, GTE Spacenet has no

objection to grant of Norris‘s application provided that its

proposal complies with appropriate qualification criteria

established by the Commission for FSS operations.   Clearly,

compliance with two degree spacing is an important aspect of

those criteria.   GTE Spacenet respectfully urges the Commission

to direct Norris to submit an interference analysis which

demonstrates that its proposed satellites could operate without

causing harmful interference in a two degree spacing environment.

            For the reasons contained herein, Norris has not yet

demonstrated that it is financially qualified to construct and

operate its proposed Ka—band FSS system nor has it shown that it

will be able to operate its proposed satellites without causing

interference to the operations of other FSS satellites located

two degrees away.      If the Commission elects to subject Norris‘s

application to somewhat modified financial and technical

qualification requirements, any such modifications should not

undermine the Commission‘s paramount responsibilities of ensuring

that only financially responsible entities be authorized to

construct and operate FSS systems and of preventing harmful

interference with the operations of other FSS systens.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

Troy D| Ellington
Vice President,        ineering
                                           Mitchell F. Brecher

   and   Developme                          DOW,   LOHNES & ALBERTSON
                                            1255 23rad Street, N.W.
Terri B. Natoli                             Suite 500
Industry Relations Manager                 Washington,    D.C.   20037
                                            (202) 857—2835
1700 Old Meadow Road
McLean, Virginia      22102
(703) 848—1000

December 10,   1991

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

            I, Hilarie Gaylin, certify that on this 10th day of

December, 1991, I caused to be delivered by hand delivery or

first class mail copies of GTE Spacenet Corporation‘s Comments in

response to Norris Satellite Communications,        Inc.‘s further

response in the matter of Norris Satellite Communications,           Inc.‘s

Application for Authority to Construct, File Nos. 54—DS8S8—P/L—90

and 55—D88—P—90 to the following:

*Richard Firestone, Esquire
Common Carrier Bureau
Room 500
1919 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.         20554

*James Keegan
Domestic Facilities Division
Common Carrier Bureau
Room 6010
2025 M Street,    N.W.
Washington, D.C.         20554

*Cecily Holiday
Satellite Radio Branch
Room 6324
2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington,   D.C.       20554

*Fern Jarmulnek
Satellite Radio Branch
Room 6324
2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.         20554

*Christine Kendall
Satellite Radio Branch
Room 6324
2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C.         20554

*Leslie A. Taylor
Counsel for Norris
  Satellite Communications
Leslie Taylor Associates
6800 Carlynn Court
Bethesda, Maryland     20817—4302

Lon C. Levin, Esq.
Vice President and
 Regulatory Counsel
American Mobile Satellite Corp.
1150 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Fourth Floor
Washington, D.C.   20036

Philip Schneider
Geostar Messaging Corporation
1001 22n8@ Street, N.W.
Suite 550
Washington, D.C.      20037

Philip L. Malet
Steptoe & Johnson
1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C.   20036
(counsel for Motorola Satellite
   Communications, Inc.)

                                    Hilarie Gaylin

* via hand delivery

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:39:44
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:39:44

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