Attachment 1991Reply to Opposit

1991Reply to Opposit

REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by GTE Spacenet

Reply To Opposition


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 BEFORE THE                                        _ltiwp [ iC K\)@L\AAM
      Federal Communications Comrnrsswn                                                                              y—=—s
                              WASHINGTON. D.C.                                        @@ PY

                                                 V ,\:“3‘3’“‘ |                                  RECEIVED

                                                                                $ eoge®            gan 22 1991

                                                  o ue & ho &P &P & NP NP tut
  In the Matter of

  NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS,      INC.                                                Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                File Nos.          Office of the Secretary
  Application for Authority to Construct                                        54—DSS—P/L—90
  Launch and Operate Communications                                             55—DS8S—P—90
  Satellites in the Domestic
  Fixed—Satellite Service

                              REPLY TO OPPOSITION

                         GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

  Troy D. Ellington                               Mitchell F. Brecher
  Vice President, Engineering
    and Development                                 DOW, LOHNES & ALBERTSON
                                                    1255 23rd Street, NW
  Terri B. Natoli                                 Suite 500
  Industry Relations Manager                      Washington, D.C.                                  20037
  1700 Old Meadow Road
  McLean, Virginia    22102
  703/848—1000                                         Its Attorney

..January 22,..1991


       SUMMARY   e e e e c e e e o e e e e c e e e o o o e o o e o e o e e e o e o e o

       INTRODUCTION        e   c   e   e    s   o   e   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   c   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o   o


       ITS FINANCIAL QUALIFICATIONS 0 0 o o                                                                 e e o o o o o e e o

       CconNCLUSITON   e e e   e e     ce                                                                                       .....               13

                                — i4 —


             GTE Spacenet Corporation continues to oppose Norris

Satellite Communications,    Inc.‘s proposal to establish a general

satellite service at Ka—band and its application for authority to

construct,    launch and operate such satellites.   GTE Spacenet has

no objection to Norris or any other qualified applicant being

authorized to operate satellites in the fixed—satellite service

at Ka—band,    provided that the applicant demonstrates compliance

with all of the Commission‘s qualifications and operational

standards for FSS applicants.

             Norris, however, proposes to provide a combination of

FSS, mobile satellite service and direct broadcast service over

its satellites.     Norris has failed to demonstrate that FSS, MSS

and DBS service can be provided on a co—frequency, co—satellite

basis.   As GTE Spacenet explained in its petition to deny

Norris‘s application and in its comments on R.M. No. 7511 and as

the Commission has noted previously, these services are

operationally incompatible with each other.     In order to provide

FSS and DBS on a co—frequency, co—satellite basis,     it would be

necessary to provide for wider orbital spacings than would

otherwise be necessary to accommodate FSS operations at Ka—band.

The incompatibility of these services with each other is caused

by the relative differences in their power levels.      Those

relative power differences are independent of the absolute power

                                   — iii —

differences between C—band and Ku—band on one hand and Ka—band on

the other.

             Further,    recent developments in digital compression

technology will make it possible to provide direct satellite—to—

home video programming using FSS satellites without disrupting

FSS operations.      It may also be possible for Norris to provide

MSS services without any spectrum reallocation since MSS

currently is allocated to Ka—band on a secondary basis.

             Finally, Norris still has not met the financial

qualifications standards applicable to FSS that are codified at

Ssection 25.391(@)      of the Commission‘s Rules.   GTE Spacenet

recognizes that Norris has applied to operate its satellites in a

currently—unused frequency band.        Thus,   it does not object to a

somewhat more relaxed financial standard for Norris.         However,

Norris should be required to report to the Commission

periodically on the progress of its capital raising efforts, to

obtain financing within twelve months of grant and to complete

construction within three years of obtaining financing.

                                    Before The                                                             JAN 2 2 1991
                          Washington, D.C.       20554                                             Federal CommunicationsCommission
                                                                                                         Office ofthe Secretary

                                                 Nt Ns No Ne Nt Nes Nust Ns Nust Nt
In the Matter of

                                                                                      File Nos.
Application for Authority to Construct                                                54—~DSS—P/L—90
Launch and Operate Communications                                                     55~DSS—P—90
Satellites in the Domestic
Fixed—Satellite Service

                            REPLY TO _OPPOSITION

           GTE Spacenet Corporation         ("GTE Spacenet"),                                     by its

attorneys, hereby replies to the opposition of Norris Satellite

Communications,    Inc.    ("Norris")    to GTE Spacenet‘s petition to

deny the above—captioned application of Norris, and states as



           On July 16,      1990,   Norris filed with the Commission an

application for authority to construct two satellites and launch

one to operate in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service (FSS) .

Unlike other FSS applications previously before the Commission,

Norris proposes to operate its satellites at frequencies in the

19.5 — 20.2 GHz    (G@ownlink)      and 29.3 — 30.0 GHz                                   (uplink) bands,

commonly referred to as the Ka—band.

           Had Norris‘s proposal been limited to providing FSS

service at Ka—band,       GTE Spacenet would not have opposed the

application, provided that Norris had demonstrated compliance

with the qualifications and operational standards established by

the Commission for all FSS licensees.     Norris‘s proposal,

however, contemplates something quite different from provision of

FSS services at Ka—band.

          Simultaneously with the filing of its application,

Norris filed a petition for rulemaking.     In its rulemaking

petition, Norris proposes the reallocation of the 19.7 — 20.2 GHz

and 29.5 — 30.0 GHz bands in the Commission‘s Table of Frequency

Allocations"‘ to a new service which Norris calls a "general

satellite service."   The proposed general satellite service is

not a new service at all; rather it is a combined allocation of

three existing services —— FSS, mobile satellite service (MSS)

and direct broadcast satellite service (DBS)    —— to the same

frequency bands.   Norris‘s application —— despite being styled as

an application to provide FSS service —— is in reality an

application to operate satellites in the not—yet—allocated

general satellite service.    Norris has not provided any technical

analysis which supports its contention that these three disparate

services can be provided on a co—satellite co—frequency basis

without necessitating wider orbital spacings than would be

required for FSS or without causing intolerable interference to

FSS services.   Therefore,   GTE Spacenet has found it necessary to

oppose Norris‘s petition for rulemaking and its application.

          GTE Spacenet has opposed Norris‘s proposed general

satellite service primarily because it would constitute an

1/   47 C.F.R. §2.106.

inefficient use of spectrum and would reduce available

frequencies and orbital locations for FSS    —— a service which has

experienced a two decade long constant growth of demand —— in

order to provide additional orbital locations and spectrum for

MSS and DBS —— services for which there is no current or

anticipated need for additional orbital locations or


          As noted in GTE Spacenet‘s petition to deny, grant of

Norris‘s application combined with reallocation of frequencies to

create a general satellite service, would afford Norris

substantial competitive advantages over other FSS service

providers since Norris‘s FSS operations would not be subject to

the same requlatory and operational constraints as other FSS

satellite operators.   GTE Spacenet demonstrated that Norris‘s

application did not comply with the Commission‘s FSS

qualifications requirements, primarily the financial

qualifications standards promulgated for all FSS applicants.*"

2/   See, Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. petition for
amendment of Parts 2 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules to
establish a general satellite service in the Ka—band, RM—7511,
comments of GTE Spacenet, filed November 13, 1990.  Even those
that are proponents of additional spectrum for MSS do not believe
that the solution to MSS spectrum needs can be found at Ka—band.
See, e.y., comments of the American Mobile Satellite Corporation
(AMSC) in RM No. 7511, filed November 13, 1990, at 2.  ("Norris‘s
proposal does not, however, hold out an immediate prospect for
solving the spectrum shortage for MSS in the L—band.")

3/   Petition to deny of GTE Spacenet,   filed November 13,   1990.


           In opposing the general satellite service proposal, GTE

Spacenet pointed out that FSS and DBS were operationally

incompatible with each other.     FSS and MSS also are operationally

incompatible.    The higher power densities and small aperture

antennas which are necessary to permit DBS operations have

necessitated nine degree spacing for DBS satellites rather than

two degree spacing now required by the Commission for FSS

satellites.     By combining DBS, MSS and FSS operations on the same

frequencies on the same satellites, general satellite service

satellites would appear to need the maximum spacing currently

required for DBS satellites —— nine degrees. 4/    that would reduce

to two or three the number of orbital locations available to

provide CONUS service at Ka—band.*"    Moreover, the Commission

previously has recognized that the operational incompatibility of

FSS and DBS would require "inordinately large orbital


4/    GTE Spacenet comments at 4.

5/   RM No. 7511, Comments of GTE Spacenet at 5—6.  As GTE
Spacenet noted in those comments, fifty state coverage at Ka—
band would not be attainable from any orbital locations.  Since
it would take two satellites to provide fifty state coverage, at
nine degree spacing only one Ka—band satellite system could be

6/    An Inquiry Relating to Preparation for the 1983 Region 2
Administrative Radio Conference of the International
Telecommunication Union for the Planning of the Broadcasting —
Satellite Service in the 12 GHz Band and Associated Uplinks,
Docket No. 80—398 (Second Notice of Inquiry) FCC 81—248, released

             Similarly, MSS operations are incompatible with FSS

services.     There have been occasions where the Commission has

approved use of FSS satellites to provide non—FSS services.

However,    those cases have not involved co—satellite co—frequency

transmissions as proposed by Norris.     Moreover,    in each of those

situations, use of FSS satellites to provide non—FSS services was

approved only after a Commission finding that there would be no

significant impact on FSS operations. 7/   In another case, non—

FSS use of a FSS satellite was approved only on an "ancillary"


            Recently, the Commission recognized the inherent

incompatibility of FSS and MSS operations when it refused to

permit AMSC —— a MSS permittee —— to use FSS frequencies at a

central orbital location for its feeder links.        In rejecting

AMSC‘s request, the Commission declined to limit the operation of

FSS satellites as would have been necessitated by AMSC‘s central

location proposal.     The Commission stated as follows:

            We will not prevent a domestic satellite
            [FSS] licensee from operating at full

6/   (...continued)
June 5,    1983 at para.   15.

7/   GTE Spacenet Corporation,    2 FCC Red 5312,    5313   (1987).

8/   Geostar Positioning Corporation, Mimeo No.       6144, released
August 7,    1986.

             capacity from this location, especially where
             other alternatives are available.

             Nothing in Norris‘s application,     its petition for

rulemaking or its responsive pleadings filed on January 7, 1991

demonstrate that MSS, DBS and FSS services can be provided on a

co—satellite co—frequency basis without reducing the number of

orbital locations available for FSS.       While Norris suggests

that nine degree spacing would not be necessary for DBS

operations at Ka—band and that the nine degree requirement was

adopted by the Commission for the 12.2 — 12.7 GHz band only, in

order to implement the 1983 Region 2 Broadcasting Service plan,"‘

it has provided nothing to support its contention that DBS and

FSS could coexist at Ka—band in a reduced spacing environment.

As Norris recognizes, nine degree spacing was adopted in 1983 to

ensure that each Region 2 administration would have at least one

DBS orbital location.     This would be no less true for Ka—band


             Whether the Commission‘s nine degree spacing

requirement for DBS satellites is applicable to all DBS

operations or is limited only to Ku—band operations is not the

point.     What matters is that the technical concerns which led to

the 1983 Region 2 agreement and the Commission‘s nine degree DBS

spacing policy are fully applicable as well to Ka—band DBS

9/      Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the
Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service,    et.   al.,   FCC 89—364,   released
January 11, 1990 at paragraph 39.

10/      Norris opposition at 10.

operations.     Norris, as the proponent of co—frequency co—

satellite DBS, MSS and FSS operations, must carry the burden of

demonstrating that its plan can work.         It has not done so.   It

states that it is "confident" that it can demonstrate that close

orbital spacing would be possible, with provision of FSS and

point—to—multipoint services. /         Itt has not provided any

technical analysis to support that confidence.

             GTE Spacenet agrees with Norris that some point—to—

multipoint services can be provided satisfactorily in a reduced

spacing environment,     for example,    Very Small Aperture Terminal

(VSAT)    networks.   VSAT networks,    unlike DBS and MSS services,     are

FSS services.     They do not require the substantially higher power

densities necessary to provide DBS or MSS services.          DBS and MSS

incompatibility with FSS is not caused by their being point—to—

multipoint services.      As noted, some FSS services are point—to—

multipoint.     Rather it is the result of the relative differences

in power levels needed for DBS and MSS operations vis—a—yvis FSS

operations.     These relative power differences are independent of

the absolute power level differences between C—band and Ku—band

operations on the one hand and Ka—band operations on the other.

In asserting that DBS, MSS and FSS could operate compatibly in a

Ka—band general satellite service,        Norris disregards the relative

power differences needed to provide DBS and MSS services vis—a—,

vis FSS service in any frequency band.

11/      Norris reply comments, RM 7511, at 5.

            There is yet another reason why GTE Spacenet opposes

use of FSS frequencies at Ka—band to provide DBS.      In the very

near future, direct satellite—to—home video service will become

possible using FSS satellites without disrupting other FSS

operations.     The development of digital compression technology

will enable as many as eight video signals to be transmitted on a

single transponder within the power limitations established for

FSS at Ku—band.      These digitally compressed signals will be

receivable at homes equipped with small (one meter)     antennas

which are only slightly larger than those contemplated for DBS

transmission.     As a result, DBS—type services will be able to be

provided to consumers over FSS satellites in a manner which will

not be disruptive of other FSS services.

            In view of the impending availability of FSS satellite—,

to—home video services,    there is no reason to allocate

frequencies to a general satellite service or to otherwise allow

a FSS licensee to use FSS frequencies —— even at Ka—band —— in a

manner which would reduce the availability of spectrum and

orbital locations for FSS services or interfere with the

provision of those services.     Of course, digital compression

technology will be available to all FSS operators,     including

Norris.    Norris,   like all other FSS licensees, will be able to

offer satellite—to—home video services using digital compression

technology in a manner compatible with other FSS operations and

without the need to combine DBS and FSS in a general satellite


          Norris may also be able to provide mobile services over

its FSS satellites without spectrum reallocation and creation of

a general satellite service.    MSS already is allocated on a

secondary basis to the Ka—band frequencies sought by Norris.

Pursuant to that secondary allocation, Norris will be allowed to

offer MSS services provided that it demonstrate that those MSS

services will not interfere with FSS operations and that its MSS

operations will not necessitate greater orbital spacing than

would be necessary for FSS.     If Norris is able to successfully

coordinate its MSS operations with the FSS operations of other

satellites within the orbital spacing deemed appropriate by the

Commission for Ka—band FSS services,    it will be able to provide

MSS over its Ka—band satellites —— even within the current

allocations.   If Norris‘s MSS operations cannot be successfully

coordinated, then its provision of MSS services would be

disruptive to FSS operations.    Such disruptions should not be

countenanced either by allowing frequency usages which interfere

with a primary allocation or by reallocating to a service that is

operationally incompatible with the service now allocated to

those frequencies on a primary basis.


          In its petition to deny, GTE Spacenet showed that

Norris‘s application did not meet the financial qualifications

                               —=   10   —

standards for FSS applicants promulgated by the Commission, 127 and

that Norris was not entitled to a waiver of the financial

qualifications requirements.L/      Norris‘s opposition does not even

attempt to demonstrate compliance with the Commission‘s financial

standards for FSS applications.      Rather,    it asks the Commission

to apply more flexible financial standards noting that flexible

standards sometimes have been applied to new services."*‘

          As GTE Spacenet noted in its comments on Norris‘s

rulemaking petition, the proposed general satellite service is

not a "new" service at all, but is rather the combining of three

existing services in one frequency band. 52/      Moreover, Norris‘s

application is styled as an FSS application and there is no

justification to exempt Norris from the license qualification

requirements —— including financial requirements —— applicable to

all other FSS applicants.

          Financial qualification standards for FSS applicants

were not, as suggested by Norris,        introduced in order to conclude

a processing round expeditiously without hearings or to avoid

tying up scarce orbital locations by firms unable to proceed with

12/   GTE Spacenet petition at 10—13.

13/   Id., 13—16.
14/   Norris opposition at 16—17.

15/   Because the proposed general satellite service is not a
"new" service, GTE Spacenet also has objected to Norris‘s request
that it be awarded a "pioneers‘ preference."  See, RM No. 7511,
initial comments of GTE Spacenet at 14—17.

                                      —=   11   —

prompt construction of facilities. i/               rather, adoption of
financial qualifications standards by the Commission for all

radio services,      including FSS,        is a statutory obligation.

Section 308 (b)     of the Communications Act states, in relevant

part,   as follows:

                    All applications for station licenses
            ...shall set forth such facts as the
            Commission by requlation may prescribe as to
            the citizenship,     character,         and financial,
            technical and other qualifications of the
            applicant to operate the station.
            Under the Act, the Commission is empowered to

promulgate financial qualification reqgulations specific for a

particular service, but it may not ignore an applicant‘s

financial qualifications or lack thereof in awarding licenses.

The financial showing made by Norris is insufficient to determine

its financial qualifications by any standard.

            GTE Spacenet recognizes that Norris proposes to operate

its satellite in a currently—unused frequency band.                  Accordingly,

it would not object to a somewhat more relaxed financial standard

for Norris than the stringent Ultravision‘"" standard normally
applicable to FSS applicants.              However, any such adjustment to

the Ultravision standard for Norris must be subject to conditions

that Norris provide information sufficient to demonstrate to the

Commission that it will be able to construct within a reasonable

16/     Norris opposition at 16—17.

17/     47 U.S.C.    §308(b) (1988)    (emphasis added).

18/     1 FCC 2d 544 (1965).      See, 47 C.F.R. §25.391(d).

                                =   12   —

timeframe and that Norris provide the Commission with periodic

reports on its capital raising and construction activities.

            As GTE Spacenet noted in its petition to deny, previous

decisions by the Commission to allow FSS and other satellite

applicants to be subject to "due diligence" financial

requirements have not worked wel1 .4*        Based upon those

experiences, any deviation from the Ultravision standard

applicable to all other FSS applicants must be carefully

conditioned on adherence to a strict construction timetable.

Further,    if the Commission elects to afford Norris the benefit of

a more flexible financial qualifications standard than the

standard promulgated for FSS applicants,        that standard nmnust

deviate as little as possible from the normally applicable FSS

standard.    It should afford Norris a reasonable opportunity to

obtain the requisite financing but not permit Norris to hold a

Commission permit indefinitely while it searches for funding.

More importantly,   the Commission should accompany any such

adjustment of its financial qualifications standards for Norris

with an explanation of the unique circumstances which warrant the

special treatment (e.q., that Norris has applied for a currently—,

unused frequency band).     In carving out narrow exceptions to the

FSS processing standards, the Commission should avoid the

beginnings of a gradual erosion of those carefully developed

standards through a series of ad hoc modifications and waivers.

19/   GTE Spacenet petition at 14—16.

                                 — 13 —


              For the reasons discussed in its petition to deny and

its comments in RM No.     7511, provision of FSS,   DBS and MSS using

the same frequency band on the same satellite has not been shown

to be workable.       The need for wider orbital separation necessary

to prevent DBS and MSS interference with FSS services are no less

great at Ka—band than at C—band or Ku—band.

              In addition, the financial information provided by

Norris does not enable the Commission to conclude that Norris is

financially qualified, either under the processing standard

applicable to other FSS applicants or under any other reasonable

financial standard.

          Accordingly, GTE Spacenet again asks the Commission to

deny Norris‘    application.   Alternatively,   if the application is

not denied, then it urges the Commission to grant Norris!

application only subject to conditions that Norris demonstrate

compliance with two degree spacing or other reduced spacing

requirements determined by the Commission to be appropriate for

Ka—band operations for all services provided over its satellite

and that it be subject to a "due diligence" standard which would

require that Norris periodically report to the Commission on the

status of its capital raising efforts, that it obtain financing

within twelve months of grant and that it complete construction

within three years of obtaining the necessary financing.

                             —=   14   —

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

                                           Mitchell F. Brecher

                                           DOW,   LOHNES   & ALBERTSON
                                           1255 23rd Street,      NW
Terri B. Natoli                            Suite 500
Industry Relations Manager                 Washington,     D.C.   20037
1700 Old Meadow Road
McLean, Virginia   22102

January 21, 1991

                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I hereby certify that a copy of the foregoing "Reply to

Opposition" of GTE Spacenet Corporation has been sent this 22nd

day of January 1991,    first class U.S. mail, postage prepaid, to

the following:

          Leslie A. Taylor, Esq.
          6800 Carlynn Court
          Bethesda, Maryland       20817—4302
          (Counsel for Norris Satellite Communications, Inc.)

          Bruce D. Jacobs,      Esq.
          Fisher Wayland Cooper & Leader
          1255 23rd Street, N.W.
          Suite 800
          Washington,   D.C.     20037
          (Counsel for American Mobile Satellite Corporation)

          Lon C. Levin, Esq.
          Glenn S. Richards, Esq.
          Gurman,   Kurtis,    Blask & Freedman,        Chartered
          1400   l6th Street,    N.W.
          Suite 500
          Washington, D.C. 20036
          (Counsel for American Mobile Satellite Corporation)

          Mr. Philip Schneider
          Geostar Messaging Corporation
          1001 22nd Street,      N.W.
          Suite 550
          Washington, D.C.       20037

          Mr. Daniel P. Sullivan
          Sierracom, Inc.
          Post Office Box 3493
          Manhattan Beach, California           90266

          Philip L. Malet, Esq.
          Steptoe & Johnson
          1330 Connecticut Avenue,       N.W.
          Washington, D.C.       20036
          (Counsel for Motorola)

    *          Richard M. Firestone, Esq.
               Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               1919 M Street, N.W., Room 500
              Washington, D.C.       20554

*              James R.   Keegan,   Esq.
               Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
               Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               2025 M Street,   N.W.,      Room 6010
              Washington, D.C.       20554

*              Cecily C. Holiday, Esq.
               Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
               Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
               Washington, D.C.      20554

*              Fern J. Jarmulnek, Esq.
               Satellite Radio Branch
               Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
               Washington, D.C.      20554

*              Rosalee Gorman, Esq.
               Satellite Radio Branch
               Common Carrier Bureau
               Federal Communications Commission
               2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
               Washington, D.C.      20554

                                                  in w %\.{V\f7    D
                                               Margaret‘ A.   Chandler

*       Via Hand Delivery

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