Attachment 1990Financial Qualif

1990Financial Qualif

OTHER submitted by Norris

Financial Qualifications


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                           |                                PE®FIVED
                                               LESLIE TAYLOR ASSOCIATES
                                                  Telecommunications Consultants                             &
                                                        6800 Carlynn Court                     §§§ 2 8
                                                    Bethesda, MD 20817—4302
                                                                                         Federal Communications Commission
                                                          (301) 229—9341
                                                                                                Office of the Secretary
                                                       Fax (301) 229—3148
                                                     September 28, 1990

            Mrs. Donna Searcy
            Secretary —
            Federal Communications Commission
            1919 M Street, N.W.
            Room 222           '
            Washington, D.C. 20554

            Re:   Application to Construct, Launch and Operate Ka—band                   (30/20      GHz)
            Communications Satellites in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service

            Dear Ms. Searcy:

            Attached are an original and nine copies of a letter regarding the financing for the above—
            referenced system. Please associate this letter with Part I, Section 8.0, Financial
            Qualifications, in the application.

            If you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact the undersigned.

            Sincerely yours,

       Soste 4
       | Leslie A. Taylor

            cc: Cecily Holiday, Esq.
                Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
                Cammon Carrier Bureau

                Fern Jarmulfiek, Esq. >
                       Redio Sranch     _
                      on Carrier Bureau
                               S L ‘V.ML». >

                                        McINTOSH & DWYER SECURITIES CORPORATION
    ols   ho   o
                                               DWYER AND ASSOCIATES, INC.
    47/35-3‘?22       _                           PJ FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC.                        — 2200 Cady Way
                                                      JININA PRODUCTIONS                           Winter Park, FL 32792
                                                     McINTOSH & DWYER, PA


                                                      feptember 21, 1990                            SEP 2 8 920
                                                                                              Federal Communications Commission
                          ;                ates                                                      Officeot t
                   Leslie A. Taylor, Esquire                                                         fféi;ffifiTm?f.“
                   Leslie A. Tayior Associates                                                         tS Smnd ¥ K2 f
                   6800 Carlynn Court
                   Bethesda, MD ~20817—4302                                                             OCTf          54

                   Dear Ms.   Tayiar,

                   Please     be  advised,   we are in the process aoaf seekingA and     securing
                   financing/funding, on a best efforts basis, for the purpose of constructing
                   and putting in piate Norstar 1 and Norstar II,     a projectt to be headed by
                   Noarris Satellite Communications, Inc..


                    mury Oy

     Fefleral Bar .Associau'on .                                                        National Bar Association
International Society of Financiers                                             Florida Motion Picture & TV Association

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:35:49
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:35:49

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