Attachment 1900Comments of Sier

1900Comments of Sier

COMMENT submitted by Sierracom Inc.



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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      c »aAb"         4 > _\\3                                                   Domestic Facilities Divi<
     5C              2A               Before the                                   Satellite Radio Branc


            a¥ts                Washington, D.C. 20554
             & *

In the Matter of the Application of                )
Norris   Satellite Communications,        Inc.     )     File Nos. 54—DSS—P/L—90
                                                   )            55—DSS—P—90
For Authority to Construct, Launch and )
Operate a Communications Satellite in )
the Domestic Fixed Satellite Service   )

                       COMMENTS OF SIERRACOM INC.

      Sierracom Inc. hereby submits these Comments in support of
the above—referenced application. Sierracom is a newly formed
corporation dedicated to the emerging infrastructure of information
management and distribution for the twenty—first century, including
the use of satellites for communications and data distribution.
Among these business interests is the satellite distribution of
university instructional television. The principals of Sierracom are
highly experienced in the development of communication satellites
for the commercial sector, for NASA, and for the Department of
Defense. Sierracom urges the Commission to grant the application
of Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. [hereinafter referred to as
Norris]. Implementation of this system would serve the public
interest by promoting the use of a new frequency band. This will, in
turn, reduce congestion in the C— and Ku—Bands. The employment of
Ka—Band will allow the optimization of communications satellite
systems with an order of magnitude higher capacity, through
exploitation of the wider band frequency allocations available and
the greater frequency re—use achievable.               Higher capacity systems

                                                 SIERRACOM mc

will lower costs for satellite services, thereby making them
available to a wider set of users, including educational television

      Section 151 of the Communications Act of 1934, as amended,
calls upon the Federal Communications Commission to "make
available, as far as possible, to all the people of the United States a
rapid, efficient, Nation—wide and world—wide wire and radio
communication service."! Granting the Norris application would be
consistent with the Commission‘s statutory mandate as this new
licensee would bring to the U.S. market the first commercial
satellite operating on these currently unused frequencies.
       The United States at present lags behind Japan and Europe in
the implementation of Ka—Band satellite communications service,
even though the technology has been achievable within this country
for some time. The National Aeronautical and Space Administration
("NASA") has taken the research and development lead. It plans to
deploy an experimental Ka—Band satellite—the Advanced
Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)—in 1992         However,
Norris alone has proposed implementation of a commercial Ka—Band
      The Commission should approve the Norris application,
enabling a private venture to bring this new technology into
commercial fruition and initiate the utilization of the new
frequencies.   This commercial Ka—Band facility can meet the needs
of certain users for operation in an interference—free environment
and serve as a vehicle for the development of further Ka—Band
technology, which can lead to satellites of very high capacity and
systems operating at extremely high data rates.

1     Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 U.S.C. Sec. 151.

                                                       SIERRACOM mc.
Implementation of the Norris System will initiate an
evolution of new systems in Ka—Band with substantially
higher capacity, leading to more efficient utilization of
the entire spectrum.

      The principals of Sierracom have spent careers in the system
synthesis and the management of communication satellite
developments. These activities have included one of the first
comsats (Project Relay for NASA), an advanced Ku—Band satellite for
Western Union (Advanced Westar), Ka—Band satellite studies for
AT&T, and preliminary design studies for the Japanese Ku—Band
direct broadcast (Japanese Broadcast Satellite) and for the Japanese
Ka—Band system (Japanese Communications Satellite). We have
extensive background in the development and evolution of Ku—Band
and Ka—Band throughout the world. Currently Sierracom is initiating
entrepreneurial ventures that will exploit Ka—Band to provide for
communication needs of the twenty—first century.     Presently these
include a partnership with the University of Southern California
(USC) for synthesizing an instructional television system that will
extend their current terrestrial operation to a nationwide system.
      Transponder costs for the transmission of television is a
major obstable in the growth of educational programming, for which
there is a major nation need. Segments of the educational television
offerings are tuition supported, with substantial industrial support,
including the current USC terrestrial system.   Public education
needs, which are even greater, are more economically sensitive.
Digital compressed video technology, being implemented in all
frequency   realms,   will   favorably   impact   satellite   transmission
costs, leading to a large growth in the educational progamming
available through the school systems. However, the principal need
for private and public implementation of increased educational
television service is a substantial reduction in satellite
transponding costs.
      Many of the educational transmission and distribution needs
via satellite are multi—point to multi—point, as opposed to the area
cover needs of broadcast systems.     Ka—Band utilizing the multibeam

                                                SIERRACOM imc.

technology of ACTS, in conjunction with digital compression,
multiplexing, and multiple access techniques, can effect satellite
systems that are extremely high capacity and very efficient in the
utilization of satellite weight, and therefore, space segment costs
to orbit. Such systems can be optimized, through the use of the
wider bandwidth, frequency re—use, and multibeam system
attributes achievable at Ka—Band, to provide a very low cost
nationwide transmission system for educational networks and other
networks with similar characteristics.
       The system and hardware technologies for implementation of
these new generations of communication satellites exist.    The
satellite industry would benefit greatly from the opening up of Ka—
Band in the U.S. for commercial telecommunications. Japan and
Europe are farther along this path and have an advantage with
respect to international competitions for these system
implementations.    Norris represents an initial capability in Ka—Band
that will be a major step in the evolution toward the next generation
of domestic communication satellites within the U.S.    Operational
users for which Ka—Band represents an appropriate, and much
needed, new capability will gravitate toward this new band and the
systems that provide service there. This will relieve conjestion at
C— and Ku—Band, making them available to users for which these
lower bands are best suited to their requirements.
     The ACTS program, with its experimental phase, provides an
initial capability for Ka—Band, permitting users to commence
operation on a demonstration basis in 1992. With prompt approval
by the Commission of the Norris application, these users can plan
for permanent Ka—Band services with increasing potential for
greater system capacity and lower costs. The planned existence of
the Norris system will reduce the risk and increase the potential
benefits of participation in the ACTS experimental program.

                                                   SIERRACOM inc.

The Development and Operational Expansion Of The Norris
System Will Enhance This Nation‘s Technology Base And Its
Ability to Compete in Future Satellite Procurements

      Ka—Band Satellites will most certainly become a key element
of the evolving communication infrastructure of countries
throughout the world. The competition for the hardware for these
programs, both the space segment and the terminals, will also be
international, with the development and manufacturing considered to
be highly desirable business. Operational programs in Ka—Band are in
place in other parts of the world, including Japan and Europe, partly
as a result of joint ventures with U.S. firms. The technological base
for Ka—Band development certainly exists domestically, partly from
the synergism with military programs, and manufacturing from the
Norris program will enhance the competiveness of the U.S. in this
important area.
      Sierracom strongly believes that this nation should be leading
the world in the development, manufacture, and utilization of
communication satellites.       Government sponsored research and
development in Ka—Band satellites, most notably the ACTS program,
and the accompanying experimental activities by industrial and
academic entities, will have brought along the technology and the
operating experience. Now is the time to initiate the
implementation of a commercial system through approval of the
Norris application.     In fact, the availability of a commercial Ka—Band
system in   1994, which Norris represents, will stimulate interest in
the ACTS program and increase the number of participants in
experiments, thereby enabling the telecommunications industry to
 reap greater benefits from this government investment of $500
      Recently, the Commission acknowledged the strategic
importance of telecommunications to this nation‘s overall
trade posture. 2      And in the case of aeronautical telecommunications,
the Commission recognized that "the need to expeditiously move
ahead in view of potential foreign competition" meant that it must

                                                                                                   SIERRACOM imc.

work to "ensure the early introduction of....... services to the U.S. ..."3
Sierracom believes that the Norris application presents the
Commission with a timely opportunity to promote the commercial
application of government—sponsored research and development.
Prompt implementation of a commercial system utilizing the
information gained thus far in develbpment of ACTS will help retain
this nation‘s technological and marketplace leadership in satellite


      Sierracom Inc. believes that the Commission authorization of
the Norris application can abate congestion in the C— and Ku—Bands,
promote innovation, enhance consumer welfare, improve this
nation‘s telecommunications equipment balance of trade,. and serve
the public interest.
       For the above reasons, Sierracom urges the Commission to
grant the Norris application without delay.

                                                                                            Respectfully   submitted,

                                                                                        ay. m bbhs
                                                                                            Daniel P. Sullivan
                                                                                            Sierracom —Inc.

November 8, 1990

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     2   Regulatory Policies and International Telecommunications,
4 FCC Red. 7387 (1988).

     3   Provision of Aeronautical Services via the Inmarsat System.
CC Docket No. 87—75, 4 FCC Red. 6072, 6078 (1989).

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:34:17
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:34:17

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