Attachment 1990Comments of GTE

1990Comments of GTE

COMMENT submitted by GTE Spacenet Corp.



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                     }         RECEIVED
                                                 § S                                               NoV 1 3 1990
                                  BEFORE THE

        Federal Commumcatlons Comm|ssmn

                            WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                                                         NOV 6.

                                                                                                      Domestic Facilities
                                                                                                        Satellite Radio Bran

                                                     ve ve y m Ne e s mt Nt mt
In the Matter of

NORRIS    SATELLITE    COMMUNICATIONS,    INC.                                    RM=—7 511

For Amendment of Parts 2 and 25
of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish
a General Satellite Service in
the Ka—band    (30/20 GHz)


                          GTE   SPACENET CORPORATION

Troy D. Ellington                           Mitchell F.                                  Brecher
Vice President—Engineering
  and Development

Terri B. Natoli                             BISHOP, COOXK, PURCELL AND REYNOLDS
Industry Relations Manager                  1400 L Street, N.W.
1700 Old Meadow Road                        Washington, D.C. 20005—3502
McLean, Virginia 22102                      (2092)                               371—S57L0
(703)    848—1400

                                            Its Attorney

November 13,    1990

                                     TABLE OF CONTENTS


       SUMMARY...................e....... «e .e .. ...2 ..                              1i

       INTRODUCTION ................l.eee k.k e eee.....


       FOR A GENERAL SATELLITE SERVICE AT Ka—BAND . ...                                 10

       GENERAL SATELLITE SERVICE.....................                                   13

       PREFERENCE. ... ... . . . . s k k e k e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s s e e es     14

       CONCLUSION. . .. .. .. k . k k k k k k e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e s es    18

                                  — i4 —

                                  SUMMARY —

       GTE Spacenet Corporation opposes Norris Satellite

Communications, Inc.‘s petition for rulemaking to allocate

frequencies in the Ka—band      (30/20 GHz)   to a general satellite

service.    GTE Spacenet also opposes Norris‘          request that its

simultaneously—filed application for authorization to construct,

launch and operate a satellite system at Ka—band be awarded a

pioneer‘s preference.

       The proposed reallocation of Ka—band to provide a general

satellite service contemplates provision of fixed—satellite

services    (FSS),   mobile satellite services    (MSS)    and direct

broadcast satellite services      (DBS)    in the same frequency band

over the same satellite.      It would be an inefficient use of

spectrum and orbital locations.       Since the proposal would include

DBS,   satellites would have to be separated by nine degrees

because of the higher power density operation and required nine

dégree spacing for DBS satellites.          Further,    because of the

greater sensitivity to rain fade interference at Ka—band than at

Ku—band or C—band,      Ka—band satellites must operate from locations

which provide higher elevation angles.          As a result,    fifty state

coverage cannot be achieved from any Ka—band satellite.             At most,

only three commercial U.S.      Ka—band satellites will be able to

provide CONUS coverage under the general satellite service


                                =— iii —

     The Commission has long recognized that FSS and DBS are

operationally incompatible and has required their allocation

to separate frequency bands.     It should not deviate from that

policy.    Moreover, a general satellite service allocation would

reduce available additional spectrum for FSS —— a service where

demand is increasing,    and would increase available spectrum for

MSS and DBS —— services for which there is little currefit demand.

     Although the Commission has allowed satellites to be used

to provide multiple services,    the Commission never has permitted

dissimilar and incompatible services to be provided over the same

satellite in the same frequency bands.       Contrary to Norris‘

suggestion,    creation of an inefficient general satellite service

is not necessary to hasten the development of services at

Ka—band.     FSS expansion into Ka—band will occur as capacity in

curréhtly~used bands becomes scarce,       new competitors seek market

entry and compatible ground equipment becomes available.

     Finally, Norris is not entitled to a pioneer‘s preference

under the Commission‘s proposed (but not adopted)       rule.   In

Docket No.    90—217, the Commission has proposed to reward

innovators who propose spectrum reallocations to provide new

services by not subjecting their applications to competing

applications and by affording them a headstart to bring their

service to the public.     Norris‘ proposal does not contemplate

a new service.     It merely seeks to combine several existing‘

services on one satellite.     Norris is not even the pioneer in

developing Ka—band for FSS.

                                                                                        NOVY 1 3 1998
                                                                                  Federal Cammunications Commission
                                                                                         Office of the Secretary
                                 Before the
                           Washington,      D.C.   20554

                                                    Nn nz n n k NR ze
In the Matter of

NORRIS    SATELLITE    COMMUNICATIONS,      INC.                        RM—7511

For Amendment of Parts         2   and 25
of the Commission‘s Rules to Establish
a General Satellite Service in
the Ka—band (30/20 GHz)


        GTE Spacenet Corporation        ("GTE Spacenet"),                     by its attorneys,

hereby submits its initial comments on the above—captioned

petition for rulemaking filed by Norris Satellite Communications,

Inc.    ("Norris")    and states as follows:


        on July 16,    1990}   Norris filed with the Commission the

instant petition and an application for authority to construct,

launch and operate communications satellites in the Domestic

Communications Fixed—Satellite Service. 1/ Norris proposes to

construct two satellites to operate in the Ka—band and to launch

one of these satellites at 90° w.L.                Although its application is

styled as a request for authority to operate satellites in the

1/     File Nos.   54—DSS—P/L—90 and 55—DSS—P—90.

Domestic Fixed—Satellite service,            Norris proposes to use its

satellites tovprovide a combination of fixed—satellite services

(FSS), mobile satellite services            (MSS)    and direct broadcast

satellite services           (DBS).   Currently,    the Ka—band       (30/20 GHz)

proposed to be used by Norris is allocated in the Commission‘s

Table of Frequency Allocations 2/ only to the fixed—satellite

service on a primary basis. 3/              Thus,    Norris‘   proposed use of

that band to provide MSS and DBS services on a co—primary basis

would violate the Table of Frequency Allocations.                     Normally,

applications that are in patent violation of Commission rules

cannot be granted absent waiver of those rules and thus may be

denied outright.          4/ For that reason,      Norris has proposed to

reallocate frequencies in the 30/20 GHz band to a new service

which it calls the General Satellite Service.

        GTE Spacenet has no objection to Norris‘               contemplated use of

Ka—band to provide FSS services provided that it does so in a

manner consistent with the Commission‘s requlatory scheme for

FSS.     However,        it does have public interest concerns regarding

Norris‘       proposal to reallocate Ka—band to a general satellite

service and to provide FSS, MSS and DBS in the same frequency

band over the same satellite.             Accordingly,    GTE Spacenet has

2/     47 C.F.R.     §    2.106.

3/     —Part of the Ka—band allocated to FSS also is allocated to MSS
       on a secondary basis.

4/     U.S.   v.   Storer Broadcasting,     Co.,    351 U.S.    192    (1956) .

found it necessary to oppose Norris‘       application §/‘and its

petition for rulemaking.


        In its petition,   Norris asserts that its general satellite

service proposal would promote spectrum efficiency,          reduce costs

and achieve economies of scale and scope.          6/ Contrary to that

assertion,      provision of FSS, MSS and DBS services in the same

frequency bands over the same satellites would be an inefficient

use of spectrum and orbital locations and would disserve the

public interest.

        As discussed more fully below,    Norris‘    assertions in its

rulemaking petition about spectrum and orbital efficiency are

contradicted by its own application.        Norris‘    application

contains no analysis of potential intersatellite interference

into or from adjacent satellites.        Rather,    Norris assumes that

the closest satellite operating in Ka—band will be the National

Aeronautics and Space Administfation’s       (NASA)    Advanced

Communications Technology Satellite (ACTS)          to be located at 100° —

W.L.    —— ten degrees away from Norris‘    proposed orbital location

at 90° W.L.       Thus, Norris implicitly aséumes that there will be

no other commercial satellite utilization of Ka—band and that its

5/     See, GTE Spacenet Corporation‘s Petition to Dbeny Application
       of Norris Satellite Communications, Inc., File
       Nos.   54—DSS—P/L—90 and 55—DSS—P—90 also filed today.

6/     Norris petition at 2.

proposed reallocation will enable only one commercial entity to

operate a satellite in the general satellite service.          Given the

spacing requirements of DBS,      that appears to be an accurate


      Since Norris‘ general satellite service proposal

contemplates the provision of FSS,       MSS and DBS using the same

satellite,    the orbital spacing of satellites operating in the

proposed general satellite service at Ka—band must comply with

the widest separation standards for each of the three services.

In the fixed—satellite'service, the Commission currently assigns

orbital locations based on a two degree spacing policy. 7/ In

contrast,    the higher power density DBS satellites have

necessitated nine degree spacing in the DBS service.          Orbital

assignments of satellites in a general satellite service would

have to comply with the nine degree spacing criteria to

accommodate DBS operatigns in that service.       8/

      Moreover, transmissions at the higher frequencies in Ka—band

are more subject to rain fade interference than at either C—band

or Ku-bafid.     To compensate for the rain fade,       Ka—band satellites

must operate at orbital locations which provide higher earth

7/   Licensing of Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite
     Service,   54 RR2d 572   (1983) .

8/   In this regard, it is not even clear whether Norris‘ proposal
     contemplates that all satellites licensed in the general
     satellite service would provide all three services —— FSS,
     MSS and DBS,   or whether an applicant could apply to use
     frequencies allocated to the general satellite service to
     operate a satellite in any one or more of the three services.

station elevation angles for areas subject to greater rain fade

(e.4q.,     the southeastern U.S.)     in order to serve the same

geographic areas as C—band or Ku—band satellites.               Therefore,

orbital locationsifrom which fifty state coverage is possible at

C—band and Ku—band are not capable of providing fifty state

coverage at Ka—band.           At Ku—band,   fifty state coverage can be

achieved from all orbital locations between 90° w.L.              and 105°

W.L.    and between 121° w.L.       and 131° w.L.   (assuming a ten degree

elevation angle).         9/                            |

        At Ka—band,      to compensate for the greater rain fade

experienced at higher frequencies, higher earth station elevation

angles are necessary to provide coverage.             GTE Spacenet estimates

that a twenty degree elevation angle would be necessary to

providé fifty state coverage at Ka—band.             However,    twenty degree

elevation angles are not possible from all            fifty states.       Even

assuming elevation angles of fifteen degrees,               fifty state

coverage at Ka—band is not attainable.            10/ GTE Spacenet has

9/     At Ku—band, the orbital locations between 107.3° w.L. and
|      118 .7"~   W.L.   are reserved for Canadian satellites.       As
       development of Ka—band satellites occurs, it is likely that a
       portion of the are will similarly be reserved for Canadian
       Ka—band operations,       and thus,   those locations will not be
       available for U.S. Ka—band satellites.

10/ In its application, Norris asserts that its satellites‘
    coverage will be fifty state (application at I—5).    It also
    states that its proposed satellite will be designed to
    prgvide optimizeg coverage from an orbital location between
    85~° W.L. and 100~ W.L. (Norris‘ application at I—6).   Since
    higher elevation angles are necessary at Ka—band, it is clear
    that the optimized coverage reference by Norris would be
    achieved only for CONUS locations.

determined that CONUS coverage at Ka—band could be achieved at

orbital locations between 80° w.L. and 118° W.L.       With the ACTS
sateliite to be located at 100° wW.L.   and orbital locations west

of 100° W.L.    reserved for Canadian satellites,   two or at most

three U.S.    commercial Ka—band satellites capable of CONUS

coverage could be assigned orbital locations based on the nine

degree spacing necessary to accommodate DBS operations.        In

contrast,    based on the current two degree spacing standard,      as

many as thirteen FSS satelliteé could be accommodated at Ka—band.

While those satellites would not be individually capable of fifty

state coverage,    that number of available orbital locations would

be sufficient to accommodate multiple satellite systems which

would provide fifty state coverage    (using two or more

satellites}).    The limited number of available orbital locations

and the inability of any Ka—band satellites to provide fifty

state coverage demonstrates why Norris‘ proposed general

satellite service would be an inefficient use of spectrum and

orbital locations.

     Because of the aforementioned differences in spacing

requirements between FSS and DBS, the Commission has consistently

found the services to be operationally incompatible.       This

incompatibility has necessitated that FSS and DBS be allocated

different portions of the spectrum.     In 1981,    the Commission

explained this incompatibility as follows:

             .. the relatively extreme technical difference
            between the BSS [(DBS] and FSS systems would
          require inordinately large orbital separations
        . between BSS and FSS satellites serving

           overlapping or adjacent service areas.  It was
           judged that these large orbital spacings would
           preclude either service from developing its
           full potential by severely limiting the number
           of satellite positions that would be available
           for either service. 11/

     The operational incompatibility and the resulting need for

FSS and DBS to be assigned to different portions of the spectrunm

are no less than they were in 1981.     In fact,   the differences are

even more pronounced than they were in 1981.       At that time,

orbital spacing standardg for C and Ku—band were three and four

degrees respectively.    At two degree spacing —— the current

standard —— even more potential FSS orbital locations would be

lost if a general satellite service with nine degree spacing to

accommodate DBS was implemented.

     The reality of the general satellite service allocation

proposal   is that there could be only one commercial satellite

system capable of providing fifty state coverage assuming that

Norris is permitted to launch its second satellite at 100° w.L.

upon termination of the ACTS program.       Thus, the general

satellite service would be a de facto monopoly service —— there

could be only one provider.    If Norris‘    application is granted

and its proposed reallocation adopted,      Norris would receive an

automatic "pioneer‘s preference" for the life of its satellite

11/ An Inquiry Relating to Preparations for the 1983 Reqgion 2
    Adaministrative Ragdio Conference of the International
    Telecommunication Union for the Planning of the Broadcasting—
    Satellite Service in the 12 GHz Band and the Associated
    Uplinks, Gen. Docket No. 80—398 (Second Notice of Inquiry),
    FCC 81—248, released June 5, 1981 (emphasis added).

since no other satellite licensee in the general satellite

service could be assigned orbital locations which would enable

them to serve fifty states.

     The proposed General Satellite Service would be inefficient

for another reason.     It would reduce the availability of

additional spectrum for a service where there is increased demand

—— FSS, and would increase the availability of spectrum for

services for which there is little current demand —— DBS and MSS.

During the past decade, the increased use of FSS services has

been exponential.     A decade ago,    the primary uses of the few FSS

satellites then operational were to serve the cable television

industry and to provide long distance telephone services.           Since

that time many additional satellités have been launched.           FSS

capacity has been used to provide a wide variety of services

including,    for example,    other video applications   (e.q.,   satellite

news gathering,    business video),    high speed data transport and a

variety of private network applications.        For example, Very Small

Aperture Terminal    (VSAT)    networks —— perhaps the most rapidly

growing use of FSS —— had not yet begun to be deployed.            Today,

literally thousands of locations are served by VSAT networks

which provide users with data, video and voice capabilities.

     While FSS expansion into Ka—band has not yet occurred,           that

expénsion is inevitable given the continuing growth in demand for

PSS service.     Just as growth in use of C—band led to development

of Ku—band,    continued growth of Ku—band will hasten the—

commercial development of Ka—band satellites.        In contrast, it

has been eight years since the Commission adopted reqgulatory

policies for DBS and began to award permits.        12/ To date,    not one

DBS system has been constructed and no DBS service is being

provided.     Similarly,   in the MSS service,   the Commission

concluded that the anticipated demand for those services would

not be sufficient to support multiple MSS systems.         Based upon’

that conclusion,      the Commission directed a group of MSS

applicants to form a consoftium      (the American Mobile Satellite

Corporation)    and operate one joint system.      In short,   under

Norris‘    general   satellite service proposal,   the Commission would

be taking spectrum allocafions and orbital locations away from a

heavily utilized and growing service and assigning them to three

services,    two of which have no present or anticipated demand for

additional spectrum at Ka—band.      13/

     Neither do Norris‘      claimed efficiency benefits of frequency

reuse,    narrower spot beams and traffic aggregation 14/ withstand

analysis.      Frequency reuse can be achieved simply by dual

polarization (Norris contemplates only single polarization for

its satellite).       Dual polarization can be accomplished just as

12/ Direct Broadcast Satellite Service,        90 FCC2d 676    (1982) .

13/ The American Mobile Satellite Corporation —— a proponent of
    additional spectrum for MSS, states that the most appropriate
    frequencies for additional MSS allocations are 1260—1300 MHz
    and 1435—1530—MHz, not at Ka—band.  See, Comments of American
    Mobile Satellite Corporation in RM—7400 (Petition to
    Establish a Satellite and Terrestrial CD Quality Broadcasting
    Service), filed August 20, 1990 at 5.

14/ Norris petition for rulemaking,        supra at 5.

well in C—band and Ku—band satellites.           Narrow spot beams are

necessary for Ka—band satellites because of the higher power

needed to operate at those frequencies.           Aggregation of traffic

—— FSS,      DBS and MSS —— using the same spectrum will enable use of

the same earth stations for all three services.              To the extent

that some specific users may utilize all three services,               they

could realize the operating efficiency of single,             multi—purpose

earth stations.       However,   any efficiency benefit of multiple use

earth station equipment would be outweighed by the reduced usable

orbital positions and corresponding reduction in services.               15/

              . SERVICE AT Ka—BAND

       Norris supports its Ka—band general satellite service

allocation proposal with references to several previous

situations where the Commission has approved equipping satellites

to perform multiple purposes.          These examples —— addition of a

Geostar transmit/receive payload in the Radiodetermination

Satellite Service      (RDSS)    on GTE Spacenet‘s GSTAR IV,        an FSS

satellite 16/ and Geostar‘s provision of RDSS and messaging over

15/   The differences between FSS,       MSS   and DBS   are substantial.      It
      is inherently unlikely that any users would have a need to
      utilize more than one of those services.  Moreover, they
      could not be used simultaneously unless separate earth
      stations are being utilized.

16,   GTE Spacenet Corporation,       2 FCC Red 5312     (1987) .

the same satellite —— 17/ are clearly distinguishable from

Norris‘ proposal for a general satellite service allocation.                   In

the first situation,        the Commission made an expressvfinding that

Geostar‘s RDSS operations would have "no significant adverse

impact on fixed—satellite service in the 12/14 GHz band." 18/ In

the second situation,        Geostar‘s application was approved to

enable it to provide FSS on an "ancillary" basis. 19/

          Significantly,   in those cases,   the different services are

provided over the same satellites but use different frequency

bands.       Thus,   unlike the general satellite service proposal,

those situations do not involve provision of dissimilar and

‘incompatible services in the same frequency bands.                There is no

reduction of available orbital positions or other efficiency

losses resulting from those arrangements.

          In support of    its reallocation proposal,     Norris    also cites

the Commission‘s decision to allow AMSC to use feeder link

frequencies allocated to the fixed—satellite service.                20/ That

example bears no relevance to the general satellite service

reallocation proposal.          It does not involve provision ;f

different services —— either compatible or incompatible —— over

17/ Geostar Positioning Corporation,          Mimeo No.    6144,    released
    August 7, 1986.

18/   2   FCC Red at 5313.

19/   Geostar Corporation,       supra.

20/ Amendment of Parts 2, 22 and 25 of the Commission‘s Rules,                   et
    al. (Docket No. 84—1234), 4 FCC Red 6041 (1989) .

 the same satellite using the same frequencies.             Rather,   the

 Commission approved AMSC‘s proposal to operate satellites at

 unassiqgned locations at the outer fringes of the arc —— 62° w.u.

 and 139° w.L.—— to provide feeder links.             These assignments were

 approved based upon a Commission determination that they would

 not have any adverse impact on the number or types of services

 that can be made available to users by domestic fixed—satellites.                   21/

 Moreover,         the Commission noted that feeder link operations,        as

 proposed by AMSC, are indeed themselves fixed—satellite services.

 Thus, those assignments were fully consistent with the FSS

 allocations at Ku—band.         22/ Significantly,    however,   despite the

 fact that MSS feeder links constitute FSS service,               the Commission

 repeatedly has refused to allow AMSC to operate its feeder links

 at its central orbital location —— 101° wW.L.            In rejecting AMSC‘s

 request,         the Commission concluded properly that MSS feeder links

 were operationally incompatible with adjacent FSS operations and

 would therefore cause objectionable interference to FSS services,

 thus limiting available FSS bandwidth. 23/

            In short, none of the examples cited by Norris supports its

 proposal to combine three distinct and operationally incompatible

 services in one general satellite service allocation.

        Id. at 6052—6053.
8 B E

            a.   at 6053 .

        Assignment of Orbital Locations to Space Stations in the
        Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service,      5 FCC Red 179,       184   (1990) .


     Norris may be correct that development of Ka—band will

produce important public interest benefits including congestion

relief at C—band and Ku—band as well as stimulation of new

services.     It does not    follow,   however,   that a general   satellite

service allocation is necessary to promote development of Ka—band

satellite service.     Expansion of FSS services into additional

frequency bands occurs as operational capacity in currently—used

bands becomes scarce,       as new competitors seek market entry and as

compatible ground equipment becomes available.            In the 1970‘s,

domestic fixed—satellite services were provided almost

exclusively at C—band.        Beginning with the satellites authorized

in 1980,    FSS Services expanded to Ku—band.         As the FSS industry

continues to mature,    additional entrants,        additional equipment

and additional services are inevitable.            Utilization of Ka—band

frequencies to fulfill that additional demand for FSS services

also is inevitable.     Moreover,      the NASA ACTS progranm,     repéatedly

alluded to in Norris‘       rulemaking petition and application,        Qill

promote development of Ka—band earth station equipment.               Once

that equipment becomes available;         market pressures will stimulate

development of Ka—band fixed—satellite services.

     On previous occasions, the Commission has implemented

regulatory programs designed to foster development of new

services and increased spectrum utilization.            None of the

 examples cited by Norris 24/ involved Commission actions which

 resulted in less usable spectrum —— as would be the result of a

 general satellite serviceéballocation.               In fact, virtually all

 previously—adopted satellite reqgulatory programs have been

 desiqgned to promote competition,          innovation and choice by

 increasing spectrum and orbital availability and by reducing

 regulatory barriers to entry and growth.             25/   It will not be

 necessary to deviate from those policies in order to hasten the

 development of services at Ka—band.


        In éddition to proposing the reallocation of frequencies at

 Ka—band from the fixed—satellite service to a general satellite

 service,   Norris has requested that its application be awarded a

 "pioneer‘s preference"         in light of the risk to be undertaken by

 it.    To date,   the Commission has not adopted a rule providing for

pioneers‘    preferences.        However,   Norris‘    proposal would not be

entitled to a pioneer‘s preference based upon the Commission‘s

proposed rule.

        On April 27,    1990,    the Commission released a notice of

proposed rulemaking in General Docket No.               90—217,   wherein it

proposes to award pioneer‘s preferences to innovators who seek to

       Norris petition at 9.
6 E

       See, for example,    Domestic Communications Satellite
       Facilities,    35 FCC2d 844    (1972)    (the "Open Skies" policy)      and
       Licensing of Space Stations in the Domestic Fixed—Satellite
       Service,    54 RR2@ 572    (1983)    (Reduced Spacing).

 have spectrum reallocated to provide new services.   26/ Under that

 proposed rule,   parties filing rulemaking petitions requesting

 spectrum allocations for new services developed by the petitioner

 could request such a preference and file simultaneously an

 application for a license to offer the proposed new service.         If

 granted, the petitioner‘s application would not be subject to

 competing applications and applications from other prospective

 service providers could be held in abeyance to afford the

 "pioneer" a head start to bring its service to the public.     27/

       Under the Commission‘s proposal, the key criterion for

pioneer‘s preference eligibility is that the service be new.          As

the Commission stated in its Notice:

           In order for a service to be considered new,
           we would require that the proposal be for more
           than just additional spectrum for services
           that are already being provided.   Moreover, we
           expect the new service to be more than just a
           minor variation of an existing service.  We
           intend to limit the "pioneer‘s preference" to
           those novel services that address public needs
           that are being addressed inadequately. 28/

       Norris‘ general satellite service proposal would not meet

this test for a new service.     There is nothing novel or original

about the service Norris seeks to offer.      Its proposed general

satellite service at Ka—band is merely an aggregation of three

      Establishment of Procedures to Provide a Preference to

      Applicants Proposing an Allocation for New ‘Services, 5 FCC
      Red 2766 (1990).

      See, proposed section 1.402 of the Commission‘s Rules.
8 B

      5 FCC Red at 2767.

                                     — 16 —

 existing,      separate satellite services on one satellite.        FSS

 services are currently offered by numerous service providers and

 are widely,available.         MSS and DBS services already have been

 authorized by the Commission.         Stated simply,    the services which

Norris proposes to offer over a Ka—band satellite are neither new

 nor innovative.

       GTE Spacenet‘s parent corporation,          GTE Service Corporation

 (GTE),      supports the Commission‘s pioneer preference proposal.         29/

However,      as GTE noted    in those comments,    pioneer‘s preferences

should be available only to true pionsers,            i.e.,   those that "put

at risk their energies, capital and know—how in order to

‘experiment with and develop new services." 30/

       Norris‘ proposed "new" services are existing services

already allocated to other frequency bands.             In the case of FSS,

it is a service already allocated to Ka—band.             Further,   Norris

 is not even the pioneer in developing Ka—band for FSS services.

NASA‘s ACTS program was conceived several years ago and its

development is proceeding.          Norris is not even the first

commercial applicant to propose Ka—band FSS operations.               As far

back as 1983,         American Satellite Company applied for authority

to operate a triple hybrid satellite,         including C,      Ku and Ka—band


      See, comments of GTE Service Corporation in Gen. Docket No.
6 C

      90—217,     filed June 29,   1990.

      Igq.   at 11.

     In summary, Norris‘ general satellite service Ka—band

proposal is not a new service as contemplated by the Commission

in its pioneer‘s preference rulemaking nor is Norris even the

pioneer of FSS operations at Ka—band.     Thus,   it should not be

awarded a pioneer‘s preference based upon the quidelines proposed

by the Commission in Docket No. 90—217.



        For all of the reasons discussed in these comments,

reallocation of Ka—band frequencies to provide a general

satellite service would not serve the public interest.

Accordingly,      GTE Spacenet respectfully urges the Commission

to deny the instant petitidn for rulemaking and for award

of a pioneer‘s preference.

                                         Respectfully submitted,

                                         GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

 ul .b
Troy D.  Fllington    |
                                         Mitchell F.    Brecher
Vice PreBident, Engiffiering
  and Dégvelopment  t
                                         BISHOP, COOK, PURCELL AND REYNOLDS
                                         1400 L Street, N.W.
Terri  B. Natoli  .                      Washington,    D.C.   20005—3502
Industry Relations Manager               (202) 371—5710
1700 Old Meadow Road
McLean, Virginia 22102                   Its Attorney
(703)    848—1400

November 13,      1990

                     |      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      1, Karen M. Cameron, DO HEREBY CERTIFY that true and correct copies of the

foregoing Comments have been served by hand, on this 13th day of November, 1990

to parties listed below:

                  *Richard M. Firestone, Esquire
                  Chief, Common Carrier Bureau
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  1919 M Street, N.W., Room 500
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  *James R. Keegan, Esquire
                  Chief, Domestic Facilities Divison
                  Common Carrier Bureau
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6010
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  *Cecily C. Holiday, Esquire
                  Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
                  Common Carrier Bureau
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  *Fern J. Jarmulnek, Esquire
                  Satellite Radio Branch
                  Common Carrier Bureau
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                  *Rosatlee Gorman, Esquire
                  Satellite Radio Branch
                  Common Carrier Bureau
                  Federal Communications Commission
                  2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
                  Washington, D.C. 20554

                    *Thomas P. Stanley
                    Chief Engineer
                    Office of Engingering and Technology
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2025 M Street, N.W., Room 7002
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    *Will McGibbon
                    Chief, Spectrum Engineering Division
                    Office of Engineering and Technology
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    2025 M Street, N.W., Room 7130
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    *Roy J. Stewart, Esquire
                    Chief, Mass Media Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street, N.W., Room 314
                    Washington, 0.C. 20554

                    *Barbara Kreisman, Esquire
                    Chief, Video Services Division
                    Mass Media Bureau
                    Federal Communications Commission
                    1919 M Street, N.W., Room 702
                    Washington, D.C. 20554

                    *Leslie A. Taylor, Esquire
                    Leslie Taylor Associates
                    6800 Carlynn Court
                    Bethesda, Maryland 20817—4302

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                                                    Karen M. Cameron

November 13, 1990

* Hand delivered

Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:33:19
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:33:19

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