Attachment 1990American Satelli

1990American Satelli

COMMENT submitted by American Satellite Network



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


505 West Grand Avenue * Suite #200                                                                        501—624—0074
   Hot Spnngs Arkansas 71901                                             AK                .FAX 501—624—0059
                                                                         fEE F:fi?'fi\fler Hours C.S.T.
       Leelfixnerifiamdent                                                        LriSI      10—            591—525—4282

                                                                                                 fimina    1i      o7
                                                                                                 Py             1of—
        November 7,1990
                                                                                        Domestic Fecilitics
                                                                                          Satellite Radio Br
        Federal Communications Commission
        Washington, DB.C. 20554
        FILE NOS. 54—DSS—P/L—90
        FILE NOS. 55—DSS—P—90

                               COMMENTS OF <AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK

        AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK is pleased to offer the following comments and
        recommendation on behalf of NORRIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC :
        COMMENT: AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK urges the F.C.C. to expedite and grant the
                  application of NORRIS SATELLITE COMMUNICATIONS on ‘the basis of past
                  experiences. It has been proven that the aforesaid applicant operates
                  their business in a professional and courteous manner, always with the
                  public welfare in mind.
        COMMENT: In addition, AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK would urge the F.C.C. to grant
                  the app11cant a NON—COMMON —CARRIER GRANT. It is our professional opinion
                  that the intended goals of applicant and the general public wou]d be
                  best served by such a grant.
        COMMENT: Furthermore, AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK is of the opinion that the
                 television industry and markets require the additional family— or1ehteu
                  programming, as proposed by applicant.
        COMMENT: In consideration of the aforesaid COMMENTS, AMERICAN SATELLITE NETWORK
                  prays the F.C.C. consider and grant NORRIS COMMUNICATIONS, INC. a grant
                  for the intended, stipulations as styled in applicants petition.

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Document Created: 2014-09-12 13:20:39
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 13:20:39

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