Attachment 1990Comments GE Astr

1990Comments GE Astr

COMMENT submitted by GE Astro Space



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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            November 12, 1990       Nay 15           4 58 PII ‘3{                                              F
                                                                                                                               Domestic Facilities Division
            Ms. Donna R. Searcy      ____ _ _   __      _                                                                         Satellite Radio Branch
            Secretary              *R t(     1
            Federal Communications Commussmn
            1919 M Street, N.W.
            Room 222
            Washington, D.C. 20554

            Re:   Application File Nos. 54—DDS—P/L—90 and 55—DSS—P—90, Norris Satellite
            Communications, Inc. for Authority to Construct, Launch and Operate Satellites in the
            Domestic Fixed—Satellite Service

            Dear Ms. Searcy:

            GE Astro Space hereby submits an original and four copies of this letter as comments with regard to
            the above—referenced application.

            Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. seeks Commission authorization to construct two and launch
            and operate one communications satellite operating in the 30/20 GHz frequency band. This
            frequency band has not yet been utilized for communications satellite service in the United States.

            GE Astro Space, while taking no position on the merits of the instant application, would like the
            Commission to take note that the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has
            contracted with GE Astro Space for the construction of an Advanced Communications Technology
            Satellite (ACTS) operating in the 30/20 GHz band. This satellite, scheduled for launch in 1992,
            will operate as an orbiting testbed of future communications technologies.

            The ACTS will utilize such technologies as multiple, hopping spot beams; high—speed, digital on—
            board baseband processing and switching; and adaptive rain—fade compensation techniques. ACTS
            will open up a new portion of the RF spectrum for U.S. communications satellite use and will be
            available for experimental use for up to four years.

            The ACTS facility satellite will be an extension of GE Astro‘s family of well—proven SATCOM busses.
            The antenna, switching, and other technologies incorporated in ACTS have been selected to support
            the product and technology development activities of a broad consortium of potential private
            industry, government agencies and university users. These technologies are expected to be
            incorporated into the future series of commercial communications satellites operated by domestic
            common carriers.

            GE Astro Space would be pleased to provide additional technical information concerning ACTS if that
            would be helpful to the Commission in its consideration of the instant application.

                 M. Morse, Manager
                ommercial Communications Programs

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Document Created: 2014-09-12 11:24:23
Document Modified: 2014-09-12 11:24:23

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