Attachment 1990Comments PSSC no

1990Comments PSSC no

COMMENT submitted by PSSC



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-19900731-00044 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                      PUBLIC SERVICE SATELLITE CONSORTIUM
    P&f 4                    3                        600 Maryland Avenue, SW
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     S                                                Washington, DC 20024

 November 6, 1990

 Federal Communications Commission
 1919 M Street, NW
 Washington, DC 20554

 Attention: Office of the Secretary

 Re: File Number 54—DSS—P/L—90

 Dear Secretary:

 Enclosed please find an original and ten copies of the Statement of the Public Service
 Satellite Consortium (PSSC) in support of the Norris Satellite Communication, Inc.‘s
 application for authority to construct, launch and operate a Ka—band satellite.


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 Louis A. Bransford


                                        Before the


                                Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of the Application of             )
Norris Satellite Communications, Inc.           )File Nos. 54—DSS—P/L—90
For Authority to Construct, Launch and          )
Operate a Communications Satellite in           )
the Domestic Fixed Satellite Service            )


Public Service Satellite Consortium (PSSC) hereby submits these Comments in support
of the Norris Satellite Communications, Incorporated. As background, PSSC is a
nonprofit membership organization. Our members are involved in public service
applications of telecommunications technology, and represent the fields of education,
health and medicine, public broadcasting, state government, trade, civic and professional
associations and religious groups. We act, to a great extent, as a clearinghouse for
information on programming sources, innovative technologies, technical considerations,
and other telecommunications—related subjects for our members.

Our mission at PSSC is to help people appropriately apply existing and emerging
communications technologies. For more than 16 years, PSSC has been the meeting
place for people pioneering new and innovative telecommunications technologies. Some
of the biggest and most advanced telecommunications users in the nonprofit world are
PSSC members, including the American Hospital Association, the U.S. Chamber of
Commerce, the American Association of School Administrators, the National Education
Association, the American Association of Community and Junior Colleges, the American
Library Association and many more. In fulfillment of its mission, PSSC has been
instrumental in introducing telecommunications advances in public service organizations
as well as numerous educational institutions now involved in distance learning ventures.
Many public service organizations with satellite networks can trace their involvement in
telecommunications technology to PSSC.

From its inception, PSSC has been providing support services for NASA‘s
communications satellite programs, beginning with the Applications Technology Satellite
(ATS) series, through the follow—on Communications Technology Satellite (CTS or
Hermes), to the currently planned Advanced Communications Technology Satellite

The ACTS program represents NASA‘s reentry into communications satellite research
and development after a hiatus of several years. The satellite, scheduled for launch in

1992, will offer innovative technologies: fixed and electronically hopping spot beams,
onboard switching and signal processing at the circuit level, and operation in the 30/20
GHz frequency range (Ka—Band). It is anticipated that these technologies, once
commercially available, would provide low—cost, high capacity communications service
directly to the customer‘s premises. The ACTS Program provides a test bed. The
Norris Communications intiative is extremely timely because it is the first commercial
proposal to use the Ka—band frequencies.

PSSC currently assists the ACTS Program in developing experimenter interest and
participation, internally through the creation and maintenance of a reference library and
public information facility, and externally through experimenter recruitment and meeting
support. Public Service Satellite Consortium urges the Commission to grant the
application of Norris Satellite Communications, Inc. Implementation of this Ka—band
satellite system would serve the public interest by promoting the use of a new frequency
band, reducing congestion in the C— and Ku—bands, and providing new service options.

The United States at present lags behind Japan and Europe in the implementation of
Ka—band satellite communications service. Norris alone has proposed implementation of
a commercial Ka—band system. The fact that there was no planned operational follow—
on to the ACTS program makes the Norris application technically, politically and
programmatically attractive, and commercially viable. Experimenter investments in
satellite terminals, programs, and research will be enhanced if a commercial Ka—band
satellite service is available after the demonstration period.

PSSC, therefore, petitions the Commission to approve the Norris application, enabling a
private venture to bring this new technology and new frequencies on—line. The proposed
Norris satellite system can meet the diverse needs of specialized users, both corporate
and public service, for operation in an interference—free environment and for
transmission of extremely high data rates made possible by the commercial application
of Ka—band technology.

The Communications Act of 1934, as amended, calls upon the Federal Communications
Commission to "make available, so far as possible, to all the people of the United States
a rapid, efficient, nation—wide and world—wide wire and radio communication service."
Granting the Norris application would be consistent with the Commission‘s statutory
mandate as this new licensee would bring to the market a state—of—the—technology
satellite operating on previously unused frequencies.

Document Created: 2014-09-11 17:29:58
Document Modified: 2014-09-11 17:29:58

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